
Chapter 35

Chapter 35:

Percy sat on his bed slowly sharpening his blade. He had noticed that it had started to get dull around the edges, but it was nothing a little elbow grease couldn't fix.

This was the first time Percy was actually taking care of his weapon, he didn't really realise just how much he abused it until he took it out and showed it to Nico and little Percy. Earlier that day he had gone to Nina and got a wet stone for polishing his blade, and now here he was.

Percy lifted Riptide up and looked at it, the blade's edge was sharp again, hopefully he would remember to take care of it next time before it got too out of hand.


You have created a new skill through your actions!

Maintenance, Lv- 1 (90%)

Allows you to take care of your possessions.

Sword maintenance- Lv- 1 - Grants a 5% bonus to your sword.

Percy closed the box, at this point he wasn't even surprised at the random skills that kept popping up.

Percy then Observed Riptide;


Anaklusmos or Riptide is made out of celestial bronze. It has two forms one as a pen and one as a sword. To release its sword form simply take off it's cap. And to make it into a pen, tap the cap on the blade.

It is charmed so as to never be lost as it always appears in the owner's pocket few moments later. It is a blade used by Hercules himself given to him by Zoe Nightshade, the original owner. Riptide draws it's power from the sea and hence is every effective when used by a spirit of the sea or by a child of the sea.

Attack-105 (MAINTENANCE BOOST- + 5 attack, lasts for 10 days)

+50% when used against monsters.

+100% when used by a child of the sea.

Percy saw that his blade had gotten a small boost in power, it wasn't much, but it was something.

Percy then put away the sword and walked around the cabin. He looked at the enchanted shrub he had growing on his window sill. The silver leafed berry plant didn't have any enchanted berries for him, it took nearly a year of them to become mature.

Percy controlled the moisture in the air and slowly formed a mist around the plant weeting it's leaves. He then formed a ball of water in his hands and poured it into the pot ensuring the plant stayed hydrated.

Just then a knock came on the cabin door startling Percy and John, who was in his bed reading a book on World War 2. Percy smiled, 'it must be him.'

Percy opened the door and smiled, "hey dad, about time you came."

Poseidon smiled, "sorry I was held up by Triton, he wanted to discuss war plans. Such a pain, may I come in?"

Percy stepped to the side, "it is your cabin."

Poseidon walked in and immediately his eyes fell on John who was already on his feet looking at the God with surprise and confusion.

"P-Poseidon?" John asked surprised.

The God nodded as his eyes shone with love, "yes. Hello, son."

John didn't know what to do, he had never had a father before. So he reacted the only way he knew how. He stood at attention and saluted the God, "sir."

Poseidon and Percy chuckled. "Dude, he's you dad, you can relax," Percy said closing the door, "it's Triton you have to worry about, that guy is a stickler for the rules."

"Indeed, put your hand down John," Poseidon said as the soldier slowly complained.

"I-I'm sorry, I just don't know how to react," John asked as his hands started to shake, "where were you? Why didn't you see me?"

Poseidon sighed, "I wanted to son, believe me, I wanted to. But the war had all my attention, as much as I wanted to be there for you, I had my duties to perform."

"I understand that," John said lowering his head, "I'm a soldier, I have had time to get used to it."

"I'm truly sorry John," Poseidon said patting the man on the shoulder, "I am proud of you. You were an amazing sailor John, you saved many lives. I am proud to call you my son."

John looked up with tears in his eyes, "dad…."

Poseidon smiled, "it's okay, I'm here now."

John nodded as he wiped his tears, "yeah. You are….and that's all that counts. But…..it still feel wrong."

Poseidon smiled, "you can punch me in the face if you want."

Percy chuckled, "come on dad I'm sure John wouldn't-"

John launched a fist into Poseidon's face knocking the God back. Percy's mouth fell open at the sight. Never in a million years did he think that his brother, the soldier, would ever punch someone in the face.

John shook his hand, "I have to admit, that felt good."

Poseidon groaned as he held his nose, "why is it always the face?"

Percy smiled and the punching incident was put aside. The two then began to bond. JOhn had many questions for his dad, and his father answered as best he could. Percy sat down on his bed and listened as John then told Poseidon his entire life story.

Percy had learnt a few things about his brother over the two weeks they spent together. He knew that John served as the second in command of the USS Rouge, a special battleship that performed hit and runs on German basses. He was a great fighter and often Percy had listened to many of his battle stories.

What he didn't know, which John was now telling their father, was that he had received the Navy Cross for his service to the country. The Navy Cross was the second highest medal of military decoration, second only to the Medal of Honor, any member of the US army, navy or airforce could receive. He received it for extraordinary heroism in combat when he saved the lives of three families in the invasion of Germany.

Soon the stories ended and John eventually said goodbye to their father. Percy walked Poseidon out as the two walked towards the beach.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Poseidon asked.

"That obvious?" Percy asked chuckling.

Poseidon smiled, "I know my son."

"Right, well as you probably have guessed I didn't just call you to talk to John, though that was a big plus. I need your help with something."

"What is it?"

"You know Odysseus blade right? Yew's Breath?"

Poseidon frowned, "yes, I know of it. Damn thing, too powerful for a mortal to wield, especially a stupid immortal one like Odysseus."

"Yeah well I kind of got the creation recipe out of him," Percy said scratching his head, "I want to make myself a proper blade using it."

"Is Riptide failing you?" Poseidon asked.

"No, it's not that. It's just the game is getting tougher and I'm growing stronger. I can cause more damage with my fists then with Riptide. I just feel like I need a blade worthy of my new level."

"Hmmm, okay, but why tell me? I doubt it's to ask permission," Poseidon said laughing at his own joke.

"It's not," Percy said, "it's more like a request. You see one of the ingredients to make the weapon is the blood of the person or people I care about."

Poseidon's eyes widened comically, "and you need my blood." Percy nodded as the God of the seas continued, "Percy….do you realise what you ask? A drop of my blood could cause a worldwide tsunami if under the right circumstances and spells. It is not to be used lightly."

Percy sighed, "I know, look I'm sorry I even asked. I-"

"-Show me this creation recipe," Poseidon cut him off in a demanding tone that Percy had never seen his dad use.

Percy opened his inventory and pulled the scroll out and gave it to the God. Poseidon opened the scroll and began reading it under a scrutinous eyes. He finished it in seconds and sighed rolling the scroll up once again.

"Do you even know what this is Percy?" Poseidon asked giving the boy the scroll.

"It's a way to create a powerful weapon?"

Poseidon nodded, "yes, but it is more than just that. There once was a sea witch whose name cannot be spoke out loud unless you wished to invoke her. Everyone calls her 'Seamstress of the Magic', because she somehow knows things that no one else does. She is not Greek, nor is she Roman. She isn't Egyptian or affiliated with any other religion. She just showed up one day and began giving out advice to anyone who asked. The spell on this scroll is her handywork, she is the one who created this spell, but understand that this," he pointed to the scroll, "isn't an ordinary spell.

"It makes the user go on a journey of near torture Perseus," 'Shit! He used my real name! I am in so much trouble!' "You will have to face things you don't want to face. Admit and do things you will not want to do. Perseus, this is a very dangerous and powerful spell, are you sure you want to do this?"

Poseidon and Percy looked at each other. The demigod quickly steeled his resolve and nodded, "I am sure father."

Poseidon nodded and gave Percy back the scroll. He then snapped his fingers and formed a small crystal tude out of thin air. Poseidon then extended one finger and slowly golden ichor started to pour out of it.

"Wow," Percy said surprised.

"What? You didn't think you were the only one who could control blood did you?" Poseidon asked with a smirk as he filled the tube up with 12 drops of his blood. He then put a cork on the tube and gave it to Percy.


Progress made!

Create your own weapon!

2- The blood of the person/persons you care about the most (1/2)!

Percy carefully took the vial and immediately put it inside his inventory, "thanks dad. I know the only reason you agreed to this was because you have a lot of trust in me, and I promise I won't let you down. I'll never let the tube go out of my control."

