
The Omni System

In a world filled with cultivators, mages, Telepaths, and strange humanoid creatures, Sen Direndal, a young man blessed by a god, receives the extraordinary Omni System—an all-rounder cheat that grants him the power to acquire any ability he desires. But this power comes with conditions; not everything is available at once. As Sen embarks on an incredible journey, he must learn to embrace the blessings and face the unknown curse that haunts his dreams.

MaitreyaNirvana · Games
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36 Chs

G-Rank Dungeon, Misplaced Fear, Rare Item & Skills!

(A/N: Please read the update at the end of the chapter to find out why the next chapter is taking a while!)

An information window immediately opened, and Sen read began to read the description.

{G-Rank Dungeon Key

Rarity: Legendary

Description: This exquisite golden key, shrouded in ancient enigmas and whispered legends, bears the emblem of untold power. Crafted by master artisans of forgotten eras, its ethereal glow invokes a sense of destiny and grandeur. As you hold this artifact of antiquity in your hands, a faint thrum of energy courses through your very being, signalling its connection to the enigmatic G-Rank Dungeon.

Within your expansive garden, hidden amidst the verdant tapestry of nature's splendour, lies the entrance to the fabled realm. Seek out the towering sentinels, ancient arboreal giants that predate even the founding of Centropai. Follow the luminescent lines etched by celestial hands, winding through the foliage like constellations guiding a lone traveller through the night sky.

As you venture forth towards the designated tree, the air becomes charged with anticipation, and the surroundings seem to pulsate with life and secrets. The majestic tree stands as the guardian of the threshold, the ancient portal to a realm where only the most valiant and tenacious souls dare tread.

Prepare yourself, noble adventurer, for within the G-Rank Dungeon lies both the allure of unprecedented treasures and the crucible of unyielding trials. Your every step will echo with the weight of fate as you traverse a realm teeming with challenges that transcend mortal comprehension. Face the unknown with unwavering resolve and embrace the vast potential that awaits the worthy. The secrets of this realm are yours to unlock, and the rewards shall be nothing short of legendary.

Entrance Location: Amongst the timeless giants of your garden, follow the luminescent lines that lead you to the tree of destiny, standing tall as the venerable keeper of the portal.}

Sen stared at it for a bit, 'System, is that description really necessary? I'm talking about the Entrance Location. The lore before that is a great addition honestly. A Legendary item too? I guess that makes sense, it's literally a physical key to a dungeon.'

{Uhhh- Good point, it is only a G-Rank Dungeon after all.}

Sen was still holding the key, he could indeed see some sort of line guiding him in the right direction, he was pretty sure he knew which tree it was, there was one unnaturally large tree in the garden that stood tall above all the others. It's thick and overbearing trunk was hard to miss, he couldn't help but wonder if it was the offspring of "Yggdrasil", the World Tree.

Then again, why would Martha plant a World Tree in the garden? Then again, it really wouldn't surprise him, she was a Diamond-Tier Hunter all, it sounded like something she'd find. The closer he got, the more he realised that it might just be related to Yggdrasil after all. Rather than sucking up all of the nutrients that the other plants would need, it seemed to grant more vitality to plants closer to it.

As he reached the base of the tree, the entrance, and what an entrance it was. An ornately carved door, no, it was almost as if the door was a part of the tree. 'System, is this tree what I think it is?'

{I- Wow... yes, that is a seedling of Yggdrasil...}

'Please bring up the information page for this tree.'

{Yep- umm- got it!}

'System, you ok there? Are you sure that you don't just start to continuously evolve over time after reaching Level 5? You can give your answer below the information page.

{Mythical-grade: Yggdrasil's Seedling

The Yggdrasil's Seedling, an awe-inspiring and mythical tree, stands as a unique and sacred entity within Sen's massive garden. As a seedling of the legendary World Tree, Yggdrasil, its presence exudes an air of ancient power and boundless potential. The trunk, adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant symbols, seems to pulse with an ethereal glow, evoking a sense of otherworldly wonder. Its branches stretch far and wide, weaving an intricate canopy that seems to touch the heavens themselves.

