
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

The Senses

"... He is asleep." Fan Ye said with a warm smile seeing her son had fallen asleep, it seemed like the little guy had cried himself to sleep. Every breath the child took in drew the countless multi-colored Qi, and every exhale released a pure Qi which held countless benefits. Although, the child didn't breathe in and out at the same rate as humans. instead, each breath he took lasted a whole minute

"We should let you and the baby rest." the Ling clan ancestor said seeing as the mother wouldn't let the child go. so, they could only leave for now. they had a lot of stuff to go over, and they could always come to see the baby. for now, the child should live in a place with the best resources.

So, Fan Ye was moved elsewhere, with Lady Zhi following her to make sure nothing bad happened. Lady Zhi was someone who even the Ling Clan head had to pay a huge price to get, but at this moment she rejected the pay for her job, the benefits she got from birthing this child were more than enough. instead, it was best to build a connection with this future genius who was sure to shake the world.

On a soft bed, Fan Ye lay while looking at Ling Han who was sleeping. the Ling clan was a clan best noted for their white hair, but this newborn child had hair that was more white than those of the Ling Clan. everything about this child was unique, the skin was smooth and soft, yet with a look she knew the child's skin was strong enough to endure all common blades. 

even if someone tried to cut this child's flesh, they would find themselves not having the power to cut through the skin, much less the flesh, and bones. This child's durability was already above mortals upon being born, and its breath was above most cultivators. she couldn't wait to see what else this child had in store.

"Should I feed him?" Fan Ye asked Lady Zhi who was standing at the side, also looking at the child.

"A child normally shows signs of wanting to feed about 50 minutes after birth. yours is special, and it had tired itself out. it's now resting. when it's hungry, it would most likely let you know. but to be safe, at the 1-hour mark, awaken it." Lady Zhi said softly, so far the child had only been born for about 20 minutes. so in 40 minutes, she could feed the child.

Fan Ye nodded slightly and just passed the time by watching Ling Han sleep. 1,000 years this child had been in her stomach, that was 1/10 of her life, this child had been with her. being at the core formation realm, she had a lifespan of 10,000. at the time when she was pregnant, she was only a little over 1,000 years. she was still young.

after 30 minutes, Ling Han's lips twitched slightly. noticing this, Fan Ye sat up, unsure about what was happening, but when Ling Han began crying, she knew the child was hungry. it was like a kind of 6th sense she had, she quickly took the child while getting into position to feed him.

As soon as the newborn felt something entering its mouth, it relax, it shut its mouth, and began to start sucking.

{congratulations host on feeding for the first time... you have been rewarded with [Absolute Absorption]

[Absolute Absorption]- the Supreme Of all absorption devouring type techniques and abilities. The user can absorb any/all concepts, powers, universal definitions, laws, boundaries, and even Totality itself, etc. while removing it from the source, into their body, and utilizing it in some way. Note this technique is split into 5 levels.

Level 1: this allows you to absorb everything through your mouth and convert it into resources to help you grow stronger, heal, or restore your health. the stronger the thing eaten, the longer it shall take for you to convert into something that could benefit you. 

Note- Eating a soul thats too powerful might risk it taking over your body if it is strong enough to break free once devoured.

'Absolute devour? going by your naming sense, I thought it would be One True Supreme or something.' Ling Han who was awakened due to his hunger asked, enjoying the meal he was currently eating.

{this one is a unique one, all things called Absolute are something that would need you to level up.} the system said calmly

[congratulations host on tasting something for the first time... the host has been rewarded with the technique [The Supreme Sense Of Taste]

[The Supreme Sense Of Taste]- This technique is created from the combination of countless other taste-type techniques. this technique would give one the power to taste all things, giving one the power to break down everything and understand the ins and outs of just about anything you taste. you can even take things you have tasted, and combine them to find the best possible fusion of said thing, plus more.

[congratulations host on feeling the sense of touch for the first time... the host has been rewarded with the technique [The Supreme Sense Of Touch]

[The Supreme Sense Of Touch]- This technique is created from the combination of countless other touch-type techniques. this technique allows one to be able to feel everything, such as light waves, gravity, layers of space-time, and even the fabric of reality. One can even feel things down to the subatomic level.

Warning- if your cultivation art and body aren't worthy of such a technique, this technique would lead to one mind and body being overwhelmed by the huge amount of information this technique would give them. without the mind to limit the information one's senses would give, this would only lead to one going crazy from the information followed by death.

