
Chapter 34

Chapter 34:

Percy stood in front of the Big House with the rest of the camp a good 20 feet behind him.

Percy turned around, "you sure you guys don't want to come closer?"

"No it's okay," Lee Fletcher called out, "we don't want to get in your way."

"And you Hermes?" Percy asked the messengers of the gods who sat next to Dionysus on the porch of the Big House sipping a glass of milk.

"No thanks," Hermes said, "I just came here to observe and report back."

Percy nodded, "if you say so."

After Dionysus fainted last night they had decided to wait till morning to release the demi gods. After all 24 new demigods would be a lot to handle, they would the entire camp to back them up. At breakfast Percy had to step up and basically explain to everyone about his inventory powers, which got him a few odd looks from the crowd. They thought he was joking, until he pulled out a shield from thin air. It took some time but people got the general gist of his powers, and here they all were.

He opened his inventory and quickly looked through it and chose the first demigod to release.

Percy reached in and pulled out a young boy with brown hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"Yo mini me," Percy said grinning ear to ear as he placed the kid down, "welcome to camp," Percy stepped to the side and gave the young boy a full view of all the campers.

"WOW!" Little Percy yelled out with a twinkle in his eye, "this is so cool! You kept your promise Percy!" The young shouted as he charged and grabbed Percy in a tight hug.

"Oph," Percy puffed out as the kid nearly took out all the air in him. He patted the kid on the back, "well a promise is a promise kid."

"Who is he Percy?" Annabeth asked drawing both Percy's attention to the rest of the camp.

"Oh right, introductions. Camp meet Percy Decker," Percy said as he patted the boy on the shoulder again.

"No another one!" Michael yelled out, "camp is barely surviving with one Percy!"

"Shut up Michael no one asked your opinion!" Percy growled out.

"Bite me fish head!"

"Shut up or I'll rip the strings off of your guitar!" Percy shouted as he turned to little Percy, "don't mind him, he just likes to be annoying."

"Like your one to talk!"

"Shut up Michael!"

"Ah hm," Dionysus cleared his throat drawing everyone's attention, "as much as I would love to see you two engage in verbal spares we do have, sigh, 23 more demigods to get through, so if you would please continue with the introduction Peter," Dionysis motioned for Percy to continue.

"Who is that weirdo and why did he call you Peter?" Little Percy asked causing the entire camp including Hermes to explode in a fit of laughter leaving Dionysus with a headache.

"That mini me is Dionysus, the god of wine," Percy said as slowly the child of Pan started to pale a little, "don't worry, he might look me but underneath it all he's a big softie. And sometimes he purposefully calls you by the wrong name, but that's just because he doesn't like getting close to any demigods."

Percy then turned to Hermes, "and you see that thin dude in the red track suit, he's Hermes god of messengers, your grandfather."

Hermes blinked, "he's my legacy?"

Percy shook his head as his smile grew bigger, "nope. Percy," he turned to the kid, "why don't you introduce yourself?"

"A-ah, you sure?" The little boy asked uncertain.

Percy nodded, "go ahead man."

The boy nodded as he slowly walked forward, "ah, hi everyone. I'm Percy Decker, and I'm the son of Pan."

The camp went silent when suddenly Dionysis got off of his seat so fast Percy swore he heard the sound barrier break, "WHAT?! YOU'RE THE SON OF PAN?!"

"Percy are you sure?" Hermes asked as he zoomed up to the kid before looking at him with a keen eyes.

"Yeah, my powers for identifying demigods kicked in and told me so-"

Lie successful!

"-The kid felt like the forest, like Grover did. But it was more powerful, more…. Godly. So I put two and two together. Was I right?"

Hermes nodded, "he has Pan's eyes, I'm not sure, but I think he is Pan's kid."

Just then a green Satyr head appeared over little Percy's head lighting up the ground with it's forest green glow.

"Well that settles it," Percy said smiling, "you're definitely Pan's kid now."

The entire camp bust into chatter and whispers as everyone gave the boy side glances. Little Percy fell into himself in agitation and worry.

"Percy what's going on?" The kid asked.

Percy knelt down and placed his hands on the boy's shoulder, "it's simply mini me, you just got claimed."

"What does that mean?"

"Why don't you look up and find out?"

The boy did just that and when he did he saw the green Satyr head above him glowing brightly, "woah!"

"Yup, that means your dad just acknowledge you as his son, pretty cool right?"

"Yeah, but why does everyone act like it's a big deal? Their acting like I'm different. This is normal right Percy?"

The son of Poseidon nodded, "relax mini me it's perfectly normal. It's just…. remember when I told you that you were an extra special demigod because of your dad?"

The kid nodded, "yeah."

"Well you see mini me your dad is the lord of the Wild and recently he's gone missing. No one knows where he is, your mom was probably the last person to have even seen him and you are his son. You're a big deal kid."

"Percy the little one looks hungry," Hermes spoke up, "maybe we should get him something to eat."

Percy nodded, "that's right you haven't had anything except some french fries."

"It's okay, I don't get hungry often," little Percy said holding onto Percy, "if it's all the same with you can I stay here?"

Percy looked to Hermes who shrugged. Percy smiled, and turned to little Percy, "sure mini me, though you're going to have to let go my leg. I have a job to do and I need the leg to do it. How about this, see that pretty blonde girl over there with the know it all type of attitude?" Percy pointed to Annabeth who huffed in amusement at the know-it-all comment,"that's Annabeth, one of my best friends, why don't you wait with her and she'll make sure to make you feel at home."

Little Percy nodded and quickly walked away leaving Percy alone.

"Well if that was just the first one this might turn out to be a longer day than I originally thought," Dionysis commented as he took a swing from his can.

Percy nodded and quickly pulled out the second demigod, Jonathan Filius, his half brother.

The man wore a khaki formal soldier's uniform without the cap on top. Medals lined his left uniform and on his right hip was a holstered gun. The man had blonde hair but his eyes were a shade darker than Percy's. He looked around dazed and confused.

"Wh-where am I?" The man asked looking at all the kids, "who are you all?"

"Hello John, my name is Percy," Percy said drawing the man's attention to him, "can I call you John?"

The man blinked, "ah, yes, yes you may. Where am I?"

"John I need to ask you a few questions okay? What was the last thing you remember John? Before all of this, what do you remember?"

"I was-I was going back to the hotel," the man said as the visible struggle to remember things clouded his mind, "I was going back to my hotel when a friend dragged me into the casino. It was so nice there and...and…. I just stayed there. Oh good lord how long was I in there?"

"60 years, give or take," Dionysis commented.

"Dude! Not cool!" Percy cried out.

"60 years?!" The man shouted, "that's impossible?! How could I have been in there that long?! I remember being there only for a month! Two at the most!"

"Woah, woah, relax man everything's alright," Percy interviewed seeing the man going into a visible melt down over this, after all he just learnt that he outlived the era he grew in. "Your safe here, do you know who you are? What you are?"

"What?! Just what the hell are you insinuating boy?!" The man shouted.

"Wow relax man we are all friends here, none of use are insinuating anything," Percy quickly replied defusing the tension, "we just want to talk, that's all. So let's not do anything, irrational," Percy's eyes went to the man's pistol.

John looked at Percy and then at the rest of the camp, "where am I?"

"Your in place, a special place for people like you."

"People like me?" John asked again as his voice was layered with anger, "what do you mean people like me?"

"You know," Percy said motioning for the man to catch on but he never did, "wait…. You don't know do you?"

"Don't know what? That I'm a bastard?!" John's voice came out harsh, "yeah I know that alright, you people never let me forget it."

'Ah so that's why he was acting cranky. He must have been bullied in the army for being born out of wedlock. The 1940's must have been tough for him' Percy realized.

"Well then if you're bastards then so are the rest of us," Percy said motioning to the rest of camp, "aren't we guys?!"

"Yup!" Someone cried out.

"Totally 100% bastards!" Peter yelled out.

"And you're the biggest one Percy!"

"Shut up Michael!" Percy yelled again before turning to John, "look John we are all the same. We all share something in common. Each of us has a parent who was...well first tell me this, do you know Greek history?"

The man nodded dumbly still stunned by the entire camp openly admitted to being bastards, "yes, I learnt a little in college."

"Well then you know about demigods then."

The man nodded, "yeah, but what does that have to do with me?"

"Tell me John which deviation of the US armed forces were you assigned to? I'm guessing it was the Navy, right?"

John nodded, "yeah, how did you know?"

"It's because of who you are John," Percy said, "you chose the Navy because you felt a deep connection to the sea right? You feel so closely connected to it that sometimes when you swim it almost feel like you can breath underwater goth?"

John's eyes went wide in surprise, "h-how could you possibly know that?"

A few Athena kids had figured it out as well as some of the smarter campers. Dionysis simply just groaned out, "great, another one."

"It's because I'm the same as you John," Percy said as he approached the man, "I feel the exact same way you do when it comes to the sea. I feel it strengthen me, and do you know why John?"