This Mythical-grade tree serves as a symbol of life and growth, embodying the very essence of nature's resilience and vitality. Its roots, said to delve deep into the earth and beyond, connect with the very fabric of the world, channelling ancient energies that few can comprehend. The Yggdrasil's Seedling exudes an aura of tranquillity, beckoning all beings to stand beneath its majestic boughs and bask in its protective embrace.}

{I'm ok now, I hope that description helps you to understand what made me, a System, slip-up.}

'MYTHICAL GRADE? OKAY THEN! I'm definitely asking Martha about this, it's definitely odd that one of the rarest objects in existence is planted in our garden...'

'You know what - fine! I'll think about this later, bring up the Dungeon Information Page.'

{Of course! Right away sir!}

{Dungeon Name: [Yggdrasil's Boughs]

Dungeon Level: 5

Entry Requirement: Level 5

Difficulty: Easy}

{Welcome to Yggdrasil's Boughs, an extraordinary dungeon nestled within the seedling of the legendary Mythical-grade tree, Yggdrasil. As you venture into this ancient realm, you'll embark on a journey through its enigmatic boughs, facing challenges and encountering a variety of unique creatures.}


Legend speaks of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, as the sacred lifeline that connects the Nine Realms in the cosmos. The Yggdrasil's Seedling, an offshoot of this legendary tree, carries with it the essence of this grand connection. The dungeon, mysteriously located within the tree's heart, appears to be a manifestation of the life force and energy that emanates from Yggdrasil itself. It is believed that the dungeon serves as a gateway to test adventurers, offering them a chance to prove their worthiness and form a bond with the ancient power of the tree.}

{Dungeon Mobs:

In the Easy Difficulty, explorers will encounter various Slimes; a diverse range of these gelatinous creatures, with most being of common-grade, though a few rare, or uncommon-grade Slimes might also appear. Their bright colours and peculiar forms hint at the mystical nature of the dungeon, and each of these Slimes presents its unique challenges to overcome.}


Experience Points (EXP): 2500

Luminite: Ⱡ 150

Rare Item: Unrevealed

Rare Passive Skill Book: Unrevealed{

{Higher Difficulties:

As you progress and conquer each difficulty level (Medium, Hard, and Insane), the appearance and challenges of the Yggdrasil's Boughs will evolve, presenting fiercer opponents, rarer treasures, and greater tests of your skills. Be prepared for more formidable adversaries and enticing rewards as you dare to venture deeper into this legendary dungeon.}

Sen approached the dungeon, each step filled with trepidation, he was about enter a dungeon for the first time. He took several deep breaths, steeling himself, and calming his nerves. Sen reached out with the key, and suddenly, it seemed to become light, its particles got sucked into the door. It slowly began to open, white light appearing on the other side. Once it was fully open, a system window immediately opened.




His feet seemed to move on their own, towards the almost blinding white light. He closed his eyes briefly, before opening them again. "W-WHAT? I was expecting some sub-dimension or negative version of my own world! This isn't exactly what I was expecting."

He only realised that he'd said all of that out loud a moment later, but it didn't really matter, nobody could hear him in the dungeon. Unless the mobs counted as those who could hear him, he was unsure about that, did Slimes have some way of hearing. His heart began to beat really quickly, a cold sweat started to break out on his forehead. He whispered to himself quietly, "Why am I so scared, they're just slimes, but what if they're not? What if they're enormous slimes, how do I even kill a slime? Are their weaknesses even the same?"

Sen kept worrying about all sorts of useless things as he slowly traversed his way through what seemed to be an endless garden. There were no trees in sight, only lush vegetation was scattered around the endless landscape, there was no sign of any Fauna anywhere. Just then, a squishy-squelchy noise suddenly came from his left, and a little in front of him. His head snapped up, expecting to see a towering monstrosity, but instead, he saw a small pink... creature? As it slowly moved towards him, it seemed morph and change shape constantly, it didn't seem threatening at all. Sen started to laugh, "Seriously? What the hell is that? All that time I was worrying, it was only a tiny little blob! No Sen, this is a dungeon, just because it looks harmless, doesn't mean it is. There's no need to be too scared of it, but a little caution won't hurt me. System, please bring give me that Slime's info."

