
Chapter 9:Golem Improvement 1/2

First we'll test out putting circle magic skill I bought Nymph; cutting one off the arms off the Golem so that it would be easier to work with. Nymph carve a magic circle into the hands similar to Iron Man repulsers.

After we finished carving the circle we melted down a [Fire Mana Stone(Grade:H)] by inserting mana into it to make it easier to melt, then pouring it into the circle carefully.

After the Mana Stone cooling down and crystallizing we started testing the fire power of the magic circle.

Ordering the Golem to fire at the wall shooting a fireball, leaving a decent dent into the wall.

Underwhelmed you decide to redo the arm, putting more magic circles into the hand. (Think about how in 'Lazy Dungeon Master' the MC put multiple magic circles into an arm)

Taking the arm off the Golem again you melt down the Mana Stone again at the same time buying 2 more [ Fire Mana Stone(Grade:H)] and putting them into 3D pens from the store.

Filling up the 3D pen with melted Mana Stone you hand Nymph the pen to draw smaller and magic circles onto the Golem.

Drawling 7 magic circles onto the hand, you reattaching the arm back onto the Golem. This time testing the arms fire power from a farther distance you order the Golem to fire again at the wall. With a 7 times larger fireball blasting the wall; leaving a hole in the wall.

Thinking you can do better, you get Nymph to redo the arm but this time you hollow out the inside.

Making a hexagon hole into the palm with each side having a row of 6 fire magic circle and putting a wind magic circle at the end; to push the fireball.

Piecing the arm back together, you test out the Golems new arm. Making the Golem take a distance from the wall and adding a small barrier in between you and the Golem just in case.

Hiding behind your barrier, you order the Golem to fire again. Summoning a giant fireball it goes towards the wall at the same speed of the normal size one, blasting the wall knocking the Golem back into the barrier you made, and leaving a trail of black ash along the floor and sealing of the dungeon.

Looking back at the Golems arm, they were red hot like they could melt at any time, the arm was also bent from the heat and power, and you could see cracks and dent all over the Golem.

Finishing testing for the day you decide to make all the Golems have magic circles on both arms just in case one day be need them.

Another thing you decided to do was buy Nymph a Golemancy Skill Book so that she can help and make more Golems for the dungeon.

Looking at the Fire Golems you think it was Appropriate find other ways to upgrade the other Golems but you couldn't think of anything except putting diamonds on the tips of the Miner and Stone Cutter Golems, and putting a unibeam on the Fire Golems; you didn't do anything of those ideas beside the stone cutter one because you have enough stone and ore so no more mining, and unibeam will only make hitting the core easier.

Thinking about what the Golems will need and do in battle, you realize that they're firing rate were to slow.

To solve this problem you add 6 hexagon around the previous one, ordering the Golem to switch between the hexagons.

After awhile you giving up Improving the fire Golems, you decide to make Water and Wind Golems.

Considering that wind and water don't give as much of a blast as fire you could put more magic circles on them.

Hollowing out some of the arms on the new Golems you and Nymph start drawling magic circles in there arms.

The water Golem has pressurized water cannon, which wasn't as impressive as the Fire Golem. The only thing that could make it stand out was if we could made it into a water cutter, but I'm afraid that the steel might rust.

The Wind Golem wasn't that useful like the Water Golem, if we could make it form a wind or water cutter/slicer then it might work.

Considering that basic magic wasn't cutting it we started messing around with more advance magic circles.

Adding wind cutters into the Golems, you decide to just use them as the new stone cutters.(no water cutter because rust)Another advance magic circle we tried was light weight wind spell which made all the Golems lighter making them faster.(add/carved into the feet)

Seeing how your new Golems fill up the room, you send 35 golems to patrol around the dungeons entrance and 1st floor and 5 to help speed up building the Inn.

Think about the Hobgoblins your decide to make plans to improve there equipment.

Considering that there's no blacksmith in your dungeon you make 5 more Steel Golems and giving them [Advance Blacksmith Skill Book].

You decided to make a blacksmiths room for the Golems; Buying 5 anvils, forage, and a water bucket.

Synthesizing more steel you let them go to work foraging armor and weapons.

Thinking about what else you can do, you remember how in 'Lazy Dungeon Master' they made 'magic' items; letting the golems only making armor, you use Golemancy to make vibrating swords, and adding wind cutter magic circle at the end of the handle.


Note: there are 75 Golems altogether all of them have 7 Fire hexagon on there hands besides 10 wind cutter and the 5 Blacksmiths; all of them have Light weight Wind Spells on their feet.


-10 Wind cutter

-15 Builder

-10 Moving

-35 Guards

-5 Blacksmith