"Because we are brothers," Percy said as he used his mana to call forth the moisture in the air to form a water trident, "and we are the children of Poseidon, the God of the Seas."

John looked stunned and with wide eyes at the trident as he slowly touched it. The monment he got a good grip on it Percy let go allowing John to control the water. Suddenly a bright green trident appeared over John's head acknowledging him as Percy's brother.

"T-This is amazing!" John exclaimed as he twirled the weapon around, "how is this even possible?"

"Because you are a demigod John, like everyone here," Percy said, "you are a child of the Greek Gods."

"God is real?!"

"Well the Greek gods are, so is the Christian God but we try not to think about him."

John still looked skeptical, "so the Greek Gods are real?"

Percy nodded, "yup, hey if you want proof just looked behind you. See that guy in the red track suit? That's Hermes messenger of the Gods."

Hermes smiled and waved as John waved back stunned, "he's a God?"


"Are you sure? Because I don't think that a God would dress like that."

After that little comment Hermes threatened to try and kill John. Eventually everyone calmed down and Percy had Nina sit down with John and explain to him what was going on. Percy wished he could do it himself, after all the man was his half-brother, but he still had 22 demigods to release.

Percy quickly went through the rest of the demigods. Luckily after the first five or so, calming them down and explaining the whole trapped in a place that diluted time story came to him easily. Percy first claimed the understandably freaked out demigod before one of their fellow siblings, or anyone who ventured, took them into the Big House and explained to them what was going on.

There were around 4 children of Ares, 1 daughter of Hermes, who was immediately hugged by the God of messenger, a daughter of demeter, a son of Hecate, 2 children of Morpheus, a daughter of Aphrodite that kind of resembled Marilyn Monroe, a pair of twin sons of Apollo, a daughter of Pothos (god of Lust, and gods was she lust worthy), a son of Nemesis, a son of Nike, a daughter of Hebe, a daughter of Notus, two children of Athena and two children of Hephaestus.

Needless to say it was a long process.

Luckily most of the people who Percy released didn't want to go back there, they hated the experience. Most of demigods were children, around 12-14, they had usually stumbled onto the Lotus Casino when they were being chased by monsters. Most say that when they were in trouble the casino would just magically appear in front of them and they would go inside to hide now knowing the dangers inside.

There were three adults in total, including John. The other two adults was the daughter of Demeter and the son of Nemesis. The only reason the demigods had survived so long without knowing their true origin was because they had all joined the military early on in their life and were protected from any monsters. The daughter of Demeter was a nurse while John and the son of Nemesis were old army buddies that got trapped in the casino together.

Eventually though there was only two left. Percy had been saving these for last.

The son of Poseidon reached into his inventory and pulled out a 12 year old girl dressed in a fancy dress. She looked at Percy and then to everyone else around her before stammering out a response, "where in God's blue Earth am I?"

"Somewhere safe Bianca," Percy promised her as he put her down making sure she was steady before reaching in and pulling out Nico as well.

"Let go of me asshole!" The little boy kicked and screamed as he tried to punch Percy the moment he came out of the inventory, "what did you do to my sister?!"

"Nothing!" Percy protested as he jumped away from the son of Hades fists, "see there she is safe and sound."

"Nico what are you doing?" Bianca yelled out causing Nico to stop and look at his sister.

"Bianca! Your safe! I thought he hurt you!" Nico jumped and hugged his sister.

"Hurt me? Why would he do that? In fact who are you? Where are we?"

Percy sighed and eventually gave her the now routine speech about her being a demigod and her being trapped in that casino from over 60 years, blah blah blah.

"Wait so you're all," Bianca said looked at all the people gathered around, "demigods?"

"Yup," Percy nodded.

"And so are we?"

"Yup," Percy nodded.

"I-I don't know what to say to that," Bianca said as she looked around in shocked.

'Her entire understanding of life had just been shattered. She had just learnt that not only did she have a dad, he was basically immortal and a God! She didn't know what to say, or do,' Percy thought to himself, 'it's reasonable she is having an emotional crisis.' He then turned to Nico who had his head hung down as he was visibly trembling, 'poor kid, he must be overwhelmed.'

"COOL!" Nico yelled out jumping up, "so wait am I a God too?!"

'Guess he was shaking in excitement then,' Percy told himself as he gave the kid a smiled, "well no, you're a demigod, half God, half man. And as cool as a god is, we are cooler."

"Ah-hum," Hermes cleared his throat.

"You should get that looked at Hermes, don't want a throat infection or anything," Percy said with a sly smile.

The god grumbled as Bianca then spoke up, "so wait, does that mean our father is a God?"

Percy nodded, "yup, but first tell me, how much do you know about the Greek Gods?"

"Lots!" Nico exclaimed, "there's the Olympians, Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus and his wife Aphrodite, Hera, Demeter, Apollo and Artemis, Athena, Dionysus! And then there are the minor Gods like Hecate and Morpheus, oh and spirits like the Satyrs and other things, wait is that guy Hermes?!" Nico yelled out charging the God who looked stunned, "so cool! I always wanted to meet a God! Hey is it true you onces stole Apollo's cows? How did their milk taste? Do you actually have winged sandals? What's your top speed?"

Hermes just blinked at barrage of questions, "ah, well, yes, their milk tasted great, like caramel, yes I do have sandals with wings on them though these days I prefer sneakers and my top speed is just below the speed of light, I think, haven't really tried."

Percy smiled and turned to Bianca, "Nico seems to be having fun."

The girl sighed, "my brother has always been….extremely obsessed with Greek Myths."

Percy nodded, "as he should be, after all he is part of them now."

"Okay fine you have said your piece about us being demigods and the like, but where is the proof?"

Percy snapped his fingers and formed a trident out of the water in the air and twirled it around, "proof enough for you?"

"Wow!" Nico shouted rushing towards Percy, "that's so cool! Your a son of Poseidon right? If not you're probably a son of Triton or something! Wait can I do that? Are we children of Poseidon too?!"

"Ah, no, no you are not," Percy turned to Bianca, "proof enough for you Bianca?"

The girl didn't respond, she was still too stunned at the sight of the water trident in Percy's hand.

"Huh, guess that's a reasonable reaction," Percy said as he turned the water back into steam letting go of the weapon.

"So who is he?" Nico asked excited.

"Who is who?" Percy asked.

"Our dad!"

"Oh, right. Well if I was to guess I would say-"

"Look!" One of the campers pointed as the symbol of Hades, a purple helmet, appeared over both Nico's and Bianca's head startling the two.

"God damn it Hades I was waiting for a dramatic reveal!" Percy cursed aloud;


Quest completed!

Find and bring back Nico and Bianca di Angelo


5,000 Exp

50 D

+1 level in Shadow control


You have gained a level!

Shadow control, Lv-11 (+10= Lv-21)(20%)

Where the user can control shadows and manipulate them.

Cost- 55 MP (- 50 MP= 5MP)

· Shadow explosion- 1,100 Damage (+500 Damage=1,600 damage ) cost 1,500 MP (-500 MP= 1,000 MP)

· Shadow Grapple launcher – Launches a tendril of shadows that acts as a grapple to pull user. Cost – 900MP (-80 MP = 10 MP)

Percy quickly pushed the notification aside and turned to the two stunned siblings, "look I know it's difficult to understand, and difficult to process, but believe me, we have all been through this, we can help."

Bianca was shaking but nodded, "I understand, but still….knowing the man who you hated for so long for abandoning is a God….it's so difficult to get over."

"It's okay, I had the same feeling you did," Percy said with a smile, "I hated my dad for leaving my mom, eventually though I got over it."

"What did you do?" Bianca asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"I punched him in the face," Percy said grinning, "it was so great."

Bianca smiled, "you punched a God in the face?"

"Yup, he didn't mind, he sort of knew he had it coming."

"I don't think I can do that," Bianca said.

"Yeah probably not," Percy admitted, "my dad is kind of cool that way. But I promise you me and the rest of the camp will help you and your brother along the way, I promise"

"I somehow think Nico won't have a problem fitting in," Bianca said as she turned to Nico who had been running all over the place screaming, 'my dad's the coolest!' At the top of his voice.

Percy smiled, "yeah, that kid is…...special."

Two weeks later;

Surprisingly the next few days had been without any incident at all. None of the rescued demigods wanted to leave camp and go back to the Lotus Casino.

It had taken some time but eventually they all accepted that they were in fact stuck in another time period. The three adults in the group had trouble adjusting, all the new technology was much too advanced for them and their way of think was already set. Boy you should have seen the way the men reacted to the girls wearing jeans outside, they were pissed!

Eventually though everyone was getting better at adjusting. To compensate for the extra children Hermes had commissioned the construction of two new cabins to store all the minor demigods leaving the first Hermes cabin exclusively for Hermes kids. The cabins had their own head councillors but pretty much functioned as any cabin would.

Percy now found himself in his cabin reading one of Argo's books on radioactivity, which again increased his physics skill and gave him a sub skill;

Physics- Lv- 4- Basic concepts of physical science.

