
The Once And Future Digital King

Once upon a time, you saved the Digital World, united the Digimon and became the King that brought a time of peace and prosperity to the Digital World. Time moves differently in the real world though, a lot slower. Thousands of years have passed in the digital world, while only a few have for you. Your partner digimon, long dead to the sands of time, and the kingdom you built as a child forgotten. Yet, it seems, the Digital World isn't quite done with you yet. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Return Of The King 4

"You know, you and I are not so different in the fact that we've both lost those close to us and are awaiting their return." You said after a moment.

"I suppose." Ogremon shrugged.

You smiled kindly at the digimon. You understood his woes, and respected what he had come from to become, "I like you Ogremon, you're something else, you remind me a bit of the Ogremon that used to be part of my kingdom, he was a pain in the ass in the beginning, but once he came around, you never found some else so loyal and determined," you held out your hand to the massive green digimon, "How would you like to join me? And help me rebuild the kingdom of Floatia."

Ogremon eyed your hand for a moment, "Nobody's ever tried to recruit me before just from asking," he mused, before shaking his head and looking at you doubtfully, "You sure? I'm a pretty useless guy, and your partners will probably leave me in the dust real quick, I can't keep up with that kind of digivolution the digidestined get."

You snorted, "The digivice I have is a new thing, back in the day, we had to train hard to digivolve," you replied. You held up your digivice and called forth an item from within, one of the many digivolution items you had worked on over the past five years. A massive bone white club, a carbon copy of the one in Ogremon's hand, "Besides, I'm one of the ones who created the Mega Level back in the day, don't you think I'd have found ways for lower levels as well?"

"The heck is that?" OGremon blinked at the club in your hand cluelessly, "How'd you get a club like mine?"

"I made it," You replied easily, "It's an item that allowed a rookie or champion digimon to digivolve into an Ogremon. But I have plenty more I made as well. You could become stronger while digivolving to a Tyrannomon, or a Seadramon, or even a Greymon if you want."

"Huh, you sure do offer some interesting benefits, huh bossman?" Ogremon struggled to his feet, ignoring his injuries and standing up, he towered over you twice over, "But I don't wanna change my champion form. I like being Ogremon. I want to go from Ogremon to my Ultimate form when I get there, if I change lines I won't be the Ogremon in the rivalry between Ogremon and Leomon anymore."

Interesting. A smirk spread across your lips, "That's some interesting pride," you noted. You liked it! "Well then, why don't you just digivolve from Ogremon, straight to Ogremon then?" your smirk widened as you held the giant bone club out to him.

"Eh?" Ogremon blinked, awkwardly taking the bone club from you, "..Is that even a thing?"

"Yes, I did it with a Whamon once," you shrugged, and held your digivice up, "Now, brace yourself! Spike Club Digivolution, Activate!" you commanded, and your digivice lit up with power.

The digivice really was handy at times. Before, to activate these, you had to connect them and the digimon through a computer, but the digivice let you activate them as you pleased.

The bright light seeped into the club, and through it Ogremon, and then, Ogremon erupted into bright light. "Ogremon, digivolve to....!" He bellowed. His massive frame, got even bigger, by a good few feet, and bulked out further, but that was all, "Ogremon!" the light split apart, to reveal, Ogremon, his injuries completely healed, and the only difference being a size increase, and the second club in his hand.

"Oh wow! I feel great!" Ogremon laughed, swinging around both clubs, "And how awesome! I've got two clubs now, it feels natural just like my first one."

"Well it's a species ability twice over," you shrugged, "So, how'd you feel about being my subordinate now? Think you can handle things with your new strength?"

Ogremon gave you two thumbs up over his grip on his club weapons, "Yeah, I feel amazing! I could clobber Devimon with ease like this!" he laughed joyfully, "Leave it to me bossman! you need me to clobber someone? Just point the way and I'll take care of it!"

You laughed in amusement, "Good to hear," you nodded, "But for now, how about we go see to your Goblimon friends. Think they'll be fine for joining up as well, if I'm gonna rebuild my kingdom, I'll need a lot of help."

Ogremon waved you off, "Those tykes hero worship me too much, since I'm joining they'll probably follow me into it boss," he shook his head, "Crazy kids."

Good to know. You'd make sure to take good care of them.