
Chapter 2

Percy sat down in the library with a huge stack of books in front of him. The first thing he did when he woke up was decided to tackle his low stat problems. The way he saw the first thing he would need is a good head on his shoulders if he was to survive finding out who his dad was.

Why oh why did he ever except that stupid quest when death was the option if he failed?

Anyway, Percy took Han's advice to heart and so the first thing he did this Saturday morning was go to the library. Sure it was boring, and it was not the best thing to do first thing in the morning, but it is what needed to happen.

Percy took the first book, 'Greek Myths and Legends.' After all with a Satyr for a best friend he needed to know everything there was to know about Greek myth, because for some reason it's coming alive all around him.

Percy opened the first page and immediately he was bored. The words seemed to just fly off the page, stupid dyslexia. Percy sighed, looks like the reading option was out. He looked through all the pages and observing the pictures and such, trying and failing to read anything.

But just then he came on a picture of an ancient greek tablet with ancient greek words written on it. It seemed old, really old and just as Percy was about to look away the words started to change and suddenly Percy could understand them.

The tablet spoke about Apollo, the Greek god of the sun, music, medicine and a whole bunch of other stuff, 'but wait how could I read ancient greek?'

Percy then had an idea, it was a crazy idea, but it still was an idea. What if he could read greek for the same reason he had a Satyr for a protector? Maybe he had a connection with the Greek Myths, maybe it had something to do with his dad!


For thinking things through and arriving at a logical conclusion you gained 1 Wis!

Percy blinked but quickly wiped it away, he was on a role here. Okay, so we have a lot of Greek myths and his ability to read greek, and ancient greek at that. So what he had to do was find books with ancient greek in them, no problem right?

Percy then spent the day searching the library and after an hour came up with one book which was a translation of ancient greek to english, hopefully this would work.

Percy quickly spent the next hour fully immersed in the book, it seemed most of the translations were wrong or off just a word or too. Like one time they thought Donkey meant Holy. Sure it was a dead language but Percy still found it funny some of the mistakes he found in the book.


By reading a book about another language you have gained 1 Int!

Huh so it does count, fancy that.


By reading a translation book and understanding it completely you have gained two skills!

Language: Ancient Greek, Lv-MAX

You have a perfect understanding of ancient Greek due to the fact that you are a ?

Language: Modern English, Lv-2 (34%)

Due to your ? you have Dyslexia and poor English reading skills, you can talk it, but can't walk it. Reading level-1

-60% in understanding what you read.

Percy scratched his head, this was a problem. He needed to get better at English first before reading any book. Percy quickly went to the basic english sections and took out easy books, the kind that kids read and began reading. Hopefully is he has a high enough language skill he could read English better and he should be able to read other books.

Just then after he finished reading a basic fairy tale book Percy opened up his skill list and selected English.

Language: Modern English, Lv-2 (80%)

Due to your ? you have Dyslexia and poor English reading skills, you can talk it, but can't walk it. Reading level-1

-60% in understanding what you read.

Percy smiled, before it was 34%, now it was 80%. Which means it is working. Percy then quickly started to grind, he finally had way to control his Dyslexia, and he was going to take it.

By the end of the day, all of which Percy spent in the library which was hell I assure you his skill in English had improved a lot. It now stood;

Language: Modern English, Lv-5 (40%)

Due to your ? you have Dyslexia and poor English reading skills, you can talk it, but can't walk it. Your reading is now better, grade level-4

-45% in understanding what you read.

Percy smiled and closed the last book he was reading, it truly was an amazing feeling he had, he finally had the ability to not be a screw up. His messed up reading skills due to his dyslexia was one of the main reasons he always sucked in class, but if he can get rid of it….then it would be the best thing that could ever happen to him.

His understanding improved by a rate of 5%, meaning at level 14 or so he would finally be rid of the stupid disability forever! Percy then quickly left as the library was closing. He went to the cafeteria and sat next to Grover who was munching on a salad, well what did you expect he was a goat.

Percy smiled, "hey man."

Grover smiled back, "hey Percy. Where were you all day?"

"I was at the library," Percy grinning as Grover nearly choked out his food.

"You what?!" Grover asked, "seriously?"

Percy smiled, "yup, decided to do something about my dyslexia. So I began reading at grade 1 and then slowly made it to grade 4."

