
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

normal?this is far from it !!!!

she takes a breath"you can put me down now i dont think they will hurt me" devika said but i am not sure to who at the time.my parents looked st each other and then at me in confusion i was right there with them but i dare not to show it.we were all thinking who is she talking to but then our question was answered because all of a sudden the cocoon was slowly letting her go and it was also slowly disappearing we were beyond shocked but soon it turned into amusement. when she was full on the ground she took another deep breath and said while looking at her feet and playing with her fingers"i am devika i came from a world that has powers i was banished because the king thought i betrayed him but it wasnt my fault they just didnt listen to me"we are shocked once agsin how many times do i need to be shocked today its starting to get annoying.

then she stopped looking down and she was looking everywhere like she heard something or listening to something.then she noticed we are looking at her all confused and she says" oh the trees want me to tell you that you better not hurt me or they will hurt you this is your one and only warning" trees? trees dont talk, and they are warning us? how will they hurt us? then the thing i was not expecting happened she raised one of her hands and slightly moved it and all of a sudden the grass around us was growing so fast that i couldnt see passed it.and we were trapped in the middle of the walls of grass that was as solid as rock.

she looked at us and pointed her finger to her mouth telling us not to talk,oh i forgot to tell you she was also in the the middle of the walls of grass.then a tree came doen out of nowhere and took her and she was gone for exactly four minutes then the grass went back to it natural state like nothing happened. ans she was standing in front of us again like nothing happened or this thing was a normal occurence that happens every damn day. " what was that for?" i ask but all she did was shrug her shoulders"i heard a noise in the distance and since i dont fully trust you i didnt know who it was. i couldnt take the chance that you were going to betray me this soon even though it makes more since to betray me later but its cool now it was just my natural instinct to trap everyone." she says all calm and collected she was acting like this was a normal self defense tactic, being trapped in grass.and that grass suddenly growing as tall as buildings and being solid rock and then a random tree comes and takes her away like a prince in a princess story.she was acting like it was all normal? what the hell did we just get ourselves into? how crazy will be my life now im scared to find out.