
The Omni System

In a world filled with cultivators, mages, Telepaths, and strange humanoid creatures, Sen Direndal, a young man blessed by a god, receives the extraordinary Omni System—an all-rounder cheat that grants him the power to acquire any ability he desires. But this power comes with conditions; not everything is available at once. As Sen embarks on an incredible journey, he must learn to embrace the blessings and face the unknown curse that haunts his dreams.

MaitreyaNirvana · Games
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36 Chs

The Omni System?

Sen and Martha had walked through the busy streets for hours, Sen immediately noticed the stark differences between the city of London less than half a day before, and the one he'd found himself in currently. According to Martha, this city was called "Tegoral", rather than "London", the latter sounded weird and out of place to Martha, and it was the Capital city of the world. Sen had had several more major episodes of shock and terror, as he saw numerous other monsters with humans and even other weird humanoid creatures that he'd only seen in Webtoons and Webnovels that he used to read. At first, he struggled to accept it, but then the thoughts of Webtoons and Webnovels suddenly registered with him, he had only seen invading monsters in specific Webtoons & Webnovels. The ridiculousness of the setting, the humanoid creatures, the various stalls scattered around seemingly selling scraps and weird crystals. There was only so much his brain could do to deny the obvious reality occurring in front of his eyes. A hallucination could not crack his ribs, it could not strike him with the fear he experienced each time a large beast went by him, and it most certainly could not replicate the rancid breath of each of these creatures.

To top it all off, nothing about this world was the same as his old one. The street names, city names, countries, continents. The people were all the same, but it seemed that this world's timeline had veered off crazily in some random direction, it was after all a parallel universe. It had of course taken Sen several of these hours to finally accept that he had somehow transmigrated somehow and the only cause he could think of was his cat suddenly punching him in the face, and suddenly screaming about it having had enough of his teasing, it was completely absurd, but so was everything that had happened afterwards. Despite having accepted his reality, he was still in shock, and would likely remain that way for a few more days. The only thing that was missing was one of those cheat systems that almost always appeared in these stories. Everything about him seemed to match the requirements for receiving one, his talent was non-existent, he had no means of accumulating spiritual energy or mana. It seemed like reality was harsh however, it seemed that some overly cruel god had decided to ruin his life, just because he teased his pet cat once too often.

They had long since returned from what had turned from a short walk, into a full day in town. They had eaten lunch together, and both had sandwiches, Sen couldn't help but wonder what kind of animal was killed to make this sandwich, he decided that it was best not to ask, it tasted better than any gourmet steak he'd had in his previous world, and thought that getting the answer might make him want to vomit it back up. He was now sitting in the bedroom he shared with Martha, she was out at the supermarket, stocking up on some necessary supplies. The implications of sleeping with his WIFE tonight were making him extremely nervous. Sure, he'd slept with a woman before, but that had been a one-night-stand kind of thing, this was very different! He took several deep breaths, there was no point in getting overly worked up about this, it would all be fine. As he was about to have lie-down for a few minutes, he suddenly heard a weird voice, it sounded like an AI voice, he looked around him, and no matter how hard he tried, he just could not locate the source of the sound. 'Wait a moment, no... that voice is coming from inside my head isn't it, am I actually hallucinating this time? Great, that's just wonderfu-'. {Omni System is now online, integrating the host with the system... 4%...11%...19%...35%...61%...79%...98%... Integration with host complete, this way hurt A LOT!}

'Wait... no way, is this-? Wait, what's going to hurt a l- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, WHAT THE FUUUUUU---'. Sen's body jerked around as he flailed around, losing all sense of himself as the pain took over, he then lost consciousness.

{System has detected that the host has lost consciousness due to extreme pain, Initiated emergency stasis recovery mode...}

About an hour later, Martha returned from her trip to Dainbury's (A/N: Sorry, not sorry), she quickly locked the door before heading over to the kitchen table and putting down her groceries. "Seeenn? Babe, I'm home, Sen?"

She cautiously made her way towards the bedroom door, turning the handle quietly, she entered. What she saw next made her part freeze for an instant, Sen was sprawled out on the bed, his limbs in weird positions, as if he'd tried to ward something off of him. She rushed over to him, "SEN? ARE YOU OKAY? PLEASE WAKE UP!"

Sen began to stir, he groaned, "That's the spot Timothy, rub it in a little more..."

A few hundred question marks appeared above Martha's head, "HUUUUHHH?",

she smacked him, this time with much less force than her punch earlier, "OW! M-Martha? You're back already? Uhh, Martha? Have I done something wrong?"