{A [Common] Pink Slime has appeared, its gelatinous body shimmering under the dappled sunlight filtering through the foliage. Despite its cute appearance, this creature is not to be taken lightly.

HP: 25k

Weaknesses: The pink slime is vulnerable to slashing attacks, which can effectively disperse its gel-like structure and weaken its defences. Additionally, fire-based attacks are particularly effective, causing it to lose cohesion and reducing its capabilities.

Beware of the pink slime's resilience and ability to regenerate, even after sustaining damage. Engage with caution, employing strategic approaches to exploit its weaknesses effectively.}

"So it's weak to fire and slashing attacks. I don't have a weapon yet, so I'll have to rely on my own abilities."

'[Ember Burst]'

A stream of continuous embers poured out of his hands, colliding with the unsuspecting slime. It immediately burst into flames, starting to bounce backwards, as if trying to escape. However, it only took around 5 seconds for it to die. Whilst the skill was only active for as long as Sen used it, Slimes were extremely flammable, so it continued to take serious fire damage as long as it was on fire. It then quickly disappeared after dying, leaving behind some items on the ground. Sen rushed forwards in excitement, though he was still a little shocked after watching the creature die in such a brutal fashion.

{You have successfully killed a Level 3 Slime (Pink). Drops: 14 EXP, Ⱡ 23, Pink Slime Essence (Common).

{[Ember Burst (Active)] LVL 4 - 5}

"I was expecting a level-up but I didn't realise that my [Ember Burst] skill would level-up so quickly. I didn't even know that it was at Level 4. System, bring up the Info page."

[Ember Burst (Active) LVL 5]:

MP Cost: 350

Duration: 3.5 seconds

Damage Per Second (DPS): 1k

{Description: The user focuses their Anthrakokinesis to unleash a burst of fiery energy towards their target, creating a sustained flame that engulfs the enemy for 3.5 seconds. Ember Burst inflicts minor fire damage per second during its duration. Also inflicts MASSIVE amounts of damage to monsters that are weak to fire!}

"That's a decent improvement, so the cost of it increases by 25 MP each time it Levels Up."

As Sen was contemplating, he began to hear several more slimes approaching, and turned to face them all. There were a lot of them this time, several different colours, and they were very close together. "Of course, they don't have any mental stats. Either that, or their intelligence is too low to be measured. Oh well, it's time to hunt now!"

'[Ember Burst]'

Once again activating the skill, Sen rushed at them, embers streaming out of him. All it took was for one of the Slimes to get set on fire, and it was a chain reaction. It was like dropping a match on Petrol, there was a large explosion, and Sen was thrown backwards, landing on his back, and the wind was taken out of him!

{-3k HP}

"Well that hurt! I guess I should have expected that, given the fact that the last slime also went up like a Bonfire! At least I know that I need to retreat a little before the embers hit the Slimes, that would make for a very effective trap!"

{You have skilled Slime x12! Drops: 210 EXP, Ⱡ 300, x5 Pink Slime Essence, x3 Red Slime Essence, x4 Blue Slime Essence! You have levelled up x2! All Stats +2! All Status Ailments have been cleared! You have been healed!}

{You have Levelled up x1! All Stats +1! All Fatigue and other Status ailments have been cleared! You have been healed!}

Name: Sen Direndal

HP: 624.75k/624.75k

MP: 517.65k/517.65k

SP: 48.51k/48.51k

Stamina Remaining: 2.28k/2.28k

Level: 7 (12/150)

Rank: G (Unofficial Hunter, Awakened)

Title: Rookie (Gives a 15% increase to all experience gained from killing monsters!)

Stats: ⓘ

STR: 34 -> 36

PHY: 42 -> 44

AGI: 35 -> 37

DEX: 36 -> 38

INT: 27 -> 29

WIS: 31 -> 33

VIT: 32 -> 34

END: 35 -> 37

STA: 37 -> 39

Stat Points: 51

(A/N: I do not plan to include every encounter with mobs unless the Mc is actually in a dangerous situation, I will also not be showing the Status Window until after Sen has finished with the dungeon).

