
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


In the assembly on Friday, the principal awarded John for his bravery, he told everyone to imitate John and not the boys who were doing drugs.

He told the students that anyone who would also follow after the bad boy's footstep, will end up in the gutter like them and they would also get expelled.

He finally told them that a word was enough for the wise. As John came down from where he was given the award, everyone started cheering him and shouting his name, the echo of the student's voice could be heard all over the school.

John eagle rose as he heard his name. They were dismissed and they went to class.

Throughout that day, everyone was all over John, they wouldn't leave him alone, they would want him to tell them how he defeated and exposed the bad boys.

John was tired but anyone couldn't see that he was tired of talking. At some point he wished Shelly was in school, she would have helped him control the students because she seems so perfect at it.

Every teacher that entered their class would not leave without a word of congratulation from them.

In J. s. s. 2 class, everyone was talking about John. Lizzy and her group of friends were talking about how handsome he was.

Lizzy told her friends that she would make John hers. She went to J. s. s. 1 class and called John out, he asked her what she wanted.

She was saying all sorts of rubbish, blabbing here and there, saying she was so proud of him and would like to be his friend.

He looked at her from head to toe and asked her if she was not in J. s. s. 2. She told him she was in J. s. s. 2 . He asked her, " then what business do I have with you, answer me".

She told him she just want to be friends, that there was no crime in that. He looked at her to her face and told her he has enough friends, and he contended, that he would never be friends with her.

Saying if she was daydreaming, she should stop because it won't get her anywhere. She told him, that one additional friend wouldn't hurt.

He told her it would, that she should leave him alone, saying she should not cross his path unless she wants to go down the drain. She was stupefied, she didn't know what to do, she left in shame.

As she went back to class, all her clique members went to meet her and were expecting good news but she poured her anger on them and shouted at them to leave her alone.

They were all shocked and knew it didn't work out well for her, so they left her hoping she would calm down.

She silently blamed herself for being so cheap and stupid, she vowed never to do such a thing again in her life, saying from that day she would stop chasing boys up and down became she had a male friend in the Senior section.

John went to class feeling tired, at that point he wished school was over so that he would go home and rest and probably prepare for the test, which was starting the next Monday.

Lizzy later went to John to apologize for the way she acted and told him she would never do such a thing again. John forgave her, then she left. John thought to himself and asked what those girls saw in him. Soon school was over and they did the closing prayers and everybody went home.

Shelly was at home feeling bored, she prayed for a fast recovery. She knew she would have to go to school on Monday because of test week, but did not know how.

She was deep in thought when she heard her phone ringing and it was Rita calling, she picked up the call. After they exchanged pleasantries, Rita told her she got exciting news for her, she was eager to hear the news, as she mentioned John she told her she was not interested in the news and that she should keep the news to herself.

Rita pleaded with her to hear the news, saying it was a good one. " Has John left the school "? she asked. " No", Rita answered. "Then what is it", Shelly said. She told her everything that happened, how he caught the bad boys that were doing drugs, to him being popular and how all the girls were flocking around him like flies, without giving him breathing space. " Good for him ", Shelly said.

" All you have to say is good for him, wouldn't you call him and congratulate him at least', Rita answered.

" He's just pretending so that everyone would think he is good. But I'm not going to be deceived by him ", she said. " you're just angry that he did all that", she fired back.

Shelly saw that it was turning into a quarrel, and told her to quit talking about John. Rita saw reasons with her and stopped.

Rita sent all the notes they had copied and taught her everything she needed to know for her to prepare very well for test week.

After teaching her, she thanked Rita. Rita told her peter was calling and that she would talk to her before on Monday. " I have been seeing coziness between the two of you lately, ever since John and I got suspended," Shelly said.

"Believe me when I say there is nothing between us, we're just friends. Maybe he's probably calling me because of the test on Monday", she answered. " okay o, me I believe you, but be careful okay", she said. "I will", Rita answered. They both laughed and she ended the call.

It was finally Monday, and test week began. Shelly's driver stopped the car in front of her class because of her leg, he took permission before he did so. Rita was in school on time to help her get to class and her driver left.

She could not attend the assembly, she was in class humming the songs they sang from the assembly. Assembly was over, and everyone came back to class.

Shelly was reading which was one of her hobbies. She never stopped reading even for a minute. She read Christian books, novels, comics, and many other books including business books. John looked at her and wondered if she was adapted to reading.

He greeted her but she did not answer, she looked at him in disgust and hissed. " I heard you have been flirting with all the female students, you spoilt child, you think you can deceive me as you deceived everyone," she said. "But I'm a good person", John answered.

" Please save me that story and spear me the drama", Shelly said raucously. John knew Shelly wasn't proud of him at all and thought of another way to become friends with her.

The test started by noon, and throughout that day everywhere was silent. No teacher came to class, to give them time to read for the next paper.

John didn't even talk to Shelly because he was busy reading. She was the last person on his mind, he needed to make his parents proud and knew it would take a lot of concentration.

On Monday came and left, on Tuesday went also and it was on Wednesday.

Everyone came to class as usual, that day they were having a Christian religious studies test. After the test, Mrs. Maria told them that the test they wrote was just fifty percent of their score saying they were going to have a project.

They were all excited to hear the news. She told them they were going to be working in groups of two, and that before closing she would come and tell them who they would be pairing up with. Shelly prayed in her heart that she should pair up with somebody different.

Later that day, Mrs. Maria came and told them that the project they would be working on was on the topic "love" and that they should work together with their partner and produce a wonderful writeup about it.

And also they would use an illustration to prove their point. That the winner would be given a price. She began to pair them up one by one.

Rita was paired with Sarah, a girl in their class, and Peter was paired with Anthony. Finally, the teacher said, "John and Shelly, you guys will work together ".