· Radiation – Lv- 1 – The study of radiation

"You up little brother?" Jonathan asked as the soldier got up and climbed out of his bed. It was the crack of dawn but Percy hadn't slept last night, he rarely did these days.

"I'm always up big bro," Percy said getting off his bed and putting the book into his vastly growing shelf. The only things he did these days was train and read books resulting in him increasing his sword skills by two levels and his intelligence and English skill by 3 points and 2 levels respectively;

· Sword Mastery, Lv-15 (40%)

Allows user to freely handle swords.

75% more damage when using swords.

Sword combo: Stardust Wave

An attack which is a combo move which can be used by one or two swords. The number of strike is only limited by the amount of times you attack your enemy

Attack- [(Number of strikes x Bit) more damage + Dex]%

Cost- Cool down period, +2 seconds for every strike

· Water + Sword technique: Water's Kill

A technique that uses both water control and skill to perform, the user locks the target in place with their water control and then coats his blade with several water blades. When striking the opponent the water blades rip into the enemy's body ripping them to shreds.

Attack- Level of Water control + Level of Sword Mastery

Cost- Cost of Water control

· Heaven's Rain,

A technique that causes it to rain no matter the weather. The user can then control the rain that follows and use the droplets as water swords.

Cost-200 MP

· Language: Modern English, Lv-28 (90%)

Due to you being a demigod you have Dyslexia, but with hard work you have overcome your disabilities and you're reading is now near grade level-College+

+80% reading speed


"Ready for training?" Percy asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be little bro," John said with a smile.

"You're getting better at modern slang John. We'll have you talking like a modern man in no time."

"I don't know about that," the sailor admitted, "but I do know things are looking up for me."

Percy smiled, "alright then, why don't you go ahead and have breakfast? I'll be right along."

"Don't you want to eat?"

"No, I'm good, go ahead. I'll meet you at the Arena."

John nodded and walked out of the cabin leaving Percy alone. The son of Poseidon walked out and went to the common shower rooms for a quick shower. He then zoomed back to his cabin and opened his inventory to look from something to wear.

Just then Percy looked up and saw himself in the mirror. In two weeks time a lot had changed for him physically. He figured it was due to his Goblin's growth perk he had obtained via Chimera's blood. In the past two weeks Percy had become 5' 4'' and his muscles had become more pronounced. They weren't huge and bulging, but they were noticeable. He had also started to get hair all over his body, don't ask, and his voice was slowly becoming more and more deeper, it could crack any day now.

He out on a pair of jeans and an orange camp Half-Blood shirt. He wore his special friction resistant shoes and his leather jacket along with his other important items. The last thing Percy put on was his necklace of Poseidon and his camp necklace, the latter of which had a new bead. It was for the quest he did with Odysseus, the bead was sea blue with a black ship carved into it. Percy smiled as the bead rested next to the iron cyclops skull he had.

After Percy was ready he walked out, put his hand up and called out, "ID create: Empty."

The world changed and Percy began to walk forward. As he did he put his other hand up and thought, 'ID Escape!'

The red skyed world shattered bringing Percy back to the real world. Percy continued this over and over again as he slipped from the real world to his pocket world and then back to the real world. It have been a thing he did for the past two weeks and soon everyone had gotten used to the sight of seeing Percy disappear to only reappear without explanation.

Over the course of two week Percy had leveled up the skill to such a high level that it had gained 8 new levels! Eight! Sure it wasn't much gained for the time used in training it, but that was to be expected, especially with the results he got;

· ID Create, Lv-22 (95%)

Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the dungeon.

Current list-

Empty Dungeon- no monsters.

Monster Dungeon- Zombies

Monster Dungeon- Goblin Camp

Arena Dungeon – Mountain/ Island/ Swamp/ Forest/ Plains

Empty Dungeon – Time dilation (1/3)

· ID Escape, Lv-22 (95%)

Used to escape from Instant Dungeons.

Percy had gained two new dungeons in these two weeks. The first new one he got was a combination of five areas that Percy could travel to. It was like the Goblin Camp scenario where he could transport himself to different areas completely instead of just creating dungeons with monsters in it.

The Areas he created were filled with monsters local to the region, hence Percy manly used this dungeon to try and keep himself on his toes. The monsters were pretty weak to begin with, most were just between Lv- 15 to 25. But they were useful for other reasons. Percy never spent too much time in each, after all he was very busy these days.

The newest dungeon he got though was something of a mystery and a boon. It was a ID where time flowed more quickly when compared to the real world. When Percy first unlocked the ID, it was pretty normal. Time flowed the same.

But after Percy leveled up the ID create skill once, the time dilation was increased for every 2 minutes that passed inside the ID 1 passed outside. Then when Percy leveled it up again it became for every 3 minutes inside one minute passed outside, so on and so forth. This particular time dilation skill was the reason Percy was so intent of trying and increase his skill level, if he could get a place where he could train longer for a shorter period of time it would be a blessing from the Gods.

Eventually though Percy reached the Arena and inside he found around 80 demigods armoured and talking to each other, while rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.

"Right, everyone into positions," Percy said as everyone of them quickly stopped talking and formed into rows each a good 4 feet apart from the other. Percy then began walking along the rows of the demigods looking at each of them like a general would an army. Percy stealthily opened up his status page and attached his 'Leader' title on, after all the demigods would need every boost they got;

Leader- allows the user to control his troops easily giving a +10 to all stats for all subordinates.

"Now today we will first warm up and then train in weapons," this got a groan from them all but Percy ignored them, "Yesterday you all managed to soundly defeat the first wave of the zombies, let's try two today."

Percy walked in front of them all and nodded, "begin!"

Quickly every one of them got down on to the floor and began the routine exercise that Percy had taught them. They first did 10 push ups, 10 jumping jacks, 15 punches, each arm, and then ended the set with 10 crunches. They then repeated the set all together.

While waiting for the exercises to be over Percy usually did his own exercises while keeping an eye on everyone. He focused on increasing his own strength stat and had taken to wear the weighted armbands that Nina had made for him all the time. He had increased the weight from 75 to 100 pounds per limb causing a extra 5 stat points for Str;


When Percy first took over training for the demigods it was tough. The older demigods liked him and knew what he was capable of, after all they had seen him cut off Hyperion's hand and take on Artemis in the form of a deer. They knew Percy was the best choice to train them.

The new demigods however were a different issue. They knew they owed Percy their lives, and most didn't question his leadership, but a few did.

A son of Ares didn't like the way Percy was teaching, big surprise there, he thought he knew how to fight better than the son of Poseidon. The kid's name was Colt and he was the guy who was dressed up like a punk with the purple mohawk that Percy got out of the casino.

Apparently the kid had a rough childhood growing up and he had to fight to survive. He had been brought up street tough and understandably didn't feel like a kid a foot shorter than him could teach him anything about fighting.

Colt had challenged Percy to a fight, he wanted to lead instead. Percy accepted….the fight lasted for about 2 seconds and Colt was sent to the Med Bay with a broken arm. Percy wasn't really in the mode for a big drawn out fight, so he used his speed and strength to simply twist Colt's arm and ended it quickly.

Since then no one had dared question Percy's capability.

The group of demigods Percy was teaching included most of the children from the Casino along with the Ares cabin. He also had demigods from the Hermes cabin with him along with the children of Demeter and Dionysus. The minor Gods cabin members also trained under Percy but only those who could fight. Nico and Bianca had also joined in, surprising Percy. But it seemed they both had their own talents. Bianca was good with spear while Nico was a swordsman through and through, not as good as Percy, but he had the willingness to try.

The Athena cabin was busy planning out war strategies for the rest of camp. Percy usually helped out wherever he could and was there for the many meetings they conducted.

Hephaestus cabin started the process of created armour for the new demigods, Percy couldn't really do anything in this regard but whenever he stumbled onto a weapon or extra crafting material he gave it right to Nina and the rest of Hephaestus cabin.

Since Percy didn't really do archery he couldn't help the Apollo cabin, but he didn't stop by to teach Nancy and the others how to use his blood rune spell in the case of a medical emergency.

Little Percy had joined the minor God's cabin as well, but he rarely ever stayed there. Ever since the Council of Cloven Elders had found out about the son of Pan they had tried their best to get their wrinkled old hands on them. Percy tried his best to keep mini him away from the old goats but eventually he couldn't protect the kid anymore. The old goats had gone to Dionysus and complained, little bitches.

The Council had insisted that they needed to take the boy away and train him in the ways of the Wild, but little Percy had other ideas. He didn't exactly say it but Percy knew the son of Pan considered him a surrogate older brother. The boy liked him, and he like the kid, after all with a name like Percy who couldn't like him?

So they came to a compromise. Little Percy spent half his time training under Percy and the other half with the Council of Cloven elders. It made his day very busy, but he was the son of Pan after all, right now he was the only legitimate successor to Pan's position and that made him very important.

