
The New Born Death Margin

In the Past Shiho Ame was a suffering little brat. he was bullied left and right by his family, by his classmates and by everyone . one day he was sold to the rapists by his parents. And then he was used but, after that he saw hope ..but hope betrayed him as well.. he saw that kindness wasn't the option to survival ... at last the very hope that he saw killed him.... but.. he wasn't dead yet he was given a second chance by death .. This is the story of our little Ame who seeks revenge against humanity > I also have a wattpad account soo..... all rights reserved

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Evolution and Level Up

Hello, Darkness my old friend I guess we meet again …... I shed tears as I spin in death's hands again …... this is quite Ironic actually, Me being the <Death Monarchs Child >…. And considering my relationship with death twice…... I should have been cautious about this happening ... Yet I agreed to Dominate a world... Ow well .... Now, do I die here or something? Am I going to die?? At this point, I'm not afraid of death…. But I really want to see how much I'd gained from killing that monster…. REVIVE!!!!!!

<Calculating the contributions>

<Calculations complete>

<Using a portion of Contributions for revival>

As the system-san said…. the world around me changed. Not for the better but for the worse…... I was in the" Cave"

Where I fought the monster… I was half dead…. more like my body is about to die ….

<Permission to evolve and level up>

"P…. permission ...g... g. granted" I said while half-dead on the floor next to the giant corpse of the monster…

<Evolving and Leveling Up>

<Leveling up will heal your body automatically>

I felt power…..... power that I never had before ... I felt I could rule the world... I never had the luxury of power in my previous world... I want more power. More...more! I feel it, the destruction of the world muahahaha!!!!!!!

I was acting delusional as usual .... still got the old 8th-grade chuunibyo syndrome. I mean who doesn't want to get reincarnated to another world where magic exists... you don't even need to add the extra races or spear arts ... magic alone has infinite possibilities...

<Leveling Up complete (Starting evolving stage)>


I guess I need to give darkness my old friend a visit huh...evolving hurts like hell.... imagine you getting raped by 100 men at the same time... that's how it felt...IT REALLY HURTS!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BREATHE I'M ABOUT TO DIE was my initial thoughts on the matter. it took quite a bit of time to finish the evolving process... I was happier with the results

<" Morbing" Complete>

<You may look at your status>

Was that comedic sense!? I thought you never made a joke?!

<You didn't hear anything>

Wait the system is actually talking back to me ?!... we'll discuss this later, for now, STATUS

Status Screen

Name – Frey


Age –???

Gender – none

Race – <Elite Death Shroud Humanoid>

Skills - <Death Claws><Vision><Devourer><Summon><Scale manipulation><Humanoid sonnet><Ultra Instinct> <Bound>

Rare Skills – <Genius><Mimic>

Unique Skills –<System XX>

Special Traits –<Child of The Monarch of Death {Descendant no.3}><Killer><Lord of The Dungeon>

Hp – 4000 (Humanoid form down)

Mp-12000 (Humanoid Form Up)

AP – 400 {+1200}


Souls Devoured – 540 + (1 Unique)

Title – {Newborn} {Dungeon master killer} {Core devourer}

<Death Claw>

Make your hands into claws attributed with death magic. With current stats Deal +200 attack against holy beings +300 attack against the same race. When attack towards normal mobs deals death damage


A skill that makes your reaction speed much faster. When in danger the skill will be used to its maximum limit... this is a useful skill that acts as an input method for <Genius>


Devourer is a skill that has been given to the person who killed a patriarch of their own race. This skill devours dead bodies and souls granting them the other person's skills and attributes. But when activated you will feel immense <Hunger> that may be hard to control


A skill that has been given to the person who bares the special trait of {Lord of the Dungeon}. This skill grants the power to summon any being from the dungeon that you own.

<Scale manipulation>

Can manipulate your scales... it can be only activated in your Elite Death Shroud mode

<Humanoid sonnet>

Grants the ability to converse with humans.... this may lead to seduction... effective against perverts


Become your ultimate form for 30 minutes. This activates all the skills at once.... but you may be on the verge of death


Bound something with gravity... (You have already understood the concept) So you do not have to use MP too but a weight force... you have to learn from <Genius> before using this

Rare Skills - <Genius>

An analyzation skill that grants you the power of easy analyzation of anything... but it takes a long time depending on what your target is, and what info you want on your target.


Can mimic anything within the dungeon... basically, you can turn to anything within your dungeon

Unique Skills – <SYSTEM XX>


HUH?! FIRST OF ALL, what are those stats !!! they are on four digits ... and this guy was the dungeon boss?! Are you kidding me!! .... and damn I can turn into a human.... actually, that would be quite useful...WAIT I AM GETTING DISTRACTED!! What is <Dungeon master killer ?!>... Never mind it's pretty straightforward. Hehe, and <Ultra Instinct> Sounds like a Goku reference...<Bound > Huh... I actually got it as a skill.... but my MP would go to waste if I use my <Genius> too often, and <Human sonnet> what kind of skill is that .... a seduction skill for humans ?!... I mean it says it has the chance of seduction....no thanks please... lady luck please get away from me.... but this lets me converse with humans so I am fine with that... And lastly My race <Elite Death Shroud Humanoid>...Humanoid..... But how can I turn into one? don't tell me ...hmmm the power of imagination (★ ω ★) .... three to one HUMANOID TRANSFORMIA!!!! ...

<...> I had a long silence along with the system

Why didn't it work!!!? It worked for the system

<Would you like to transform into a human?> (*゜―゜*)

What's with that attitude.... and yes, I do in fact like to turn to a human, please

<Transformation in progress>

Suddenly Dark mist appeared around me and actually turned me into a human...I wonder what that dark mist is?

<It is Known as MP dumbass> (╬▔皿▔) ╯


As I turned it to a humanoid there was a puddle near me ... so I was genuinely curious about how I looked.... was I a handsome man who was like a prince of a nation or like a hentai protagonist?

Well, I was neither.... rather I was a girl .... this is those rapists' fault isn't it... death-san please kill me right now and isekai me back to my previous world!! Wait I may have the face of a girl but my actual gender is...



Both I and the system was speechless. Where is my chinchin?!?!?!.... but for the worse, I don't even have an *A hotdog bun o(TヘTo) I AM FUCKING GENDERLESS!!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE ALIVE ANYMORE....wait for a second... I could use this to my advantage... I could be a trap... I could become equal to Astolfo .... hoho.... this is getting interesting ... with this appearance and <Humanoid Sonnet> I am basically a trap ... hear me out people a new femboy? Boyfem? Whatever let's just call it a trap has appeared.

<.....> system- san was silent this whole time.... sus

Plus, I look beautiful as hell with this white hair and purple eyes.... and a face of a 14-year-old... I don't know if that's a good thing or not... anyway basically I am now a target for all the sugar daddies (that's a bad thing). wait now I can go to the girl's bathroom without question!! This is a blessing!! Thank you, bulky rapists. (≧∇≦) ノ

<.... host you should definitely consider your sexuality.....>


I soon got hungry and used <Devourer> on the dead body beside me... I left his chin chin alone as a memorial of this battle...and suddenly a black rift appeared in a wall of the dungeon .... what could this possibly be there's only one thing to do I guess giddy up !!!!!...

I quickly jumped into the black rift and was soon teleported out of the boss layer... it's a big door.... holy shit it's really massive...well I'm not gonna anything out of this if I stay here... so I opened the door...and a blinding light came!!!!!


Ww...Wow this... what is this place .... it looked like a castle underneath the dungeon? But damn...it looks beautiful... I entered inside and found....

devourer is <Disintigration>

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