
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


The place was filled with tents of different colors. When I mean tent, I mean a lot or should I say a plethora of tents.

There was a sign indicating where J. s. s. 3 are to stay and also SS3. They used long wood to demarcate the place.

They stood outside the camping area and their principal was addressing them. "Now we are here, you can see the tents. Two students for each tent and you get to choose your partner" he said.

"Yes!" Rita exclaimed while standing next to Shelly. "You can go in and set your things inside the tent," the principal said and the place was opened and they went in.

Rita and Shelly stayed close to each other while they were deliberating on which tent to pick. They stopped when they were standing in front of a pink tent.

"This is the one" Rita said as they entered inside. "Wow, this place is big" Shelly exclaimed. "Yes!" Rita said excitedly. "I'll take the right side, you take the left," Shelly said. "Okay," she answered.

The tent was nice on the inside, the bed inside was well designed and very comfy. "The school put a lot of money into doing this" Shelly said. "This tent is so beautiful on the inside. I mean there's a foldable wardrobe at the end of our bed, this is awesome" Rita said. "Yes, we should take a photo together," Shelly said. "Yes, I agree," Rita said and she brought out her phone and took a photo of both of them.

"You can also do a video for your social media accounts" Shelly suggested. "That's why you are my best friend, thanks for reminding me," Rita said and video everywhere in the tent. When she was done they began to set their things up inside the tent.

John and Peter were in one tent. ",This place is so big" John said. "Yes, you're right." he answered.

In the evening they were called out to sign in, which they did and a campfire was built. Everyone brought out their chairs and surrounded their various campfire.

"This is so wonderful, this is the experience of a lifetime," Rita said talking to Shelly, Peter, Andrew, and John. "Yah" Peter answered. "So Andrew, who did you pair up with," Shelly asked. "Em, Israel" he answered. "Great" Rita said.

"I know Shelly paired up with Rita and John with Peter, am I right," Andrew said. "Yes," they chorused. They were there for a very long time into the night before a bell was rung to signify bedtime.

Shelly and Rita went to their various part of the tent. When Shelly saw that Rita was asleep, she brought out her phone and looked at the picture she took of John. She kept on looking at it before nature took its course, she slept off.

Everyone heard a bell signifying it was morning and they all got up and the first thing they did was their morning exercise. After the exercise, they were asked to go take their bath, brush and go to the hall for their breakfast.

When everyone was done they went to the hall they were asked to go and they were given bread and tea for breakfast. After breakfast, they were told to go out and adventure.

"This place is really beautiful," Shelly said with her camera in her hands taking photos. "Yes, I agree," Rita said following her from behind. "Nature is beautiful," Shelly said. "Sure it is" Rita answered. They continued to take photos of different kinds of birds and anything new they came across.

"That reminds me, why are you not talking to John?" Rita asked. "Nothing" she answered as she was focused on a particular bird. "Tell me the truth" she persuaded her. "Okay, I give up, I'll tell you," she said. "Go ahead" she answered. "It's the whole Betty situation he judged me harshly and I want him to pay," Shelly said. "Are you not suffering inside because you are not talking to him? You like him don't you" she asked.

"I do but..." she said but Rita cut her short. "But nothing, find a way to make up with him. Closely looking at you, you're sad" Rita said. "I'll think about it" she answered. "Sure you will" Rita answered annoyed. They continued to take photos and they later went to their various tent.

On the night of that day, everyone came out to play games and tell stories. As usual, they would seat around the campfire. "And that's how she was saved," Rita said ending the story she was telling them. "Interesting, but it was scary," Shelly said. "Peter, Andrew, John, and the rest of the girls voted for it except you, so it's not my fault," Rita said.

One after the other they told different stories and played games, they roasted mush mellows as it was part of camping tradition.

On Monday night they all gathered at the hall for the talent show. The students will have the opportunity to show their talent. They had the individual category and the group category. They were entertained by dances of different kinds, songs, and many more.

John and some of the boys played the instrument and everyone knew they were talented. Shelly and some other girls including Rita sang. But Rita won the talent show for the individual category because she could write calligraphy. She was the only one that showed her talent by writing calligraphy.

Everyone was shocked including Shelly, she wrote different types of calligraphy letters, which made her win.

While some group of dancers won the group category. Their choreography was a blast, it moved everyone on their feet and they danced along. All the winners were awarded.

"You never told me you know calligraphy," Shelly said to Rita as they were in their tent after the talent show. "Um, that's because it's not that common" she answered.

