
The Nexusgate

“The Nexusgate” is a thrilling and captivating book that follows the journey of Thomas, an extraordinary scientist with 13 PhDs at the age of 37. Thomas is deeply interested in the concept of parallel universes and is determined to prove their existence to the world. He devotes himself to building an extraordinary machine called The Nexusgate, which has the power to create portals between worlds. As Thomas works tirelessly on his invention, he uncovers a dangerous threat to Earth from beings on a planet called AK07. The story takes unexpected twists and turns as Thomas races against time to protect his home planet from this looming danger. Join Thomas on his adventurous journey as he battles against a l odds to save Earth and unlock the secrets of the universe. Will he succeed in his quest, or will the forces of evil triumph? Read “The Nexusgate” to find out

Anu_Kuga · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 22: The invasion

The world was on the brink of annihilation, as nuclear missiles soared across the sky, leaving behind trails of fire and smoke. The missiles had been launched from different parts of the world, and they would take three days to reach their destinations. But the people of Earth did not need to wait that long to feel the terror and hopelessness that gripped their souls. They stared in horror at the bright flashes of light that streaked across the sky, knowing that they signaled the doom of humanity.

Thomas and his team had not given up on their project, even though they knew they had little time left. They had worked day and night to complete several copies of the reengineered Nexusgates and VR25s, which could be used as weapons. They had placed them around the portal that the invaders from AK07 had created, hoping to stop them if they entered Earth. Behind them, a huge army of vehicles and helicopters was ready to fight, waiting for the signal to attack. There was only an hour left before the nuclear missiles would reach AK07, and the portal was almost fully formed.

Thomas looked at his team with a mixture of gratitude and anxiety. He knew they had done everything they could to finish the project, but he also knew that it might not be enough. He said to them, "Thank you for your hard work and dedication. You are the best team I could have asked for. I know this is a difficult situation, but we have to try our best to save our planet. We have one hour left before the missiles hit the location, and we have to use that time wisely. We have to activate the Nexusgates and the VR25s, and keep it ready for anything. Are you ready?"

The team nodded in unison, showing their determination and courage. They said, "Yes, sir. We are ready. We will follow your lead."

Thomas smiled and said, "Good. Let's do this." He grabbed his headset and contacted the army commander, who was in charge of coordinating the attack. He said, "This is Thomas, leader of Operation AK07. We are about to activate our devices. We need your support and cooperation."

The army commander replied, "Roger that, Thomas. We are with you all the way. We will attack as soon as you give us the signal."

Thomas said, "Thank you, commander. We will give you the signal when we are ready."

Thomas turned to his team and said, "Alright, team. This is it. This is our last chance to save our world. Let's make it count." He gave them a thumbs up and said, "Let's go." He pressed a button on his console, activating the Nexusgates and the VR25s.

The devices began to glow with a bright light, emitting a humming sound that filled the air.

Thomas watched in awe as the portal began to complete its growth one by one.

He said into his headset, "Commander, this is Thomas. We have activated our devices and I want you to be ready."

The army commander said, "Copy that, Thomas. We are on our way." He ordered his troops to move forward and be ready.

The night sky was ablaze with the fiery trials of the nuclear missiles, which had been launched from various locations around the globe. The missiles would take three days to reach their targets, but the people of Earth could already feel the dread and despair that gripped their hearts. They watched in horror as the bright streaks of light crossed the heavens, knowing that they heralded the end of the world.

Thomas and his team had worked tirelessly to prepare for this moment. They knew that the fate of their planet rested on their shoulders, and they were determined to do everything in their power to protect it. As the clock ticked down, tension filled the air. Everyone was on edge, waiting for the moment when the enemy would arrive.

The team had a plan in place. If any enemies came through the portal, they would use their weapons to attack them. They had also placed many reengineered Nexusgates and VR25s around the portal at a distance, ready to be activated at a moment's notice. The army vehicles and helicopters were also on standby, ready to provide support if needed.

The countdown was nearing its end, and everyone was on edge. The atmosphere was tense as they awaited the arrival of the enemy or the activation of the portal. But despite their fear and anxiety, Thomas and his team did not waver. They knew that they had done everything possible to prepare for this moment, and they were ready to face whatever challenge awaited them.

The nuclear bombs had only 10 minutes left to reach their destination. On AK07, the leader was waiting impatiently for the portal to be completed. He had planned to invade Earth with his army, but he had a change of heart. He decided to go through the portal himself with his team of six because of what happened before, and then order group A to launch the attack, followed by group B.

He turned to his team and said, "Are you ready? We are about to make history. We will be the first ones to set foot on AK07 and claim it as our own."

His team nodded, showing their loyalty and courage. They said, "Yes, sir. We are ready. We will follow your lead."

