
The Narrator & Lazy Boy

Oliver was a foolish, ignorant, and irresponsible young man who had just turned 19. His parents let him live by himself and sent him money every month for food and other essentials, hoping that he would learn to be independent. But Oliver was terrible at managing his life. He squandered his money on useless things all the time. One Saturday morning, after saying goodbye to his friend Cassie who lived nearby, Oliver felt a weird sensation in his mind. “What the heck? Why do I hear a voice that narrates everything I do, think, and say, and sounds like it’s coming from everywhere?” Oliver said, utterly baffled and irritated by my narration.

JohnatenDBrown · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: The Old Librarian

As Oliver wandered through the rows of books in the old library, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the vast amount of knowledge that was contained within its walls.

He ran his fingers along the spines of the books as he walked, reading their titles and wondering about the stories and information that lay within.

As he turned a corner, he saw an old man sitting at a desk. The man was hunched over a large book and was so engrossed in its pages that he didn't even notice Oliver's approach.

"Excuse me," Oliver said softly.

The old man looked up from his book and peered at Oliver through his thick glasses. "Yes, young man?" he said in a creaky voice.

"I'm looking for information about a narrator," Oliver said. "A narrator who can be heard by the person whose life they are narrating."

The old man's eyes widened in surprise. "A narrator who can be heard by their subject?" he said. "That is most unusual. I have never heard of such a thing before."

Oliver's heart sank. He had been hoping that the old librarian would have some answers for him.

"But," the old man continued, "that doesn't mean that such a thing is impossible. Let me see if I can find any information on the subject."

The old man got up from his desk and shuffled over to one of the bookshelves. He ran his fingers along the spines of the books until he found one that caught his eye.

He pulled the book from the shelf and blew off a layer of dust from its cover. "This book may have some information that could help you," he said as he handed it to Oliver.

Oliver took the book eagerly and opened it to the first page. He began to read and soon found himself lost in its pages...

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