

In disguise, as soon as it clocked midnight, within dark corridors in between towering skyscrapers, Monica Yen the vampire bat creeped. With its very sharp night vision, a prostitute became the target. Right across the street, a car arrives while Monica Yen keenly watches in the dark. A young lady with black high heels on her feet, a dark leather miniskirt in her waist and only a bra on her chest stepped out of a sedan which played very loud music. The prostitute, immediately a sedan drove away, delved into her handbag and pulled out a small mirror. Into the mirror, she made sure the makeup on her beautiful face and the hair were still in a stunning position. Having confirmed that she was as attractive as an original piece of art, she put the mirror back in her red handbag and confidently began to walk on. Uncontrollably thirty for the prostitute's warm blood, a bandle of saliva went down Monica Yen's throat as it impatiently got on its marks to attack the prey. #Merman #Vampires #Humans #Love #Fight #Supernatural #ParentalGuidance

TheHeroLive · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Undermining Pinky through laughters, Babara suddenly shifted from the left side to Pinky's right side in a flash. She grabbed her and in a blink of an eye Pinky's legs were not touching the ground.

Pinky started suffocating out of breathe while Babara's hand was squeezing her neck. The door opened and here entered Monica Yen abruptly in a hurry. On her face she looked so worried on bumping inside like she already knew something wrong was taking place.

"Babara stop!" Monica Yen commanded on top of her voice.

"I said put your sister down!" Once again Monica ordered angrily.

Babara Yen got overwhelmed by her mother's presence and threw Pinky down on the bathroom floor. Monica quickly squatted down to check the condition in which Pinky was. When she touched her pulse, Pinky had already passed out.

"This is your sister you want to kill you foolish girl!" Monica was so mad at her daughter Babara for trying to kill her twin sister Pinky.

On a frowned face, Babara carelessly walked out of the bathroom but on her way right outside the entrance to the lady's bathroom, she accidentally fall into Kevin who was standing desperately waiting to know what is going on in there.

"What are you doing here Kevin?" Babara shamelessly asked with a plastic smile on her face pretending to be innocent.

Since Kevin was one lone dude, who was trying to adopt human behaviours, he kept his calm and never did he say a word to Babara. Babara held Kevin's hand and asked him to leave together but Kevin wasn't moving nomatter what.

"Come on, let's go...," Babara insisted.

She never wanted kevin to know about what she has done. Ideally, Babara didn't know that Kevin was watching all her evil steps. As she was still pestering him, Monica Yen came out of the lady's bathroom carrying Pinky whose life was in danger, bridle-style.

"Mother in law, what is happening?" Kevin Moore pushed Babara's hand off him and concentrated on Pinky who was laying unconscious in her mother's hands after being strangled.

"We need to rush her to the hospital her neck is swelling," Monica told Kevin.

Kevin touched Pinky to observe her health condition and advised thereafter.

"If she happens to regain her consciousness, it is going to be difficult for her to swallow food on a sore throat and I can't stand seeing her in pain," Kevin emotionally said, "but

there's another way to save her from laying on the hospital bed and all pains to occur later."

In Kevin's penthouse Pinky was taken and Kevin had already started treating her with his merman super natural powers. As usual, blue rays in form of waves generated from Kevin's palms and entered into Pinky's body through the swelling neck.

After a little while, Pinky coughed out of faint and regained her consciousness. Kevin's charm had worked on her very well. Pinky told Kevin how she was feeling, weak and dizzy.

"I can take you back to your family when you feel strong enough. Meantime, you should be resting as much as possible," Kevin advised his fiancée Pinky.

Outside at the swimming pool side, thats where Monica and her daughter Babara who tempted to kill her sister were standing. Kevin came through the door and Monica turned around to meet him.

"How's she now?" Monica asked Kevin about Pinky's condition.

"Weak and dizzy but fine," Kevin answered.

Monica sighed with relief when Kevin gave him the good news. Kevin saw Babara standing next to the pool looking at the water with her arms crossed, seemingly in deep thoughts. He walked slowly and reached where she was.

Babara startled on seeing Kevin standing right by her side. Her mother Monica stayed back and watched, not so distant behind them, eager to know what Kevin was upto. Kevin started by telling Babara a brief story.

Kevin: "When I became a man, more knowledgeable than a boy, my major wish was to know who my father was. For all the times I approached my mother to tell me, she avoided me. Not until one day, I showed her a bitter attitude as I demanded.... because it was my right to know."

Babara: "So, did she tell you?"

