
The Necromancer Book 1: The Awakening Of A King

Emily_Knudsen · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Bloody fucking

Annora was astounded as he walked away. She had hoped that he would feed. When Gertude woke her she said that Thenrus would need to feed frequently for some time. He was starving after all. Annora stood and went out into the room. Thenrus was seated in one of the large chairs staring into the dancing flames of the fire. "You need to feed." She said gently.

"Will you make me feed?" He asked snarkily.

"If I have to, yes." She walked to him and sat in his lap. They were both still naked from the shower. Annora felt his cock twitch and come to life beneath her. She was nervous about giving herself to him. But if it was what she had to do to get him to feed, than she would do it. His hands moved to her ass and began to squeeze and rub each of her cheeks.

"Fine. But I want to feed in the bed." He conceded and she nodded her approval of this. He stood and carried her to the King sized bed. Once there he kissed her passionately and then he was on top of her, rubbing his cock on her sex as he kissed his way to her very large breast. "Feeding is more sexual than you think." He murmured into her left boob and left a trail of open mouthed kisses along it to her nipple. She moaned softly as he took it in his mouth and began to suckle.

"Mmmmmmm. How so?" She asked and arched her back into him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and positioned himself between her legs. Her eyes went wide when she felt the swollen head of his manhood nudge her virgin entrance.

"I am going to fuck you now." He growled lustfully and shoved his cock all the way in. She screamed as he watched her face. He was moving in her fast as she was unable to get away from him. "Don't worry misstress. It will start to feel good soon." He panted as he took her body for his own pleasure. She squirmed and he just fucked her harder.

"Ahhhhhhh ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She was crying out in pain but strangely enough she was starting to enjoy the way his cock was slamming into her. He was striking her in such a way that she could feel the need to pee rising with in her again. She wanted to tell him but couldn't get the words out as he was not letting up on her. He felt so good thrusting in and out of her roughly that she didn't care. He didn't stop even when he sunk his teeth into her shoulder and began to suck on it. The bite only intensified the pleasure.

Time lost all meaning and soon she felt an explosion of pleasure that took her breathe away. Her eyes rolled back and she lost touch with reality. When he was done feeding he kept fucking her and she did not care. The sound of their coupling flesh filled the room and she lost all control over her body as she jerked and twitched beneath him. He smirked into her neck as he chased his own release, unintentionally causing her to cum several more times.

"Do you like it when I fuck you, mistress?" He demanded cruelly. He saw shock cross her face right before he drove his fuck rod into her forcibly causing her to scream in pain and pleasure. He knew he had scared her and that he was pushing her beyond the physical limits of human pleasure. But he could not bring himself to care. The beast was in control and he wanted nothing more than to enjoy his freedom, and Annora's body was the perfect way to do so.

She was soft in all the right places and curvy exactly where it mattered. Her tight pussy pulsing around him. She was bleeding from the force of the fucking he was giving her. Suddenly a thought occurred to him and he ripped his still hard dick from her pussy. He knew she had been a virgin prior to this and he loved the taste of Virgin blood.

He grabbed her knees and placed them over his shoulders to have better access and control. He licked his lips as he stared at her perfect pussy, now swollen and smeared with her blood and cum. "What a tasty treat for me. Virgin blood is the sweetest." He snarled and ran his tongue over her bleeding cunt. "And I have to admit that I like yours the best." With that he drove his tongue forcefully into her pussy, lapping at the walls to get every drop of blood from his penatration. When there was none left he flipped Annora on to her stomach and grabbed her hips.

He pulled her ass up and forced her legs under her with his own. He jerked her back as he forced all 14 inches as deep in to her bruised pussy as it would go. She screamed deliciously in pain as he kept slamming his member into her as he pulled her back into each thrust. Soon blood ran down her thighs. He jerked out of her and began to licked her legs and pussy from behind to clean every drop of the precious liquid. He repeated the process until she was no longer bleeding.

As he looked at her face he saw she was unconscious. "Perfect." He growled and pushed his cock into her ass for the pure pleasure of it. It was tight and untouched as well. Which pleased him greatly. He may be her slave but she was his toy. It was sometime later when she came back to consousness and found him painfully filling her ass with his seed.