
The new sword

He was just an ordinary person living an ordinary life, but the moment he woke up he found himself in a place that he cannot imagine. It was Emiya Shirou! the story is not mine credit to its creator https://www.wattpad.com/story/270346635-the-new-sword

Adal_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1


I don't even know where to start, a few seconds ago I was sitting in my office having a cup of coffee while finishing my work and I certainly wasn't enjoying it, but that's not the point.

Where was it now?

Inwardly he was wondering that, he really wanted to know it since he did not remember his own name, but that was not the most curious thing, the true melodrama of the matter is that he does not remember his personal data; age, place where he lived or a relative.

The only memories of him were his hobbies and his work. Yuck. It was too much to digest, but. Why haven't you panicked? That should be normal as you don't remember anything.


A voice hit his ears, he didn't recognize that voice, but it was strangely familiar.

"Minnesota?" I look at her curiously.

A girl with long brown hair and eyes of the same color was wearing a panda sweatshirt while she held a teddy in her hands.

Oh, my God!

After seeing the person who spoke to her she recognized them instantly.

Azusagawa Kaede. That's the name of the girl next to her.

He recognized her perfectly or at least knew her after watching the anime in which she appears, but that brought up another question. Why is one of the sweetest girls known standing in front of him?


Kaede's eyes were full of concern. "Are you okay onichan!? You've been in the hospital for several days"


I was in a hospital!

"Hoh, I see you woke up!" a cheerful voice was heard from beside him. "It's been about a week since they brought you to my clinic Shirou. You should thank her, even though she is still afraid of the outside, she still came with you"


Shirou took a huge gulp of saliva when he saw the person who was speaking, knew the man, or at least was sane enough not to erase from his face one of the most iconic anime parents who did the job of well. parenting.

But the man still hadn't finished speaking. "Kiritsugu-san would be rolling over in his grave seeing you, I can't believe it, you were supposed to have died" his expression was serious. "Well, even though you are my neighbor if it weren't for Ichigo I would never have found you"

"Que?" he almost spat the words out of him.

"What were you doing on the river two weeks ago?

"I-I don't know, I don't remember" he looked at the man. "Can I borrow a mirror Kurosaki-san?" 1

"Yeah yeah, just give me a second"

"Karin, bring me a mirror!"

"Right away!"

Shirou gulped, more or less he already knew who he was, because he only knew a character with that name and he honestly didn't like what it implied at all.

"Here you go dad"

Karin has hair as black as hers, her eyes tied in a ponytail, at a height above her shoulders, she wore sportswear with black leggings, and she had a white coat when she I enter the office.

"OH!" when she saw Shirou sitting she blinked. "Shirou, I'm glad you're okay!"

"Not!" Isshin yelled with regret. "You can't have my little girl yet, she's too little for them to marry!"

After seeing how the war ended, after saying goodbye to his master, after losing against the ideals of his past self, his resolve rose to continue a ...


Karin blushed, but she hit her father in such a way that she went through the door. "Shut up you stupid old man!" 7

"Tou-san, are you okay?" A girl similar to Karin quickly approached Isshin who had a huge bump on his head. "You already know that you shouldn't bother my sister."

What the hell?

She knew perfectly well that it was normal for this family to behave this way from the knowledge of her in the manga, but I never expect the effects to be so ... real. I mean, a man of about 80 kg was sent flying while knocking down a wall by a twelve year old girl.

Shirou gulped as a cold sweat ran down his back.

"Karin?" he asked she cautiously. "Y-Can you give me the mirror please?"

She blushed! She's so beautiful!

Obviously he wouldn't say that out loud to avoid getting hit just like the old man who was complaining of pain on the floor, but he had to admit that she was very cute.

"Y-Whatever you say Shirou"


Auburn hair, golden eyes, a handsome face. Ugh, why does misfortune haunt me? 1

I am Emiya Shirou!

I'm the fucking Emiya Shirou. 3

He began to get anxious, he knew what that meant, there was no way he could help thinking of anything other than that.

He was the main character in one of the best franchises, although he had an advantage over other characters, he did not fully know his situation and if she was not bad enough, he could almost bet that she had not unlocked the magic circuits of he.

Shirou took a huge gulp of saliva as cold sweat ran down his back.

"Shirou?" "Onichan?" the two girls asked when they saw that he turned pale.

"Y-Everything is fine"

Everything is wrong!

He started to get nervous. "Do you think I can go home now?"

"SI'll just give you one last exam to see that everything is fine. "Isshin appeared behind Karin with a little blood dripping from his forehead.

Esta bien?

He nodded to the man's words, no more than half an hour passed when the medical examination was over and he told her that he was in perfect condition.

"Yusu, Karin, accompany Shirou and Kaede home"

"Yes" they both nodded.

The way back to the Emiya residence was not too long, but there was something that was bothering him all this time.

Where was Sakuta? Wasn't he supposed to take care of Kaede?

If he thought about it carefully considering Shirou's previous behavior, well, the original Shirou, he guessed that he offered to take care of Kaede which didn't sound so crazy after all, he was that way.

Looking at the fearful girl walking behind him, he sighed.


"What happens onichan?" he told her with a trembling voice.

"Do you want me to carry you on my back?" It will be better for both of us

Kaede blushed. "Y-Really?"

"Yes, come" he got on his knees showing his back.

Both Karin and Yusu looked at Kaede jealously, the girl only smiled happily seeing her onichan being as kind as ever. She inwardly was nervous that Shirou would change when he woke up, but now she could sigh in relief when she saw that he went well.

"Thank you Karin, Yusu. See you later" she smiled at the girls.

They both blushed when they saw her smile.

Oh right, she had forgotten Emiya Shirou's unique ability. Meh, it's not like he would hurt someone and he would certainly put her to good use.

"Let's go in"

Nn Kaede nodded happily.