Poseidon smiled, "I sure that you won't son. But just in case I also placed a charm on it so that if anyone other than you touches it, it will automatically return back to me."

"What? Don't trust me?"

"When Odysseus is involved I don't take anything lightly," Poseidon said as the two resumed their walk towards the beach.

"What's with you and him anyway?" Percy asked, "I know that he blinded Polyphemus and all, but in all honesty that guy was a dick."

"He was spoilt, yes," Poseidon sadly admitted, "but Odysseus has a knack for always getting my children into trouble. Every single one that ever enters his accursed boat always ends up in some sort of danger."

Percy shrugged "didn't happen to me."

Poseidon narrowed his eyes, "Janai'ngo."

Percy blinked, "ah….. I plead the fifth?"

"You do realise that one day me and your mother are going to have a serious conversation with you about your reckless behaviour, yes?"

"Dad come on, give me a break," Percy said throwing his hands up, "I don't actually look for trouble! It finds me!"

"What about that time you went searching for Luke and ran into Argo and his Gergosas?"

"Ah….that was an accident."

"And that time you turned Odysseus ship around just because you heard someone cried out for help?"

"One, that was Mera calling out for help, you know, your grand daughter. And two, what was I supposed to do? Just let her die? I can't just not help someone is they ask for it."

Poseidon smirked, "you have the soul of a hero Percy, so no, I don't expect you to not save people. It's who you are, and your mother and I know this. But please, please be more careful from now on, okay?"

Percy smiled as they arrived at the beach, "you know I can't make that promise dad."

Poseidon sighed, "well at least I tried. Oh, and one more thing," Poseidon then suddenly swung his trident sideways smashing into Percy sending him into the sea.

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

+1000 HP(+1000 HP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 HP

+1000 MP (+1000 MP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 MP

Defence- 296,176,000

Percy groaned as he pulled himself out of the water slowly getting on his feet, "what the hell was that for?!"

"For fighting a Great Old One," Poseidon replied simply, "I had to punish you somehow."

"But hitting me with the weapon that can fight Titans?!"

Poseidon shrugged, "I knew you could handle it. Plus I didn't' hit you that hard."

"You caused nearly 2,000 points of damage!"

"I'm sure you have more," Poseidon smirked.

"Asshole!" Percy yelled as he swiped his hand sending a blast of ice at his father.

"That's my time, bye!" Poseidon said as he vanished in a flash of light just as several thick icicles implode the spot he was on.

Percy grumbled as he got out of the ocean drying himself, "stupid Poseidon, stupid trident."

"You know you really should be more grateful. My dad rarely comes to see me," a voice called out.

Percy looked up to see Thalia near the tree line without her jacket on. Percy could see the sweat on the girl's face and body, she had been training again.

"Do you ever take time off training?" Percy asked as he approached Thalia. They were around the same height now.

"I can't afford to," Thalia said turning her spear into a can of mace which she then pocketed away, "not everyone can be as naturally powerful as you."

"You mean naturally handsome, I train for my strength, my good looks however is all natural," Percy joked grinning.

Thalia rolled her eyes, "boys. All the same."

Percy chuckled, "so, had dinner?"

Thalia shook her head, "no…..I was out training again."

Percy nodded, "I see...well let's get you something to eat then."

"You have more food stored up?!" Thalia asked in wonder.

Percy chuckled, "yup. Enough to last a normal person 2 years. But in my case that will probably mean a few months at best."

Thalia nodded as the two sat down in the sand. Percy opened his inventory and pulled out two large plates filled with buffalo wings and three large sweetened apple peach soft drinks.

"Holy shit, where did you even get all these?!" Thalia asked in surprise and wonder.

"From the Lotus casino, they had this huge ever expanding buffe. I really want to go back soon just for the all you can eat extravaganza."

Thalia raised her eyebrow, "really? You would risk your life for food?"

Percy shrugged as he took a bite of his buffalo wing, "you would be surprised what some people would do for food. Plus it's really good food."

Thalia nodded as she dipped her wings in the sauce that was given with the platter and took a bite out of it, "damn this is good!"

Percy smiled, "told you so."

Thalia nodded as the two began to eat and drink in silence. Soon Thalia spoke up, "so ah...what's your favorite food?"

Percy chuckled, "are you seriously trying to make small talk?"

Thalia huffed, "fine, don't answer."

Percy smiled, "kidding. And to answer your question it's simple, I like all food that is blue."

Thalia raised an eyebrow, "ah, what do you mean?"

"Oh, right. Well my mom had an argument with her ex-husband, a shit stain called Gabe. He told her blue food doesn't exist and she got pissed. So she kind of just added natural blue dye or blueberries to everything in an attempt to piss him off."

Thalia looked amazed, "woah. Your mom sounds awesome."

Percy smiled as he laid back looking at the sea, "yeah. She is. One time, during my 11th birthday party, she made everything blue. Blue cake, blue candles, blue waffles, blue soda, blue forsting, blue cookies, you name it, she had made it."

"Wait, why did you have waffles at your birthday party?"

"Who doesn't like waffles?" Percy asked.

Thalia nodded, "true…."

"So...what about your mom?" Percy asked turning to Thalia.

A shot of pain traveled through her eyes, "right...my mom."

"I'm sorry if I struck a nerve or something. I didn't mean to. Ah, I was just curious and-"

"-No," Thalia sighed, "it's not your fault. My mom and I haven't really had…..the best parental-child relationship and considering my dad and I have no relationship that's not saying something."

Percy nodded, "I get it. Some demigods get two assholes for parents. Little Percy had both his aunt and uncle mistreat him. John's mom basically abandoned him. I suppose sucky parents are just part of the deal when it comes to demigods."

Thalia snorts, "and look at you. Both parents are amazing. Mom's a master cook who sounds like a caring person. And your dad actually visits you."

Percy sighed, "yeah….wait, Zeus hasn't visited you? Not once?"

Thalia shook her head, "guess I'm not good enough for him."

Percy sighed, 'stupid king of the Gods.' "Well you're not missing much I'll tell you that," Percy said, "he's kind of a dick."

"Watch your mouth mister," Thalia said in a mock serious tone, "he's still my dad. Talk shit and I might have to blast you a new one."

Percy chuckled, "sure you would. But seriously, it doesn't matter that you had a shitty past, your here. With us. We may not be your actual siblings, but we do care for you."

"Right," Thalia said looking at the sea and the starry sky. Silence ruled for a long time before Thalia spoke up again,"I actually had a sibling you know? Like a real one."

Percy's eyes widened in surprise, "a child of Zeus?"

Thalia nodded, "yeah. His name was Jason. He was….he was my little brother."

Percy noticed the tense used, "was?"

Thalia growled in anger, "Hera, that bitch. She took him from me. My mom, that weak fool gave him away as a peace offering. She said that Hera hated the fact that my mom had managed to seduce Zeus not just once, but twice. She said that the only way Hera would even consider sparing our lives was if we gave Jason up as a sacrifice."

Percy listened in silence and astonishment. "I-I'm sorry Thalia."

Tears ran down her cheek and Thalia wiped them away as soon as they came, "no, don't be. It's not your fault. It's Zeus's fault. He should have just stayed away, he shouldn't have come back."

Percy's lowered his eyes in sadness, the way Thalia spoke right now...it was the same way he spoke about his dad over a year ago.

"I'm going to bed," Thalia said getting up and patting the sand from her back, "good night Percy."

"Good night Thalia," Percy replied back but the daughter of lighting was already gone.

Next day,

Percy had just finished the daily training routine for everyone, he had made everyone fight the Knight of the damned again, and things didn't turn out any better. Thalia though had managed to get in two lighting bolts and had leveled up in the process, not that she knew that.

After telling Chiron and his friends about where he was going Percy was off for New York. He reached the city in mere minutes and he quickly went to his mom's place. It was located on East 83rd street, a few blocks away from Central Park. It was an expensive location to be in, but Poseidon got the money part covered.