The leader smiled and said, "Good. Let's go." He walked towards the portal, which was glowing with a bright light. He signaled to one of his soldiers, who had been monitoring the portal's progress.

He asked, "Is the portal ready? Is it stable?"

The soldier replied, "Yes, sir. The portal is ready and stable. It is connected to AK07's location."

The leader said, "Excellent. Let's go then." He stepped into the portal, followed by his team.

They felt a strange sensation as they entered the portal, as if they were being pulled by a powerful force. They saw a swirl of colors and lights, and then everything went black.

They emerged on the other side of the portal, on Earth.

Meanwhile, on Earth's side of the portal, as Thomas and his team stood in front of the bright light, they realized that the portal had finished building. Thomas quickly grabbed his phone to check the status of the nuclear bombs. He knew that they would not be able to hold back the beings from AK07 who were about to come through the portal. As he hoped that all the bombs would finish blasting before the AK07 beings arrived on Earth, he turned to his team.

"Everybody stand back," Thomas shouted, his voice tense with anticipation.

Thomas's mind raced as he tried to think of anything they might have missed. The fate of their planet rested on their shoulders, and they couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

As the bombs began to blast at the designated point, Thomas and his team watched with bated breath. They knew that this was their last line of defense against the beings from AK07. If the bombs failed to stop them, there would be nothing left to stand in their way.

Thomas watched in horror as the portal began to glow with a sinister light. He knew that he only had a few minutes left before the bombs would detonate fully , teleporting the portal and destroying the invaders' plans. But as he waited for the inevitable, he saw something that made his blood run cold. A massive shadow loomed over the portal, blocking out the light. Thomas squinted his eyes, trying to make out what it was. He gasped as he realized that it was a person, a giant person, wearing a suit of armor that looked like it was made of metal and wires. The person stepped through the portal, followed by six more of his kind. They were all armed with weapons that looked like futuristic guns and swords. They stood still without any movements.

As the last person of the group of six landed on the ground, the portal became unstable. Thomas quickly checked his phone to see the status of the bombs. They had finished blasting, just as he and his team had anticipated. The portal became unstable and teleported near the Sun, where the bombs exploded with a massive force. The radiation from the blast was enough to teleport the portal.

Thomas saw the portal teleport and was relieved, but he wished it had teleported a little sooner. He noticed that the seven AK07 beings didn't even flinch at the teleportation of the portal; they still stood still as statues.

Thomas didn't wait any longer; he ordered everyone to attack and bring these seven down. He was relieved that there were only seven of them and that they could easily stop them. He fired the Nexusgate's beam at their chests and VR25's cold beams to freeze them to death. The military also started firing their weapons at them, trying to bring them down.

"Fire at will!" Thomas shouted to his team.

"Roger that!" one of his teammates replied, as they unleashed a barrage of firepower on the AK07 beings.

As they continued firing, there was no movement or AK07 beings attacking them back. Even after firing for this long, there was not even a scratch on the AK07 beings' armor.

"Keep firing! Don't let up!" Thomas yelled, as he continued to blast away at the enemy.

The AK07 beings were formidable opponents, but Thomas and his team were determined to stop them. They fought with all their might, unleashing a relentless assault on the invaders.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, all the humans stopped firing but as expected nothing happened to the AK07 beings. Thomas was confused to see why they were standing still and not attacking them back. He wondered if they wanted to offer peace.

"Cease fire!" Thomas commanded, and his team lowered their weapons.

Meanwhile, on AK07, the planet where the invaders came from, things were not going well either. Because they had activated more than one portal machine at once, they had overloaded their system and caused a chain reaction that resulted in all of their machines collapsing. This created a shockwave that rippled through their planet, causing massive destruction and chaos. The AK07 beings who saw this rushed to the portal, hoping to escape their doomed world. But as they went through the portal, they met their fate at the hands of the Sun's gravity and heat. They were pulled into the Sun and burned to ashes on its surface.

Thomas, who was confused at the act of the seven AK07 beings, decided to check the portal that was teleported. Thomas watched in horror as he saw through the satellite that the rest of the invaders disappeared into the Sun, followed by a bright flash of light. He realized that he had just witnessed the end of an entire civilization. He felt a mix of emotions: relief, guilt, sadness.

Thomas said to his team, "This is it. This is our last chance to save our planet. We need to find a way to bring those giants down or at least get to know what they want."

His team said, "Yes. We will do our best.''

As Thomas approached the AK07 beings, he could feel the tension in the air. His team was scanning the AK07's armor from a distance, trying to gather as much information as possible. Thomas knew that communication was key, so he used a loudspeaker to try and establish a dialogue with them. In a clear and firm voice, he asked, "What do you want?" But there was no response. The silence was deafening, and Thomas could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on him. He knew that he had to tread carefully, but he also knew that he couldn't back down. The fate of his planet was at stake.