Grover looked surprised at this and then quickly patted Percy on the back, "good job man! That's awesome! This is great news! Now no one will be able to say that you're just lazy."

Percy grinned at that, "yup, anyway Grover I'm going to get something to eat."

Percy then ate his dinner and quickly went to bed, eager for the next day as it was the best day of the week, Sunday. And that meant one thing, the swimming pool was open.


You have slept in you own bed; HP and MP have been restored 100% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy woke up to the blue box he now saw everything he went to bed and smiled, this was going to be great! Percy quickly changed to his swimming trunks and a t-shirt and went down to the pool.

The pool was an indoor Olympic sized swimming pool that was next to the school. Most students went there wherever it was open and Percy was most definitely one of them.

He quickly found a secluded spot and took of his shirt, after making sure no one was looking he stuffed his shirt into his inventory and quickly went to the pool. He slowly let himself be immersed inside the cool water and just let himself relax a bit, after all this was the one place Percy felt at peace.


Oh what now.

You have entered a water body! Due to your ? you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

Percy blinked and he pulled himself away from the deeper parts of the pool. He read and re-read the box. Again that stupid ? showing him something about his dad. Whatever it was it was the reason he could read Ancient Greek, suck at English and now breath underwater?!

Wait wait wait, did it just say breath under water? Because I think it just said breath underwater.

Percy read it again and again and found himself wondering, 'who the hell is my dad?'

Percy brought up his status page and looked at his race and at the information the Game gave for him.


Percy Jackson is a ?, the son of Sally Jackson and ?. He has ADHD and Dyslexia making it difficult for him to sit still in class. His behaviour has gotten him trouble over the years in various schools. Percy is unaware of who is father is, and wishes to find meaning in his life. Percy loves his mother, and hates Gabe, who is a dick.

Okay that didn't make sense, what did it mean Race-? I'm human aren't I? What else could I be? Was my dad an alien or something? Because 1. that is so cool, and 2. that is so creepy.

Percy looked at the ? over his dad's name and over his race. The strange ability he got when in a water body, the greek stuff all around him and then greek goat he had for a friend. What could it all mean?

'Come on Percy you must be able to think of a reason,' Percy remembered Mr. Brunner saying that in his class.

But what could it be? What is he? Is he even human? Was he a bloody computer program whose dad was a greek water program or something? Was he a damn demigod they kept talking about in class? Was he a-wait. A demigod?

That's couldn't be it….could it?

'But I mean come one , other than being an extended history lesson it's not like they actually have any other use. They don't have any power in the modern world.' Percy remembered himself saying that to Mr. Brunner, who he later found out was a Greek centaur that trained freaking Hercules!

Mr. Brunner than narrowed his eyes, 'don't be too sure Mr. Jackson.'

What is that is true? What if…..he was a demigod? His powers...it would make sense, I mean while else would the guy who trained demigods before be here? Teaching Percy? Chiron did join the school a few days after Percy arrived.

And Grover was a Satyr! It all made scene! But if his dad was a god, which one was he?

Then Percy's eyes widened suddenly as it hit him like a wave on a ocean. His dad...his dad was Poseidon.


Due to you using your head and thinking things through and fitting all the pieces of the puzzles together you have gained 1 Wis!


Quest Completed!

Find out who your dad is!


Find out about all your abilities.

1000 Exp


You have gained two levels!

Percy then quickly pulled his stats up and was shocked at what he saw;

Percy Jackson

Health-1200/1200(Due to water body)

Mana-1100/1100(Due to water body)

The Gamer

Title-Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-4 Exp-0/1200









MONEY- 50$/0D

Percy Jackson is a demigod, the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon. He has ADHD and Dyslexia making it difficult for him to sit still in class. His behaviour has gotten him trouble over the years in various schools. Percy is unaware of who is father is, and wishes to find meaning in his life. Percy loves his mother, and hates Gabe, who is a dick.

Status- demigod, giving Percy - +2 VIT, +2 DEX and the ability to breath underwater, communicate with fish, create earthquakes, talk to horses, control water and look cool.

Holy. Shit.

His HP and MP were off the charts! All this for just being in a water body?! And his Str, Dex, Vit were all in the 20's! This proved it, he was the son of Poseidon!

