
The Omni System

In a world filled with cultivators, mages, Telepaths, and strange humanoid creatures, Sen Direndal, a young man blessed by a god, receives the extraordinary Omni System—an all-rounder cheat that grants him the power to acquire any ability he desires. But this power comes with conditions; not everything is available at once. As Sen embarks on an incredible journey, he must learn to embrace the blessings and face the unknown curse that haunts his dreams.

MaitreyaNirvana · Games
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36 Chs

Attempted Home Invasion

{WARNING! INTRUDERS HAVE BEEN DETECTED! An Optional Quest has been generated!}

[Quest Name: Eliminate the intruders]

{Quest Description: A group of formidable mercenaries has been dispatched to capture you and bring you to an unknown employer. However, you refuse to be taken as a captive and have decided to take matters into your own hands. Your objective is to defeat all four mercenaries and emerge victorious from this perilous encounter.}

{Quest Details: Your path will lead you into a treacherous battle against the highly skilled and well-coordinated mercenary quartet. Each member of the group possesses unique combat abilities and is determined to fulfil their mission. To succeed, you must overcome the combined strength and tactics of these skilled adversaries.}

{Your opponent's identities and skills remain shrouded in mystery. They are a tightly-knit unit, working together seamlessly to achieve their objectives. They will stop at nothing to complete their mission, making this confrontation all the more challenging.}

{Rewards: 3000 EXP, Ⱡ 250}

'WHAT THE FU- No, calm down Sen, there's no use in panicking, there's no avoiding being scared. Just because I've cleared a Dungeon, that doesn't mean I'm not scared, a little bit of fear is always good. Overconfidence however, that is a recipe for disaster, and will most likely get me killed. System, bring up their information since I can't observe them right now.'

{[Natural Regeneration (Passive)] LVL 37 -> 39}

{Of course!}

Name: Bemto Fal

An inexperienced but eager mercenary, Bemto Fal wields the skills "Quick Slash," a series of rapid slashes, and "Agile Reflexes," granting him increased dodge chances. As he embarks on his journey, his potential for growth and improvement shines through his early attempts at combat mastery. With time and experience, Bemto Fal is poised to refine these skills and become a formidable force on the battlefield.

Job: Mercenary

HP: 35.62k/35.62k

MP: 105k/105k

Stamina Remaining: 380/380

Level: 3


STR: 25

PHY: 26

AGI: 20

DEX: 18

INT: 11

WIS: 10

VIT: 19

END: 23

STA: 30

[Active Skill: Quick Slash]

{Effect: Swiftly delivers a series of rapid slashes with moderate speed and accuracy.

Cooldown: 10 seconds, Cost: Low energy consumption}

[Passive Skill: Agile Reflexes]

{Effect: Enhances the mercenary's reaction speed and agility, allowing them to dodge incoming attacks more effectively. (+10% dodge chance)}

Name: Nicola Bertol

{Introducing Nicola Bertol, a formidable and experienced leader among mercenaries. Her commanding presence grants her a substantial charisma boost, elevating the morale of her entire group.

With her two active skills, she demonstrates her mastery over fire, starting with "Inferno Rage," where she unleashes a devastating burst of fiery energy, engulfing enemies and inflicting significant damage in a wide area. For a more strategic approach, she employs "Inspiring Leadership," rallying her team with encouraging words, enhancing their attack damage and defense for a short period.

However, it is Nicola's passive skill, "Phoenix's Resilience," that truly sets her apart. Like the legendary phoenix, she possesses the uncanny ability to rise from defeat once per battle. When her health reaches critical levels, she taps into this power, receiving a potent burst of healing that rejuvenates a significant portion of her health, allowing her to continue the fight with unwavering determination.

Nicola Bertol stands as a symbol of unwavering leadership and fierce resilience on the battlefield, leading her team to victory no matter the odds.}

Job: Mercenary

HP: 2.1M/2.1M

MP: 2.16M/2.16M

Stamina Remaining: 3.6k/3.6k

Level: 12

Title: Leader (+50 Charisma, all members in her group receive a high boost in morale)


STR: 39

PHY: 48

AGI: 41

DEX: 42

INT: 40

WIS: 38

VIT: 60

END: 62

STA: 45

[Active Skill 1: Inferno Rage]

{Effect: Unleashes an intense burst of fiery energy, engulfing enemies in flames and dealing significant damage over an area.

Cooldown: 1 minute, Cost: 30k MP}

[Active Skill 2: Inspiring Leadership]

{Effect: The strong mercenary rallies her team with inspiring words and commanding presence, boosting their morale and combat capabilities for a short duration. Allies receive a temporary increase in attack damage and defense.