Percy walked into the building and went to the third floor. He knocked on his mom's door several times and waited for her to open.

'This is taking way too long,' Percy realised looking at his watch. 5 minutes had passed, he began to worry. 'Did something happen to her? Did Kronos go after her again?'

Percy needed to find out what was going on. He knelt down in front of the lock and tired to look in through the keyhole. He couldn't see much, but everything looked normal. Percy pressed his arm against the keyhole and formed his shadow lockpick from the darkness under his jacket.

Percy almost had the door open when a voice called out, "what are you doing?"

Percy was stunned and immediately removed the shadow lockpick from the door. He slowly got up and turned to see the neighbor's door flung open and standing under the door frame was an older woman with short brown hair and brown eyes. She had her hands crossed with her eyes narrowed and on her hips was a badge and a gun.

'A cop lives next door?' Percy realised surprised. He hadn't spent too much time with his mom, but he felt like he should have know that at least.

"I was just looking for my mom," Percy said eyeing the attractive female officer 'god she is so hot!', "Sally, Sally Jackson."

"And you are her son?" the detective asked raising an eyebrow, "why haven't I ever seen you before?"

"I stay at a boarding school, I rarely see my mom," Percy explained as he looked at the woman's name and title;

Katherine Beckett, The foxy Cop

Lv- 10

"She never mentioned a son," Kate said looking Percy up and down, "and we both are very close."

"If you two are very close then I'm sure she would have mentioned me," Percy shot back, "after all she did mention you, Ms. Katherine Beckett of the NYPD."

Kate was surprised that he knew her name but hid it well, "I'm surprised she told you that."

Percy nodded, "my mom and I may not be close but we still talk."

"Right...then why didn't she tell you she's not home right now?"

"She's not?" Percy asked surprised.

Kate shook her head, "no, she said she was going for a campus interview. So that brings up the question, who the hell are you?"

"Is this an interrogation?" Percy asked.


"Why so hostile?"

"Because I just saw you trying to break into her house."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "using what tools?" He rolled up his sleeves showing nothing there.

"Or you're just better at hiding things."

"Kate!" a masculine voice called out from inside her apartment, "where are you?"

"Outside Castle," Kate called out before turning to Percy, "so let's say you are her son. What are you doing here?"

"I just came to surprise her with a visit, we haven't seen each other in so long," Percy said just as a man walked out from Kate's appartment standing next to her. He was tall and ruggedly handsome with black hair and dull blue eyes. Percy looked at the man's name and title;

Richard Castle, Writer

Lv- 7

'Where have I heard that name before?' Percy wondered.

"What are you doing out here Kate?" Castle asked before he noticed Percy, "ah, and who's the kid?"

"This is the neighbor's son Castle," Kate said not talking her eyes off Percy, "what was your name again?"

"Percy, Percy Jackson," Percy replied.

"Sally's kid?" Castle asked surprised, "wow, didn't realise she had a kid. Nice to meet you, Richard Castle, Kate's fiance" the man said shaking Percy's hand.

"Well she does," Kate replied before sighing, "fine Percy I believe you. Sorry about the interrogation thing. Sally's a good friends and I take personal offence to anyone trying to harm her."

Percy nodded, "glad to know my mom has a friend looking out for her, one who also happens to have a gun."

"Why don't you come inside and wait for her?" Castle suggested, "it's better than being out here."

"You sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother," Percy said.

"You won't be a bother at all, and I insist," Castle said flashing Percy a smile, "after all Sally has baked God knows how many blue cookies for us. It's the least we can do."

"Well if you insist," Percy said as the three walked into Castle and Beckett's place. The inside was huge, bigger than Sally's place. There was a staircase to the side leading to the another floor. There was a fake wall near the end lined with books and Percy could see an office just beyond them. The entire place was filled with toys and video games. Everything looked expensive and very posh.

"Wow," Percy said looking around, "how many kids do you guys have?" Percy looked around, "there are enough comic books, video games and toys to entertain everyone at my camp!"

"We don't have any kids," Kate said as she walked behind the counter pouring herself a mug of coffee, "those are all Castle's."

Percy's eyes widened in surprised as he turned to the grow 30 year old man, "you own all of this?"

"Ah, yeah," Castle said.

"You must be a hit with the kids," Percy said looking around.

"Yeah, kids like me. And so do most adults-"

"-No they don't," Kate cut in.

"Yes they do," Castle replied.

"So what do you do for a living Mr. Castle?" Percy asked, "you must be loaded to own all of this."

"I'm a writer," Castle said smiling.

"Oh? Anything I would have heard about?"

"Let's see….Nikki Heat."

"Never heard of that."

"Dereck Storm?"


"A Midnight's Kill?"

"Not a clue."

"Do you even read books?"

"Yeah, I love fantasy and fiction, though I prefer Greek stories to anything else."

Castle looked surprised, "you like Greek stories? What are you 15?"

"13 actually," Percy replied.

"13?! The last 13 year old I meet you like Greek stories was my daughter. I'm surprised somebody so young likes Greek Mythology. Usually teens are more into vampires and other stuff rather than Odysseus."

Percy shrugged, "guess I'm just different than."

Just then the door swung open, "dad, Kate, I'm back!" a voice called out as a young attractive red haired girl walked in. She was petite and had a very delicate features. Her eyes were blue like Castle's so that probably made her his daughter.

"Ah Alexis you're back, wheres-"


'Oh, no, not him,' Percy groaned as a black and white blur ran out from behind the pretty red haired girl and launched himself at Percy's ankles.


Percy sighed as the dog started to bite at Percy's ankles trying to tear it off. The dog barely made 1 damage doing this and Percy just stood there looking down at Leo biting into him.

"Hello, stupid mutt," Percy said groaning, "why the hell are you here."

"Sally gave him to use to take care off while she was gone," Kate explained looking at Leo try and tear Percy's jeans apart, "he doesn't like you huh?"

Percy sighed, "he was a gift from my dad for my last birthday," Percy reached down and grabbed Leo by the neck and pulled him off his ankle, "and I don't know why, but he hates me."

"Don't take it personally," Castle said, "he hates me too, stupid thing pissed on me the first time we meet."

"Strange, he loves me," Kate said sipping her coffee.

"And me," Alexis said taking off her coat, "and who is this by the way?"

"Oh, right, Alexis meet Percy Jackson, Sally's son," Castle said before looking at Percy, "and this is Alexsis, my daughter."

"Pleased to meet you Percy," Alexis smiled giving Percy a handshake.

"Hello Alexis," Percy said, 'gods she had an amazing smile. Is everyone here super hot?!' Just then Leo jumped out of Percy's grasp and started to bite and scratch Percy's face.

"Leo don't!" Alexis shouted grabbing hold of the dog and pulling him off Percy, "I'm sorry, I don't know why he does that."

"Don't worry about," Percy sighed, "he and I hated each other the moment we meet."

"I can tell," Kate said as she scratched Leo behind the ears calming him down, "who's a good boy."

"Hmm," Leo whimpered in happiness as he stopped moving burying his face into Alexsis chest before falling asleep.

"I think I'll go put him down," Alexis said, "poor guy was exhausted from the walk. Don't know how he had enough energy to attack Percy."

"He has a special place in his heart for me," Percy grumbled, "I bet even if he couldn't walk he would still find a way to jump ontop of me and try to bite my head off."

"I can believe that," Castle said as Alexis left going upstair was Leo. The man then turned to Percy, "so what do you like to do for fun kid?"

'Kill monster, grid for exp and item and sword fighting,' Percy thought but instead he said, "I like video games."

Castle smiled, "game on."

An hour later,

Castle blinked as he stared at the screen. His hands still held onto his controller but they weren't moving. "HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"

"I'm just that awesome," Percy said with a smirk as he shot down his 50th victim in Call of Duty.

"50, you killed 50 people," Castle said turning to Percy, "you are a God Percy Jackson."

