
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


John, Rita, and peter met outside Shelly's gate, they planned earlier to visit her because of the injury she sustained.

Rita and peter were not aware of what led to her stepping on the nail, but John knew and he didn't say anything.

when everyone arrived, they went into the house. The maid knew them except peter but she welcomed them. The maid went inside to call Shelly, as she left Mrs. Bill came out and saw them.

She knew John but asked who Rita and Peter was. They greeted her and told her they were Shelly's classmates, saying they came to see how Shelly was coping.

Mrs. Bill thanked them for their concern and left. The maid came to tell them Shelly could not walk, that they should come with her to Shelly's room.

On hearing her statement, they knew the situation was critical. They followed the maid to Shelly's room upstairs, as they entered the room it was like heaven on earth. It was very beautiful, well furnished and decorated, everywhere was as shiny as the stars.

Shelly was sitting down on her bed when they came, and the maid left them. She could not even stand up to embrace Rita as usual, but Rita went to embrace her, she showed them where to sit. John looked at her, and he knew it was all his fault.

They sat down and Shelly asked if they needed anything, they told her they were okay. Shelly saw that as an offense and insisted they should be given something. They all agreed for a bottle of Fanta and it was brought to them immediately.

Peter asked Shelly the cause of the injury, she looked at John and asked him to explain to them how it happened, all eyes were on John. "You knew all these while, and you didn't tell us," Rita said. "You only told us she stepped on a nail, and never told us how it happened," Peter said.

John looked at them and told them he was arguing with her and she didn't look at where she was going. "What were you guys arguing about"? Peter asked. "Nothing, just something minor" Shelly answered. They knew they were not telling the truth but decided to let them be.

They were there for about an hour before they decided to leave. They told Shelly that they would see her in school, but she pointed to her legs and told them that she won't be going to school.

They forgot she sustained the injury. Shelly told the maid to see them off, but John told them he wants to speak with Shelly, and that he would meet them outside.

"what do you want"? Shelly asked. "I just want to know how you are feeling, that's all" John answered. " well thanks to you, I am not alright and it hurts so badly," she said. He told her he would make it up to her and went out of the room.

On Wednesday everyone arrived at school, they went for assembly and a few announcements were made by the principal concerning their test week.

He told them they would begin the test, the following week. Some got to class looking sad because of the announcement while others looked happy, among them were John and Rita.

Later that day, John thought of how he was going to meet with the senior boys he heard talking about drugs, they even mentioned cocaine in particular. He decided that during break time, he would organize some boys to go with him, but most importantly he would be using his phone.

Most students in L. H. A. were rich men's children, so many of them had phones but only a few on scholarship don't have one.

During break time, John gathered a few boys from their class and some from the senior class. He could get boys from the senior class because peter had an elder brother there.

He got seven boys from their class namely Anthony, Paul, Andrew, Israel, Fred, Simon, and Emmanuel. John and Peter included made them nine from their class, and the three senior boys made them twelve in total.

on break time, putting on the record of his phone, they all went there to confront the boys, but before they did, they had to listen to their conversation and record it.

They carried out their activities at the back of the library because no one usually goes there, it was also quiet. After gathering enough information, they showed up and all the bad boys were surprised.

They were caught red - handed, smoking cigarettes and taking cocaine. John quickly put on his video camera and video them. one of the boys saw his move, sprang up on his feet, and wanted to beat up John and collect the phone from his hand because there was enough evidence that could make them go to jail.

But the three senior boys intervened. Anthony ran to call the principal, as he got there, he told the principal that some boys were doing drugs at the back of the library. on hearing his statement, the principal and some of the teachers followed Anthony to the place.

The principal was shocked at what he saw, he shouted "drugs! at my school. This is unbelievable". He told the three senior boys to bring the boys that were doing the drugs to his office.

The principal told the seven boys from John's class to go back to class and told John and peter to follow him since he was with the evidence.

when they got to the principal's office, the four boys that were doing drugs were asked to kneel, which they did. John showed the principal all the evidence he has against them on his phone, and they were found guilty.

They also found out that one of the four boys brothers deals in hard drugs. He imports and exports them, that was how they could lay their hands on the drugs. After judging the case and hearing from the proprietor, the four boys were expelled.

After expelling them, their parents were invited to the school. Mrs. Henry, one of the boy's mothers shouted and fainted.

She was later taken to the school's clinic where she regained consciousness. The parents of the boys were ashamed and they left with their children.

They told them that the only reason why they would not involve the police was that they were in ss1.

He told them, they would only involve the police in Mrs. Henry's eldest son's case, and that he must be arrested.

They called the police, and the police went to Mrs. Henry's house and caught Mrs. Henry's eldest son and some other boys doing drugs. They were all arrested and taken to the police station.

The school thanked John for his bravery and told him that he would be awarded. They were asked to go back to class.

As John entered the class, everyone hailed him because the News spread like wildfire, all thanks to Anthony.

He thought to himself that maybe because of this achievement, Shelly would see that he was a good boy.