"I Levelled up twice! There's no time to celebrate now though, not until I finish this dungeon at least!"

Sen continued to kill Slimes until he reached 8, at which point, he received a notification about him receiving his next ability. He quickly brought up the information page and scanned it, but seeing the implications of it, it seemed like one he'd have to practice with when outside the dungeon.

[Stellar Veil]

{This power empowers the hunter to transcend mortal limitations and harness cosmic energies. Comprising five extraordinary skills, Stellar Veil allows its wielder to command the very essence of the stars in battles against formidable adversaries.}

Stellar Veil Skills:

[Starlight Resilience (Passive)]:

{Increases Defence by 20% against physical and magical attacks

Strong Against: All types of direct attacks, such as sword strikes and elemental spells.

Weak Against: Reality-warping and dimensional attacks.}

[Cosmic Sight (Active)]:

{Cost: 6k MP

Cooldown: 60 seconds

Enhances vision by 30%, allowing the user to detect hidden threats and see through illusions.

Strong Against: Stealth-based enemies and illusions.

Weak Against: None}

[Celestial Bond (Passive)]:

{Heightens intuition and foresight by 15%, enabling the user to anticipate enemy movements and intentions.

Strong Against: Deceptive foes and surprise attacks.

Weak Against: Psychic manipulations.}

[Lunar Surge (Active)]:

{Cost: 10k MP

Cooldown: 90 seconds

Temporarily increases the user's strength by 50%, enhancing physical attacks with lunar energies.

Strong Against: Physically resilient opponents and fortified defences.

Weak Against: Swift and agile adversaries}

[Astral Grasp (Active)]:

{Cost: 7.5k MP

Cooldown: 75 seconds

Creates astral chains that immobilize an enemy for 5 seconds, allowing the user to strategize or land a devastating blow.

Strong Against: Evasive and teleporting foes.

Weak Against: Resistance to astral manipulation}

After giving the description another read, he still thought that it would be better to get used to this new ability when he was outside the dungeon. Sen continued to grind slimes for EXP, levelling up a few more times. One of the Slimes dropped a Stone Sword, and he couldn't help but take this as a sign to be more cautious.

This went on for a while until he spotted something that looked like a much larger slime. As he got closer, his suspicious were confirmed, it was a slime that was much more akin to what he'd imagined Slimes would look like initially. It still wasn't a towering monstrosity, but it was still at least ten times larger than a regular Slime.

He had come across some other larger ones along the way, and they'd been labelled as "Uncommon Slime". They had slightly better defence, but it was nothing to write home about. Suddenly he heard the sound of a System alert.

{WARNING! You have found the Dungeon Boss! Exercise caution when fighting it!}

"I could say that it's just a larger Slime, but the System hasn't warned me about any of the other mobs, I'd better be careful. Bring up its information!"

{Right away! As a result of continuously requesting information about items and objects, a new skill has been generated: [Observe (Active) LVL MAX]}

"I was wondering if I'd ever get that skill, time to put it to use."

Whilst looking in the direction of the Slime as it slowly made its way towards him, he put his new skill to use, '[Observe]'.

{Boss Name: Slime King Galdorath [Rare]

Boss Level: 12

HP: 750k/750k}


The Slime King Galdorath, a formidable adversary, emerges from the depths of an enigmatic and magical rift, reigning supreme over his loyal slime minions. This Randomised Rare-Grade boss possesses the unique ability to leap to extraordinary heights, making him a challenging foe for even the most experienced adventurers.}

{Randomised Buffs:

Acidic Resilience: Galdorath's gelatinous form becomes highly resistant to acid-based attacks, reducing damage taken from such attacks by 25%.

Elastic Stretch: The Slime King's body becomes astonishingly flexible, enabling him to stretch and extend his reach, increasing attack range by 30% for a limited time.