"No, just the son of one," Percy said as he switched out his AK-47 for a sniper rifle and in one swift motion shot through the head of another player 50 meters away.

"How did you do that! I didn't even see that guy!" Castle said as he did his best to avoid getting killed by the enemy team.

"I have great eyesight," Percy said as his sea green eyes shined indicating the activation of his 8.0 Eyesight perk.

"We are so going to get best player if you keep going like this," Castle said he tried his best to keep up with Percy.

When Castle had suggested the video game Percy was a little bit nervous. Despite living in one, Percy had very little experience playing video games. But when he began playing he realised he was a better player than Castle.

After a couple of one on one matches Percy finally realised why, his Dex was many times greater than the average man's. His reaction speed made everything in the game go in slow motion, he could see everything clearly and think faster than Castle could. Using his 8.0 Eyesight Percy could aim every bullet of his for a headshot with a 99% hit rate.

After kicking Castle's ass a couple of times they decided to take the match online, and boy was the world in for a surprise. Percy had dominated every match since and always got the last kill in every game. He had died a maximum of 5 times in a game, but his kills were in the 50's.

"And time," Castle said as Percy pressed the fire button on his controler launching a bullet into the skull of an enemy gaining the last kill achivement.

"I am so cool," Percy said with a smile as Castle sighed throwing his controller to the side, "what's wrong old man? To hot for you?"

"Are you sure you have never played this before?" Castle asked rubbing his eyes, "because no one is that good on their first try."

"I just have very good reflexes," Percy said putting aside his controller as Castle shut their system off, "I have to say though, this makes me want to play some more."

"Well you are welcome to come over anytime you want," Castle said walking out of the living room towards the dinning hall, "come on, let's get you a victory snack."

"Victory snack?" Percy asked, "what kind?"

"The only kind a champion of Call of Duty deserves, Mountain Dew and Doritos."

Castle and Percy walked to the kitchen where Kate sat over the counter looking over several files.

"What are you working on Kate?" Castle asked as he opened his fridge.

"The Don Fanico case," Kate mumbled as she closed one file and opened another, "you know the body at the docks."

"Hmm, any leads?" Castle asked as he passed a can of mountain dew to Percy and one for himself.

"No…, do you have any ideas?" Kate asked.

Castle shook his head, "fresh out Kate."

"What's going on?" Percy asked.

"Oh, right, well Castle used to be a consultant with the NYPD," Kate explained, "we used to be partners, but after we started dating we stopped."

"Really sad that part," Castle said with remorse, "it would be nice solving crimes with you again. The criminals of New York would cover in fear."

Kate chuckled, "yeah, I'm sure."

"So wait you guys used to work together?" Percy asked surprised, "I thought you were just a writer."

"Yeah but you need inspiration to write about anything," Castle explained, "I was basically in a rut and then I meet Kate."

The detective laughed as she took a sip of wine from her glass, "I was actually investigating him when we meet. There was a killer who reenacted murder scene from Castle's books. We caught the criminal together and… we have been together ever since."

"Woah," Percy said, "that sounds so sweet. Almost like a TV drama show."

Castle's eyes shot up, "that's a great idea! We should totally make a TV show about us!"

"Castle no-"

"But think about it! It would be so cool!"

"I do not want a repeat of the Nikki Heat movie Castle," Kate said with narrowed eyes, "no."

Castle looked down and sulked while Percy took a peek into Kate's files. It was filled to the brim with various files and details. It seemed the body of one Don Fanico was found brutally murdered in the docks two days ago. The man was the head of the Boston crime family, and since he died in New York everyone is blaming the crime lords in New York.

"Hey!" Kate said slamming the file shut, "that is official police documents."

"Sorry," Percy muttered as his eyes went over the titles over every other file there when suddenly Percy's eyes popped open in recognition of one marked, 'Attalia Ander.'

'That's the chick I saved a year ago in Boston!' Percy realised when suddenly it hit him, 'she was kidnapped by Don Fanico's men! Wait….that's the guy who got shot! Holy shit!'

"Hey, eyes of the files," Kates said taking all the files and putting them into her bag, "this isn't something a civilian should worry about."

"What does Attalia have do with all of this?" Percy asked.

Kate blinked, "how do you know that name?"

"So it on one of your case files," Percy said, "now what does she have to do with this?"

"I'm not allowed to discuss an ongoing investigation," Kate stated.

"Right," Percy said looking at Kate who simply stared back.

"Ah…..does anyone want doritos?" Castle asked.

"No, thanks," Percy replied as he turned to see Alexis walk down the stairs with her hair wet in a fresh set of clothes holding Leo in her arms.

"He's clean as a whistle," Alexis said as she handed him to Kate who scratched the dog behind the ear.

"I still can't believe how calm he is with you two," Percy said as he tried to touch Leo only for the dog to growl at him, "he still hates me."

"Give it time Percy," Alexis said smiling, "after all you two have spent what? A few hours together? He just doesn't know you."

"Oh he knows me alright," Percy said as the two glared at each other, "he knows me very well. Stupid mutt from hell."

"Oh don't listen to the big mean boy Leo," Kate said scratching the dog again, "he's just jealous of how small and cute you are."

"Sure I am," Percy said rolling his eyes. Just then Percy noticed something, Leo hadn't grown….at all. He was the same size when Percy first obtained him from that pot of chance nearly a year ago. 'Maybe something's wrong with him?' Percy wondered as he Observed Leo;





Race- HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)







A dog which is a mixture of a hellhound and a normal mundane wolf. It is strong and quick and very lucky. It is also know to be very hyperactive

Likes: Bacon, women and long walks

Dislikes: Percy, men, vaccum cleaners and Percy

He hates Percy

He feels happy getting scratched behind the ear.

Percy was surprised, the dog was still in the same level as before. Percy was sure he would have leveled up by now at least.

'If only I could ask him what's going on, it would be so easy. Maybe I could also ask him why he hates me so much,' Percy thought to himself when he suddenly got an idea.

Percy quickly pulled up his perk tree chart and started looking through his perks. He then found what he was looking for, his Canidae trainer perk;

· Canidae Tamer- user of this perk can control members of the Canidae family with relative ease. This also includes magical beasts like werewolves and Hellhounds!

This perk was useful, but it did have limits. Percy could give out orders, but Leo would still hate him for it. Percy then looked at what new add ons he could use for this perk and immediately found the only he could use;

Communicate- Allows user to talk to and understand the members of the Canidae family. This insures a better understanding between the two.

Percy immediately bought the add on for 2 perk points and turned to Leo whose ears was twitching as Kate continued to scratch behind his ear.

"Alright Leo, tell me why you hate me," Percy said simply drawing strange looks from Castle, who was making a sandwich with Alexis's help, and Kate who just thought it was a silly thing to say.

"Huph," Leo groaned out, but that was what everyone else heard.

"I hate you because you abandoned me asshole," was what Percy heard.

'It works!' Percy realised as he continued, "I didn't abandon you Leo, I just had a lot of things to do."

"Yeah? Like what? I heard you had something called school to go to. Yeah I know, don't even try to hide it. You went to school and left me behind!"

"Do you even know what school is?" Percy asked raising an eyebrow.

"No...but I know you abandoned me!"

"Oh grow up short stuff!" Percy yelled back.

"Ah, Percy are you talking to Leo?" Castle asked as the others simply looked on in surprise.

"I'm only short because you refused to take me with you! You were supposed to train me asshole!" Leo said braking furiously.

"Wow there I think you struck a nerve," Castle said taking a bite out of his freshly made bacon and cheese sandwich, "strange, it's almost like you guy's can communicate."

"It's not that surprising Castle," Kate said petting Leo calming him down, "some owners who are really close to dogs like talking to them and pretending they talk back." She then narrowed her eyes at Percy, "though I have never seen the dogs respond back."

Percy was just about to respond when suddenly there was a knock on there door. "Coming!" alexis said as she walked towards the door and opened it letting an older woman inside, "Aunt Jackson!"

