
Ch. 2

I got to the front of the school exhausted and out of breath, butvafter I caught my breath I noticed that the one person I wanted to see's vehicle wasn't at the bike rack like normal, he was a timid, thin, and very creative boy that was in my science and math classes, I hoped that his mom or brother brought him to school. "I've seen them drop him off before, so if his bike isnt here then maybe that's what happened." I thought to myself. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the annoyingly screechy voice of the school bully, who is a complete idiot so I have no idea how he scares people, what did he say his name was again? trent? no.. It was troy or something like that I think. I hear him saying "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the freak show." in his annoying a■ voice, and as soon as I hear him start with that fake confident attempted intimidating voice, I walk up and say in my best Australian accent, "oi, there a problem 'ere mate?". He turns around at first frustrated and arrogant, but once he realizes it's me his cocky face turns panicked and nervous. "O-Oh, H-Hey E! Uhm.. N-No problems here! W-We were just.." He stuttered out before I interrupted, "Leaving? Good idea. See ya later idiot!" yelling after him when he started running. Behind me I heard one of the boys that were being tormented say, "H...How did you..?" to which I responded nervously, "uhm.. you don't... you don't have to worry about that..". I sent finger guns before running off with my heart racing from anxiety.