
The Night Kingdom

In the year of 1200 The protagonist teleported to another world. The prince and the princess asks the protagonist to defeat the monsters. The protagonist had another plan and wanted to build a kingdom for monsters after what the humans did.

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The Fearless Fraeya - Part 1

---Fraeya POV---

1 Month Later

I am Fraeya, one of the last survivors of the Night Tribe.

I am an orc who lived my whole life for my tribe, but the end caught up to us.

When I saw the humans what they did to the people of my tribe, I was devastated.

They butchered us like we were nothing but animals.

They kept calling us "Monsters".

What did we do to deserve this treatment from them?

Nothing, we did nothing wrong. We were minding our own business when suddenly they set us on fire in our sleep.

They do not deserve any mercy from us; all humans must perish from existence.

Except for one human who is my husband, Asmodeus, the only human that stood by us and took us to a place far from them.

He helped us treat our wounds and the remaining orcs helped build this place with him.

Until now I can trust him a little bit after what he did for us, but I'm afraid, one day, he ought to turn against us.

The place we are in now is the Night Village in the Black Forest.

Not too long it was just a small camp where my husband and I had our wedding.

We made an oath and a wedding festival in the way of the orcs.

He and I made tattoos for partners, he chose to have a tattoo the same as mine.

His tattoo and mine are sanguine colors tattoos.

Mine is covered on my back and the half of my front body on the right. His is the same, but instead of his right front is the left front of his body.

He brought golden rings with him before saying our oath. He put one on my ring finger on my left hand, and he did the same for himself.

He smiled passionately at me.

"For what comes we are everlasting love" we said our wedding oath.

He leaned closer and kissed me, I kissed him back.

After all that I'm afraid of him, that one day after all this he leaves us and me.

I'm now in our bedroom, I just woke up and I didn't see him beside me. He left since he is our lord trying to give us a better life.

He's about to come back from the instructions he gave to his people and the improvement of the village.

I can't stop this feeling I have from him. Sometimes I feel passionate about him, sometimes menacing.

I do love him for what he did for us and me.

Then, the sound of the door being opened.

Stepping inside the bedroom, my husband returned from work.

A white-skinned male human. He has a white long hair, which gives someone a shiver about how this young human has white hair. His eyes are special, the left eye is crimson and the right one is golden. He covered his face with a black metallic skeleton mask.

One thing that annoyed the bitter out of me is his back body when he asked me to tattoo him for the wedding. His back has burn scars. I was furious at what I saw. This is what humans do. They did it to my people and to him - to my husband - they are monsters.

His outfit fits someone to be called a leader to us. He wears a black long shirt, a black suit vest, a black trousers, a black long boots, a black long coat, a black gloves, and a weird purple inscription on his outfit.

"You are awake" he said. closed the door with him.

With what he looks like he always has this threatening feeling around him. It's great that he has it. If something happens he will deal with them and shake them to death.

"Do you need anything from me?" I asked worriedly.

"A matter of fact there is" he cocks his head.

He took off his mask and put it on the table.

I threw the blanket away from me, and began to wear my clothes. I noticed him looking away while I was wearing my clothes.

"I'm your wife Asmodeus not some stranger" I chuckled.

I saw a faint smile cross his left cheek.

I came next to him. He faces me. I put my arms around him. I passionately kissed him. He kissed me back.

Then, we broke off from our kiss.

I glanced at his hand and saw him holding a case.

"What are you holding?" I asked.

"It is finally done. What I promised" he fixes his eyes on me.

He put the case on the table and opened it.

It was a female light armor. A Flame Axe and metallic purple wrist armor.

"It is yours Fraeya" he nodded.

I saw the armor. I was astonished. A Flame flowing inside me. An armor made for me by my husband and my people.

I just didn't know what to do. Without realizing I jumped at my husband and kissed him.

"I love you" I said excitedly.

"I love you too, Fraeya" he said passionately.

Then, I wore the armor. He helped me while wearing it. I don't know how to thank him enough for what he did for me. And keep on doing.

Our first meeting I had ragged clothes, but now I have the armor with the same color as his outfit.

"From now on your alias will be the Fearless Fraeya…

this is how they will know, you are my wife and shall no one lay their hands on you" he menacingly said.

I kneeled.

"Yes, m'lord" I said.

He opened the window to let his pet inside.

The Raven entered, my husband opserver.

The Raven stood on a handler prepared by my husband.

"My lord, my lady…" He bowed down to us.

"There is an emergency my lord, It appears the humans have summoned the Heroes" the Raven worriedly said.

"The Heroes?"

"Yes, my lord… They are from another world while you asked to gather information about the Princess. I come across her and the King of Heisenberg, King Lawrence and his daughter Princess Luna" he fixes his eyes on Asmodeus.


