
The New Born Death Margin

In the Past Shiho Ame was a suffering little brat. he was bullied left and right by his family, by his classmates and by everyone . one day he was sold to the rapists by his parents. And then he was used but, after that he saw hope ..but hope betrayed him as well.. he saw that kindness wasn't the option to survival ... at last the very hope that he saw killed him.... but.. he wasn't dead yet he was given a second chance by death .. This is the story of our little Ame who seeks revenge against humanity > I also have a wattpad account soo..... all rights reserved

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The Tomb of Death and an old man

Chapter 5

I entered and found...WTF is this... the beautiful castle from outside of the door is just garbage when entered ... what the hell...this was not as expected.... my plan was to stay here until I am ensured of victory in the overworld.... but looks like a mole couldn't even live here...

"Uhh... It stinks" I said waving my transgendered hands...

"Vision Activate" I Activated my skill <Vision>. Technically I don't have to say the words out loud but... it sounds edgy when I do this Soo...Ima just keep doing it.

I tried to scan the whole area with vision... but I do not have the power to scan the whole area... so I could only cover the portion of the wreckage.... seriously though what happened to this castle? Everything is broken ... did someone destroy this place on purpose...wait there is something...A ring shone in my vision it was too bright... that blinding light is dangerous for a creature of darkness like myself. And the status screen popped up without my order...just how? Suddenly I realized that it was not the status screen but the analyzation results of the ring. But the confused part was that I couldn't see the name of the item. it was like the systems name... <System XX>, my current skill's XX part is not that of unknown origin, at least that's what I think. Why Because of the evolution of the skill, it turned from <System X> to <System XX> meaning that another character or another unknown power has been imbedded in the new skill.... I just hope that the new power is not its personality.... we'll that's just a theory though.... We'll let's just focus on the ring

The Ring Of <X>


for now, the ring is useless.... I was about to put it back to where I picked it up from.... but suddenly skeletons started to appear from the ground... They looked so frail... I almost feel petty for them... but some of them may be dangerous


<Appraisal Complete>


<Hp - 40>

<AT>- 600



Skills - <Death Swing><Berserk><Guardian>

........ What the actual living nightmare is this !!?....... 600 AT?! HUH WHY and HOW?!

<The Skill guardian Increases their physical attack damage from 100 to 600... wasn't that obvious your duma.... I mean master>

...Shut the fuck up with your attitude you little genderless shit

<Right Back at ya honorable master>

...... Ouch.... that hurt.... using my own words....against me .... how cruel

No matter how, but if I get attacked by all of those skeletons at once... I would probably die....

I need to think about this cautiously and wait for the right moment...? when did I ever do that?

<.... don't make me save you again... is the only advice I shall grant upon master>

.............................. whatever

*thump *thump *thump

The ground was shaking...the whole place was shaking... thump.... thump<Vision>... what the hell is this

<Skeletal King>

Hp: 5000



SP: 780

Skills: <Lord of Guardians> <Dominator><Summon skeleton><Summon Elder Skeleton><Gravity Pulse><Dark magic><Survival>

Discovered Magic: <Dark Needle>

: <Bullet of a thousand cries>

: <Soul Eater>

............I am fucked .... aren't I?


<Calculations Complete>

<400 enemies detected>

<Do you want to use <Bound> to pin enemies to the ground?>


My body moved automatically.... I didn't have to even flinch.... the calculations were done for me.... thank you <Genius> san (┬┬﹏┬┬).

<Using Bound>

After that everything changed.... they couldn't move and I had a chance.... I can't mess this up...I am an Elite Death Shroud so I should have quite the apatite.... let's get that guardian skill shall we. SYSTEM I COMMAND YOU TO ACTIVATE <Devourer> AND <Death Claws>AT THE SAME TIME!! And also, please put both of those effects to my femboy hands.

<Request Granted you perv>

Wow.... this is sweet... I'd never thought this would work...my initial intent was to just go and try to survive...but thinking actually makes a difference huh.... I really need to think more...

After they were bound to the ground, I activated my devourer skill and leapt through the air... I punched the ground making near by skeletons Senses look the way I was standing in... I instantaneously activated my new <Death Claws of Gluttony> How edgy is that name I quite like it.... (That was not an actual skill but the combination of <Death Claws>and<Devourer>)

The moment they looked at my new adorable looking face was the end of their puny lives... their soul turned in to <SP> and I put them out of their misery..... it's a fair trade don't you think?

I killed about 50 of them before the <Bound> skill deactivated

"OI!!! ILL KILL YOU FOR KILLING MY BROTHEREN YOU BASTARD !!!!" shouted the skeletal king

......shit bound deactivated huh...

Suddenly that man leapt through the air... he was flying?! Damn... now bound wouldn't work.... <Bound> requires the enemy to be on the ground so gravity can force it down.... you would probably think activating it in the air seems more effective.... but according to<Genius> this skill is activated individually... it is more effective against one person rather that 600 .... plus, this skill uses force to apply the enemy to the ground... this force is copied on how close you are to the soil of the planet... since we are in a dungeon ... the force should be pretty high.... but he is not touching the floor as such he is not close to the soil of the planet...the skill doesn't work on him...