Percy clicked the new title he got, 'son of Poseidon' and saw that the bonuses were only is he was in water, which while was rare still gave him a huge boost!

Percy closed everything and simply sat in the pool and thought about he should do. He knew who his dad was, just that alone made him level up twice. He didn't know were to put those points, heck he didn't know what he should do with all these abilities!

Percy then pulled up his stats again and saw his status as demigod gave him the power to breath underwater, he might al well try it out.

Percy took a deep breath and then immersed himself into the water swimming into the deep end. Once there Percy closed his eyes and slowly let out all the air inside. Once empty of all air Percy began to panic, but Gamer's mind came into effect calming him down.

Percy then opened his eyes and took a deep breath pulling in water and then released it. He could feel his body relax as the feeling of drowning never came. He didn't feel afraid of drowning, instead he felt as if this was the first time in his entire life that he was actually breathing.

Percy knew before that the Game did not lie when it said he was the son of Poseidon and so he wouldn't die. But he still had his doubts. And right now all of them went out as he took another breath of water.


Skill created! By trusting your gut you started to breath underwater and learnt;

Breathing Underwater, Lv- MAX

You can breath underwater perfectly as if you were breathing normal air.

Percy then quickly moved around swimming underwater for a while breathing as if he was a fish. The water seemed to obey him as he rode it around the swimming pool.


Skill created!

Swimming, Lv-5 (40%)

Your speed in swimming is that of an average swimmer-2 miles an hour.

Percy looked at that and frowned. For a child of the god of the sea he expected his swimming to be a lot faster than that. So he spent the rest of the day and afternoon swimming back and forth from each end of the pool. Each time moving faster and faster.


Swimming skill leveled up!

Swimming, Lv-6 (10%)

Your speed in swimming is that of an average swimmer-2.5 miles an hour.

Percy shook his head at this and then began swimming faster and faster again and again until his head started to spin due to vertigo, but then suddenly his vertigo stopped, due to the water healing him.

Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping!

The pings kept on coming but Percy ignored it all. He needed to get faster, he wanted to get faster. Nothing else mattered! After swimming until it was time for the pool to close Percy finally got out of the pool and saw the blue box showing his swimming skill.

Swimming, Lv-10 (30%)

Your speed in swimming is that of an advanced swimmer-4.5 miles an hour.

Percy now finally smiled, that was a good speed. But not fast enough. Next Sunday he was going to double it, at least that is the plan.

Percy then went to a shadowy area and quickly drew out a towel from his inventory and his shirt from before. After drying himself off and putting his shirt on Percy stuffed the towel inside the inventory box and quickly left for his dorm.

His eyesight was perfect, not affected by the chlorine at all, must be a perk of being the son of Poseidon. As such Percy decided to quickly go back to the library to read some more.

That night Percy sat in his bed with a belly full of food and a few extra points. He had improved his English again by reading mostly books relating to Greek myth and such, seeing as how he was a freaking demigod! His skill level now it came to;

· Language: Modern English, Lv-7 (40%)

Due to you being a demigod you have Dyslexia and poor English reading skills, you can talk it, but can't walk it. Your reading is now better, grade level-6

-35% in understanding what you read.

Technically Percy could now understand everything they would teach in his class, but he got bite by the bug. The bug that all gamers got. The bug of perfection. Percy didn't want to stop, he wanted to keep going, and he will. Every day he would spend in the library until his Dyslexia did not hold him back any longer.

Percy nodded to himself, this was the start of his new life, where he wouldn't be a loser any more. Where his mom won't have to always take care of him. Where he could kick Gabe in the dick!

Percy smiled and then looked at his inventory, he didn't have much money, just 50$. He needed to fix that, money would help his mom and him, maybe some quests would allow him to get some cash or something, if that is even possible.

Just the Percy noticed the towel he showed into his inventory box and took it out. He touched the towel and saw it was still wet, strange it should have dried by now. Percy then put it in the laundry chute and then suddenly had an idea.

He was curious about his powers, out of all which his inventory stumped him the most. What exactly happened to the stuff he put in there? Where did it go? He needed to know.

So Percy took out his flip phone and set it on record. He opened his inventory and then put his phone inside as it was still recording. Then Percy waited, he moved and sat in a different place and the opened up his inventory again.