"But you'll have to teach me," she said. "Sure, when we get back to school I'll gladly do that" she answered. "Okay, time to sleep," Shelly said and Rita nodded in agreement.

On Tuesday in the afternoon, Shelly was taking some photos, and she decided to go out alone. She was about to take a picture of a lizard when someone appeared in front of her and she took a photo of the person.

"Drat! you ruin my picture" she said and looked at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," he said as she handed the picture to him. "Who are you, I know you are not in my class," she said. "Yes, you're right, I'm in SS3" he said. "You know you're crossing boundaries right," she said. "I know, I just wanted to talk to you," he said.

"You know me," she asked surprised. "I mean who doesn't know Shelly Bill after what you did to those boys," he said. "Don't tell me you're one of them" she said. "One of them that do what," he said still confused.

"One of those boys that ask girls out that ain't their age," she said. "No, no, no, I'm a good guy" he answered. "I'll believe that when I see it," she said laughing. "So you're doubting me," he said.

"Yes, I mean what do you want to discuss with your junior, you even crossed boundaries to do it and you know you might get in trouble for it" Shelly explained. "Okay, you caught me but can I get to know you more," he said. "No can't do and don't bother to ask because it's a no for me," she said.

"It's better to try than not try at all," he said. "Well you're not lucky this time around," she said and smiled. "I give up, by the way, my name is Joshua but you can call me Josh," he said. "Nice to meet you, Josh," she said wanting to walk away.

"Wait, I didn't come here to ask you out, I need your help," he said and Shelly stopped and went back. "Should I guess?" she asked. "Yep," he said. "Girl problem," she said. "How did you know, you must be very sensitive and the worst part of it is that she is a junior in your class, she doesn't want to leave me alone" he said.

"Okay let's make a deal, once we get back to school we'll talk about it and I'll help you out. I don't want you to get in trouble," Shelly said.

"Hum, okay it's a deal then," he said and they shook hands. "I'll see you in school," she said. "Bye," he said and left. "Some girls have the mind, let me continue from where I stopped," Shelly said and went to another part to take photos of different creatures.

Shelly went back to the tent when it was almost evening and Rita asked her where she went. She explained to her everything that happened and how she met Josh an SS3 student.

"Shelly please share your popularity with me, I beg you," Rita said kneeling. "You can stand up, I'll see what I can do," she said and they both laughed. "Let's go before we'll be late for dinner," Rita said. "Yes dinner, sure," she said as both of them left the tent.

On Wednesday night they played an official game organized by the school. They were given their team assignment. "Shelly was in the green assignment so was John, Fiona, and some members of their class.

Peter was in the red assignment so were Rita, Andrew, Phoebe, Sarah, and some members of their class. There was the orange, pink, and yellow team. Each team had at least 10 students In total.

They played different kinds of games. When it was time for the last game, green was in the first position followed by orange, red, pink, and lastly yellow.

The last game was hide and seek. You have to find your opponent and then with your gun that is filled with the color of your team, you'll fire at the opponent which will bring you victory, but if your opponent fires at you, you lose. They played the game for some minutes. All these while playing the game, Shelly never talked to John.

At the end of the game, the green team came out first, the pink team was next then the red, yellow, and orange teams came out last. They gave the top team award and the green team was given a trophy. After the game, everyone was exhausted and they went to sleep.

Shelly went to the room before Rita and she sat on her bed. She kept on thinking about John and didn't notice their presence of Rita.

"Shelly! Shelly!" Rita shouted but she did not answer. She went over to where she was and tapped her. "What...John...em...you...Rita" she said confused.

"Yes, it's me, Rita, I'm not John. My poor friend, what has this boy done to you" Rita said sitting on the bed with her. "Nothing" she answered. "So what were you thinking about this time," she asked. "It's about what happened when we were playing hide and seek" she answered. "What happened," she said as she was eager to hear.

"When my opponent from the pink team was about to catch me, John came from behind and pulled me to himself holding my waist and one of his hands on my mouth. I could feel his breath on my neck and his scent was so nice. Before he pulled me behind him and fired at my opponent" she explained. "Wow, tell me more," she said still wanting to hear more. "Sorry to disappoint you, I walked away" she answered.

"You did what! just like that" Rita shouted. "Yep," she answered. "But look like someone is in love" Rita teased her. "Ha, ha, it's not funny," she said as she hit her with her pillow. "It's pillow fight then," she said and they continued to play.

After all their activities in the night on Thursday, Shelly told Rita she was going out to get a breeze. She went out and sat on a chair, brought out her phone and opened the picture she took of John and stared at it and she was engrossed in the picture.

