
The Once And Future Digital King

Once upon a time, you saved the Digital World, united the Digimon and became the King that brought a time of peace and prosperity to the Digital World. Time moves differently in the real world though, a lot slower. Thousands of years have passed in the digital world, while only a few have for you. Your partner digimon, long dead to the sands of time, and the kingdom you built as a child forgotten. Yet, it seems, the Digital World isn't quite done with you yet. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Return Of The King 3

"Let's go for the ring," you said to your two subordinate digimon, "If I'm right, it should take care of things."

"As you say my lord." Wizardmon dipped his head in acknowledgement.

Airdramon nodded his massive head that you were standing atop of, "The less we have to hurt this guy the better." the dragon digimon agreed.

"Alright, we'll triple team him then!" You said, "Wizardmon, distract him, Airdramon, bind him!"

"Yes, sir!" they shouted in acknowledgement.

Ogremon by then, picked up its walk to a sprint and closed the distance rapidly, though a bit slower than before due to its injuries.

"Blink Breze!" Wizardmon shouted, swinging his staff towards it while Airdramon took to the air again. This time, he unleashed the full force instead of containing it to his weapon, firing a massive gale force wind that slammed into Ogremon's body and halted its movement forward. To its credit though, it began to push through with sheer brute strength.

"Now!" you ordered your other digimon.

Airdramon obeyed and flew down from above, wrapping his massive serpentine body around Ogremon while it was distracted, binding it tightly like a boa constrictor.

Ogremon gasped and began bucking, exerting all its might into squaring its shoulders and pushing Airdramon off.

While it was busy, you jumped off of Airdramon's head towards Ogremon, slashing out with Leomon's sword, and cutting straight through the dark ring wrapped around Ogremon's bicep.

It shattered into pieces and fell to the ground, and Ogremon went limp, eyes fading from glowing red, and blue irises coming back into view.

"Ugh...the heck happened?" the giant green champion digimon wondered groggily.

Airdramon released Ogremon gently, and you nodded to him and Wizardmon, "Go take care of the Goblimon will you?" you asked them, "they shouldn't be much of a problem for you two."

"Are you sure?" Wizardmon asked, "What if he attacks again?" he nodded at the downed form of Ogremon, who was groaning at his injuries.

"It'll be fine, don't worry." you reassure him, and he nodded, before following yours orders, jumping off of the rocky plateau while Airdramon followed suit and flew down.

You may have been a human, but you weren't so weak that Ogremon would be able to kill you before you could react, while he was injured like this. Besides, you highly doubted he would attack.

If you were, you would never have survived the war you fought back in your first time in the digital world, no matter how strong your digimon were.

"Awful brave of ya' kid," the champion digimon looked up at you from where he lay, "By the looks of it, we just got done fightin', you might have won, but I'm pretty tough you know."

"You are," you agreed, "Compared to most of the modern champions I've run into, you stand quite a bit above most of them."

"Heh, no need to flatter me kid, I'm tougher than your run of the mill champion, but if you're anythin' like those other kids, and that idiot with the stupid sunglasses runnin' around now, you've got access to way more fire power than ol' Ogremon here," Ogremon sighed and slumped his back onto the ground, staring up at the sky, "I'll never catch up to where Leomon was back then at this rate."

"I wasn't flattering, the king doesn't bother himself with mere platitudes like that," you scoffed, "You're strong as hell for a champion, strong enough to be one of the champions of my old kingdom."

"Kid, the hell are you talking about?" Ogremon looked at you weirdly, "don't tell me you're some idiot with delusions of grandeur like that sunglasses wearing human kid calling himself the Digimon Emperor?"

Your temper simmered a bit, but you held your fuse tightly, "Digimon Emperor?" you asked.

Ogremon nodded, "Yeah, that stupid human kid that showed up with a black digivice, completely different from all those kids that saved us," the big green champion nodded his head to the remnants of the black ring that was around his bicep, "Uses those rings to mind whimmy us into serving him, they're powered by those dark towers." he nodded again, to the giant ebony tower a bit in the distance.

...You scoffed, your temper disappearing and amusement flowing through through, "So just another pretender then?" you mused, "And not a particularly clever one by the looks of it, just rehashing Analog's plan, except even worse."

Analog's plan was hard to deal with, because he infected the data of the digimon themselves. It was so very hard to get rid of direct programming like that. But something as simple as a physical medium for control?

"How plebian," you chuckled, taking care of something like that would be as simple as adding some extra coding to a digimon's data to counter the frequency, and how convenient for you, that you had the remnants of one of the rings and their frequency right beside you? "There is only one king of the digital world, me, the first of all kings of the digital world, elected by the digimon themselves."

"Huh?" Ogremon blinked slowly at you. "You've lost me kid. the digital world ain't had no kings in a long ass time."

You shrugged, "Well, more than three thousand years has apparently passed in the digital world since I saved it and built Floatia."

"Floatia, the old children's tale?" Ogremon repeated back to you, and you nodded in confirmation, before he burst out into laughter, "Hah! That's a good one kid, pull the other one."

"You know, one of my partners might have just incinerated you on the spot for the disrespect for that back in the day." you noted in amusement.

"What, one of those two? The Airdramon or Wizardmon?" Ogremon asked, raising a brow.

"No, those two are my valued subordinates, not my partner digimon," You loaded your Digi-Egg from your digivice, "My partners currently reside in here, but once upon a time, before they died, they were Metal Seadramon and Chaosdramon."

Ogremon coughed and spluttered, "Metal Seadramon!? The Dark Master!?" the champion gaped at you, "And the heck is a Chaosdramon?"

"No by all rights, Metal Seadramon were defeated by the Digidestined's Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon from what I can gather," you hummed thoughtfully, "And my partner Metal Seadramon was far stronger than those two. Interesting that another Metal Seadramon came into existence though, back in the day the species didn't exist until I modified my partner with chrome digizoid."

