
The New Dungeon Master

A NEET dies and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world as the new Dungeon Master. From then and there he gets on his mission to create a perfect horrifying dungeon and conquer the new world. I am also uploading this novel on other websites.

Sushanta_Majhi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

The Bandits

The place was something remaining of a broken castle. The vegetation took over the abandoned place and except the walls nothing remained around the area. In between those ruins was the entrance of Allen's Dungeon which looked more like a den, rather than an actual man made structure. Except the entrance everything of the dungeon laid hidden underground, at least that was the view Allen was experiencing as a sparrow flying high above the dungeon.

The ruins was surrounded by dense forest with little bit of remainings here and there, may be this was a city lost to time which was now consumed by flora and fauna. Close to ruins was a small lake fed by a stream, may be coming from the depth of the forest.

The forest was home to numerous beasts, some of which were even new to Allen but non were powerful enough to rival him, may be the decline of beasts was caused by hunting and pouching as numerous adventures came here to gain experience.

Mesmerized by the panoramic view of the area, Allen was exploring the beauty of the nature when a falcon attacked him out of nowhere and tossed him to the ground.

Metamorphosis [Spitting Cobra]

In the form of a sparrow, Allen was a part of food chain. He was a prey for a predator but the predator was baffled as it's prey started to change its shape. Because of it's animal instincts the falcon sensed the danger and tried to fly away but it was already too late.

The venomous spitting cobra had already injected it's venom into the helpless falcon's body. Neurotoxic venom was no joke and by it's effect a predator soon turned into a prey.

After reincarnation Allen lost all his humanity and while using metamorphosis Allen was gaining the characteristics traits of the morphed creatures thus he gulped the falcon whole gaining little bits of his last memory. Following the falcon Allen hunted many low level creatures and received experience points with his each kill.


Character Promoted to Level 11

Experience Received

New Passive Skill Unlocked

• Intermediate Sixth Sense

New Active Skill Unlocked

• Telepathy

Earned Attribute Points: 50

Adding 10 attribute points on Health Points, 10 on Magic Points, 20 on Defence and 10 on Strength Allen once again start to explore the surrounding but this time as a speedster falcon.

In the memories of his last prey, Allen saw a small herd of creatures which he saw only on movies thus eager to meet them he flew towards the nearby plain south-east from the dungeon and he came there right on time.

In front of Allen were five Centaurs whose upper body was of a human and lower body was that of a horse. While Allen was happy to see these beautiful creatures the Centaurs were nervous and on defensive position, not because of Allen but because of some humans who were surrounding them.

Centaurs were barbaric creatures who rarely leaves their territory and were well known for their strength and agility. They were also skilful fighters with great knowledge on herbs and medicines, at least that is how they were depicted in the movies but the Centaurs there were not fighting but protecting a centaurion, a Centaur kid.

The Centaurs were level 5-6 beasts except the child who was still at level 1 and they were up against humans of level 5-11.

The humans were 60 in numbers beside they were equipped with different types of weapons, including both long and short range, by appearance they looked like some crooked people who were outcast by society and as they approached the centaurs, the centaurs roared, took out their long swords and shields and engaged in the battle. A battle with no hope of winning.

Even in the dire situation the centaurs stood-guard and didn't let any attack to reach the centaurion, they even stomped upon some unlucky humans who came too close to them but they were getting overwhelmed by both strength and numbers.

Allen was viewing the unfolding incident from distant, without interfering in the battle. He felt sorry for the centaurs when humans threw nets upon them and made them helpless, yet he was just a spectator until the humans made a move on him.

Out of no-where a human spots him and launch an arrow at him, when Allen tried to escape, another threw a net at him and capture Allen in his sparrow form. Even though the arrow didn't hit Allen, the proceedings action angered him greatly.

Summon 2nd tier Short Term Beasts [Horde of Minotaur]

Metamorphosis [Hiss the Great Serpent]

"This time we caught some good exports boys, I hope Boss will award us, especially for that centaurion but before that let's have a little fun with them."

"No you punk! Don't do anything reckless, it will decrease it's value."


The centaurs are sold at high price in slave markets. Even though it is believed that a centaur's blood is corrosive in nature its blood has high demand among alchemists. The battle had already wounded the centaurs and any more loss of blood could alter the profit thus the commander stops his subordinates from doing anything foolish but then something unexpected happens, a sharp sound echoes throughout the surrounding, a sound of man screaming in pain.

The screaming sound was then followed by stomping of hooves, not from two or three beasts but from a horde of beasts. As everyone present there moved their attention towards the sound they saw a gruesome sight.

Seven monstrous beasts each of level 8 were marching towards them, those creatures were also half human half beasts similar to that of centaurs but unlike centaurs their lower body was made up of bulls instead of horse. They also had yak heads with large pairs of horns and were armed with twin bladed axes, one even carried a served head dripping with fresh blood which it throws towards the humans. The sight was horrifying yet the humans didn't lose their composure.

The human group was a group of bandits who dwelled inside the forest. Their group consists of adventurers who were kicked out due to their criminal activities or people who were hiding from law and order. They thrive by looting goods from merchants, hunting, pouching and smuggling various creatures thus coming face to face with death was nothing extraordinary for them.

"Commander, are those Minotaur? I thought they were long extinct from this world."

"Yes they should be, it must be some kind of tricks because the last Minotaur was hunted during Necrosis war 100 years ago but if they are real than fortune is smiling on us."

Having a evil smile on his face the commander directs the archers to fire multiple arrows towards the approaching minotaurs for conformation and when he realised that they are indeed real, he commands his subordinates to surround the prey.

The same strategy was once again applied to the battle. The melee attackers move forward with their swords and spears trying to corner the minotaurs while others got ready to throw nets to entangle the beasts. But this time the bandits misunderstood their opponents which became their greatest mistake.

Before they could corner the beasts the minotaurs marched forward and with great speed they bolted their axes on the incoming bandits. Scream echoed as multiple humans got sliced apart and their disabled body crawled the ground.

But not all the bandits were weak and those who died were just weaklings, pawns, used to test the strength of their opponents.

"Archers imbue yours arrows with poison and project it towards the enemy."

"Warriors who are of level 9 and above come with me, let's show them that they made a grave mistake entering this area."

Hearings the commander's words the experienced warriors engaged with the minotaurs. Each bolts of strike made by those beasts were lethal and was able to tear through iron plate armours yet the warriors didn't leave their ground. With greater agility they escaped the critical blows and with healing potions they recovered their lost health. These gave the archers enough time to target the vital spots of the minotaurs.

Many of bandits died in the battle including some experience warriors yet the commander was overjoyed because they were able to defeat 2/3 of their enemies. But then something unexpected happened, the commander's joyful face gave a grim expression as a giant serpent appeared out of nowhere and crushed him in-between it's teeth. He tried to fight it off, even tried to free himself from the clutches of the snake but it was already too late because as the snake shut his mouth it's teeth pierced through the commander's organs. While he was screaming in pain he was swallowed whole by the giant snake.

Horror coated everyone whoever saw this terrifying scene. Everyone got demoralised and became desperate as they witnessed their commanders death by a gigantic snake. But the snake didn't stop there, it coiled around multiple bandits and killed many with its constriction and poisonous breath. While the remaining melee attackers left their position and ran for their life, leaving the archers wide open, the archers were stunned witnessing something out of the world.

This gave the minotaurs an opening and with each hack and slash made by their heavy double edge axes heads started to roll on the ground.