Percy and Leo's eyes widened hysterically as the both jumped to the ground and charged Sally who was surprised to see the both.



Percy hugged Sally tightly while Leo rubbed his head on Sally's leg.

"P-Percy? What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit," Percy said breaking the hug, "Gods it's been so long!"

"Yes it has, when did you come?"

"In the afternoon," Percy said shrugging, "Castle and Kate have been keeping me company."

"Have they?" Sally asked turning to the lady and gent in question, "thank you both so much. I didn't even know he was coming!"

"Anytime Sally," Kate said with a smile.

"Yeah he's a great kid. Can totally pop by anytime," Castle said.

"That's because you just want to use me to win at Call of Duty," Percy responded.


"Thank you both again," Sally said before bending down to pick up Leo and scratching him behind the ears, "and thank you for taking care of Leo. I hope he wasn't to much of a bother."

"None at all Ms. Jackson," Alexis said, "he was easier to take care of then my dad."

"Hey!" Castle shouted and was promptly ignored.

"Well then we better get going," Sally said turning to the door, "thank you all again so much!"

"Bye guys!" Percy said waving at them as they walked out of the apartment and into Sally's.

After she put her stuff away sally sat down with Percy as Leo sat down on the couch snoozing away. They talked for a while, Percy told her how he sailed with Odysseus, and after he assured her he was the original she was amazed. She wasn't to happy about the whole Janai'ngo thing, but after Percy told her he did it save a life she forgave him.

He told her about the prophecy, the revived daughter of Zeus, the children he rescued from the casino and then finally about how they were all preparing for war.

"Amazing," Sally said as Percy drank from a glass of blue milk Sally made for him.

"I know I am," Percy said with a smirk.

"Well Mr. Amazing you should know you have a blue milk mustache growing on your face," Sally said as Percy quickly wiped the extra milk away. "So…. a lot has happened to you Percy, how are you coping?"

"I'm okay," Percy said sighing, "well, I'm trying anyway. I almost it around two weeks ago and nearly ran away from camp, but luckily cooler heads prevailed and I stuck around."

"I see….. I'm proud of you Percy," Sally said with a smile that warmed Percy up, "have I ever told you that?"

Percy smiled, "you never had to."

Sally nodded, "so, what's the plan now?"

"Now? Well it depends. I actually came here for a reason other than just talking mom, thought the blue milk was worth the trip," Percy said finishing his glass, "I need some of your blood."

Sally blinked, "my blood? Why?"

"I need it for a ceremony mom," Percy explained, "with the war coming for us I find myself without a proper weapon. I need something to give me an advantage over the rest, and thanks to Odysseus I might just have a way."

"I see…. Have you talked to your father about this?"

"Yup, and he already gave me his blood."

"Well...okay then," Sally said going into the kitchen and bringing out a knife, "how are you going to carry it?"

"Woah mom, what's with the knife?!" Percy asked shocked.

Sally looked confused, "didn't you say you needed my blood?"

"Yeah, but I don't need that," Percy said pointing at the thing, "just sit down and I'll do the rest."

Sally nodded and sat down putting the knife aside. Percy then took one of her hands and using his blood control drew out a long stream of blood from her index finger. Percy then used his ice powers and formed an ice test tube big enough for the blood. He put the blood in there and sealed the test tube shut throwing it into his inventory.

Progress made!

Create your own weapon!

2- The blood of the person/persons you care about the most (Completed)!

"And done," Percy said, "see, no mess."

"That's amazing," Sally said looking at her finger, "how did you do that?"

"Blood is basically 70% water, so I can control it," Percy shrugged, "oh wait let me heal that for you." Percy took his mom's finger and used his healing skill to heal up Sally's wound in a flash of gold.

"Amazing Percy," Sally said looking at her hand, "since when can you do that?"

Percy shrugged, "since two weeks ago."

"What is it? Did Apollo give you a healing power?"

Percy shook his head, "no, not really, besides the only thing that asshole of a God would give is curses to children of Poseidon. Remember the quest to find the Golden Fleece?" Sally nodded, "well in the process I managed to get a power similar to that. It's called healing and it basically allows me to heal any person."

Sally looked at Percy in wonder, "amazing…..so you can heal anything?"

Percy nodded, "pretty much yeah."

Sally eyes' turned to worry, wonder and then finally filled with hope. "Percy….can I ask you for a favour?"

"Mom, come on, you don't need to ask me anything. Just tell me what you need and I'll do it."

Sally nodded and looked at the clock, "it's 6 right now, we just might make it in time."

"Make what in time?" Percy asked as Sally got up and grabbed her hand bag.

"I need you to heal someone for me, Percy. A daughter of my friend, Maria, is very sick. I want you to try and heal her."

Percy blinked, "ah...okay?"

They quickly left the apartment leaving Leo once again with the Castle's. Sally went outside and hailed a cab which took them towards Mount Sinai Hospital. The cab reached the hospital in 20 minutes, something Percy didn't like. He could have ran the distance in seconds, but this just gave him more of an excuse to be with his mom. They entered the hospital and Sally lead them to the third floor to room 322.

Sally slowly pushed the door opened walking into the room, "Maria? Are you here?"

"Sally?" a woman called out, "why are you here?"

Percy walked into the room and saw his mom hugging a latino woman whose face was covered with dried tears. His eyes then roamed the room and fell on the bed in the center. On the bed was a small child, around 9 or 8, with several tubes and wires attached to her. Her face was thin and sulken with no hair on her scalp. Her heart beat was slow but steady and her tiny body was thin to the bones.

"I wanted to see you and Tabitha Maria," Sally explained breaking the hug, "how is she doing?"

"She's well, thank you for asking," Maria said before turning to Percy, "and who is this?"

Sally smiled, "this is Percy, my boy."

Maria smiled as she walked up to Percy, "you have your mother's eyes."

Percy smiled, "thank you ma'am."

"Oh no need to call me ma'am," Maria said, "I'm barely 30."

"Right," Percy nodded.

"How have you been Maria?" Sally asked.

"Okay," Maria nodded to her friends, "Tabitha, she's been...the doctor's say she's getting better. But…. the tumor is still in there. Right now we're not sure," Maria started to tear up again as Sally pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay Maria, it's all going to be fine."

"I pray to God everyday Sally," Maria cried out, "why is he taking my baby from me?"

"I don't know Maria, but I promise Tabitha is going to make it," Sally lead Maria outside, "come let's get you something to eat. You look like you haven't had anything in days."

"But Tabitha-"

"Percy will take care of her," Sally reassured Maria, "I promise nothing will happen to your girl as long as Percy's there."

Maria turned to Percy, "take care of her for me will you?"

Percy nodded giving a weak smiled, "yeah, I promise."

"We'll be back soon Percy," Sally said while giving Percy a look that he understood as, 'work fast Percy.' The two mothers then walked out of the room leaving Percy alone with the dying girl, and she was dying;

Tabitha Alejandro Quanswala Forthaco, Dead girl

Lv- 1

HP: 10/50


Race- Human







After being diagnosed with cancer at an early age Tabitha's life has been a living hell. She has rarely held on to her childhood and the only reason she has lived this long is thanks to the amazing doctors she has had and the love and constant support of her mother.

Likes: Cotton candy, the clouds

Dislikes: Cancer, seeing her mother cry

She doesn't know Percy

She is in a lot of pain but can't feel it due to the temporary coma she is in.

Percy could almost feel the sadness and pity pouring out of his heart. It felt like someone had punched into his chest and ripped out his heart. Before Percy would have to simply stand around and do nothing...but now he could do something. He could make an actual difference. Percy didn't know whether his powers could cure cancer, but they do come from the Golden fleece, which brought back Kronos and Thalia, so they should at the very least be able to do this.

Percy bent down and squeezed the little girl's hand, "I don't know whether you can hear me or not, but if you can I just wanted to tell you hold on, I'll make sure the pain goes away."