Regenerative Slime: Galdorath secretes a potent regenerative slime, healing himself by 10% of his maximum health every 10 seconds.}

{Randomised Debuffs:

Sticky Bind: Galdorath releases a sticky residue that binds the adventurer's feet, reducing movement speed by 30% for a short duration, making it harder to evade his attacks.

Corrosive Mucus: The Slime King spews a corrosive mucus that weakens the user's armour, reducing their physical defense by 20% for a limited time.

Slime Infestation: Galdorath's minions latch onto the adventurer, draining their energy and reducing their attack speed by 25% for a short duration}

Sen prepared himself mentally for the task ahead of him.

Heart pounding, Sen stood face to face with the colossal creature before him – the Slime King Galdorath. He gripped his weak stone sword, taking a moment to assess his opponent. Galdorath's towering form and oozing mass were unlike any slime he had encountered before.

Careful not to make any sudden moves, Sen watched as Galdorath shifted, preparing to strike. The Slime King's super-jumps sent shockwaves through the ground, leaving Sen momentarily startled by the unexpected agility of his adversary.

Remaining cautious, Sen steadily improved as the fight went on, learning to anticipate Galdorath's movements and adjust his positioning accordingly. He knew he couldn't afford any reckless actions against such a formidable foe. He steadied his breathing, readying himself for the impending clash.

Galdorath made the first move, launching a barrage of acidic projectiles towards Sen. Reacting quickly, he dove for cover, narrowly avoiding the corrosive onslaught. As he evaded, Sen's [Ember Burst] skill came to mind, and he extended his hands, streaming embers that clashed with Galdorath's acidic assault, creating a dazzling display of fire and slime.

His stone sword may have been weak, but Sen knew it was his best weapon against Galdorath's slime defenses. He focused on slashing at specific points, disrupting the Slime King's form and creating brief moments of vulnerability.

The battle was intense, and Galdorath's relentless attacks kept Sen on his toes. He sustained a few injuries, but he refused to waver. Instead, he steadily improved his reactions and learned to counter the Slime King's moves with each leap and strike.

With determination and a growing sense of confidence, Sen faced the formidable creature before him. Finally, as the battle reached its climax, he spotted a moment of weakness in Galdorath's defenses. He seized the opportunity, mustering all his strength for one decisive strike. His stone sword found its mark, piercing through the Slime King's core.

Galdorath let out a final roar, and Sen watched as the formidable creature began to disintegrate. He stood victorious, panting and nursing his wounds, but with a sense of accomplishment like no other.

Sen fell to the floor, realising the enormity of what he'd just done, he already felt accomplished, but this was different. He had never experienced the rush of a battle like this, in truth, he was ecstatic. He had proved to himself that he was more than capable of adapting to a life-or-death situation. Sen was completely aware of the fact that the system definitely helped him during this encounter. He'd felt his skills with the now worn-down stone sword improving over time.

{Congratulations, you have successfully hunted your first boss: Slime King Galdorath! Rewards: 2887 EXP, Ⱡ 1k, Rare Item, Rare Skills! You have levelled up x4! All Stats +4! All Status Ailments have been cleared! You have been healed!}

"Don't show my status window for now. I'll check it when I exit the dungeon. However, please bring up the information on the Rare-grade Item and Skills."

{Right away!}

[Malleable Slime Sword <Rare>]:

{This rare and enigmatic sword is a prized weapon dropped by the formidable Slime King. At first glance, it appears unassuming, resembling an ordinary hilt with a blade covered in a glistening, translucent substance reminiscent of slime. However, under the hands of a skilled and wise wielder, the true power of this weapon is revealed}

{ATK: 15k


Extend: With a simple thought command, the user can extend the length of the slime sword, turning it into a longer and more versatile weapon. This allows for increased reach and the ability to strike opponents from a distance.

Shorten: By thinking of shortening the blade, the user can transform it into a more compact and agile weapon. This makes it easier to manoeuvre in close-quarters combat and perform swift and precise strikes.

Expand: The user can command the slime sword to expand in width, making it wider and providing a larger surface area for blocking attacks or striking multiple opponents at once.

