
The Nexusgate

“The Nexusgate” is a thrilling and captivating book that follows the journey of Thomas, an extraordinary scientist with 13 PhDs at the age of 37. Thomas is deeply interested in the concept of parallel universes and is determined to prove their existence to the world. He devotes himself to building an extraordinary machine called The Nexusgate, which has the power to create portals between worlds. As Thomas works tirelessly on his invention, he uncovers a dangerous threat to Earth from beings on a planet called AK07. The story takes unexpected twists and turns as Thomas races against time to protect his home planet from this looming danger. Join Thomas on his adventurous journey as he battles against a l odds to save Earth and unlock the secrets of the universe. Will he succeed in his quest, or will the forces of evil triumph? Read “The Nexusgate” to find out

Anu_Kuga · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 23: The reason for the silence

Thomas was trying to communicate with the AK07 beings, but he was having no success. He had tried using various languages and gestures, but they seemed to ignore him.

As he stood there, facing the group of AK07 beings, he noticed something peculiar. The leader of the group, who was standing at the front, made a subtle movement with his neck. It was a quick and almost imperceptible tilt of his head, but Thomas caught it. He couldn't be sure, but it seemed like a signal of some sort. He needed to confirm his suspicions, so he quickly retreated back to his team.

"Did you see that?" Thomas asked his assistant and the others, pointing at the leader. "The leader, he moved his neck. Can you check their body movements and see if there's anything else we should know?"

His team quickly sprang into action, using their scanners and cameras to analyze the AK07 beings for any signs of movement or communication. Thomas watched intently, hoping that they would find something that could help them understand the intentions of these AK07 beings.

As they worked, Thomas couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The situation was tense, and the fate of his planet hung in the balance. He knew that they needed to establish communication with the AK07 beings if they were to have any hope of resolving this conflict peacefully.

"Anything?" Thomas asked, as his team continued their analysis.

His assistant turned to him, "We're still checking, but it seems like they are moving very slow. We need more time to be sure."

Thomas nodded, "Keep at it. We need to know what they want."

Thomas and his team felt the pressure mounting as they raced against time to decode the secrets of the AK07 beings. They had been analyzing the data from the portal for hours, trying to understand their motives and capabilities. They noticed that the AK07 beings seemed to move at a snail's pace, barely registering any activity. Thomas wondered if this was their normal speed, or if there was something else at play. Thomas had a sudden realization - what if their slow movements were due to the time delay between their planet and Earth?

Thomas turned to his assistant, "What do you think? Could it be possible that the time delay between our planets is causing this difference in speed?"

His assistant thought for a moment before replying, "It's possible. I remember reading something about time delays between planets."

Thomas had a sudden idea and decided to share it with his team. He spoke up, interrupting the quiet atmosphere. "I have a hypothesis about why they are moving so slowly. Could it be that they are not sluggish by nature, but rather they are experiencing a temporal lag between their planet and Earth?" he suggested.

His team looked at him with a mix of interest and doubt.

"What do you mean by a temporal lag?" one of them asked.

Thomas explained his reasoning. "As you know, the time on AK07 is different from ours. A few hours for them are equivalent to days for us. This means that their environment is slower than ours, and their cells and molecules have adapted to that pace. To adjust to our speed, they would need time, which means they will eventually become faster."

Thomas and his assistant were desperate to find a way to stop the AK07 beings from invading Earth. They had tried using various cutting machines to penetrate their armor, but nothing seemed to work. The armor was made of a material that was resistant to any kind of damage, even from the most powerful lasers and explosives. The entire world was shocked by the strength of their armor, which seemed to be impenetrable.

Thomas then decided to try heating it to the maximum temperature possible, hoping that it would melt or weaken the armor. He used a blowtorch and aimed it at the armor, but still, nothing happened. The armor remained intact, unaffected by the heat.

"Damn it, this is impossible!" Thomas exclaimed, frustrated by his failure. "How can we break through this armor? What is it made of?"

His assistant shook his head, equally perplexed. "I don't know, sir. I've never seen anything like this before. It's like they have some kind of alien technology that we can't comprehend."

As they tried everything they could think of, Thomas noticed that the AK07 beings were starting to move faster. He realized that time was running out and they needed to come up with a solution quickly.

He turned to his assistant and said, "We don't have much time left. We need to find a way to open their armor and a way to stop them."

His assistant nodded, determined to help Thomas in his mission. "Yes, sir. We can't give up now. There has to be a way."

Thomas and his assistant continued to work tirelessly, trying different methods and techniques to penetrate the armor of the AK07 beings. They experimented with different materials and tools, but nothing seemed to work. The whole world watched in anticipation as Thomas and his team struggled to find a solution.

As time passed, Thomas grew increasingly concerned about the speed at which the AK07 beings were moving. He knew that they needed to act fast if they were going to stop them from invading Earth.

Thomas turned to his assistant and said, "We need to come up with a plan quickly. We've tried everything we can think of, but nothing seems to be working. We need to think outside the box and come up with a new approach."

His assistant nodded in agreement and replied, "Yes, you're right. We can't give up now. We have to keep trying until we find a solution."

Together, Thomas and his assistant continued their efforts to find a way to stop the AK07 beings from invading Earth. They knew that the fate of their planet rested on their shoulders, and they were determined to do everything in their power to protect it.

They decided to try a different approach. They had managed to capture one of the AK07 beings' weapons. They hoped that by studying the weapon, they could learn something about the armor and how to penetrate it.

They brought the weapon to their laboratory and examined it carefully. It looked like a sleek metal rod with a trigger and a nozzle at one end. It was surprisingly light and easy to handle.

They activated the weapon and aimed it at a concrete wall. They pulled the trigger but it didn't start , they realized that the weapon was only activated when an AK07 was being handled. They also analyzed the source of the energy and found that it came from a small device inside the weapon that converted solar radiation into electricity.

As they tried everything, AK07 beings slowly managed to get their weapons out and start firing in slow motion at the military.

They measured the power of the beam and found that it was equivalent to 10 megawatts, enough to power a small city.They realized that this was how the AK07 beings powered their weapons and armor. They used solar energy to create powerful beams of light that could destroy anything in their path. They also used solar energy to create a protective shield around their armor that made it impervious to any kind of damage.

They wondered if there was a way to disrupt this shield or overload it with too much energy. They decided to test their theory by using another weapon against the one they had captured.

They took another weapon from their arsenal and aimed it at the AK07 weapon. They chose a weapon that used electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) to disable electronic devices. They hoped that by using an EMP, they could interfere with the solar device inside the AK07 weapon and cause it to malfunction.

They fired the EMP weapon at the AK07 weapon and waited for the results. To their disappointment, nothing happened. The AK07 weapon remained intact and functional, unaffected by the EMP.

They realized that their theory was wrong. The solar device inside the AK07 weapon was not vulnerable to EMPs or any other kind of interference. It was designed to withstand any kind of attack and keep working flawlessly.

They felt a surge of despair as they realized that they had hit another dead end. They had no idea how to stop the AK07 beings or their weapons and armor.

They looked at each other with fear and frustration in their eyes. They said in unison, "What do we do now?"

As the AK07 beings continued to increase their speed, reaching 75% of their full potential, the situation on Earth grew increasingly dire. In just six days, they had managed to kill almost 1 million soldiers with their powerful beams, and this was only the beginning. The people of Earth were facing an unprecedented threat, and time was running out.

Despite the overwhelming odds against them, the people of Earth refused to give up. They banded together, determined to fight back against the invaders and protect their planet. Scientists worked tirelessly to develop new weapons and defenses, while soldiers bravely fought on the front lines, risking their lives to defend their homes.