"All right Level 1 team take a break!" Percy yelled out as around 20 demigods collapsed. Level 1 was Percy's way of calling out the weak. Using his Gamer powers Percy separated the demigods into levels.

Level one consisted of the nearly human like demigods that were low on stamina and strength, Percy had them do only three sets of their normal exercise before telling them to stop.

Level 2 were the average demigods with their stamina and strength above 20. They did around 10 sets before Percy told them to stop.

Then came the level 3's who were the exceptional demigods. These had lots of stamina and strength and mostly consisted of the adult demigods and a few children of Ares. They did around 20 sets of the exercise before Percy told them to stop.

After the Level 3's were done Percy took them them all out for a run. First they went across the stable and around the Forest. They then ran along the beach and stopped at the mouth of the stream cutting through the Forest.

Percy turned to his 80 demigod squad and waited for them all to arrive, the level 1's always had trouble keeping up.

"Alright everyone take out your weapons and keep them ready!" Percy shouted as each demigod took out their own favorite weapon, be it spear or sword. The archers generally trained with a sword and practised their bow and arrow skills later with the Apollo cabin.

"Now pair up with a person with the same weapon and stand opposite to each other!" Percy yelled out as the demigods started to move. Each had a prefered training partner, Bianca liked fighting a daughter of Hermes called Mila, Nico and little Percy, who were becoming fast friends due to their common likes of swords and Percy, faced of each other.

"Now where the hell is Thalia?" Percy muttered and just then the daughter of Zeus walked out of the forest with sweat covering her body.

"Sorry I'm late!" Thalia yelled out, "I kind of got caught up with all the training."

Percy nodded, "it's cool, at least you came."

Thalia hadn't joined up for Percy's training, she did her own thing. Percy understood, they was he was teaching was not focused on increasing one particular demigod's skill but everyone's. Thalia on the other hand needed to become stronger than the average demigod, and she knew it. Percy could see the pressure of being the child of Prophecy getting to her, she had been training longer and harder than anyone else, except probably Percy.

"Spears to me!" The daughter of Zeus yelled out as the group split into two. Percy was an amature with a spear, he barely had a skill over it, so he enlisted Thalia's help for the basic weapons training.

After everyone was ready Percy yelled out, "begin basic attacks!"

Soon everyone was in a flurry of movement striking out against their opponent. Percy kept watch over everyone, usually by using his super speed to zoom all over the place. When he noticed someone executing an attack wrongly he stopped them and taught the right way.

This was his days now, he was a leader and a teacher. And the teaching thing gave him a few levels up on his teaching skill;

· Teaching, Lv-30 (40%)

You impart on your student a piece of what you know.

(Wis+Int)% how much the student understands

+80% if their Int is lower than yours.

Needless to say Percy was a great teacher thanks to this skill. His Wisdom was 53 and his intelligence was 83 allowing hs students to learn 134% of what he was trying to teach, this mean that not only did they understand what he was trying to teach them, they also apply it. It made them increase in skill very fast often times developing their own type of fighting style.

Beep Beep! Beep Beep!

Percy then looked down at his his new celestial bronze watch which he had Nina make for him using a celestial bronze ingot he got as loot. It was digital and made out of the celestial metal making it to be nearly indestructible.

There was also a notification system that Percy had asked for. This way whenever he had a random idea he wanted to try out, or something brilliant came to him while in the shower or anything he could record it instantly.

Right now the watch had just alerted him about his hourly dumping of mana into his Marble Skin skill.

This was something he just recently figured out during one of his showers. It was the fact that his Marble Skin defence had no time limit. It also didn't have any limit to said mana dumping. This allowed for a HUGE loophole for Percy to exploit.

So what he did for every hour on the dot, as long he was awake, Percy dumped all of his mana into this skill increasing his defences constantly. It had been around 12 days since he started this.

Percy quickly walked into the sea nearby activating the domain boost;

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

+1000 HP(+1000 HP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 HP

+1000 MP (+1000 MP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 MP

Every Time he was about to boost his marble skin powers he entered into a body of water. Whether that meant going into the sea, a river or even just pouring water on himself to activate the domain boost depended on where Percy was.

Percy now had;

Mana-5,750/5,750 (+1000) = 6,750 (+20% more mana, +1350) = 8,100 (+2000 MP)= 10,100 MP

And he put all of his mana into the skill.

Defence- 10,100 x 115 Vit = 1,161,500 Defence

Percy had done this for around an average of 21 hours a day, since he rarely slept at all these days. This meant that including this recent boost to his powers Percy's total defence came up to;

252 hours X 1,161,500 = 292,698,000 Defence

Yup, that was a lot. But considering that Percy has to now fight Titans, who could give the Gods a run for their money Percy still felt like he was unprepared. Sometimes when Percy was free for an hour for so, he would just enter and exit the sea causing himself to respawn the water domain boost adding on to his total defence. But these days he rarely had the time.

Percy eventually returned to his group of trainees and soon they were done with their practise.

"Alright everyone line up! It's time for my training!" Percy yelled out as he took out Riptide readying himself for a fight.

Most of the demigods groaned while a few, like Thalia and John, became serious and ready for a fight. This was the reason most hated weapons training, at the end of it Percy took on all of them at once.

Percy spun his blade around a couple of times, "ready?" The demigods who complained before got into position next to the others. "Okay then, fight!"

Percy charged forward and attacked a group spear wielding demigods. They had lowered their weapons to pierce him with but Percy was faster as he jumped up and landed behind them hitting them all with the flat of his blade.

"Out," Percy said. The demigods all groaned and quickly all left before Percy moved towards the next group of demigods.

Percy quickly dispatched of all the swordsmen with a flick of the wrist mostly just disarming them or knocking them off balance.

"YAAAA!" Nico yelled out as the boy charged Percy only for the demigod to trip Nico at the last second.

"Sorry Nico, better luck next time," Percy then turned and blocked a swing for John. Percy blocked and pushed the weapon back as the two brothers attacked one another.

John had been trained in hand to hand combat by the army and had a bases for attacks. Hence he was one of the best swordsmen they had, but he was still no match for Percy.

Percy knocked him to the side, the demigod was starting to sweat now, he wasn't tired, not in the least, but he felt the training work. Percy then quickly took care of the rest of the demigods leaving Thalia for last.

"Ready sea brain?" Thalia asked as she spun her spear around.

"Think you can actually hit me this time sparky?" Percy teased as Thalia growled at him.

The two cousins narrowed their eyes as they slowly circled around the other. This was one of the reason Thalia agreed to help train the others. She wanted to fight Percy. Maybe it was the Zeus in her, but Thalia didn't like Percy being in charge, she usually kept her distance from him whenever he was training or even talking to other demigods. So far the only interactions the two have shared was the occasional chit chat along with these daily fights.

Taliha made the first move, like always. Percy counted on her impatience as he quickly went on the defence blocking everyone one of the girl's attacks. He spun away from spear thrusts and deflected all those he couldn't dodge. He waited for his moment before he sprung into action.

Percy blocked and then deflected Thalia's spear so hard it flew out of her hand. He then charged forward and swung the flat of his blade at Thalia. The daughter of Zeus however didn't back down as she collapsed her knees and fell back on the ground forcing Percy to change the direction of his attack in the last moment.

Thalia then gabed the bracelet on her left hand and shouted, "Aegis!" This caused a shield to form out out it blocking Percy's blade at the last second. Percy was stunned looking at the shield and Thalia took this opportunity and pushed Percy to the ground and got on top him pushing the shield down on him.

"Still scared of this thing Jackson?" Thalia asked with a smirk.

"No Grace, I just got to close to you and the smell just hit me really hard," Percy shot back. The way Thalia sat on top of him was really making him hot under the collar. Her hips were rested right on his own, the part that disturbed him the most were her long muscular things. They gripped his hips tightly to make sure he couldn't move to the side as she pressed up against him.

'I need to get her off me before things get weird!' Percy told himself as he finally managed to push Thalia off of him and he jumped back. Thalia quickly grabbed her spear and the two began circling each other.

Percy really hated that shield, it wasn't his first time seeing it, Thalia had used it before on him. The shield was special, it was a replica of Aegis, the shield that was imprinted with the face of Medusa onto. The face of medusa was scary to say the least, Percy didn't mind it though, after the first time he kind of got used to looking at the shield. But there was still some sort of charm around it that made him want to back away every time he got close to it.

Thalia charged again as she swung at Percy. The demigod ducked under the attack and kicked Thalia in the gut sending her backwards. Percy then began attacking the demigoddess relentlessly as he kept hitting Aegis with Riptide. He then swung his blade widely knocking the protection of the shield to the side before swinging at Thalia's neck.

At the last moment Thalia twisted her spear bringing the bottom end up to block Percy's blade and then brought her shield up hitting Percy in the nose with the sharp side.

292,697,900 Defence

Percy didn't even feel the strike and instead used his free hand to grab Thalia's spear and pulled it out of her weak grip before twisting her legs and throwing her off balance and onto the ground. Percy then leveled both the spear and his blade at Thalia, "I win, again."

