
The Number One Sports And Entertainment Agent

One day a struggling new agent of the age 21. Who had a few contacts in the industry suddenly got a system. The system led him to become the richest and most famous agent in the whole world. He not only managed sports stars but even big superstars in the entertainment industry. Watch as how our agent conquers the world of one sport after another.

CultivatorReader · Sports
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1 Chs

Chapter 1:- System ? Huh?

Mathew woke up from his deep sleep upon hearing the foul sound of an alarm. He got up from his bed and quickly went for a shower. Then got ready for his first day of Player Hunting. Mattew quickly grabbed and buttered some white toast and stuffed it in his mouth. He took hold of the bread with his teeth as he tried to fill his briefcase with study material and various contract case studies. Wearing a suit and adjusting his dress, he finally took the toast from his mouth and proceeded to eat the toasted bread as he left the house.

It was 4:45 am, making the street very dark and lonely. The empty street gave off a creepy and scary feeling like one would disappear in these streets, and nobody would know. As if one were to die in here and never be found ever again. Mathew didn't feel much as he was used to it as he had stayed in the same place and walked in the same streets since highschool. He quickly put his earphones in his ears and started to blast music while walking alone in the street. Mathew was about to cross by the empty bus-stop. He heard a heart-piercing scream. It shook him to the core and forced him to run towards the area where it came from.

He rushed into a lane nearby and was shocked by the sight he saw. As he approached, he saw a man lying on the ground with a big hole in his stomach. It was bleeding severely, causing the whole street to have blood everywhere. The entire scene made it feel like death was just around the corner and was staring coldly at the man. The man was barely able to maintain his consciousness and managed to point at his pant pockets. Mathew understood that the man was signaling something and quickly searched his pockets.

The brief search led to a car key. The first thing Mathew thought was that the man still had a chance to survive. He quickly tore off his sleeves and tried his best to tie the stomach wound tightly to stop bleeding. Then he picked up the middle-aged man and ran out of the street searching for the man's car. Mathew, after a lot of looking around, finally managed to find it. He unlocked it and kept the man in the passenger seat. Although Mathew did not have a driving license, he had taken classes from his uncle back in his hometown.

He managed to reverse the car and drove to the nearest hospital, according to his knowledge. It was simple as the street was empty, he manages to reach the hospital at record speed. He took out the injured man and rushed inside the hospital. At the entrance, the nurse saw the man and took out a stretcher. After handing over the man to the nurse, he was asked to fill in some forms at the reception and explained the specific situation. Hearing the scenario, the nurse contacted the police as this was an attempt at the man's life and could lead to a full-scale police investigation.

He informed the nurse that he had to leave for work and gave his contact details such as phone number and address and somehow managed to finish the conversation. The receptionist reminded him to go home and change his clothes first. He entered the bathroom and looked at himself and felt that he looked like a handsome crazy serial killer right now due to all the blood on his clothes.

He washed his face trying to calm down, and finally manage to think straight. As he calmed down, he heard a sound in his mind. Which made his thoughts completely unstable.

<Unkown Variable changed the world fate>

<For changing the world Fate, you are rewarded with a guide to help reach your desire>

<Checking for inner desires. Check complete!>

<Reward decided "The Number One Agent System">

<Binding system, 10%, 30%, 60%, 100%, Complete!>

<The Number One Agent System Is Online!!!>

Mathew was dumbfounded about what was going on but, seeing how weird his day was, decided to roll with it and said, "System Panel?". It opened a digital panel in front of him:-

{<The Number One Agent System>

Host: Mathew Williams

Negotiating Talent- 1,250/5,000 (Beginner Mid Level)

Football Knowledge- 2,450/50,000 (Apprentices Mid Level)

Networking- 1,000/10,000 (Apprentices Low Level)

Analytical and Problem Solving Skills- 25,000/100,000 (Apprentices High Level)

Insight- 1,000/10,000 (Beginner High Level)

Image Building- 10,000/100,000 (Apprentices High Level)

Players Signed - None}

Mathew briefly read through the stats and felt that this was somewhat accurate. Even though he did not understand the whole level system. Mathew thought that the system should know at what level his skills are. He asked how many levels of skill mastery are there. The system replied, "There are Beginner, Apprentices, Non-Professional, Professional, and many more. Their names were not available right now due to low authority level." Mathew then asked the system to give him a brief introduction to its features.

