

'Cold... I feel cold...' Nemesis thought to himself. This was strange, he never felt this cold. It wasn't strangely warm or embracing like Hunger or Isolde's cold touch. It was... Cold. His limbs felt stiff, his bones feeble as if a single touch would shatter them, even though he had a layer of [Void] protecting then.

Feeling that he was lying on something tough, he felt unable to move. As if paralysed. Lying down, all he heard was his heavy, uneven breath and for the first time in years, which frightened him... silence. Pure, absolute silence. The voices of his victim's souls; gone, vanished, disappeared. He wasn't used to it. He felt his body shake, his breaths faster as if he was shot and gasping for one final breath.

'What's going on?' He thought to himself. Attempting to open his eyes, he slowly bore witness to the ground. He could tell that it was blue, similar to ice, it was [Lost Hope-Frost Soil]. Far colder than any ice blocks, it was renowned for its ability to freeze anything within seconds. Even Overlords while not freeze, they wouldn't fare well against it as their abilities would be heavily weakened. Only the demons which wielded the blood of those native to the worlds it was found had any chance of being able to not only survive in the frost but thrive! Yet somehow he knew what it was exactly, as it spoke to him, despite the dark shadow eclipsing the [Lost Hope-Frost Soil] which he saw. Black shoes, which he found eerily familiar entered his sight which then grew to black pants with pockets of lights escaping from between the legs.

'Huh?' He thought to himself before deciding that it was necessary to examine more. '[Void Expansion]' Nemesis thought as, in his sight, a unique thing appeared. Dots. Lots and lots of small dots, each slightly different in colour. His entire vision went from seeing solid ground to seeing just dots.

'How can this-' He began to think to himself as somehow within the jumbled up mess of billions of dots, a load of them were in a combination he recognised, one which spoke interrupting his thoughts.

"Come on, here's a hand. Get up." It said. Blinking his eyes, all the dots disappeared as he looked up. He found himself staring. As if looking to a mirror, the man standing before him was Nemesis. Raising his right arm, their hands entered the other's grip. Feeling himself being raised, Nemesis used his other hand to push himself up.

Now standing up straight, Nemesis, the one who helped lift the other Nemesis up asked. "Why are you cold? You should be immune, like I. We, after all, share the same body."

"I... I don't know, I'm very much aware of my resistance to the [Lost Hope-Frost Soil]'s frost and soul tampering abilities, however, it feels too quiet." He responded.

"Quiet?" He sneered. "Don't think I'm not aware of your constant wishing for them to go silent, and now what!? I silence them and now you feel empty!? Might I ask, how, you!" Pointing at Nemesis, he snarled in an emotionless expression. "You, who wished for this to end, feel empty after our goal ended."

"It isn't my goal! It was your goal. One which you found yourself unable to even begin. Were it not for me, you would've been left there, and still after all this time, we'd be unable to do anything! You're fortunate I was able to activate and restore you."

The other Nemesis lowered his hand to his side and was about to continue until both Nemesis and he silenced. The two stared at the space directly between the two and a bit South.

Precisely then, a purplish-black [Void Gate] appeared in the spot the two were staring at. However, unlike the two expected, the [Void Gate] didn't show an image of where it'd lead up, instead, it showed them. As if a mirror, it reflected them and their surroundings.

They both knew that the [Void Bringer] Nemesis, not the other Nemesis, never used a [Void Mirror]. It was pointless, it was just a mirror which showcased the [Void Particles], the little dots which Nemesis saw. It was unnecessary as he could see them without it, however, something was off with this mirror.

Like stated before, it just showed their reflection, no [Void Particles].

"What's going on? Rogue [Voidlings]?" The other Nemesis asked.

"No, we killed them all already, you weren't awake yet."


"Anyway, something strange is occurring within that [Void Mirror], something other than the obvious lack of showcasing [Void Particles]."

"You do know this is simply a dream yes?"

"Yes. Very much so, otherwise, I wouldn't be seeing you."

"Fair enough, although, guess you would've soon with what we talked about years back."

"Yeah..." The [Void Bringer] Nemesis responded, sighing. His eye then twitched. He turns to the [Void Mirror].

For his last split second of consciousness, he saw the [Void Mirror] now had a distorted image. It was of swirls as if a vortex. His eyes then grew heavy once again. He wondered as he fell if he would be dreaming within a dream.