"Yeah, but I hit you this time," Thalia said with a smile, "hows that nose?"

"Barely felt it," Percy put the spear into the ground and helped Thalia up.

"I'm sure you didn't fish head," Thalia said as she took back her spear and returned it into the form of a can of mace.

"What's the score again?" Percy asked, "14 to nothing?"

"Don't get cocky sunshine," Thalia said as she returned Aegis back to it's braclet form.

Percy smiled at his fighting partner and turned to the rest of the recovering demigods, "alright everyone postions! We are going into the zombie ID now! I want good kills and if I have to save anyone today that person will have to deal with Clarisse!"

The shudder went through everyone, as demanding as Percy was, Clarisse was worse. The quickly fell into line, including Thalia, this was one of the few activities she wanted to participate in.

The demigods quickly came into 4 columns. They then extended on arm and touched the shoulder of the person in front of them. The demigods at the head of the columns extended their arms and touched Percy forming a big connection of demigods.

Percy put his hands up, "ID create: Zombies!"

The sky turned red as the sound of waves went away. The water was still, nothing moved other than Percy and then demigods he brought in with him. After a quick roll call Percy paired the demigods up. Each squad had one level 3, three level 2s and 2 level 1s. If there was a shortage of level 3 then that squad will have extra level 2s or fewer level 1, after all safety was the most important thing here. Percy wanted each squad to be able to handle themselves out there, this system of having people in squads helped with that.

"Allright, move out! And remember to call for help!" Percy yelled out as each squad quickly entered the Forest.

Percy had purposefully chosen to begin the ID training from the beach. The Forest was filled with normal zombies, which were pretty easy to defeat. Then came the Greek zombies which were further inside camp until finally the legion zombie near the heart of camp. It was very progressive in difficulty, ensuring that those who didn't feel strong enough could just stay in the Forest and deal with the low level zombies.

Percy activated his super speed and quickly went all over the Forest. He mostly spent this time sneaking around and making sure the demigods didn't bite off more than they can chew. Eventually due to all the sneaking around Percy leveled up that skill as well;

Sneaking, Lv-10 (50%)

Allows you to sneak up on someone.

55% chance of not getting caught.

55% chance of critical strike.

Percy hence spent the next two hours mostly just observing them all. During this period of observation Percy liked to read because things got boring super fast. He took out a book called 'Game of Thrones,' it was serious that Annabeth recommended to him, it seemed boring at first but the more he read through it the more he realized it was just his type of book.

His favorite character was Jon Snow, boy was that guy cool. And his father, Ned Stark, was just so awesome! Kind of reminded Percy of himself and his dad, after all technically Percy was a bastard, so he could relate with Jon Snow. Percy knew he could confidently say without a doubt that Ned Stark was the hero of the book and he along with Jon would be the ones to save the world from the evil ice zombie. Yup, Ned Stark and Jon Snow are going to live forever.

Percy hopped from place to place keeping tabs on everyone while reading his book. The squads already had a plan in place for this ID. They would first all split up inside the forest only to meet up in the middle of camp. They would then fight together to defeat enough zombies for the big Legion zombie to show up. It was difficult but they managed to combine their efforts and defeat the giant enemy.

They would attack it's feet, bring it down to the ground and then began attacking it's neck. Several people would get hurt, but Percy made sure none of them got maimed or injured.

Usually this was where Percy would end the training session, but today he wanted them to face off against the second method was used to deal with the second wave of zombies along with the second Legion zombie.

"Yo Percy!" Thalia yelled out, "we finished the second wave! Get us out!"

Percy remained hidden in the shadows smiling, 'time for my little suprise.'

"Guys look!" A demigod of Ares shouted as he pointed towards hearth in the center of camp. There was a huge black ball present above it, it slowly descended downwards and it cracked open. A Knight of the Damned slowly stepped out and readied his huge blade.

"What is that thing?!" Someone asked in surprise.

"Something not good," Thalia said as she readied her spear and charged the monster.

The Knight of the Damned looked at Thalia and simply waved his huge sword around forming a gust of wind blowing her back.

"This things too powerful!" Someone yelled out as John helped Thalia to her feet.

"Where the hell is Percy?!"

"Forget Percy!" Thalia shouted, "he won't alway be there to help! We need to deal with this thing ourselves!"

The others looked nervous, but before anyone could do or say anything the Damned Knight attacked. He swung at them and just as he was about to slice of the arm of one of the demigods Percy came in in a flash and pulled the demigod from harm.

Percy reappeared far away from the battlefield and put the demigod to the side, "stay here."

The battle raged on. Demigods were being pushed back and whenever it looked like they were about to be killed or even injured Percy came in and saved them.

Soon the number of active fighters became less and less. The level 1s were taken out first, and then the level 2's. Thalia had a squad around her as they tried to attack back.

John jumped into the fight and began fighting the knight with all his might. He swung his blade with careful aim as he managed to get a few strikes in. However the knight was to powerful as with one swing of it's blade John was sent flying back.

Percy managed to extract his brother in time and put him along with the others. Nico and Bianca were still fighting as the two siblings attacked the monster with all they had. Bianca distracted it while Nico somehow managed to cut into the Knight's arm. The mobster then tried to kill both only for Percy to again save the demigods in the last moment.

Soon the number of active fighter reduced to only one, Thalia. The Knight cornered her in front of the Zeus cabin, she had nowhere to run. In a last ditch attempt to win Thalia used her divine side and summoned forth all her mana in the form of a lightning bolt that went through the night blowing a hole right through him.

Percy smiled 'at least she can handle herself.'

Thalia panted as the smoke finally cleared. She smiled, 'I did it!' But as the fog further cleared up it revealed the form of the still standing knight. It had a hole through it's chest revealing that it was hollow inside.

Thalia fell to her knees from exhaustion as the knight stepped up to her. It raised it's blade high up and then brought it down swiftly.

Body Form activated: Right arm

Percy zoomed in at the last moment and knocked the blade off course causing it to land to Thalia's side. Percy then drew back his fist and launched it with the power of his Earthquake and his advanced speed.

"Impact drive!" Percy yelled out as the new skill fused attack shattered the knight into pieces leaving behind 5,000$, a sword skill book and a medium health potion. Percy quickly gathered these things before Thalia even saw them using his super speed and quickly helped the girl up.

Percy arrived in the Arena where he kept all the defeated demigods and he put Thalia with them. "Line up," Percy said as all of them slowly gathered into columns and touched Percy. Percy lifted his hand up, 'ID Escape!'

The red sky shattered and the entire group was brought back to Arena where their training session had started. Percy motioned all of them to sit down which they all did quickly, they were exhausted beyond belief.

"Do you know why I didn't warn you about the Knight?" Percy asked looking at the demigods.

"You wanted us to be thrown off our game," Thalia muttered out, "and we were."

Percy nodded, "right in one sparky," Thalia grumbled but did nothing else to object to the nick name which told Percy just how disappointed she was. Percy sighed, "look this is nothing to be afraid of. You guys are progressing nicely, I'm sure you yourself can tell. And relax, this was not an enemy you could have defeated quickly."

"So you set us up for failure?" Nico asked.

"That's not fair!" a demigod yelled out

Percy nodded, "yeah, it's not fair. But neither is life or war so get used to it. You all had a pattern, first you would fight your way out of the forest and then meet up in the center of the camp to fight of the zombies. You would then stay together in the center and work together to kill them all. Now I'm not saying teamwork isn't important, it's one of the only things that will guarantee that you will not end up as monster food. But predictability is a disadvantage."

"The Romans were predictable," John spoke up, "they had rules and they followed them methodically. The had one of the most powerful empires to date"

Percy nodded, "yes that's true, but understand that we are not Roman, we are Greeks. We are the unpredictable, that is what makes us dangerous. The Greek were known for many things, and most of those things was because we thought outside the box. The Greeks were the best at inventing new things and that is because in our very soul. There is a part of us that yearns to be different."

"So you're saying that our strength lies in our unpredictability?" A son of Ares asked.

Percy nodded, "yes. But unpredictable to our enemies, not our allies. If the zombies we fought had any brains or a proper general they would have easily separated and killed each of you one by one."

"When did you defeat it?" Thalia asked surprising Percy, "I mean when was the first time you fought it?"

"A year ago."

Thalia's eyes widened comically, "you fought that thing over a year ago?! How powerful are you now?!"

Percy shrugged, 'let's see I was level...10? And now I'm level 39, almost 40.' "I think I'm at least four times stronger now."

"Wow!" Little Percy exclaimed.

"Just how powerful are you Percy?" Bianca asked surprised beyond belief. The demigods gathered quickly went into discussion. They had all fought and lost to that thing, some badly. If Percy could have beaten that thing a year ago, and if what he claimed was true, only now did they have a proper measurement of Percy's power.

Thalia growled in anger and got up. "Where are you going?" Percy asked.

"I'm going to train some more," Thalia said before leaving Percy and the others alone. Percy sighed, 'her pride must be bruised. Well, I can't do anything to help with that.'

