

A soul wakes up in darkness, waiting to enter the cycle of reincarnation, but a lazy god decide to make the soul reincarnate in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Tony Stark in the year 2009. This is the story of how this Tony Stark will do better and will become the strongest Avengers. English is my 2nd languages this is my first Novel and Fanfiction

WRITERMH200 · Movies
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It was more of an open secret, everybody knew that Captain America was injected something but nobody seems to know what it was exactly.

'My best bet is to strike a deal with Fury to get the note of Dr.Erskine on his creation of the serum'

(3rd POV) 

(- February, 27th 2009 - 10 am -)

'But that means I would have to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D, and I would rather do it after I regain full control of STARK industries. Therefore, I will only do it once I come back from Afghanistan.'

'Thinking about my trip about Afghanistan, I need to contact Pepper to tell her to start our plan during my little kidnapping' 

"J.A.R.V.I.S, call pepper"

'''Yes Sir'''

'''The call is connecting Sir'''

30 seconds after the voice of Pepper is heard from the other end of the line. 

"Hello Tony, how are you ?"

"Fine Pepper and you ?"

"Overwork thank to you"

"No need to thank me but you're welcome"

"Arh, You are infuriating Tony"

"Enough of our flirting, I call you to talk about the plans"

"It clearly wasn't flirting but you will not care to listen I suppose. Otherwise, everything is in place but you haven't told me how or when you intend to start the plan"

"That's part of the reasons I called you. As you know, in 2 day I have the presentation of the Jericho missiles, for the military, to do in Afghanistan. During this trip there will be a attack on me. I, of course, have already prepared to defend myself should the need arise" 

"Tony are you crazy ! I will immediately cancel this presenta-"

"-Stop right this instant and listen to me before freaking out"

"And how exactly do you expect me to not freak out right now huh ? You just told me that you will be attacked by terrorist and you still want to go right in the lion's den"

"Well it's a little more complicated than that but I guess I can understand why you think this is absurd. Let me explain a little, first of all, I need to go because this will be our last weapons deal with the military and I would prefer it if we are in good terms. Secondly, when I say that I am prepared I mean it, I didn't stay lock up in my workshop during the past month for nothing, I will show you when you come tomorrow. Thirdly, I will not let myself be kidnapped, I will simply make it seems like it, while I secretly goes to Nepal for vacation, this will make our stock price fall even lower witch is beneficial for the plan. After 1 month of supposed captivity I will come back and announced the closure of the weapons department of STARK"

"I understand what you are saying Tony but I still think it's too dangerous, you are playing with fire when putting yourself in such a situation" 

"Well, when you will see what I have created I think you will not doubt as much as now"

"We'll see that tomorrow Tony, right now you'd given me enough scares for today"

"Dont worry too much Pepper, I will never joke about my life"

"Yes Tony, I Hope so"

"Bye Pepper, have a great day and see you tomorrow morning"

"Thank you Tony, good day to you too"

'''The call was reconnected sir'''

"That went quite well didn't it J.A.R.V.I.S ?"

'''Of course Sir it went well'''

"Well then lets go back to work"

After Tony's conversation with pepper, the rest of the day went uneventfully, with Tony being in the middle of his research and study of the biology and microbiology fields.

The following day, Tony receives pepper in his workshop and showed her his Iron man suit, needless to say that she was shocked by the armor, but it served to reassure her of his safety during his little trip. 

Pepper stays in Tony's house during 2 hours before they departed to the airport. They arrived just before the departure time of the plane. Before leaving Tony whispered to Pepper ear.

"Don't worry about me, we'll contact each other by video during my trip" 

Pepper look at Tony before responding.

"You better hope to remember to call me because if you don't, when you come back, terrorist will be the least of your problems. Understood ?"

Tony look shocked before doing a military salute and saying

"Aye aye Captain"

The two laughs for a minute before Tony start walking toward the plane.

The flight was long and boring, especially for someone as active as Tony, being trapped inside a box were he couldn't do anything was close to torture for him.

23h later, the plane lands inside a military base in Afghanistan. With the plane arriving at 11 am and the presentation starting at 14 pm, Tony barely had time to eat before a soldier came looking for him to informing him that the convoy was ready to leave.

2 hours later, the convoy arrived and the presentation started, nothing out of the ordinary happened, Tony made the exact same speech as in the movie and the time for the travel back to the military base was coming.

Once everybody was back inside the military hummer, the convoy started going back, using a different road than the initial one. 

Everything was going well until,


Hell was unleashed on the military convoy. Terrorists, armed to the teeth, stormed in with a barrage of gunfire and explosive chaos. Bullets and missiles ripped through the air, tearing into the convoy vehicles, as the assailants ruthlessly targeted the military forces. 

The crackle of gunfire and the deafening blasts echoed, creating a visceral symphony of violence. They closed in on Tony's position, their target, with ruthless efficiency, overpowering the soldiers with firepower. The screams of chaos blended with the roar of engines as the assailants tried to extracted their prey from the midst of the carnage.

What the terrorist didn't expect however was that, in the place were a frightened and trembling Tony Stark was supposed to be, there was only an armor of metal, paint red and gold, looking in their direction before saying 

"Hello there"


tell me what do you think of the story so far

good read, bye