The host brain is going to limit such information, and as the host grows stronger, your mind shall allow you to tap more into the full power of these senses. at the same time, during moments of danger, the host mind shall allow the senses to face less limitation.}

'wow... wait, I only have taste and touch. what about Hearing and Smell?' I asked with a frown. I could feel it, the world around me was within my senses. in my mind, a world of 3 meters formed. this world was a perfect copy of the world around me with me in the center. although It was more than 3 meters, the rest was a blur and hard to make out.

at the same time, as the milk I was drinking touched my tongue, I got a deep understanding of my mother. from her weakness, and strength, to even how much hair she had. 

{Host has yet to hear anything after birth.} the system said, while I tried to hear things around me, but everything was quiet. currently, Ling Han's mother was watching her son sucking on her breast at a rapid speed. it took some time before she spoke in a shaky voice.

"H-he is sucking my energy." She said in a low voice, she not only realized that her breast milk was special. the heavens had done something to her, to allow her milk to have the power needed to feed this child. every time her child drank her milk, her energy left with it.

Lifeforce, stamina, Qi, mental energy, and so on. it was fused to form unique milk, which was being taken away, leaving her stunned for some time... luckily, this child was weak, or else she would truly be in danger.

"Only I can feed you... go on and eat up." She said softly while poking the child's cheek slightly.

{congratulations host on hearing for the first time... you have gained the technique [The Supreme Sense of Hearing]

[The Supreme Sense of Hearing]- this hearing technique is the fusion of countless other hearing-type techniques. This technique would give one the power to be all-hearing, able to hear everything from things that normally couldn't be heard. You would be able to pick up the slightest vibration, allowing you to hear the ripples of space-time, reality, the void, and all of existence.

Note, that if your ears, mind, and cultivation art can't support this art. this technique shall lead to your death if used. the overwhelming sound hitting you shall kill you.}

My eyes twitched slightly, the sound of heartbeats, thoughts, and many other voices entering my head before they were suppressed by my mental limiters. my sense of touch picked up the slightest vibration, while my sense of hearing could pick up the slightest sound. the two fused, allowing my mental map to grow. allowing me to know everything for about 7 to 8 meters around me.

{Also host, you should know about your mental state. you would be affected heavily by your age. As you remember a simple slap to the but made you cry, similar things shall continue.} the system said, making me displeased slightly. but feeling my eyes grow heavy, I ignored it, stopped feeding, and returned to sleep.

"looks like he is full." She said softly while placing the child back on her bed to go back to sleep. Lady Zhi watching this went on to make sure everything was okay, before stepping out. She would not be far and would become to rush over if needed,

Fan Ye slowly closed her eyes and went to sleep. a shocking scene as powerful experts like her no longer needed sleep. yet there she went, falling asleep...

"Father-in-law, Mother In Law." The Ling Clan head stepped forward to greet the two who had arrived from afar. He was stunned seeing that the two were younger and had made great progress in their cultivation,

"Where are my daughter and grandchild?" the gray-haired man, Fan Ye's father asked with a smile. although normally he felt displeased seeing the guy who took his daughter from him, today he was in a good mood. they came carrying gifts,

"Fan Ye is resting with the child, Ling Han." The Ling Clan head said with a smile, which caused Fan Ye's father, Fan Han to be stunned for a moment hearing the child's name. With a smile, he nodded and quickly had him take them to see the child.

the two quickly arrived in the room, where they joined with the Ling Clan ancestor. they entered the room and were stunned to sense the pure unique Qi that filled the air. although the QI was weak, and all of it could easily be absorbed with a thought from them, they were more shocked by where the Qi was coming from. a newborn child.

Fan Han with a bright smile stepped forward, only to freeze seeing Fan Ye lying on the bed with closed eyes. everyone froze as the scene slowly hit them... she has died?

"No!" In horror, Fan Han ran forward to his daughter's side, but his cry caused the newborn to be scared awake, causing him to burst into tears. at the same time, Fan Ye was awakened, and seeing Ling Han crying, she couldn't help but glare at her father. but he didn't care and hugged her deeply, while everyone let out soft breaths.

But Fan Ye pushed him away and quickly took the child into her hand, and before everyone's eyes, the child swallowed in its mother's warmth and slowly calmed down.

"You were sleeping?" Fan Han having enough time to think things through couldn't help but ask. how could someone at the core formation realm sleep? In this realm, cultivators lose the need for food and no longer need sleep.

"Yes... I was just tired." She said while standing up with Ling Han still in her arms, she looked at her father and mother for a moment, slowly realizing they too benefited from the golden light.

She went on to give her husband the child, after her, it should be the child's father who holds the child. He looked at his child for some time before nodding his head.

"he looks almost as good as me back then." He said, to which the Ling clan ancestor took the child away.