Percy then began the healing process pouring his mana into the girl.


You are attempting to heal somebody with several ailments! Please chose one to heal;

Low bone density

Low metabolism

Low white blood cell count

Cancerous tumors in lung

Cancerous tumors in esophagus


Medically induced coma

Percy then pulled up his healing powers;

Healing, Lv- 1 (90%)

Allows the user to heal any disease or ailments threatening himself or others.

Limit- 1 aliment per use.

Cost- 500 MP

'Okay so if one alimet costs 500 MP then I should be able to all of her ailments easily,' Percy said to himself smiling. He first chose to cure the tumor in her lungs. Percy's hands glowed, lighting up the dull hospital room with a golden light. Percy felt his mana being eaten away, but it was nothing compared to how much he had left.

Percy looked at her heart beat, with the cancer removed from her lungs the girl was breathing better already.

Percy then did the process again and again and again slowly curing every single ailment Tabitha had until only the coma remained. Percy fell down to the chair next to the bed from mana exhaustion. He had just used 3,500 MP in less than a minute. Percy was strong, but that type of strainfull magic took its toll.

'Should I cure her of the coma now?' Percy wondered, it would be strange if she suddenly woke up just as Percy was with her. But then again Percy didn't want the girl to stay in a mental limbo if he could help it.

So with a shrug Percy threw caution to the wind and used his powers one last time and healed the girl of her last alimet.


Healing, Lv- 2 (10%)

Allows the user to heal any disease or ailments threatening himself or others.

Limit- 1 aliment per use.

Cost- 450 MP

Just as the golden glow from the healing settled down the door opened and Sally and Maria walked in with a cup of coffee in their hands.

"Thank you for looking after her," the latino mother said taking a sip of her coffee, "and thank you Sally. This visit means a lot."

Sally nodded, "not a problem Maria," Sally turned to Percy and widened her eyes, "Percy are you okay?!"

'Way to attract attention mom,' Percy sighed, "yeah, I'm fine."

Maria now noticed Percy as well, "Percy, you're sweating. And you look exhausted."

"Nothing a nap won't fix," Percy said with a smile.

Just as Maria and Sally were about to check up on Percy once again a groan came out from Tabitha as well as a word, "my-mom-my?"

Maria's grip of her cup failed causing the ceramic cup to fall out her grasp. Percy moved quickly and grabbed the cup before it hit the floor and then moved back as Maria ran to her child's side, "Tabitha? Tabitha honey can you hear me? It's me, it's mommy."

The woman had tears flowing out as the small shield opened her eyes, "mommy? Is that you?"

"Baby girl," Maria said with tears as she grabbed the child in a light and gentle hug, still afraid of breaking her. But then Tabitha did what she couldn't for over a year. She lifted herself up and curled her arms around her mother's neck and hugged back. Maria cried harder, the tears flowed even more now.

As mother and daughter hugged each other Percy and his mom slowly walked out into the empty corridor given the two some space.

"Thank you for that Percy," Sally said, looking at the two people inside still hugging, "ever since I knew Maria she had been worried only about her daughter. The poor woman has suffered enough, I wanted to help her anyway I could."

"Didn't I tell you that you would never have to say thanks?" Percy asked with a smirk drinking the rest of Maria's coffee.

"You did a good thing Percy," Sally said with a smile.

"I know, I'm a hero. It's what I do," Percy smiled as he finished the cup of coffee, "Although I never imagined I could ever use my powers….like this."

Sally smiled, "maybe you should become a doctor when you grow up."

Percy shrugged, "maybe." 'I could if I wanted to. I can learn everything I would need to know in the press of a button, and I beat if I am careful enough not to get caught I could help a lot of people.'

"So will you be leaving now?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, if I stay too long monsters might catch my scent."

Sally sighed, "take care of yourself Percy," she then pulled Percy into a hug, "and remember I am always there for you. You may live in a world filled with things I cannot even being to imagine, but I am still your mother."

Percy smiled and held his mother close, "thanks mom."

Sally broke the hug, "I'm proud of you."

Percy smiled, "I know. Well, guess I better get going," Percy turned and took out his Goggles from his inventory. He put them on but then turned to his mom, "hey mom could I ask you a favour?"

Sally nodded, "what is it dear? Need more blood?"

Percy shook his head, "no, I was just wondering whether I could take Leo with me."

"Leo?" Sally asked surprised, "whatever for Percy?"

"It's just that Leo hasn't grown at all since I last saw him, and that was a year ago. I think it has something to do with the fact he is supposed to be with me or something."

"Hmm, well the vet I took him too just said that Leo was a slow grower, but that could also be the Mist talking. Well I suppose it does make sense that a magical creature can only grow up in a magical environment."

Percy nodded, "right. And the reason I gave Leo to you was because I wanted someone strong enough to protect you while I'm gone. Since Leo can't do that right now I think it's best I train him for some time before I give him back."

Sally nodded, "okay Percy. He's all yours."

Percy smiled, "thanks mom. I'll get them from the Castle's, oh, and before I forget, here," Percy opened his inventory and pulled out a green casino card with a lotus printed on it;

Lotus Cash Card,

This card may be used as a debit card anywhere.

Money contained within- Infinite.

Sally raised an eyebrow as she received the card, "what's this?"

"It's a casino card. Remember I told you I saved some kids form a casino?" Sally nodded, "well while I was there I got this. It has an unlimited amount of money in it."

Sally's eyes widened as she looked down at the little green plastic card in her hand, "h-how is that even possible?"

Percy shrugged, "I'm not sure, but when I showed it to Annabeth she said it contained some sort of influence in digital mechanics that tricks a bank's system into believing the card has unlimited amount of money."

"Percy….this is amazing," Sally looked at the card.

"Yup," Percy smiled, "I thought maybe you could use it to pay for Tabitha's hospital bills and what not. But remember to always withdraw money from an ATM, it might attract attention if you send money left and right and I don't want-"

Percy was cut off by his mom grabbing him into a hug and holding him close, "you are the best son any mother could ask for."

Percy smiled, "and you're the best mom ever."

Sally smiled and broke the hug, "you sure you don't need this?"

Percy shook his head, "no. I was going to use it to buy things left and right, but I figured I was to irresponsible with unlimited money. So I gave to the most compassionate person I know."

Sally smiled, "thank you. This is going to make college so much easier."

"Don't' forget, never use this directly, withdraw money from an ATM first," Percy then pressed the button on the side of his goggles from his jelly like helmet around his head, "see you later!"

Percy then turned on the spot and zoomed away leaving Sally blow back by the speed Percy was traveling at. "That is so cool," Sally whispered as a smile came onto her face.

Percy ran thought New York leaving a gust of wind behind him. He reached his mom's place 9 seconds flat, mostly because he wanted to slow down and take in the sights. He deactivated his helmet and lowered his goggles to his neck before he went up and knocked on the Castle's door.

The door opened up to Alexis standing there with Leo next to her growling at Percy.

"Percy?" the beautiful redhead said in surprise, "I didn't realise you would be back so soon."

Percy nodded, "yeah, we finished the thing early. Mom's still in the hospital but I just came for Leo."

"So you can abandon me again asshole?" Leo asked

"For the last time I didn't abandon you Leo! You hated me, and I hated you. You pissed on me the first time we meet!"


"Grr! You are just so irritating!" Percy felt like ripping his own hair out as Alexis giggled in amusement.

"You know dad was right, it's almost like you can talk to him."

Percy sighed as he picked up Leo by the collar and held him at an arm's length, "thanks for taking care of him."

"Let go me you useless man! I only allow beautiful women to touch me!" Leo yelled, 'guess that explains why he hates me and Castle.'

"It was my pleasure," Alexis said suddenly Kate walked out from behind her surprising the two, "Kate? Where are you going?"

"We got a hostage situation in Harlem and one of my suspects is right in the middle of it, I need to get there now.," Kate said as she put on her jacket walking down the stairs.

