
The new sword

He was just an ordinary person living an ordinary life, but the moment he woke up he found himself in a place that he cannot imagine. It was Emiya Shirou! the story is not mine credit to its creator https://www.wattpad.com/story/270346635-the-new-sword

Adal_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

As per Isshin's recommendation, he didn't have to go to school for another week or so to be completely sure everything was fine and he certainly didn't. But that did not mean that Shirou would relax expecting an untimely death.

The moment he entered his home the first thing he did was review and investigate everything he needed from this world, apparently it is a mix of Fate Stay Night, Bleach and Seishun butta yarou.


Thinking about it carefully, the last part or story itself is not too dangerous, but there was the other thing, he certainly knew that FSN was the most dangerous because of the dead apostle ancestors.

On the other hand, there was also the soul society.

One point he had in his favor was that Kiritsugu left all of his notes on the moonlit world in his bedroom before he died. He inwardly was intrigued by the stupidity of the original Shirou for not checking them.

Maybe he was too busy dealing with his self-loathing to even pay attention to Kiritsugu's heritage. His money was not little, after all, Kiritsugu left enough to live two good lives without the need to work, maybe even more.

His legal guardian was Isshin. They apparently had a close relationship before he died. Ok, that was misheard, they were good friends. Yes, it certainly sounded better.

That was not the point.

He attended the Minegahara school that was Sakuta's in the anime and when he looked up information about her on the internet he found out that it was extremely similar to the descriptions in the FSN Homurahara school anime.

And yes, Shirou was practicing with physical circuits, he certainly didn't know how to locate them at first, but after trying to circulate his prana through them, he noticed that his body was starting to go numb so that later a enormous pain will address it.

Now the most surprising of all.


Without a doubt, the food that Emiya Shirou prepares is the best that he has tasted in his entire existence, he was grateful with the memory that he had of this body to prepare that type of divine food. Oh it was definitely a blessing.

But, not everything could be that good, not when everything suddenly became more annoying.

To be specific, he had never exercised in his previous life because he didn't need to, his body was slim and it always was, but now, now he had to exercise so he could at least defend himself from what was coming.


Shirou gulped upon hearing that voice.

It was time to face one of the main problems that Emiya Shirou suffered from during his life and at least avoid a potential catastrophe. But that didn't mean he would back down from that little interference.

"Good morning, Sakura-san" Kaede greeted without paying attention to him as he watched the television.

"Good morning Kaede, where is senpai?"

"Oh, onichan must be at the dojo by this time"

She nodded. "I'll go wake him up"

But before Sakura could move on, Shirou walked through the door shirtless showing how well built his body was.

"S-Senpai" quickly turned around to avoid looking at him.

"Sakura, you don't need to be so shy, right now my clothes are being washed, why don't you help me in the kitchen?" he smiled at her.

A game That's the life of Emiya Shirou, a game where it can live or die. A game where the end result is decided by your perseverance and determination.

She ran to the kitchen without giving him another look, she frankly she was too nervous to do so. Don't get it wrong, it wasn't the first time that she looked at Shirou shirtless, but it was the first time that he told her that he didn't care at all.

While she was cooking, Sakura sometimes gave him a sideways glance only to blush when she realized what she was doing.

How cute.

Frankly, Sakura was beautiful, her long purple hair undoubtedly denoting her pale features.

"Beautiful" she murmured unconsciously.2

Sakura was surprised to hear her senpai's voice. Although she was inwardly ecstatic at the way she called her, she couldn't say much when Shirou just turned to set the table.

Oh shit.

He just screwed up.

There was no way in the world that she could deal with Sakura's jealousy right now, although she was fully aware that she had feelings for him, the matter was very different when she was stronger.

But, that didn't mean that Shirou couldn't deal with her.

Perhaps at this point there was no need to show caution as there is no indication that the war will start soon and certainly Sakura is a docile woman to deal with.

"Hey Sakura"

"What's wrong senpai?"

Shirou was reluctant to ask, but he knew it was for the best.

"How is your life at home?" I don't look her in the eye, I concentrate on setting the table. "Sometimes I have noticed that you have an expression of suffering and I do not like that, if I am honest I want to know what is bothering you"


'Is Senpai worried about me?'

She couldn't put him in or explain the issues around her house, at least not when he might get hurt if she got too involved and she certainly didn't want that. For her, her senpai is the only thing keeping her sane from all that hell.

For that very reason she would not force Shirou to suffer for her.

He was more important. That's all.

"It's okay senpai, it's just that sometimes I'm too tired, that's all" she lied. "How is she? After that accident you missed school for a week and my grandfather prevented me from visiting you" she said helplessly.

That damn worm.

Shirou knew why Zouken prevented him from approaching Ichigo's house.

He didn't need to be a genius to know that Zouken was a bit wary of Isshin knowing that he wasn't an ordinary human and he certainly didn't need to think much about it either. The association of magicians should be aware of the society of souls.

It was as simple as that.

For now he would just take care of Sakura so nothing too conspicuous happens.

"Hey Sakura"

"What's wrong senpai?"

"And Fuji-nee?"


He nodded.

"Don't you remember? She went to teach in Tokyo a few months ago"



The person who can't take care of herself and is a repressed alcoholic went to teach in Tokyo, oh my, who would say?

"Sorry senpai, she is running late and I must go to school"


"Be careful Sakura, see you later"


After Sakura left the residence Emiya Shirou looked at Kaede.

"Kaede, I'll go out for the rest of the day"

"Onichan, could you get me a pudding?"

He smiled at her. "Sure my pretty sister"


There was something very important that she was forgetting. I don't know because of the word "little sister" I would have certainly forgotten.

Illyasviel Von Einzbern.

His sister, who is Kiritsugu's biological daughter.

This was all too upsetting, but still he had to deal with her since he didn't want her to die like on all the routes he knew. Shirou swore to himself at that moment that he would protect her, but he would not sell her soul to the devil or god, most likely that god is Alaya herself.

After walking around for a while he finally entered the library. He really needed more information about the world where he was so he had no choice but to keep up with the respective works or needs.


Shirou blinked.

A beautiful girl in a bunny costume walked behind him, wearing shiny black high heels while her long, slim legs were wrapped in translucent black stockings. In a black leotard, her outfit further highlighted the lines of her body, while her chest made a firm and modest valley. White cuffs accentuated her wrists and her neck was adorned by a black bow tie.


Her gasp became audible and she quickly removed her sweatshirt from hers.

"You shouldn't be dressed that way, you don't know what kind of people you will find in this place" she put the sweatshirt on his shoulders.

"You?" she just blinked at Shirou's action.


"You can see me?"

"Well, sure, how could I not see a beautiful girl in a bunny costume which would be the downfall of any man?" he smiled at her.

"I see" that was all he said before de start walking to the exit. Shirou called out to her. "Hears! "

"What's going on?"

"Your name?"

"..." she deliberately ignored Shirou's question.

Truth be told, she didn't need the girl to answer. She knew the girl who had just left the room perfectly and she certainly wouldn't regret calling her.

After all, he wanted her.2

Sakurajima Mai.

A gratifying smile spread across Shirou's face as he recalled the brief interaction he had with her. It was the most glorious moment of her life so far and if he was honest with himself, it really was nice to think of her than lamenting her inevitable fate as Emiya Shirou.