Cooldown: 3 minutes, Cost: Moderate energy consumption}

[Passive Skill: Phoenix's Resilience]

{Effect: The strong mercenary embodies the resilience of a phoenix, allowing her to rise from defeat once per battle. When her health reaches critical levels, she is granted a powerful burst of healing, enabling her to recover a significant portion of her health and continue fighting. This ability can only be activated once per battle.}

Name: Podrick Tingolem

{A stalwart and reliable mercenary, Podrick Tingolem relies on his skills "Ironclad Guard," bolstering his defences, and "Sturdy Endurance," granting him increased stamina to endure prolonged battles. With a steadfast determination and unwavering resolve, he stands firm against formidable foes, providing crucial protection for his allies. Through battles and challenges, Podrick continues to hone these skills, cementing his position as an indispensable asset on the battlefield.}

{Job: Mercenary

HP: 64.8k/64.8k

MP: 31.2k/31.2k

Stamina Remaining: 700/700

Level: 4}


STR: 27

PHY: 27

AGI: 22

DEX: 23

INT: 13

WIS: 19

VIT: 24

END: 30

STA: 35

[Active Skill: Ironclad Guard]

[Effect: Temporarily enhances defensive capabilities, reducing damage taken for a short duration. Cooldown: 15 seconds, Cost: Moderate energy consumption}

Passive Skill: Sturdy Endurance Effect: Increases the mercenary's physical endurance and resilience, allowing them to withstand more damage before becoming fatigued. (+15% maximum stamina)

Name: Karina Silverhart

HP: 630k/630k

MP: 525k/525k

Stamina Remaining: 2.7k/2.7k

Level: 7


STR: 30

PHY: 31

AGI: 39

DEX: 32

INT: 25

WIS: 26

VIT: 40

END: 50

STA: 45

[Active Skill: Precise Shot]: Fires a well-aimed arrow or projectile with increased accuracy and range. (Cooldown: 8 seconds, Cost: Low energy consumption)

Passive Skill: Keen Aim Effect: Sharpens the mercenary's aim and improves their precision, granting a bonus to critical hit chance. (+10% critical hit chance)

'I see, two weaker mercenaries, and two stronger mercenaries. Apart from the first one, they all seem experienced, I can't let their low stats make me overconfident. Nicola and Karina have unusually high physical stats for their levels. Nicola's stats aren't that far behind mine!'

{Would you like to activate the Auto-Adapt function?}


{I had full confidence in your abilities before, but these are experienced combatants. You have a very slim chance of winning in this situation otherwise. I'd have more confidence in you if your [Natural Regeneration] skill had reached its evolved state. After evolving to [Regeneration], you no longer need to exit combat for it to activate!}

'I understand now, fine, active Auto-Adapt, but only cripple them. I don't want to become a fugitive, or bring any more legal implications than I have to!'

{Understood, activating Auto-Adapt.}

The battle erupted in a flurry of motion as Sen, fuelled by determination and adrenaline, engaged the group of mercenaries. His eyes blazed with an unwavering focus, his heart pounding with anticipation. This was the moment he had trained for, the ultimate test of his combat prowess.

With the grace and agility of a seasoned warrior, Sen evaded the mercenaries' attacks with fluid movements. Each step was precise, each dodge calculated to perfection. His body seemed to dance amidst the chaos, effortlessly sidestepping strikes, ducking under swinging blades, and parrying blows with calculated precision.

In his hand, the Malleable Slime Sword gleamed with an otherworldly aura. As Sen's fingers tightened around the hilt, he felt an instant connection to the weapon. With a simple thought, the sword obediently adapted its length and width, transforming into a formidable tool that perfectly complemented his fighting style.

Drawing upon the principles of Japanese Karate, Sen launched a series of devastating strikes. His fists shot forward like lightning, impacting with explosive force. Each blow landed with impeccable accuracy, aimed at vulnerable points in his opponents' defences. The sound of bones cracking and the pained cries of the mercenaries echoed through the air.

Switching seamlessly to Wing Chun, Sen's movements became a blur of speed and precision. His arms moved with blinding rapidity, chaining together a barrage of punches that flowed seamlessly from one to the next. The impact of each strike reverberated through the battlefield, leaving his adversaries reeling.

Transitioning into Capoeira, Sen's fighting style transformed into a mesmerizing display of acrobatics and flexibility. He spun, flipped, and twisted through the air with the grace of a dancer. His legs unleashed a whirlwind of kicks, each one precise and powerful, striking his opponents from unexpected angles.

As the fight continued, Sen's mastery of Jujitsu came into play. He expertly maneuverer his opponents, utilizing their own strength against them. With calculated efficiency, he applied joint locks and submission holds, immobilizing his adversaries with a combination of technique and raw power.

Throughout the battle, Sen tapped into his Anthrakokinesis and Stellar Veil abilities, channelling their power to gain the upper hand. Embers flickered and danced around him as he unleashed his Ember Burst, scorching his adversaries with controlled intensity. Cosmic energies surged through his body, granting him heightened perception and agility as he utilized the abilities of Cosmic Sight. Lunar Surge empowered his strikes with the force of celestial bodies, each blow carrying the weight of the stars. And with Astral Grasp, he manipulated the fabric of reality, ensnaring and hindering his foes with ethereal tendrils.

As the clash continued, the mercenaries' frustration grew. Shouts of anger and curses filled the air as Sen's relentless assault pushed them further into a corner. Their faces contorted with pain and exertion, their expressions a mix of disbelief and mounting desperation. They had underestimated the strength and resilience of their opponent, and now they were paying the price.