Percy was surprised, 'maybe I should help out or something. What am I saying, of course I should help out!'


Quest Alert!

Save the civilians!


500 XP per civilian saved

New Title!


Death of hostages



Percy pressed yes and turned to Alexis, "see you later red."

"No! My beautiful caregiver! Let me go! I don't want to go with you sticky man!" Leo barked out in protest but Percy ignored him.

Before Alexis could respond Percy took off at a moderate pace for the stairs. Once he was out of sight from the girl Percy opened his inventory and stuffed the shouting dog in it silencing him. Percy then took his goggles form around his neck and put them on activating his helmet.

Percy snuck out to the main road and spotted Kate traveling in a car turning right. He activate his super speed and quickly caught up to her and hide in the shadows of an alleyway. He waited as Kate slowly made her way through New York traffic till eventually she reached a KFC restaurant in Harlem.

The place was teeming with cops and reporters everywhere. People were gathered around just behind the yellow line Percy disabled his helmet and quietly slipped into the crowd of people. He walked towards a reporter and eavesdropped on the woman as she spoke into her camera.

"-The man responsible has been identified as a criminal of the Boston underworld, one Jordan Clifford. This man has reportedly has over nine hostages inside, the KFC was reportedly filled with people when Clifford opened fired. Most managed to get out while Clifford managed to grab 9 hostages. He is not working alone as reports tell that four men were working together with Clifford and helped him secure the building. Police have been so far unable to identify the people helping Clifford but have managed to make contact with the man inside. It is said that-"

The reporter went on but Percy didn't really pay attention. His mind went back to the time he saw Kate's open files. He remembered reading something about this Clifford guys being the Don's second hand man, why he was now holding up a KFC Percy didn't know. But he did know one thing, he had to save those people inside.

Percy turned to the KFC and saw the place around it teeming with cops. There was a truck parked behind the yellow time which had a dish on top, probably the communications center for the negotiation.

Percy then turned to the building itself. The windows were boarded up, Percy could barely make out anything in there. He didn't have a way of finding out where the hostages were, his mana sense powers only detected mana, and normal humans didn't have any.

Just then an idea hit Percy and the demigod slowly slipped back into the shadows of an alley nearby. 'Okay, if I'm going to do this I need to make sure I don't get recognized,' Percy said to himself as he looked at his clothes, 'maybe something a bit more….superhero.'

Percy took out his skin tight super fabric legging and quickly switched them out for his jeans. Changing at super speed really was something else. Percy then zipped up his jacket hiding the easily recognizable orange camp shirt and activated his lightweight helmet.

Percy then focused his mind as slowly his body turned into smoke before activating his Speed demon perk and zooming off towards the KFC.

'Okay my time limit for this form is 1 minute 30 seconds, so every second counts,' Percy told himself as he slipped into the KFC from the the back avoiding the cameras and all the people at the front.

Percy was pushing his speed to the max, but since he was in cloud from his max speed was basically just him running at normal speed. But that would have to do. Percy went through a broken window in the back and found himself in an old unused supply closet. Percy quickly went under the gap between the door and floor and began searching the restaurant.

He passed quickly through the company break room in the back and through the main dining area. There Percy saw five armed men standing by the door and barred up windows with machine guns in their hands.

Not wanting to waste time of risk getting spotted the blue cloud moved, he still needed to find the hostages. Percy quickly found the manager's room a few door down from the unused closet and inside he found all 9 hostages tied up and gagged. A blonde haired man stood over them with a cellphone over his ear. He was buff, his muscles had veins popping out of them and his hair was long, just like his beard.

"I said I want detective Beckett, and I want her now!" the man roared out.

'Kate? What does he want with Kate?' Percy wondered as he hovered in the corner of the room. Luckily no one had noticed him. The hostages were to distracted to notice him and the man, Clifford, was still waiting on Kate.

"Detective Beckett," the man finally said, "is it really you?" Silence, "fine. I believe you." Silence again, "I called for you for one reason, I needed your attention." Silence, "because I know you are investigating into the murder of Don Francisco and one of your main suspects is me!" silence, "listen here bitch I know what you have been doing! Going around asking questions that shouldn't be asked! You're the reason I have to run now!" Silence, Percy could hear Kate frantically shouting on the other end, "the reason I called you is because I know who is responsible for the Don's murder." Silence, "yeah, the real one. The reason I called you hear is because I want you to help prove I'm innocent." Silence again, " you have 24 hours. Until then I won't hurt anyone of these people, but after that I will kill every person one by one every extra hour you take! And don't you dare try and sneak in! I have each entrance in this dump locked shut!"

The man disconnected the call and Percy could feel his time in smoke form run out. 'It's now or never,' Percy thought as he slowly transformed back into his human form.

Percy hit the ground with a thud drawing everyone's attention to him. The hostage's went wide eyes and Clifford pointed his gun at Percy.

"How the hell did you-" the man didn't even complete this line as Percy activated his speed and blurred into motion tackling the man to the ground before slapping him across the face breaking a few of his teeth.

'Damn, forgot how strong I was,' Percy told himself as he pulled the man and smashed his head into the ground knocking him unconscious.

Percy slowly got up and turned to the hostages, "are you alright?"

They nodded blankly as one man asked, "is he dead?"

Percy shook his head, "just knocked out. Stay here," Percy then zoomed out of the room leaving everyone stunned at what they had saw.

"That just happened right?" one man asked, "like, I didn't imagine that did I?"

"Nope," the man next to him said.

"Good to know."

Percy had managed to sneak into the main dining area. The five armed men did hear the commotion inside, that was good. It gave Percy the advantage of surprise. 'Okay then, let's dance.'

Percy moved with his super speed and punched the back of the man closest to him. The thug didn't even know what hit him as he was sent flying through the boarded up window. Percy moved, he grabbed the gun of one thug and threw it to the side before throwing a weak punch to the man's face breaking his nose.

"Who are you!" the other three thugs shouted as they opened fire on Percy. Percy moved before the bullets could even hit him as he knocked out two things before turning to the last.

The last man's face turned to one horror as he threw his gun to the side, "I give up! I swear I didn't want nothing to do with this! My cousin Frankie made me! I-"

"Oh shut up," Percy said slapping the man across the face knocking him out. Percy smiled, 'damn I'm good.'

Just then the barred up doors were flung open as several SWAT agents came pouring in. Kate was leading the charge, "you! Stay where you are!"

Percy didn't even wait as he zoomed away circling the entire team of SWAT and police before jumping out the window he threw a thug through. Percy didn't stop for even a second in a second he passed the yellow tape and people gathered around slipping into the alley he was in before.

Percy watched from the shadows as the hostages were slowly taken out of the restaurant one by one.


Quest Completed!

Save the civilians!


500 XP per civilian saved

New Title!

Total Exp earned!

4,500 XP

New Title unlocked!

Novice Hero- Almost nobody knows about you.

2% chance of getting recognized

+1 to every stat when doing good

0.3% chance of being liked by the public.

Percy raised an eyebrow at the new title but it was to be expected. 'Guess this makes me the first person crazy enough to actually dress up like a superhero and save people.'

Percy closed the notification box and quickly zoomed away, his job was done. Percy took very little time to get back to camp. He reached just after dinner was over, meaning everyone was now gathered around the camp hearth singing songs and being merry.

Percy reached the heart and stood at the side simply observing everyone. He quickly spotted Annabeth, Michael, Clarisse and Nina sitting together sharing stories with Thalia. Percy deactivated his helmet and put it away as he went up and sat next to Annabeth and his other friends.

"Your back," Michael said smiling, "did you bring us a souvenir?"

"Yeah here," Percy flipped the son of Apollo.

"Rude," Michael huffed.

"How's your mom Percy?" Nina asked.

"She's okay," Percy admitted, "I didn't get to spend much time with her. She was gone for a campus interview so I had to spend time with her neighbors, but it wasn't all that bad. The guy, his name was Rick Castle, had plenty of video games to pass the time."