Percy then dismissed the demigods, it was around 1 in the afternoon and everyone was hungry.

Percy and the others entered the Mess Hall and they all quickly began to pile on their plates. After sacrificing a small amount to his dad Percy and John sat down in the Minor Gods table along with the rest of the demigods.

The minor God's table was a new addition to the Mess Hall. Since the table didn't actually belong to one god the rule that restricted demigods from sitting with other demigod didn't apply. This caused the minor Gods' table to become a hotspot of activity.

There were 4 in total and every meal was literally a competition to get a seat on the table. The minor demigod kids obviously got them first, Percy had his reserved because he was basically the reason it existed in the first place, and everyone else had to fight of theirs.

The Minor Gods table was quickly filled with different demigods that wanted to sit with each other but couldn't do so before. Percy's small group of friends usually gathered here and ate meals together while they talked about the things they did that day.

Percy sat down next Annabeth with Michael and Nina opposite them. The seat groaned under Percy's additional weight, this was the negative side to the weighted armbands, it was a pain in the ass to find a place strong enough to hold your weight.

"Hey guys," Percy said as he began eating, "what's new?"

"Nothing much," Michael said, "got a few new recipes to try out as a healing potions. We keep trying to replicate those potions you keep getting in the ID's but somehow we keep failing. There must be something we can't detect inside the potion that makes it work in the first place. If we can't find that..."

Percy nodded, "right and here, before I forget," he opened his inventory and pulled out the potion he got today, "today's spoils."

Michael accepted the potion and put it away.

"So you had to get involved today?" Nina asked surprised, "I thought the Jackson squad was getting stronger day by day."

Percy groaned at the nick name his students had gotten, "I hate that name."

Nina giggled, "well everyone else likes it."

Percy huffed, "well no, they did today. But they started to get comfortable, so I shook things up a little. I introduced a new monster and they got their butts kicked and then whined about it not being fair."

"HEY!" Half the minor god's occupants shouted at Percy's last comment.

"It's true shit stains!" Percy yelled back, "and stop eavesdropping on others conversations!"

Michael laughed, "like student like master."

Percy grumbled and nodded, "yeah. Oh and Annabeth I think I may have pissed off Thalia."

Annabeth sighed, "again? I really wish you two would get along!"

Percy shrugged, "we will, give it time. Anyway Nina what's new with you guys?"

Nina shrugged, "nothing much. Just work like usual. Charles almost blew us all up today, idiot."

Percy smiled and turned to Annabeth, "and you?"

"We have been trying to figure out where Kronos would strike next," Annabeth admitted, "we also tried to figure out whether or not he would try and attack us. After all one Titan managed to almost kill us all, and he would have if you didn't stop him."

Percy nodded, "yeah, but we are stronger this time. And so am I. If Hyperion shows his ugly mug around here I'll make sure to send him to Tartarus."

Annabeth nodded, "yeah we took that into account as well. So far we think that Kronos will wait, for possible half a year before he strikes."

"Why half a year?"

"December is Thalia's birthday," Annabeth informed him, "if Kronos is going to attack us it will be when Thalia turns 16."

Percy nodded, "so it's near the end of June right now. We have 5 months time to think of a way to kick Kronos's ass."

Michael sighed, "we are so doomed."

Percy chuckled and they quickly finished the rest of their lunch while talking about one thing or the other.

Percy was now free. After lunch people were allowed to do their own thing. John usually went to the cabin to sleep before dinner, the minor demigods would try and get into trouble along with Hermes camp. Thalia was probably still sulking, and Annabeth and the rest were still at work doing whatever they were doing.

Percy began spamming his ID skill again. He really wanted to increase the time dilution on his time ID. So Percy did that as he walked to the beach, the one place all children of Poseidon could relax.

Percy slowly walked through the Forest, a short cut to the Beach which most avoided. As he walked through he heard someone in there, someone panting. Percy stopped grinding his ID creations skills and slowly went to go and see who was there besides him.

Slowly the trees gave away towards a clearing leading towards the fist of Zeus. Percy carefully walked over and waited behind as he saw Thalia there practising with his spear.

The daughter of Zeus was sweating from head to toe. She had taken off her jacket revealing her tank top underneath showing of her powerful arms and her amazing toned body. The way she moved almost looked like she was dancing, there was a certain grace in each of her steps that was hard to understand. Her jeans were skin tight showing off her long muscular legs and wide hips as she used them to turn and twist her spear around. Her chest rose and fell from her deep breaths showing off her large perky breasts.

Percy again felt a stir in his groin, 'this girl is going to drive me mad! Curse you teenage hormones!'

It was times like this when he really wished he hadn't chosen the Goblin's Growth perk. Percy then quickly slammed Gamer's mind on top of his growing feelings of lust canceling out his, 'growing problem.'

After the feelings of lust settled down Percy focused on Thalia again, this time he looked at only the way she moved the weapon.

He was to guess she would probably be better at using the spear than any other demigod around. He hadn't really faced many spear fighters before, most had been killed before they even got the chance to show their stuff off, but Percy could honestly say Thalia was the best spear using demigod he knew.

He continued to watch her for a few more minutes when suddenly something popped up;


You have learnt a new skill through watching someone via your photographic reflexes!

Spear Mastery, Lv- 14 (0%)

Allows user to freely handle spears or spear like weapons

70% more damage when using spears or spear like weapons

'Woah!' Percy said as he looked at the newly acquired skill. He had gotten it just by looking at Thalia practise! Heck this thing was just a level below his own mastery in sword skill! It kind of felt like cheating, piggybacking off of Thalia's hard work, but then again he didn't really want to steal anything, it was just a loophole inside the Game he didn't know about.

Thalia eventually grew too tired to train as she turned her spear back into a can of mace and sat down on the Fist of Zeus rubbing the sweat off her body. She looked up at the sky and sighed as suddenly her stomach grumbled in hunger.

'That's right, she didn't eat,' Percy realised as he walked out of his hiding place and towards Thalia.

"Hungry?" Percy asked startling Thalia.

"Jackson?! How long have been there?!" Thalia yelled out.

"Long enough sparky," Percy said with a smile, "I must admit you probably push yourself harder than anyone else I know. It really is inspiring."

Thalia huffed, "yeah well thanks….. but it doesn't matter. But you saw what happened today, I'm not even close to facing that Damned Knight thing, let alone Kronos."

"You're worried about the prophecy," Percy deducted, "aren't you?"

Thalia sighed, "no shit dumbass."

"Hey now no need for names, I'm just trying to help."

"Yeah, well stuff it," Thalia said, "it doesn't matter anyway, I'm supposed to save the fucking world and I can't even beat one stupid monster."

"You do realise it takes more than just strength to win a fight right?" Percy said as sat down next to Thalia, doing his best to ignore the way her skin glistened under the sun light. 'Damn, she smells like pine wood.'

"Yeah, but I still need to be powerful. I mean look at you, you're two years younger than me and yet you can probably kick my ass."

"Thalia don't tell me you're having an identity problem," Percy said smirking, "though I do admit I can kick your ass, repeatedly."

"You are worse than Luke," Thalia groaned.

"Hehe, true. But my point stands, there is more to being a demigod then strength. Thalia, a lot of great people became great not because they were the best at what they did, but because they never gave up. Heck if Thomas Edison gave up we would have had to wait for a couple of years before the light bulb was invented. If Mahatma Gandhi gave up India would have been under the British rule for probably another 50 years or so."

"So your advice is what? Never give up?" Thalia chuckled, "that is the cheesiest line I have ever heard."

"That might be," Percy admitted, "but it's true. And remember one thing Thalia," Percy looked into her electric blue eyes, "never give up. Ever. You have the entire camp by your side, you have Annabeth, Grover and me. Kronos doesn't stand a chance."

"Percy, the camp wouldn't follow me," Thalia admitted, "you're their leader. They would follow you, heck when I first meet you I hated you, but now I can't help but admit you are better than me in every single way. You should be the child of the prophecy, not me."

Percy got off the stone and patted his back, "maybe, maybe in some world I am, and you are still stuck in that tree. But right now, in this world, you are the child of the prophecy. You are the one who is supposed to lead us. And fine, the camp may not respect you like they do me, but if you want them to, then earn that respect. Earn that trust."

"Do you really think it's that easy?" Thalia asked with wonder and hope restored in her eyes.

"I do," Percy nodded, "because I believe in you."

"Why? You barely even know me," Thalia said.

"Because you gave your life for your friends. You died to protect them. And the barrier around camp, the one that is keeping all the monsters away, you made that. Zeus may have given the power, but Chiron told me that it was your love for your friends that gave it form. It is your love for them that protected us all. That, Thalia Grace, is why I believe in you."

Thalia looked at Percy in awe as tears started leaking from the corner of her eyes.

"Thalia are you okay? I'm sorry if I-"

"-oh shut up fish head," Thalia said wiping her tears and smiling brightly, "these are tears of joy."