Despite the intensity of the fight, Sen fought with restraint, aiming to incapacitate rather than deliver fatal blows. Each strike was delivered with calculated precision, designed to disable rather than cause lasting harm. His control and discipline were evident in every movement, a testament to his understanding of combat as an art.

As the dust settled and silence descended upon the battlefield, Sen stood tall amidst the defeated mercenaries. His body glistened with sweat, wounds marking his flesh as reminders of the fierce struggle. Fatigue coursed through his muscles, but he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and satisfaction. He had surpassed his own expectations, proving that he was a force to be reckoned with. He truly hadn't expected to come out of that situation alive, the Auto-Adapt feature really hand come in handy in the end. As the name entailed, it enabled him to automatically adapt to any situation he was in. He'd thought it would be something like the auto-fight feature present in some games. However, he'd ended up with something a lot better than that, his body might not have been able to handle the stress of going through that. An Auto-fight feature would essentially force his body to fight at 100% efficiency, but his body might not have the durability/flexibility required for that at this point in time. 'System, before you give out the rewards, what is my current level?'

{Your current level is 14.}

{Congratulations to the host for completing 2 Quests: Yggdrasil's Boughs & Eliminate all intruders! Rewards: 5,500 EXP, Ⱡ 400, Rare Item, Rare Passive Skill Book! You have Levelled Up x4 (14 -> 18)! All Stats +4!}

Name: Sen Direndal

HP: 2.86M/2.86M

MP: 2.43M/2.43M

SP: 427.68k/427.68k

Stamina Remaining: 3k/3k

Level: 18 (850/1475)

Rank: G-Rank Hunter (Unofficial)

Title: Novice (Gives a 30% increase to all experience gained from killing monsters!)


STR: 36 -> 47

PHY: 44 -> 55

AGI: 37 -> 48

DEX: 38 -> 49

INT: 29 -> 40

WIS: 33 -> 44

VIT: 34 -> 45

END: 37 -> 48

STA: 39 -> 50

Stat Points: 161

Sen's injuries had already fully healed by now, he heard shouts, and he looked up. Several people had heard the commotion, and had been able to witness the fight take place. A man who looked to be in his early 30s, well-built too, walked over to him, "Are you alright Mr. Direndal? It seems that you've finally awakened your powers, you really took those mercenaries down quickly! You didn't kill them, did you?"

Sen let out an uneasy chuckle, "No, I didn't kill them, I only crippled them so that they wouldn't be able to come back again for revenge. It's also true that I only awakened recently, you probably saw my powers."

The man sighed, "That's good, whoever sent these people, I don't know what they were thinking, do you have any idea what their intentions were?"

"It seems that they intended to kidnap me, and use me as a bargaining chip to gain something from Martha. She's the most powerful Hunter after all, and they can't deal with her through normal means."

The man looked shocked, and impressed at the same time, "That makes sense, a great deduction honestly, I'd always heard that you were some sort of genius. Well, the authorities are on their way Mr. Direndal. There are plenty of witnesses so there'll be no problems hopefully."

Sen sighed, "Well, thanks for letting me know! Just out of curiosity, who are you? I have a vague recollection of meeting you before. I apologise if I've forgotten you, I meet a lot of people or I'm usually very busy."

The man looked happier all of a sudden, "So you remembered me Mr. Direndal. My name is Peter Terpo, I am the Recruitment Officer at the Mooncry guild."

"Oh! I remember now, Martha was talking about you the other day, saying that you'd done an amazing job with recruitment recently!"

The man went from looking happy to ecstatic, "She did? Wow, to receive such high praise from the Guild-master herself, I really don't know what to say!"

Sen smiled at Peter, and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it, just keep doing what you do best. I will probably be coming down to the guild office once she returns from her trip. She isn't aware that I've awakened my powers yet, so going directly to the office will help with that."

Peter nodded, and continued to smile, "I look forward to seeing you then! I'm sure that you'll make edition of the guild if you want to join. In fact, as the recruitment officer, I invite you to join the guild! Here's my business card, please come down to the guild office once Martha returns! She'll be overjoyed, and more than a little surprised to hear that you've awakened your powers!"

Sen was overwhelmed, he was delighted of course, he had no reason to decline this offer. Unlike those stories where the main character would probably be tied down by a guild, this situation was very different. Sen was the husband of the founder and guild-master, which meant that he would be free to come and go when he wanted. "I'd love that! I'll join, see you in just under a month then."

Peter started to walk away, "See you soon, with your level of growth and adaptability, you'll have no trouble with ascending through the ranks."

They both waved to each other.

Just as Peter had told him, the sound of sirens could soon be heard in the distance. Sen sighed, this was going to be a very long day.

Chapter complete, I'd normally stop writing earlier than this, but I was determined to at least get this chapter out. The next chapter will be arriving soon. As always, leave a review, and a stone (maybe?). And of course, please do not feel obligated to do so, this is entirely optional! Until next time, peace out!

Update: I now have a long break from work, so I have a lot more time to write now!