"Richard Castle?!" Annabeth shrieked, "the Richard Castle?! Author of Derek Storm?!"

Percy nodded, "yeah, I think so."

"Percy that man is a God of murder mysteries!" Annabeth said with stars in her eyes, "oh Gods! I wanted to meet him since forever! I have all his books!"

"You can come with me next time if you want," Percy suggested, "he said to come over any time so.."

"-REALLY?!" Annabeth yelled out in happiness, "LET'S GO!"

"I don't think he meant right now Annabeth," Percy said claiming the girl down, "besides, I just went to New York. I'll take you some other time if you want."


Percy nodded, "promise. Though it won't be any time soon," Percy said with a sigh, "I have something that needs to be taken care off first."

"You got another quest sea head?" Thalia asked surprised.

"No," Percy shook hi head, "it's more like a self imposed mission. I recently acquired a way to create a super powerful weapon from a friend-"

"-Do you mean that scroll you got from Odysseus?" Nina asked.

Percy nodded, "yup. Anyway so I am going to try and make a weapon for myself. That's one of the reason I went to New York, to get my hands on some of the materials needed for the foregoing."

"Percy why do I get the feeling you are about to do something stupid and dangerous?" Michael asked.

"Because he probably is," Clarisse said turning to Percy, "this is dangerous right? Because I find it hard to believe anything you do is not dangerous."

Percy sighed, "well I wouldn't say it's dangerous…."

"Do you need back up?" Thalia offered.

Percy shook his head, "no, not really. It's more of a solo thing, I don't think you guys can help."

"We can try," Annabeth shot back.

"Sigh, fine," Percy groaned, "you people are as stubborn as me."

"Yup," Michael agreed, "so when do we start?"

Percy rubbed his temples, "I was hoping tonight. The time needed for creating the weapon in unknown. It could be a few days, or weeks."

"Fine, when and where," Thalia asked.

"The Fist of Zeus, 11," Percy said and his friends nodded in agreement. Percy then turned to Nina, "oh and Nina could you do me a favour?"

Percy spent some more time with them before he went to his cabin and meet John inside. After telling his half-brother what he did for the day Percy changed his shirt and took a quick shower. The way he saved those people still filled Percy up with happiness. Maybe after all of this is over he should become a superhero or something. After all being a hero was what he was meant to be.

After the shower Percy sat down and took out the scroll of sword creation. He read and reread the spell Odysseus had written down, he didn't want any mistake for when actually did the spell.

After reading that paper more time than he could count, Percy took out Riptide and looked at the blade. For the spell to work he needed a piece of this and his crystal, meaning Percy had to find a way to break off a peice of both.

But as he knew first hand, breaking celestial bronze was next to impossible. The only time he ever say a celestial bronze weapon break was during the battle between himself and Luke. Percy had just found out that Luke was the lightning thief and he was angry. He used sheer force to attack Luke, so maybe the answer was that, shee force.

Percy opened his inventory and pulled out another celestial bronze blade of his, this one he got from Hephaestus forge in Boston. Percy then held Riptide with his left as he continuously brought down the other celestial bronze blade over and over on top of Riptide.

As Percy kept hitting the blade more and more of the ordinary celestial bronze blade broke off instead of Riptide. It seemed almost impossible to break off the piece of the legendary blade when suddenly Percy noticed a small crack near the tip of the blade.

The crack itself was strange, Percy had no idea how it got there. So far he had only hit Riptide in the middle, for a crack to appear near the tip….something else must have caused it. But Percy didn't know what, and he had never seen that crack before, he had literally spent the night before maintaining the blade and he didn't see one crack.

It was almost like the crack just appeared out of thin air.

Percy put away the other sword as he grabbed the tip of his blade and pressed down on it. Percy tried his best but the metal still held on strong. So Percy activated his Body Form;

Body Form Activated: Right arm

And he slowly felt the metal bend under his strength.


That was the sound of the tip being chipped off by Percy. The demigod held up the tip of his sword between his finger as he deactivated his strength. The sliver of metal wasn't much, one could hardly see the chip in the metal of Riptide unless they knew where to look.

Percy then put he sliver of metal and Riptide away;

Progress made!

Create your own weapon!

3- A peice of an item that you hold dear to your heart (Completed)!

'Guess that means I can't use more than one item for that creation,' Percy realised meaning his plans for also using a part of his crystal was scrapped as well. It was for the best, in all honesty he had no idea how he would even begin to cut a piece of the crystal out of his head.

Soon it was time and Percy snuck out of his cabin the moment John went to bed. Percy reached the Fist of Zeus and waiting on top of the rock structure. He didn't have to wait long because the rest of his friends soon joined him.

"Here you go Percy," Nina said as she handed Percy a big celestial bronze cauldron, "it was actually pretty easy to find. Surprisingly the art department has a lot of these."

Percy nodded taking the pit, "thanks Nina, this will help me a lot."

"So what exactly if the plan?" Michael asked.

"I do the spell and….well I don't know really. I think I just go into a trance or something."

"You sure about this sea brain?" Thalia asked.

Percy smiled, "is that concern I hear in your voice Thalia?"

The daughter of Zeus narrowed her eyes as Annabeth stepped up, "Percy are you sure about this?"

Percy nodded, "yup."

Lie successful!

Annabeth sighed, "okay then. What do we do?"

Percy say down on the stone structure with the bronze cauldron placed in front of him, "stand back, and watch."

The demigods all stood back as Percy opened his inventory and took out all he needed. He first took out his mom's blood and poured it into the cauldron. He then put in the shard of Riptide before taking out a small amount of his own blood using blood control. With that all done Percy opened up his inventory and pulled out the fang of Janai'ngo he pulled out of Mere;

Fang of Janai'ngo

A fang of the legendary monster of the deep. It's poisonous nature will bring death with the slightest touch.

Effect: causes -100 HP damage per minute.

Percy put the fang into the cauldron and then took out the final ingredient, the blood of Poseidon.

"Percy," Annabeth started, "is that ichor?"

Percy nodded as he took off the cork and poured the golden blood into the cauldron, "it's my dad's."

"You are using the blood of Poseidon?" Thalia asked surprised, "Percy….are you sure you want to do this?"

The son of Poseidon nodded as he looked deep into Thalia's eyes, "I have to. I need to be the best that I can be, and I can't be that if I continue to play it safe. I need to take risks."

"Fine," Thalia sighed, "stubborn brat."

Percy smiled and turned to cauldron. Only two more things remained to be done. Percy summon a fireball in both his hands and placed it below the cauldron heating it all up.

Slowly the blood started to boil as Percy began the spell;

[The light shines when darkness calls.

The power of one cause will always fall.

It is together that achievement is near at all.

The will of Green, the rage of Red, the fear of Yellow and the hope of Blue.

The love of Violet, the compassion of Indigo and the greed of orange shall lead me true.

Be it result in life or death, I make this pact.

And with the power of the universe, I enable this act.

I am Perseus Jackson, a pilgrim of Greece, I seek power to rule myself and protect what I believe.

I invoke the Will of the Gods and of man, guide me upon this journey towards my wayward land.]

Suddenly the blood started spinning clockwise as the fang of Janai'ngo slowly started to melt like candle wax. The shard of Riptide glowed bright blue but was soon covered by the blood and the remains of the melted fangs.

Percy's eyes started to glow green before they exploded into a white light. A wave of white energy exploded outwards forming a shield between Percy and the demigods around him.

"Percy!" Thalia shouted as she tried to punch the barrier only to be thrown back by the white power.

"Thalia!" Annabeth shouted moving to help her friend.

"We can't break through!" Clarisse shouted out as they simply stood there and watched Percy stare straight ahead.

Percy's body didn't move, his hands remained below the cauldron with the fire still going strong. The liquid in cauldron soon began to boil up as the fumes slowly moved up and into Percy's nose. The son of Poseidon took the fumes into himself as slowly everything faded to black.