Rita was tired of staying alone, she decided to join her outside and saw her staring at her phone. "What is she looking at" she whispered to herself as she went close to her and she didn't notice her presence. She went to her back and saw her looking at a picture of John. "No wonder," she said as she tapped her from behind.

She snapped out of it and hid her phone. "Don't bother, I've already seen it" Rita said as she sat close to her. "Was it that bad?" she asked. "What has this boy done to you," she said. "I don't know what to do, he's in my head, interrupting my thoughts," she said.

"When did you take this picture," Rita asked. "On the plane" she answered. "You have to settle with that boy," she said. "I will" she answered.

On the last day of the camp which was on Friday, in the afternoon Shelly was texting. She was talking with Joan and her headset was on her ear, she was playing very loud music.

She decided to go to the bathroom, still texting and listening to music. She entered the boy's bathroom unknowingly to her. When she was done texting, she bumped into someone and she looked up, it was John shirtless.

"I thought this is..." she said as she looked at him. "This is the boys..." he was saying, before he could say anything further she ran out leaving the word "I'm sorry" to echo in the air.

"What's pursuing you," Rita asked her as she ran in and sat on the bed. "I saw John," she said still breathing heavily. "Go on," she said giving her some water. She drank it and told her everything. "Ha, ha" Rita laughed. "I was confused and didn't allow him to finish his statement before I covered my face and ran out," she said.

"How did you feel," she asked. "Embarrassed, confused, lost, I don't know which word to use" she answered. "You should thank your stars he was the only one there," Rita said laughing. "That's what I'm thanking God for," she said as her phone rang.

"Rita give me my phone," she said as she was not able to stretch to reach it. "You should have seen the way you threw your phone on the bed," she said as she reached for her phone.

She looked at her phone and shouted. "What!". " What did you see," she said as she collected her phone from her hand. "I can't see anything, it's customer care calling," she said as she rejected the call.

"You saved John's picture as your wallpaper," she said as her mouth was wide open. "So what's the point," she said. "Are you feeling alright?" she said touching her head. "Yes mum," she said as she hissed.

"You're madly in love, I should have seen this coming," she said. "Don't take it too far" she said as she heard her phone ringing again. "All these customer care won't leave me alone" she murmured as she picked up her phone and checked the caller ID.

"Bill...Bill...Who's Bill? Oh, John Billion" she said and picked up the call. On hearing John Billion, Rita stayed close to her. She put the call on the loudspeaker.

"Hi, how are you," he asked. "Fine and you," she asked. "Great" he answered. "So what's the emergency," she asked. "Can I see you?" he asked. "Yes, but not now, maybe next week when I'm back. I'm on a school trip right now" she explained. "Oh, next week then," he said.

"Yes," she answered. "How is that your friend you told me about, Ri....." he said trying to remember her name. "Rita" Shelly finished the statement. "Yes Rita, how is she," he asked. "Let her speak for herself," she said.

"Fine" she answered. "Oh, you're there," he said. "Yes, I am" she answered. "Nice to hear your voice," he said. "Same here," she said. "Okay, I'll call you when I get home," Shelly said breaking their conversation. "Sure, bye," he said and ended the call.

"OMG, I'm freaking out," Rita said. "Calm down, breath in breath out," she said holding her. "Calm already," she said as she brought her hand from her face downwards.

"You didn't tell me you had his number and he has your number," Rita said. She explained to her how he got her number and how she got his number.

"Wow, can I have his number," Rita asked. "No, can't do" she answered. "Why?" she asked. "I want him to give you his number by himself" she answered. "But that would take long," Rita said. "No matter how long it can wait" she answered.

The next day, everyone was set to go. They were all told to sign out and get on the plane since their luggage was already there.

Everyone was sad that The Night Camp has come to an end but there was nothing they could do.

Shelly has already signed out and when she remembered she forgot her camera, she told Rita to go ahead and that she would meet her inside the plane and she agreed.

Her emergency bag was still on her back, she ran to the campsite and John signed out too and followed her.

She got there and saw the camera on her bed, she took it only to turn around and see John. "Why are you following me," she asked him. "Just want to see if you're okay," he said.

"As you can see I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself," she said. "No one said you are, can you tell me why you're angry with me," he said.

They entered into an argument, they continued to argue. "Wait, are we not supposed to be on the plane like 30 minutes ago," Shelly said. "Yes!" John said as both of them ran out.

What will happen next?

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