(A/N: Don't worry, I'm not writing Martha like some others do where they have the female characters jumping to conclusions left, right, and centre...)

Martha was giving him the weirdest look, as if he'd just eaten a rat or something, "What? Seriously, what's with that look?"

She let out a long drawn-out sigh, "Sen, what have you been doing with Timothy recently? I really hope that was just a dream and not you reliving something weird that you did with our cat!"

Sen looked at her, completely non-plussed, "Whaa-? He was just rubbing his head against my leg, and it felt really nice, is that weird?"

Martha breathed a quick sigh of relief, "Is that all it was, I'm surprised he didn't injure you, he's not exactly a small cat, is he?"

Sen was even more confused, if he were to put into one word, he was discombobulated (A/N: A long word that basically means confused), "What are you talking about Mar- OH!"

He was interrupted by a loud purring loud, followed quickly by the largest cat he'd ever seen in his life, "T-Timothy, when did you get so large?"

As if on cue, the cat suddenly shrank down to the size of a normal cat, "O-of-of course, shapeshifting, or was it size changing? I'm never going to get used to this."

Sen sighed, and took a moment before speaking again, "He was around that size when he did it Martha."

Martha slapped the side of her left and into her right-hand palm, "OH! That would explain it! Just wait here for a bit, I'll put dinner on, you've been through a lot and deserve a lovely meal."

Sen waved his hand quickly, "No no, I'll do it, you've had to put up with my shenanigans all day."

Martha frowned when he said that, "Are you sure? The last time you tried to cook, it didn't exactly end well."

Whilst sorting through his unfamiliar memories, he'd come across all sorts of events that didn't make sense, he was actually a fairly decent cook in his old world, but apparently, he was the worst cook in the world here. There were a lot of things that were the same about this version of him, and the himself from his old world, but there were some things about him and Martha that were completely the opposite. In this weird version of Earth, Martha was an amazing cook, while he was prone to setting the kitchen on fire, whilst in his old world, it would be Martha who'd almost set the kitchen on fire. "The last time was an accident, I promise! It won't happen this time, just please let me do it this time!"

Martha sighed once again, exasperated, "Okaaayy, if you say so. Let's do it your way, but you'd better be extra careful, or else you'll have to pay for it all yourself next time, no sharing the cost between us, you have plenty of money as it is!"

Sen laughed nervously, this Martha was definitely a lot more harsh than the Martha he knew, "You got it Martha, don't you worry about it."

He walked towards the kitchen, quickly thinking of the different things he could prepare, and couldn't help but wonder if this all-too-friendly (NOT!) new system of his could generate skills, there was still a slight dull ache from when the system had integrated with him, he was fairly sure that it didn't hurt that much for the main character's in those novels he'd read didn't have to go through that bullsh*t, reality was once again giving him a cold slap on the face. It did kind of make sense, it was literally becoming a part of him, integrating with his whole body sounded like a complicated process. 'Back to cooking though, can't spend too long pondering over it. Let's make that pasta dish that Martha loved back in my old world, it's simple, but delicious.'

He washed the courgettes before beginning to slice them into small thin slices, after finishing that off, he was just about to start with the onions when he heard a "DING!" sound.

{Host has successfully chopped 2 courgettes, generating cooking related skill... COMPLETE. [Chopping (Passive)] has been successfully generated!}

Sen looked at this new window in mild surprise, "Oh, well, this is going to be interesting!"

And that's another chapter, this one took a little longer, it was certainly longer than the first two, I may have procrastinated a little. I have already started writing the draft for the next chapter, it probably won't be as long, but who knows? The next chapter or two will cover some of the Omni system, after all, there will be a lot to cover. See you guys in Chapter 3, please leave a review and maybe stone or two, it's completely up to you, but would be much appreciated! I recently read the requirements for receiving a contract from Webnovel, and I'm not sure whether I'm quite ready to go for that. I will at least get to Chapter 30 before asking someone about it. If any of you feel as if the world has not been explained much, don't worry, that information will be covered after covering the functionality of the system. Until next time, peace out! A slight change of plans, I have decided to write both chapters 3 & 4 before I do any more publishing, since Chapter 4 will serve as the second part of Chapter 3. So please expect 3 chapters tomorrow instead of just 2 (just to make up for there being only 1 chapter today). It seems that I overestimated my current capabilities, so 2 chapters, along with 2 more chapters will be published tomorrow after returning from work, that's 4 chapters!

Totally wasn't procrastinating, I still plan on publishing another chapter after this one today (UK time).

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