Kevin: "She had no choice because I was no longer a child. Sadly, when I went on a quest to find my father, I ended up loosing my mother. I regretted for having left my mother behind. I wish I never forced my mother to tell me about my dad, maybe she would have been alive today."

Babara: "I'm so sorry about your mother."

Kevin: "The father I was dying to know, its quite a pity that I only know him from pictures. It turned out that he died a long time before I was born. Just like that I chased wind and lost the gold I had in the hands."

Babara: "So sorry about that."

Kevin: "There are two lessons I learned in all this. To hold tight on the good things we already have at hand never to separate from them.... and, never to force anything in life because you may end up regreting in both scenarios."

From behind, just a few metres, Babara's mother Monica Yen was clearly listed to every word Kevin was speaking to her daughter. Monica got touched and became emotional to nearly shading tears.

From inside, Pinky had also come out and she was standing in between the door angles, behind their mother Monica also listening to Kevin's story. Monica Yen didn't know that Pinky was behind her listening.

Further more Kevin told Babara, "All in all, fate can't be fought nomatter the amount of effort you use. Pinky is your biological sister... you have to admit that."

Babara: "But I can't sit back and watch her take you away from me Kevin, you're my boyfriend."

Kevin: "No, before I met you, I was already in love with Pinky. Little did I know she had a twin sister with whom they look so identical."

Babara: "I love you so much Kevin, I can't let anyone else have you or else I die!"

This became another tragedy, putting everyone in puzzles, more so Monica and Pinky who were listening from behind. Both of them were shocked to hear how determined and serious Babara was.

Babara Yen who never knew how to swim threw herself into the swimming pool to drown. Monica and Pinky hurried fast foward, close to the pool so perplexed, and watched Babara in the pool fighting with water.

Here arouse a huge problem when Kevin feared to jump in the water to rescue Babara, well knowing that when his body gets in contact with water, he was automatically going to transform into his original shape of a merman, which he never wanted anyone else to find out.

However, Pinky already knew. They both looked at eachother as a sign of communication. Pinky understood that her fiancée Kevin was afraid to rescue Babara because his true identity was going to be exposed to Monica, which he was not ready for.

According to Pinky's condition, it was risky for her to fall in water so she couldn't. Besides that, her swimming skills were not to standards of rescuing a drowning person. As for Monica Yen she was crying all over the place, asking Kevin to help because she didn't know how to swim either.

Babara Yen was in the swimming pool dying. Kevin recalled when her mother Meg told him a story about how she rescued his father from the bottom of the rough sea. Hands tied out of options, Monica's voice continued to cover up Kevin's ears, asking him to help and rescue her daughter.

With no any other options left to look at, Kevin jumped in the pool to get Babara out, for he couldn't just stand and watch a life getting lost when he could swim. Beside, Kevin was a very kind young man who could sacrifice his pride for the good of others. He never wanted anyone to suffer.

Immediately Kevin's body contacted water, transformation occurred. He became a giant with a fish tail and propelled in the big pool. Monica's eyes widely watched. In no minute Babara was in Kevin's hands. He then jumped out of water and his body got back in a normal human shape.

Kevin placed Babara Yen down on the ground near the pool and since she had not swallowed much water, she coughed the little out. Kevin concentrated down on her to make sure she was in a better health condition.

Although Monica Yen was a vampire bat and knew very well that Kevin knows that her and Babara are not like other humans, speechless in shock she got after seeing Kevin turn into a big human with a fish tail. From that moment she never said a single word. In other words she froze.

Another saga arouse when monica saw the merman side of her son in law. Pinky was finally well health wise and Babara too. Both of them were forced to sit on different coaches facing each other eye to eye.

Pinky kept a good eye on Babara whereas Babara's eyes towards Pinky were beastly. Babara didn't want anything to do with her twin sister Pinky but she had to endure her presence nevertheless because Kevin asked her to.

On the other side right across in a wide living room, Kevin and their mother Monica Yen were monitoring them clearly like in an examination room. After a few minutes they came to sit with the twins, Kevin on Babara's coach and Monica on Pinky's respectively.

Kevin: "Pinky, first and foremost I want to beg you to please forgive your sister for attacking you. And for you Babara, beg you to apologise to your sister now."

Monica: "Do it!"

Babara: "Am sorry..."

Monica: "Wait wait wait, you think it's a joke! I want to testify your sincere apology to her."

Babara: "I am so sorry Pinky."

Monica: "That's exactly what am talking about, she is your sister like it or not and a twin by the heaven's!"

Kevin: "Have you accepted the apology?"

Pinky: "How can I not forgive my twin sister. Truth is am actually happy I have a sibling in my life and, the fact that we're Identical, its really ludicrous."