The system, explained in a cold mechanical voice as before, "The system will provide task, upon their completion reward the host with different cards of various levels which can be applied on the players under the host banner to improve his current skill ability but a player potential cannot be improved. The host will also earn certain points which can be later exchanged for cards in the mall." Upon hearing the reply asked two important questions they were:-

1) How Do You Check A Player Potential?.

2) What The Point Of The Previous Stats, And How Do You Improve Them?.

The system answered, "The Potential can be checked through scout cards purchased but, the ones gifted or rewarded for task completion will contain a random player. The host cannot directly improve the skills in the status. They are important for keeping players and satisfying the player's needs. It essentially the skills required to retain a player under your banner. The host will improve them as he does tasks and through his own hard work."

Mathew started to slowly accept his situation and finally managed to comprehend all that had taken place today. As he was about to exit the system interface, he suddenly got a notification saying-

<Newbie Reward Opening Complete>

Clicking on the notification that appeared in front of his eyes. Mathew opened the Newbie Reward List and found that he had received the following-

1) Four Copper Player Cards

2) Three Bronze Player Cards

3) Two Led Player Cards

4) A Upgrade Of All Skills By One Level (Already Claimed)

5) Three Scout Cards

Mathew opened the Copper player cards and was shocked to find that the four cards were all for different sports and were truly low-level cards as each card allowed one stat of the player to increase to 50 at the non-professional level. Upon asking the system what was going on. The system said that the host was not going to manage only in one sport but multiple sports. It also explained that the cards were divided into two categories non-professional and professional.

Mathew was a bit surprised by the system reveal as he only thought he was going to be a football agent and was also happy as the professional league in the system eyes is the top five leagues in football or the NBA in case of basketball or the professional Master ATP Tournaments. Upon opening the bronze card it showed that it would increase a stat to 60 at the non-professional level, while the Led card would improve to 70 directly.

Mathew summed up his card collection as-

1) Two copper cards for football, two for basketball.

2) Two bronze cards for football, one for basketball.

3) One led card for football, one for Table Tennis.

The last table tennis card really hurt Mathew. As it was really a waste as his first plan was to establish himself in football and basketball, then move on to other sports. Mathew quickly proceeded to open his next reward. The scout cards, he got James Daniel a right-winger of the age 18 with 85 potential (Upside 90) currently at Los Angeles Blues in the USL Championship. James Daniel was a substitute player of the team who came of the bench. Mathew was satisfied with the card potential and decided to weigh his options before making a decision. The second player was Li Kai, a basketball player with the position of a shooting guard. Li Kai's age was 16, with a potential of 68 (Upside 74). Looking at the low potential, Mathew knew that such a player had no future in the NBA and directly rejected it.

The third player Mathew received was David, his age was 20 years old. He currently was at no club and was last seen on the G-League at Oklahoma City Blue. His potential was 80(Upside 90). Mathew read the potential and was shocked that a player with such a high potential could not find a club. Mathew asked about the upside and the system told him that upside is the maximum potential a player can reach. The number displayed before is the current potential one can reach with proper training and given the chance. While the Upside is the potential unlocked after signing with the host as the player shall have access to his ultimate potential, which would not have been developed due to various problems in youth training a person encountered.

As Mathew finished reading the details, a doctor entered the bathroom and looked weirdly at the fellow who was just spacing out in front of the mirror. The doctor patted Mathew on the back and said don't worry everything will be fine. Then proceeded to enter one of the bathroom cabinets. Mathew was left there hanging and completely dumbfounded by the doctor's actions. Mathew quickly exited the bathroom and the hospital in embarrassment.

Sorry for making it a bit of an info dump but don't worry this the only time these things will be mentioned as these are important features so I wanted to explain the system in extreme detail.

In regards to the update schedule:- The first chapter is to test the response and after a week or two weeks depending on the collection increase, I shall start posting one or two chapters per day.

Chapter length can be:- 1,500 to 3,000 words

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