
The Once And Future Digital King

Once upon a time, you saved the Digital World, united the Digimon and became the King that brought a time of peace and prosperity to the Digital World. Time moves differently in the real world though, a lot slower. Thousands of years have passed in the digital world, while only a few have for you. Your partner digimon, long dead to the sands of time, and the kingdom you built as a child forgotten. Yet, it seems, the Digital World isn't quite done with you yet. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Recruitment Drive 6

Your eyes narrowed lightly, "Oh, and who decided that?" you challenged, stepping forward to the flickering rainbow lights, "Let me tell you, I did not place faith in light and hope, I brought it to this world, dragged it from the darkness and ushered in, it was I that brought peace and order to this chaotic world. I do not need to place my faith in hope and light, it is me, who they should be placing their faith in!"

The light seemed to sigh, "You have not changed at all, have you?" if the light was disturbed at all by your response, it didn't show it.

You tilted your chin up and looked down upon the light, "The king is not the one who has to place faith in others, it is others, that place faith in the king, if the king does not have that, then they are no true king," you challenged, "I decide what has worth in this world."

"..And that is why the powers of the crests are locked from you," it retorted, "How can you be courageous, when you have practically surpassed fear? You may care for your subordinates, even cherish them above the world itself, but they are not your friends. How can you hope, when you refuse to rely on what if's and pragmatically chase every route to victory? How can you embody light, when you would sink to the deepest darkness without concern should the need truly arise?"

"I see," you nodded, understanding filling you, "So the power of these concepts, are for my lessers to stand up from the mud they crawl through and follow my path?"

"..As expected of you, the meaning is twisted to suit your own grandiose perception," the light huffed, almost petulantly in your own opinion, "This is why, without your partners, the risk was too great to recall you to the digital world. Yet somehow, even with us blocking the digivice selection process from you, you have gained one, and found your way back to the digital world. We used the power of destiny itself to make sure you would never gain a digivice and find your way here, yet even that failed in the end."

So there were more concepts in play? Destiny, was this a crest power as well? Well, no matter. You snorted, "And that right there, was your mistake," you smirked, "Destiny is that which decides the path of fate. But, what good is a proxy, to the real thing? I am the one who decides."

What good would destiny do, against something that was already set in stone so thoroughly not even time travel itself could avert it. Your rule, was a concept in of itself and far beyond something as pitiful as destiny guiding your way. No strings would would control your fate.

You had already broken fate over your knee long ago.

The light was silent, before it seemed to flicker and make a nodding motion, "I see, we could only barely use the dregs of the power, it was too strong for us to control, I did not think it was possible for such a vast power, to bow," it mused thoughtfully, "It makes sense though, it all started with you after all."

"Yes it did," you agreed imperiously, "This world is mine, I am one true king of the digital world. And everything here is mine should I so decide, even you." you narrowed your eyes at the light, and dared it to disagree.

The light seemed to shiver and shudder in on itself, "..I had forgotten, just how intimidating a presence you could exude," it mused in its soft girlish voice after a moment, "but I suppose, in a way, you are not wrong."

"Of course I'm not wrong in any way," you agreed, "The king speaks only the truth, and my word is law."

The light sighed again and you watched as a tendril of light sneaked through the air and touched one of the odd crest emblazoned objects. It glowed with bright light, that shot up into the air and formed into an orb of energy. It shot through the air towards you, and you eyed it in interest as it sought out your digivice and flew inside it.

And before your eyes, your digivice, in the shape of a phone shimmered, and the white casing, turned a bright gold before your eyes. You raised an eyebrow at the shimmering rainbow light girl.

"..It would not do for you to attack the barriers between the world itself if the darkness seals the gate from you," it said cryptically, "Think of it, as a gift of thanks, for all you done in the past for this world and myself personally...father."

Your eyes widened the last word, but before you could say anything, the girlish voiced light, disappeared without a trace. Even scanning the area it was previous with your digivice showed nothing out of place.

"Now what did she mean by that, I wonder?" you hummed in thought. Father? to your knowledge, you had not impregnated anyone, especially not in the digital world, had you?

In the first place, could you even impregnate a digital life form?

You rolled your eyes and huffed in annoyance, "This is why I don't place faith in mere concepts like hope and light," you grumbled, "All it does is get you given cryptic nonsense when you want proper answers."

You put it out of mind for now. You'd track down the light girl one day, once you had taken care of the immediate concerns and that mongrel infesting your world.

For now, you turned towards the two objects with the crests atop them. 'If they refuse to budge before their king, they are worthless,' you decided, 'But that does not mean, superior subjects cannot replace them.'

Light and Hope that had to be followed, weren't worth anything in your opinion, utterly worthless. Light and Hope were gifts you gave, and would be again if you had anything to say about it.