Kevin: "That's cool... Now, the reason we wanted both of you to be together for sometime was to make sure you bond."

Monica: "Pinky, you had doubts in me being your mother, and Babara you hated your sister because of a man! According to my observation, the humanity in both of you is so similar and natural."

Babara: "I want Pinky to leave Kevin for me mom... that's the only way I will not have a grudge on her."

Pinky: "Do you think Kevin can accept you if I do?"

Babara: "What difference does it make? Me and you are identical with no physical difference whatsoever! Whatever attracted him to you attracted him to me!"

Pinky: "Your opinion shows no integrity Babara! You think it's only the physical appearance that matters in all this? Character to has a huge impact on our bond if you didn't know!"

Kevin: "Alright alright, I think now the biggest challenge is here now. Babara, you're right in all that you've said. Do you really love me so much?"

Babara: "I love you to the extent that I can even kill my sister for your sake or die on your behalf."

Kevin: "Can you do anything I ask of you?"

Babara: "Ask and I will be your humble servant."

Kevin: "Alright then, I want you to kill me. This will help in a way that Pinky will loose me and both of you will live as happy sisters ever after."

Babara: "Really! Does it mean you have to become stubborn and selfish? You know what... That's not what I expected from you!"

Kevin: "But you said you can do anything as long as I ask!"

Babara: "Not killing you though!"

Kevin: "Then allow me to be with Pinky."

Babara: "That's impossible... you know I can't let it happen! You are mine Kevin and that's it."

Kevin: "If you don't kill me, I am going to marry her."

Babara: "What! you're kidding me right! Then I'd rather consider your request."

Kevin: "Be fast and kill me, Please! And promise me you'll love your sister beyond anything else."

Babara stood up and walked towards Kevin crying as she said, "Don't make me do this Kevin... I am so much in love with you..."

"I know, "Kevin told her, "but you must do it so that your sister doesn't take me away from you."

"No..... No! you can't allow that to happen Kevin!" Pinky cried out loud.

"I must die for both of you to get along," Kevin said, "let her do it."

Shading painful tears, Babara transformed her hand from a human form to a beastly form with long and dark finger nails with their edges sharp like daggers.

Monica Yen was relaxing on the coach, comfortably watching.

Panting and sweating Pinky said, "Okay, I give you up for my sister please, let her have you because I can't forgive myself if you die!"

Babara raised her hand so high and swung it to slash Kevin's head off his neck. Just as close as zero distance between the sharp edged dark finger nails and Kevin's neck, that's where Babara's hand was suddenly seized.

"That was so close!" stated her mother Monica Yen after seizing her hand, stopping her from killing the knowledgeable dude Kevin.

Pinky rushed where Kevin was to check whether he was alright. On Kevin's neck was a small blood stain resulting from a simple scratch mark caused by one of Babara's claws. She quickly got a small white cloth and carefully whipped it away.

Mentally challenged, Pinky looked at her mother and twin sister Babara. Slowly she took steps backwards to distance herself more from them. She turned her eyes on Kevin and politely begged him to take her away of them.

"Please Kevin," she politely begged, "take me back to my father."

"So sad the first time you've met your mother is the same time you've seen her wild side. I am so sorry you had to see me this way... However, on the other hand its a relief to me because you had to know it anyway." Monica sorrowfully talked to Pinky.

"If you happen to leave because of my imperfection, it's going to hurt me more than it did when your father left me twenty years ago," tears began coming the as she spoke.

"Did my father leave you for the same reason?" Pinky asked with a resentful glare.

Nodding the head in despair, Monica Yen confirmed that it is true their father left her because of the same condition of her not being a normal human.

"Did you hurt my father in any way beyond showing this beastly side of yours?" Pinky asked more questions.

"No!" Monica denied innocent, displaying too much emotions, "I'd rather die than hurting Jonathan."

"Do you still love my father?" Pinky got more concerned in her questioning.

Monica skipped a bit before she gave Pinky an answer, which involved a long sigh and carefully thought. She then answered her calmly that yes, she loved him then and she will always do forever and ever.

Going silent for almost a minute while all eyes were on her, Pinky sat down on the coach, still in Kevin Moore's massive penthouse on hotel OCEAN and asked her mother a very crucial question.

"There's a lot you need to know if you are ready to listen," Monica freely stated after listening to the crucial question Pinky asked her.

You may wonder what the question it was that a daughter had to ask her mother in such a situation....! Maybe it was about their father Jonathan, maybe about Monica herself! Probably about them as children!! Was the question about the family at large?!


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