
Tuesday, Nov 16

I wake up on a cold November morning to my older brother yelling up the stairs, "Eden, have you seen my hair spray?!", to which I groan back frustrated and yell back, "No Steve, I just got back from that shifty a■ lab like a month ago, you think I touched your d■n hair spray?!". After hearing him knock over our lamp, and open all of our cupboards, he responds "Oh, nevermind found it! Oh sh■! It's a good thing I woke you up we've got school!". I got up from my very comfy bed, and started looking through my closet before the tiredness let my mouth be moist enough for me to speak, "ugh.. do I have to?" I say just loud enough for my brother to hear. "Yes E, you have to go to school! It really wouldn't be that bad if-" my brother said calmly while still talking loud enough to hear before I cut him off, "Yeah yeah, If I talked to people. I'll try today, promise!" I yelled after I found a black D&D shirt with red print, some ripped jeans, a plaid button up, and my Nike's. As I got dressed my brother yelled back, "Okay, just make a good choice, there are some real bi■y people at that school!". I grabbed some toast so I had something to eat, although I don't normally eat breakfast something felt off today I decided I was just hungry though, I ate my toast, grabbed my backpack, and said goodbye to my brother as I rushed out the door.