Percy sighed in relief, "oh thank the Gods. I thought I did something stupid again."

"Not this time Jackson," Thalia said as she playfully punched Percy's shoulder, "although I may surprise, you give one hell of a motivational speech."

Percy grinned, "yeah, one of my many skills." 'Wait...it isn't a skill….don't tell me-'


You have created a new skill!

Motivations speaking, Lv- 1 (50%)

Motivates other people around you.

20% chance of working provided the person isn't depressed or suffering from any other negative status effects.

Percy sighed and closed the box. Just then Thalia's stomach grumbled as the daughter of Zeus blushed in embarrassment.

"Damn, i forgot about lunch," she said smiling sheepishly, "do you think the Mess Hall would be open right now?"

"Probably not," Percy said causing Thalia to sigh in disappointment, "but I can do you one better."

Percy then opened his inventory and pulled out one of the many food items he had gotten from the Lotus Casino, a large cheese and bacon pizza.

"Woah! I didn't know you could store food!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "you saw me store human beings but you thought I couldn't store food?"

Thalia shrugged, "the thought just never crossed my mind."

The Pizza still had the metal plate under it so Percy just put it besides Thalia, "dig in."

"Thank you Gods!" Thalia said as she began to dig into her food.

"Don't thank them, I'm the one you should be grateful to."

"Yea buft thez geav yoh youh powah soa e showa thaniw theam," thalia said with her mouth stuffed with pizza.

"Chew and swallow Thalia," Percy said.

The daughter of Zeus did such that and respoke, "I said, yeah, but they gave you your powers so I should thank them."

"Oh, then I'll just take the rest of this and you can ask the Gods for more," Percy said making way to the pizza.

"NO!" Thalia yelled out as she grabbed the pie, "please don't."

"Then who should you thank?" Percy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You, thank you Percy."

"Hehe, good sparky," Percy said with a smile, "well enjoy your meal, I'm off for some rest and relaxation."

Thalia groaned at Percy's retreating back and quickly sent a low powered zap of electricity pinching Percy's behind.

"Hey!" Percy yelle doubt turning around.

"Don't call me sparky!" Thalia yelled out as she grabbed the pizza with both hands and her jacket in her mouth, before running away like a madman.

Percy chuckled, 'she's kind of cute when she's angry.'

Percy shook his head and continued towards the beach and continued to grind away with his ID skills. He eventually reached the beach and went to his spot, which was sitting on top of a flat stone that served as a seat for Percy.

Percy was slowly slipping from one world to the next, but as he was doing that, he realised he had a lot of time in his hands. So he opened his inventory and took out the sword skill book he had gotten from the damned knight;

You have obtained the sword skill book!

Do you wish to learn?


Percy pressed yes;


A skill has leveled up!

· Sword Mastery, Lv-16 (40%)

Allows user to freely handle swords.

80% more damage when using swords.


Please select one of these attacks;

Angel's Strike,

A techniques that uses multiple blades as a source of attack. The user attacks with one blade and then abandons it, grabs another blade and strikes the opponent's again. This is done several times until the user runs out of blades.

Attack: [Number of attacks x Vit x Dex]% for each strike

Heavenly Ice Dragon,

A technique used to manage a large group of enemies. The user coats their blade with water and attacks. There are two major attacks,

Dragon's Fangs- if you draw blood from the emey a small part of the water from your blade travels in their blood and the user may chose when to freeze the water.

Dragon's Wings- a wide wave of ice sent sent out of the blade. This can be used to take out a large group of people easily.

Cost- 120 MP per use of all the water coated on the blade.

There was a dilemma here for Percy. Here was two perfectly good sword techniques, each was good on it's on, but Percy had to chose. And since he was most likely going to face an army he needed some kind of crowd control skill.

So Percy choose Heavenly Ice Dragon;

Are you sure you want, 'Heavenly Ice Dragon'?

Heavenly Ice Dragon,

A technique used to manage a large group of enemies. The user coats their blade with water and attacks. There are two major attacks,

Dragon's Fangs- if you draw blood from the emey a small part of the water from your blade travels in their blood and the user may chose when to freeze the water.

Dragon's Wings- a wide wave of ice sent sent out of the blade. This can be used to take out a large group of people easily.

Cost- 120 MP per use of all the water coated on the blade.


Percy pressed yes and the boxes disappeared as the knowledge of the technique entered Percy's mind. Percy sighed when it was over and then closed his inventory. He looked at his new watch and went through his checklist for more things to do.

Percy then noticed a reminder he set for himself;

Get your own blade made

'Oh yeah. The scroll Odysseus gave me,' Percy realised as he quickly opened his inventory and selected the scroll of sword creation. He took the scroll out and quickly opened it;

[To whoever finds this scroll return to Odysseus. Please.]

Percy blinked, it was written in ancient Greek but he could read it just fine. 'Did he give this to me by mistake or something?' Percy wondered as he continued;

[If you are still going to read it without returning it then I have only one thing to say to you: Fuck you asshole!]

Percy sighed, 'that does sound like the captain'

[But if you received this scroll from me then forget about the two lines above. Anyway aren't you lucky! If I give you this scroll it means I both trust you and think you are worthy to receive your own personal weapon! Now be warned to make your own weapon you will need a lot of things, mysterious and powerful things. You will have to go on a long and tiresome journey and you will be in grave danger at all times. Now the first thing you should understand it this, the weapon you make may not be a sword. This scroll will teach you how to make your personal weapon, but it may not come out as a sword. Heck it would be a bow and arrow for all you know. Anyway, let's get started. This is what you are going to need to begin;

1- A piece of the monster powerful enemy you have ever defeated

2- The blood of the person/persons you care about the most

3- A peice of an item that you hold dear to your heart

4- A drop of your blood

With these three combined you may begin your first steps to forming your perfect weapon. After you have gathered these three things take a cauldron made out of celestial bronze and put all tree inside it and light a fire below it. Breath in the fumes while reciting the spell written below to begin the process of forming your weapon. NOTE: Be in a safe place when doing this, you will be knocked out for a long time, so remember to tell people you trust what you are doing. Be warned starting the process will result in you going on a journey of self discovery, and not the fun kind. You will face your deepest fear and your words will be your weapon for that battle. I myself have only ever completed 3/9th of the journey and though my blade was powerful, I have failed to form my most powerful weapon (please don't tell anyone that, I would loose all my street credit.) Now go, and may the Gods be with you.]

Percy looked down and saw a huge spell in greek written out below. He needed to do a lot of work to make this happen, but if 9,000 Attack was just 3/9th of what Percy could gain as a weapon he should atleast try.


Quest Alert!

Create your own weapon!

1- A piece of the monster powerful enemy you have ever defeated (Completed)

2- The blood of the person/persons you care about the most (Not completed)

3- A peice of an item that you hold dear to your heart (Not completed)

4- A drop of your blood (Not completed)


One new weapon!

+100,000 Exp!






Percy sighed, 'why is it always death?' He pressed the yes button and the box evaporated. Percy then put the scroll away as he began to think about what he could make or do with this.

He already had his own blood. He could just ask his mom for her's….. Maybe he should also ask his dad for some, after all the scroll did say he could use several people's blood.

A piece of an item that held dear to his heart…..maybe he could shave a piece of Riptide, after all it was the one item in the world that kept saving his ass time and time again. But then again the crystal currently inside his skull also saved him again and again, plus the people inside was close to Percy's heart, he did care for them in a way.

But then came the last item he needed, a piece of Percy's most dangerous enemy he had ever defeated. The answer came quickly, Janai'ngo, and Percy even had a fang of his from the time he attacked Mera. So that was done.

All Percy had to do now was get his dad and mom's blood and he was done! Percy smiled, he could Iris message his dad and asked him to come over, after all the God hadn't seen John yet. He could then leave for his mom's place tomorrow and be back in camp in time for dinner.

Percy smiled and finally stopped spamming his ID skill, he couldn't use the Iris messaging system if he continually went between dimensions.

Percy formed a mist using his powers and used the Iris chant to place a call to his dad. The tone rang out for a while before the rainbow cleared up revealing Poseidon sitting in his underwater throne.

"Percy? What a surprise?! To what do I owe this unexpected call?"

"Hey dad," Percy said with a smile, "I just wanted to call and check up."

"Really? You don't need some help or anything? Haven't saved one of your nieces recently?"

"Ha-ha, very funny, but seriously I just want to talk. We haven't in some time, I was hoping you could make a personal visit."

"Personal visit?" Poseidon asked with a raised eyebrow, "whatever for?"

"You know about John right? What am I saying of course you do, you claimed him."

Poseidon nodded, "yes, I am aware that John is alive, and form what I understand that's thanks to you."

Percy nodded, "I just did a little. But anyway dad you really haven't meet him, and thought he is coping with the whole, demigod out of time thing, he could still use a visit from his dad."

Poseidon smiled, "you're right Percy. I'm sorry I haven't been there sooner, I have just had my hands full preparing for war with Kronos. I can feel something stirring in the darkness, something evil, I have kept watch these past few weeks but nothing. I suppose I could make time to see John, he deserves that at least."