"I almost threw you in the trash upon seeing you. I never knew a baby could be so ugly." The Ling Clan ancestor said with a sneer, making Ling Fang glare. but the moment the Ling Clan ancestor glared back, Ling Fang lowered his head.

'why are they all so scary looking.' Ling Han was being passed around to allow everyone to hold him through. in his mind world, he could see everyone's faces... so why did they look scary

{you are a child, strangers are scary.} the system said while Ling Han's lips pressed together, trying its best to hold back its tears. but as he began crying, Fan Ye's mother took hold of him, and since she looked a lot like her daughter, he was able to relax slightly.

"You're all scaring him. What an adorable little thing." Zong Lian, Fan Ye's mother said with a bright smile, 

"what? Babies love me." Fan Han said wanting to take Ling Han, but the moment he tried, Ling Han began crying. this left him speechless, the Ling Clan ancestor wanting to show off a little reached out to take the child, but this caused the child to start crying. the child's father tried, but the child also cried.

This left everyone stunned, could the child sense their actions or something? with closed eyes, the child seemed to know when they even moved to hold it. be it from behind or in front, the child's senses were sharp.

'Don't touch me, out here passing me around like i'm some zoo animal. just let me sleep.' Ling Han cursed while trying to go to sleep. how could he sleep with those scary-looking things touching him, were they trying to give him nightmares?

"Leave him alone, he wants to go to sleep." Fan Ye said while taking Ling Han, she didn't know why. but she felt a connection to this little thing and was able to tell it wanted to sleep. So, taking the child she put it back in bed. at this, her mother wanted to speak but went quiet seeing the child not crying, and instead going to sleep without trouble.

"So, we should get ready for the birthday party." Ling Fang said with a smile, for his son he planned to throw the biggest party. not only to celebrate its birth but also to celebrate the fact his wife didn't leave his side. 

No one rejected his words, but everyone believed they should keep the news that the Phenomenon came from the birth of this child. they all lived long lives and knew the importance of not showing too much. a talent like Ling Han was something that would be targeted by others and might even have powerful figures come and try and kidnap. they were unwilling for such a thing. so Ling Han's talent had to be hidden. hell, his birthday should be held up by a week.

"In 7 days, Ling Han will be born, a month after, we shall throw the party." Fan Han said calmly, to which everyone nodded in agreement...

With that being said, Fan Ye had to remain out of sight from others. those who knew of Ling Han's birth were forced to make oaths upon their life that they would never spill the world about any of this. oaths that were taken within this world were something that couldn't be broken without being punished by the heavens...

"Haha, I had broken through." within an underground cultivation chamber within one of the 4 huge families within Red Star City, a grown man laughed cheerfully at the fact he had broken through. he looked at himself in the mirror, and seeing how he no longer looked as if he was a step away from death, he smiled.

"This is great, I feel like I have an extra 500 years at least to my lifespan." He said with a bright smile, that light that had appeared a few minutes ago had done a huge favor for him. All this time he had been a step away from a breakthrough, but he could never take that step until that light weakened the barrier he had been facing.

he knew well that he had the highest chance of a breakthrough compared to the other old monsters in this city. So, he was sure he would be the person with the highest cultivation right now in this city... but it would be foolish not to test everyone, so they should have a meeting of the old monsters. he was sure the others would want to show off if they had made great progress in cultivation. 

Whoever had made the most progress here, would make the other clans bend their knee, giving them the chance to stand as the strongest force in this city, and have the other clans cough up offering toward them. if they were ruthless enough, they might kill the other ancestors, ensuring those old monsters can't break through and challenge their might. 

"well... let's fight." He said with a smile, back then only a few handfuls were his rivals. they either died long ago or were either old monsters of their said powers. He should be stronger than them all. since the heavens loved him so much to personally appear to help him take a step forward, why would he not take this opportunity?

once he was the lord of this city, he would use the resources to support him in his cultivation, before looking towards other nearby cities.

'The Ling Clan might be troublesome, Ling Fang managed to marry the daughter of The Grand 5 Lotus Sect Grand Elders. I can't provoke them and risk making them my enemy. I should assassinate her and put the blame on her pregnancy.' but to do this, he would need a special poison that could get past all of their senses. once she is dead, he would have to act slowly to break the relationship between the powers.

The Grand 5 Lotus Sect had powerful experts, the sect leader alone should have might that rival his current strength... no, it should be higher as he has been in this realm for a longer time. then there were the ancestors and other old monsters who had been in close-door cultivation to enter that legendary cultivation realm above the Core Formation realm. He would have to be careful.