"...eh?" Ogremon uttered.

"As for Chaosdramon, well, I hear a Machinedramon was a Dark Master," you scoffed at the thought, "Chaosdramon was the digivolution of my own Machinedramon. Honestly, imagine a common Machinedramon that only went through the traditional route being a Digimon overlord that threatened the entire world, back in my day, there were thousands of them around before we destroyed them all."

It might sound weird to insult a Machinedramon for being common, when you had great fondness for your own when it was one. But really, the common Machinedramon, like the one that was a Dark Master, went from Baby, to In-Training, to Rookie, to Champion, to Ultimate to then the mega level Machinedramon.

Yours, went from Baby, to Champion, to In-training, to Champion, to Rookie, to Champion, to Ultimate and then to Mega. The difference between your Machinedramon and the one from the Dark Masters, was like asking the difference between an Ultimate and a Rookie.

"W-what the heck is goin' on here!?" Ogremon sputtered, "You tellin' me you're actually that King of Floatia that went missing in the legend. The guy from the Conqueror's Epic? The heck are you' doin' here now?"

You clenched your fist as old resentment flared up in you, "I have the ability to travel between the human world and the digital world freely, without help or a digivice, it was an ability bestowed on me by my old mentor and advisor Jijimon, a Mega level digimon after I saved the digital world," you replied, "But one day, on my visit to the human world to take stock of some certain people for a great plan of mine, something blocked my ability off from the digital world, and any other world."

Your ability had the power to traverse through dimensions, not just your own and the digital world. you just hadn't bothered at the time because you were in the process of building your kingdom to further splendor and putting your plan into motion to ascend beyond the lifetime of a mere human, just like your partners had ascended beyond their mortal age limitations.

Now it was blocked off completely from all worlds besides the one you were in at any time, meaning, you could not travel through dimensions with it anymore.

"Huh...sounds crappy." Ogremon summed up your explanation.

"It was indeed," you agreed, "This is my first time in the digital world personally in seven years. Though for this world, as I said, thousands of years have come and gone."

"..What d'ya plan to do now?" Ogremon asked in curiosity.

You held up your partners egg, "First and foremost, is bringing my partners back to life, because of the damage they sustained in life, they lack the power to reincarnate properly and be reborn," you replied promptly, "Beyond that, it seems the digital world really has gone to hell without me. These Dark Masters and now this pretender calling himself the Digimon Emperor. I'll have to do something about this."

After all, what is a King, without his kingdom? You are the first Digimon King, whatever may have happened after you got locked into the human world, nothing changed the fact that this world, was your domain by right, you earned it.

You suppose you should extend some gratitude to the Digidestined for cleaning up your garden a bit while you were away.

You shook your head, "Enough about my greatness," you said, shamelessly, "Tell me about yourself Ogremon? What led you here? How did you come to be here and get caught by this Digimon Emperor."

Ogremon shrugged, "Nothin' much to it," the champion replied, "Used to live for my rivalry with Leomon, but then all the evil guys popped up, and like a coward, I served them to save my own skin. It grated me, but I was alive. Then Leomon died protecting me and the digidestined from that asshole Metal Etemon."

Metal Etemon. Interesting, a natural one? That was another species you created, in your research into Chrome Digizoid. During an attack, your friend, and later subordinate Etemon got injured helping you, and lost his legs. You augmented his body with chrome digizoid to give him back his legs, and created the Metal Etemon digivolution for it in the process.

It would have to be another one. While Metal Etemon had like your digimon, ascended beyond an aging life span. He wouldn't have been on the opposing side of the Digidestined, he was a kind fellow that was always making songs to cheer you up and keep you entertained.

You sighed wistfully. How you missed your old monkey friend so.

"Leomon was loyal and brave to the end, and he was the best rival a guy could ask for, I wanted to be a bit more like him, and grow as strong as he became," Ogremon continued, "Ya' know, he got the ability to digivolve back and forth to the mega level cuz he was exposed to those kids digivices so much back then. So after the Dark Master's got blown to hell, I started travellin' and trainin' waiting for the day Leomon would be reborn and we could continue our rivalry."

He pointed at the little gathering of buildings at the rock plateau, "Came across this little place, belonged to a bunch of Punimon, but they were being bossed about by this asshole Meteormon, the guy like forced em' to feed him, serve him and if they got anything wrong he'd beat the crap out of them, and they were just baby levels' ya know?" Ogremon shook his head, "So I took exception to it, I mean, I was an asshole, but I didn't beat up babies. So I challenged him to a fight, it was real hard, and I was really beaten up by it afterwards, but I managed to drive him off, and stuck around to look after the Punimon while I was recoverin', gave them a bit of training while I was at it, and before I knew it, they'd all digivolved into in-training, and then for some weird reason, they all wanted to be Goblimon cuz' I was one back in the day, and then they became em, and I just kinda stuck around training them."

"Dunno how long has passed now," he paused thoughtfully and scratched his chin, "But at some point, that Digimon Emperor guy showed up flyin' on a bunch of Airdramon, smaller than yours by way, with a bunch of Tyrannomon and started building that tower. I beat the heck out of a bunch of em' but, he caught the Goblimon, and threatened to kill em' if I didn't submit, so I did, and then he slapped that ring on me and here we are."

That was quite the story. A tale of warriors, rivalry and redemption.

"if it was Leomon, he wouldn't have had any problem protectin' those guys and stopping that guy," Ogremon sighed, "Five years I've been training since Leomon passed away against the Dark Masters, and I still ain't anywhere near his level."

..Five years? You perked up at the offhand mention. Interesting. It seemed the time passage had aligned with the human world's somehow.