Contract: By thinking of contracting the blade, the user can make it narrower, allowing for more focused and piercing strikes.}

{Power and Versatility: The Malleable Slime Sword is deadlier than it looks. Its ability to change its length and width makes it an extremely versatile weapon, suitable for various combat situations. The user can adapt the sword to different fighting styles and adjust it on the fly to respond to the tactics of opponents.}


As with all extraordinary abilities, the Malleable Slime Sword comes with certain limitations that can only be overcome by a wielder of great wisdom. To wield this weapon to its full potential, the user must possess a high level of WIS (Wisdom). A skilled and wise wielder will be able to maintain better mental control over the transformations, avoiding unintended fluctuations or mistakes during intense battles.

Furthermore, a high WIS stat will enable the user to comprehend the limits of the sword's abilities and utilize them strategically. Through the clear and wise mind of the wielder, the Malleable Slime Sword becomes an extension of their intentions, flowing effortlessly as they adapt to various combat scenarios. This mental acuity allows the wielder to make the right decisions about when to extend, shorten, expand, or contract the sword for the most advantageous outcome.}

Special Trait: Upgradeable ⓘ

[Slime Eruption (Active, LVL 1) <Rare>]

{Cooldown: 3 Minutes

Cost: 8k MP

Slime Eruption is a potent skill granted by the Slime King's essence. When activated, the wielder channels the residual slime energy within the sword, causing it to erupt in a powerful surge of slime that shoots forward in a cone-shaped blast. The slime stream deals significant damage to any enemies caught in its path, leaving them slowed and temporarily incapacitated by its sticky residue. This skill is a formidable offensive tool that allows the user to create openings in the enemy's defences and capitalize on their weakened state. Due to its potency, the skill has a cooldown of 60 seconds and requires 8k MP to activate, making it crucial for the wielder to time its use strategically in battle.}

[Adaptive Slime Mastery (Passive, LVL 1) <Rare>]

{Effect: Increases the wielder's adaptability and resistance by 15%}

{Adaptive Slime Mastery is a passive skill granted by the Slime King's essence, providing the wielder with enhanced adaptability and resistance in combat. The unique connection between the wielder and the Malleable Slime Sword enables them to draw upon the essence of slime to bolster their physical and mental resilience. This newfound mastery over slime energy grants a 15% increase in overall adaptability, allowing the wielder to quickly adjust to various combat scenarios and respond with increased efficiency.

Moreover, the slime's malleable nature grants the wielder heightened resistance against different forms of attacks. The subtle yet powerful influence of slime essence reinforces their defenses, making them more resistant to physical blows, elemental attacks, and even certain status ailments. This versatile skill ensures that the wielder can better endure the challenges presented in any combat situation, providing them with a considerable advantage in the face of diverse adversaries.

The Adaptive Slime Mastery's passive effect remains active at all times, empowering the wielder to overcome obstacles with greater ease and confidence, regardless of the nature of their opponents or the challenges they encounter.}

"Oi Oi System! That seems way too overpowered for a rare-tier item, it's upgradeable too? I need that information now!"

{Coming right up!}

Upgradeable: An item or skill that can be upgraded when certain conditions are met. For example, for the "Malleable Slime Sword", you must kill 100 Rare-Grade Slimes to upgrade it to Epic-Grade.

"Oh, so that's how it works, that's a tough requirement to meet, then again, those higher difficulties will probably contain more of them. Those skills are going to be incredible! I can't wait to try them out!"

{You have completed the Easy Difficulty! Would you like to exit the Dungeon?}



Sen was once again enveloped in a blinding white light, before he found himself outside the World Tree seedling once more. He immediately received a system message which felt like it made his blood freeze!

{WARNING! INTRUDERS HAVE BEEN DETECTED! An Optional Quest has been generated!}

Cliffhanger-kun has been spotted! I know that people love these! That's the end of another wild chapter, I hope you enjoyed reading it, it ended up being a long one again. As always, please leave a rating/review. Please give me a stone or two? (Do not feel obligated to do so though!)

Update: All issues have been fixed!