My husband didn't respond, but his eyes were deadly on the mention of the King and the Princess.

"Show Me" Asmodeus menacingly said.

With his eyes, the Raven reflects his memories of what he saw in the mirror.

Five Heroes, Five Kings, The Five Families.

Every hero was a part of the Five Families.

My husband's eyes were consumed by anger, hatred, resentment and vengeance.

I didn't know what to do, but I had to calm him.

I walked behind him and put my hand on his left shoulder.

"Asmodeus Calm Down…" I said.

He relaxes a bit and holds my hand with his. Suddenly he embraced me. I embraced him back.

I pointed to the Raven to leave while we are still embracing each other. The Raven left.

Asmodeus kissed my forehead.

He calmed, and I broke off slowly from him.

I warmly caressed him.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"For now, thank you for calming me, I was about to lose control again" he responded.

I'd like to ask him about it but I think this is not the right time to ask him.

He held my hand. He took a knife, and cut my hand. He brought the Flame Axe. And let the blood cover at the sign. The sign was covered by my blood, and it became glowing blood.

"It is done, here wield it" he fixes his eyes on me.

I took the Flame Axe and held it. Its power begins to flow in me. The Flame Axe made by my husband was astonishing.

"The Flame Axe is already in its final form, and the Flame Axe is only wielded by its owner. No one else can ever wield it" he crossed his arms.

I nodded.

He gave me the wrist armor, and I wore it.

"One more thing, Fraeya, follow me" he said.

He took his mask and wore it before we left our bedroom. I stepped out of the room to the village. It's freezing. The Black Forest has very cold weather, but thanks to us and my husband we can endure it. Since we came to this forest we have adjusted ourselves to it. We adapted.

I followed my husband.

Before reaching our destination a lot of the orcs were bowing to us.

He stopped at the Training Field.

"Now, Fraeya, throw your weapon far from the field" he said.

I was confused, but I went along with him.

I held the Flame Axe and threw it far beyond the Training Field.

"Call it back"


"Left your hand, and call it back"

I left my hand, and saw the Flame Axe spinning back into my hand once again.

He passionately smiled as if he made someone proud. I was actually smiling too before him. He smiled because I was too.

It's really out of the world to find an axe returned to its owner by just lifting your hand.

"This time, try striking the target toy in front of you, and make the axe flammable" he said.

I stood in front of the target toy and began to strike.

The first, the second, and the third strike.

After the third hit, become flammable.

The flames were burning taken by the whole axe, but its flames don't affects me since I'm the owner.

"Good… Now, let me start with this" he said.

Asmodeus dashes right at me with a powerful strike.

I hurriedly dodged out of the way, stepped back from my husband.

All of the people in the village heard my husband strike. It was resonating with a loud noise.

"What are you doing, husband!?" I said surprisedly.

"Remember, after my second strike press the button on your wrist armor" he said.

He dashes again… And strike with a powerful strike at me.

I pressed the button, and a black round shield appeared from the wrist armor.

I blocked his strike and I struck him with the Flame Axe.

But he stopped my attack like I was nothing compared to him.

"Nice work, Fraeya" he said.

He let go of my arm and the people who watched us were amazed by this little scene we created. Even my sister was one of them.

Me and my husband are the strongest ones in this village for now.

My husband and I are training the rest of the orcs to make them powerful and exceed their limits.

He went back to our bedroom and held my hand and took me with him.

I thought he did that 'cause he wanted to do it with me, but after he took the mask off, he's about to tell me something.

"Fraeya, I have a task for you" he crosses his arms.

"I shall do whatever my husband wants me to do" I bowed to him.

"Listen carefully, I want you to meet with the scouts at the entrance of the Cursed Land.

And seek the person who is in charge of the curse" he said.

"Who is the person?" I asked

"A Witch" he responded.

"A Witch in the Cursed Land at the Edge of the World?"

"Indeed, I did not believe it either, but the Raven proved me otherwise"

I gently raised my eyebrow.

"Then, if I found her, what would I do?"

"Bring her to me with the person she is protecting"

"Sure, I'll do it"

"I am counting on you for this"

"The scouts will meet me at the entrance, correct?"

"Yes, they will tell you about the entrance, but not accompany you. You will be alone after throughout this task"

"I should meet my young sister before venturing forth"

I turned myself back to face the door, then a gloved hand stopped me from leaving.

My husband stopped me.

I faced him. He tilts my head with his thumb and index fingers. He gave me a deep kiss. I kissed him back.

"Come back to me alive, will you? " he passionately said.

"I will" I said

He let me go. I left… I left with the thought that I will not leave his side when he needs me the most.

Now to meet my young sister.

---The End of Chapter 4---