He summoned even more of those skeletons... this is a nightmare I'll have to end this quickly.... but how?!

As I was thinking that I apparently got still... I probably was in despair.... shit!

<Skill Cooldown 2 minutes>

... sorry system san I didn't hear it correctly.... could you say it again...

< Skill Cooldown 2 minutes >

....... there's a cool down!?

Shit, I can't dodge this! then.... do I finally die here?

<Forcefully Activating skill <Ultra Instinct>>

......... this is just like the time of the Death Shroud king......

I couldn't move everything was slowed down to the point of them not moving

<Spatial Domination Activated>

<Calculation in progress>


<Attack commence>

As the system was saying that...I left my body...no seriously... I literally left my body .... you could say I was seeing things in a 3rd person perspective manner.

My body turned back to an Elite death shroud swung my tail around... I killed... no the system killed about 10 from that hit alone...but there were now about a 1000 of them.... suddenly my body's scales dropped one by one.... the speed of that body is an incredible site to behold... wait a minute its not the speed but the is she < system san> doing this on purpose...

I just watched..... watched as she killed so many with just a fraction of a second passing .... about 300 were destroyed and absorbed into <Devourer>... Wait.... can I use <Genius> + <Vision > to analyze myself in a third person perspective? ..... let's certainly give it a try shall we

<Child Of the Monarch of Death >

<HP 1200/4000>

<MP: Cannot Calculate>

<RES: 0>

Wait a minute why is my resistance 0? and my hp is down too...hmm.... ill have to ask the system later

<Transferring Host to body>

<Transfer complete>

I an instant I was sucked back in to my body

<Activation Request of <Scale Manipulation>>



At that moment all of the skeletons all 1000 or so of them, was destroyed and devoured by <Devourer>.... they were like flying darts killing each and every one....my limit is almost up...how can I defeat this big dud... he seems to be unaffected by my scales of death


<Skeletal King>

HP – 100/5000



Holy...its almost dead.... after I killed all the "small fry" I moved a bit close to the skeleton king ....at right that moment...was my fatal mistake for I who forgot ultra-instinct had a time limit.... everything started to move again and the skeletal king could be seen suffering


"I Just followed the orders that was given to me"

"WHO ARE YOU HUMAN ?!" Shouted the Skeletal King

"Human? Who's a human? I don't see a human"




Me and the skeletal king shared glances...it was a sense of miscommunication...

"Wait...so you are telling me you are not human ?!"

"Of course I am not dumbshit!! What do you think I am ?! I am an Elite Death Shroud You f**king weirdo !!"

"I really apologize for my inconvenience," said the skeletal king

"I Thought you were a human because you were able to pick up the Ring of Death.... which we monsters cannot touch"

"Ring Of Death huh.... we'll considering I'm the death monarchs' child..."

"YOU SAID WHAT !?!?!?!?!"


"YOU...YOU...your majesty I am really sorry for my misjudgment"

"I humbly apologize... please forgive my actions"

"Umm.... its fine...were all chill..."

"I am sorry for the inconvenience your majesty... as such I would be honored to gift you the ring of death"

What is this sudden change of roles........

"Ok thanks...."

<Acquired <Ring of Death> >

"Does., Your majesty need anything more.... I'm willing to give anything that I can."

"Hey Skeleton King"

"No, your majesty.... please call me Pete"

"Ok ... then Pete do you know a way of getting out of this dungeon?"

"Yes, I do your Majesty.... by equipping the Ring of Death, you can freely teleport in and out of the dungeon"

"Thanks, and bye !!"

"Wait your ma..."

I Teleported out of their quickly as possible. I didn't want to inconvenience him with formalities so I just left...its good not to be human you don't get any regret.

Haah...after I got teleported, I was in a land with lush grasslands and clean air that's not bound my monster corpses

Finally, the overworld!!!!!!!!!!


Skeleton King POV

..........I Was a lone warrior... who fought a war.... with the monarchs.... they saved me gave me a purpose .... why was I so foolish to attack!? . my initial thoughts were this beautiful young woman? Man? Was a human who tried to clam the Ring Of Death..... personally the death monarch said that I should get rid of this ring as soon as possible.....

Well whether that child was the death monarchs child was definitely a question that I need answering.....i just wanted to get rid of that thing .... at first ancient humans attacked the tomb and tried to steal it... I was fine with it but the moment they touched the ring... it started to glow...luminating a pool of blood above them eliminating them in one shot...

Then many people had tried I've been rather close to the ring speaking to it every night.... everyday people would come to steal it .... they would fail.. they either die or get a life scaring injury. I am finally happy to see that the ring had accepted someone...now I can rest in peace....return to the void I shall.