Percy smiled and nodded, "right. Oh and before you go how's Mera? Is she better?"

Poseidon sighed as his smile dropped, "the girl is…..trying. She has been obsessed with power recently, she had been swallowing every magical spell she could get her hands onto. I think the incident changed her, she needs to feel powerful, only then would she feel safe."

Percy nodded, "you know is she's having problem in Atlantis she could always come here. We are basically training every single day, she would fit right in."

Poseidon's smile returned, "you know what, that's a great idea! And I'm sure she would love to see you again! Plus you did say you needed a tutor for learning more about your control over water, I don't know anyone better than Mera!"

Percy smiled, "then it's settled, send her in a few days time, I'm busy with something right now so let's say….a week?"

Poseidon nodded, "gladly. You know Percy seeing you care so much about your other family members really touches my heart. Guess you take after me more than I realised."

"Yeah right," Percy laughed, "you and I both know that that part of me came from mom. I got her kindness and your bipolar tendencies."

"Haha, very true," the sea God nodded, "fine then Percy, see you tonight."

"Bye dad!" Percy said as swiped his hand across the rainbow causing it to disappear.

Percy say down and began to look through his inventory again looking for more things to do. Just then he realised something, he had loot from his battle with Janai'ngo that he never even looked at!

Percy quickly scrolled through his inventory and found the loot item. It was a treasure chest, and actually real like treasure chest that he had found in the bottom of the ocean!

Percy quickly pulled it out, it was heavy, at least 300 pounds if not more. Percy didn't really know, his perception of heavy was really fucked up nowadays, such was the burden of super strength.

Percy then put the chest on the beach and looked it over. It was a simple wooden chest with iron linings. It was around 5 by 6 feet of solid mass and Percy could hear something rattling inside.

"Wow! Is that a pirate chest?!" Percy heard Nico's voice yelled out.

Percy turned and saw Nico and little Percy stand at the side looking on in amazement. Percy smiled, "what are you guys doing here?"

"We were just playing around when Percy here wanted to come to the beach," Nico said pointing at the smaller Percy.

"What is that thing Percy?" The son of Pan asked as both 10 year olds quickly approached and inspected the chest.

"Don't you have a brain?! It's a treasure chest!" Nico exclaimed in joy.

"Don't be stupid! There are no such things as treasure chest!" Little Percy exclaimed.

"Ya hun!" Nico said, "this is a pirate's treasure chest!"

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

"No way times a hundred!"

"Yes way times infinity!"

"No way times infinity plus one!"

"You can't do that!"

"Yes I can!"

"No you can't!"

"Yes I can!"

"No you can't!"

"Alright calm down you two!" Percy shouted getting between them both, "Gods, you both are like Bugs and Daffy!"

"Who's that?" Little Percy asked.

"Never mind that, come on let's open this up!" Nico exclaimed as he tried to open the locks only for his hands to slip off.

"Where did you even get that thing anyway?" Little Percy asked.

"In the bottom of the ocean," Percy replied as he knelt in front of the chest, "I found it after fighting out a monster in the sea with the help of some sailors."

"Were they pirates?!" Nico asked with his eyes practically sparkling.

"Hmm… I suppose they were," Percy said as he placed a hand on the chest, "but then that would make me a pirate as well wouldn't it?"

"What?! You're a pirate?!" Little Percy asked as the wonder of meeting a real life pirate excited him as well.

"Yup," Percy reached under his shirt and pulled out his necklace showing off the cyclops skull he had strung in it, "this skull is proof that I am part of their crew. In fact I meet them just a few days before I meet you guys."

"So cool!" Nico yelled out, "who were they? What were they like? Did they eyepatches? Did they have parrots as pets? Did they always drink rum? Did one of them have a hook for a hand? Or a stump for a leg? Did-"

"-Slow down Nico, I can only answer one at a time," Percy interrupted chuckling, "and I promise to tell you all about it later. Right now I'm more interested in this here treasure chest."

"But we don't have a key," Little Percy said, "how are we going to open it?"

Percy smiled, "like this," Percy then formed a line of shadows coming out from underneath his sleeve. He couldn't use his vibrations to open this, the locking mechanisms inside was two big, he couldn't shake them open, and if he used to much vibrations he could damage the chest and whatever is inside.

The shadow then went into the lock and Percy wiggled it around. He pushed the pins inside one by one until everything was unlocked and something clicked, 'Bingo!'


A new skill has been created!

Shadow lockpicking, Lv- 1/5 (0%)

Creates a tendril of shadows that can be used to open any mechanical lock.

Limits- simple key locks.

Percy pushed the notification aside and removed the shadows out from the chest. Nico and little Percy looked at the chest over Percy's shoulder as he slowly opened it.

Inside was what anyone would ever consider to be in a treasure chest. There were golden coins all over with rubies, emerald and sapphires. There was even a crown and a few swords in there along with a green metallic slate that was embedded with a map of some kind.

"WOW!" Nico and littler Percy yelled out as the ran their hands through the golden coins and rubies.

"This is amazing!" Little Percy exclaimed.

"This is real pirate treasure!" Nico yelled out.

Percy however didn't pay attention as he picked the green plate and Observed it;

The Lost Bronze plate of William Blake- A map to Hell;

One of the few lost plates of the poet William Blake this plate portaties the literal road to hell. It is one of the few actually maps containing directions to the christian hell as depicted in John Milton's 'Paradise Lost'.

Percy was beyond surprised, he knew who Blake was, after all they always talked about him in english class. To find a previously lost bronze plate of his…...this thing could be worth millions!

Percy opened his inventory and put the plate in and then turned to Nico and little Percy.

"What are you going to do with these Percy?" Nico asked.

"I'm not really sure," Percy said, "I think I'll keep some and give the rest to Chiron, after all it could be used to buy things for camp, like training equipment of something."

"I see," little Percy said as he continued to look at the treasure in want.

Percy smiled, he knew that look. "But I think you two deserve some kind of reward for helping me out," Percy said causing the two to look at Percy in wonder.

"Really?" Little Percy practically glowed.

"Ah- you don't' have to you know," Nico said as he tried to sound genuine, but Percy could see the look in his eyes.

"Neh, I want to," Percy then reached in and took the crown inside. It was a plain gold band with skull molded in the front. 'I know just what to do with you.'

Percy turned to Nico and put the crown on the boy's head. It was big and it slipped down till it was just above his eyebrows, "there, a crow for the king of the dead."

"Cool! I'm the king of the dead!" Nico said touching the crown.

Percy smiled and then reached in and pulled out a celestial bronze sword form inside the chest. Percy unsheathed it and found the blade still sharp and shining underneath. He then resheathed the blade and gave it to little Percy, "I know you use one of the camp's spare swords, but you need one of your own."

The son of Pan gladly accepted the sword. It was around two and a half feet in length and its tip was leaf shaped with a very detailed and integrate crossguard that looked like two branches, perfect for the child of the wild.

"It's amazing," little Percy said in awe as he unsheathed the blade and spun it around.

"Do you have a name for it?"

"What?" the son of Pan looked surprised, "why should I name it?"

"All the best swords have a name stupid!" Nico shouted pointing a finger at little Percy, "everyone knows that!"

"Yup," Percy nodded, "my blade's name is Anaklusmos," Percy took out his pen and uncapped it turning it into a large greek blade.

"Woah," Nico said looking at it, "that is so cool."

Little Percy turned from Percy's blade to his own. He looked intently at the blade, he focused on the details of it. He looked and suddenly a name came to his mind, "Elasmafyllou."

Percy smiled as his brain immediately translated it for him, "Leaf blade."

"That is so unoriginal," Nico huffed tilting his crown to the side, "I would call mine something cool, like Execution, or Bone breaker."

"Well it's not your blade, it mine, so pfft!" Little Percy said sticking his tongue out and blowing Nico a raspberry.

"Remember to only use it on the enemy," Percy warned, "or Nico if he get's to irritating."

"Hey!" Nico shouted.

The two Percy's chuckled at the son of Hades as he stuck his tongue out. Percy put away his blade and closed the lid on the chest putting it back inside his inventory.

"Come one guys, let's go and find something to do," Percy said as he reached out and held both their hands.

"Right," Nico said as he and little Percy dragged the son of Poseidon back into camp.

"I heard the Hermes kids were about to replace every lipstick in the Aphrodite cabin with rubber glue," little Percy said with a smile.

"Oh I definitely want to see that," Percy said with a smile.

"Hey Percy could you teach me that thing you did?" Nico asked.

"Thing? What thing?"

"You know that shadow thing," Nico explained.

"Yeah! That was so cool!" Little Percy exclaimed out loud.

"Hm… I'll think about it Nico," Percy said, "I think you should be able to do it no problem, you are the son of Hades after all, it's in your blood. Maybe we could also get your sister to join up."

"Cool!" Nico shouted as the three walked back into camp half blood with not a care in the world.