He pulled out his phone and found it was still recording. A total of 10 seconds was recorded before Percy stopped it.

The video showed the phone being pressed into air, it seemed Percy couldn't see his inventory screen through a video. Then suddenly the scene changed and the phone now recorded a different area of the room, the place where Percy was.

This means that the inventory box was a type of stasis field. Anything in it must be frozen in time and space, something that will be very very usefull. Imagine it hot food whenever you want! Percy then wanted to experiment some more.

He opened the inventory and the moved the box up and down with one hand. It seemed it was possible to move the box by pinching one corner of it. He then expanded it and reduced the size, so far it seemed the inventory could grow and shrink to any size.

Percy then opened the inventory box and placed it below the edge of a table. Percy then pushed a book that was on the table, off the edge. It fell down until suddenly it disappeared into the inventory box.

Percy pulled the book out and placed it back as he thought of what he had just seen. His inventory box could possibly be the most powerful tool in his arsenal. Just imagine it, someone shoots a bullet at him he opens the inventory in front of him, large enough to cover himself, and the bullets would all go into the box. He would be protected.


Due to your experimentation you have found a loophole in the system! Your Int is raised by 1!

Percy smiled at this and sat back down on his bed. He needed to get a move on. After he mastered English he will start reading books to increase his Int. He will need to be smart in order to get rich and help his mom.

The second thing he will need to do is find out how to fight, due to all the reading he has been doing lately Percy has become closely acquainted with some of the Greek Monsters, and let's just say he doesn't want to meet any of them in dark alley or in a bright alley or in any alley. Basically never.

It was now 10 PM and Grover still hasn't come, where was that Greek goat? Percy shook his head and quickly left his room, it was passed curfew but what's the point of life if you didn't live a little.


Quest Alert!

Find Grover without getting caught!


50 Exp




Loss of respect from Mr. Brunner/Chiron


Percy pressed yes and wondered,'oh what's this a mystery prize? That's never happened before', Percy thought, 'what could it be?'

Quickly Percy snuck out and walked into the courtyard. If anything Grover will be in place with the most greenery, being a Satyr and all.

Suddenly Percy heard two voices coming from near the fountain. One sounded like Grover, the other did not, it sounded...mossy? If that was a word?

Percy quickly snuck into the bushes and quietly moved in the shadows as he slowly came closer to the fountain in the center of the courtyard.


What now?

Skill created!

Sneaking, Lv-1 (20%)

Allows you to sneak up on someone.

10% chance of not getting caught.

10% chance of critical strike.

Percy nodded, not bad. He then swiped the screen away and looked for Grover finding him standing before the fountain with a torch light over the water forming a rainbow. In the rainbow, and I shit you not, was a person. An actual person. Was the the greek form of a Skype call?

"I know I know Juniper," Percy heard Grover say, "but it's my job. I'm sorry I won't be there any time soon sweetie."

"It's not fair Grover," the mossy female voice spoke, must be Juniper, "why is it you?"

"This is my one chance Juniper. I make sure Percy is alive and gets to camp safe and sound I will finally be allowed to search for Pan."

"I know," Juniper sighed, "but I miss you Grovey."

"I miss you too Juni," Grover replied with a voice filled with wanting and slowly the two started to flirt but Percy didn't care about that, he had something more important that needed his attention.

"Observe," Percy said at the rainbow thing and a window popped up.

Iris Messaging,

A form of video messaging used by gods and demigods to communicate with others using a rainbow. The service is provided and managed by Iris the goddess of the rainbows. To use the services one must pay one drachma and say a specific phrase.

'And what is that phrase?' Percy thought. 'Dammit, Observe must be to low in level, I'm just getting the basics of the information I need.'

'A Drachma is a solid gold greek coin used by the greeks, they don't actually expect us to use that to message do they? I mean it's solid gold?! What a waste!'

And just then Percy realised something, in his stause page he had under money, and D meaning he could store Drachma as well. Meaning he would need to get his hands on some quickly.


Skill leveled up!

Sneaking, Lv-2 (10%)

Allows you to sneak up on someone.

15% chance of not getting caught.

15% chance of critical strike.


Just then Percy heard someone shout, "hey you!" Percy and Grover turned to see Mr. Wetherspoon, the p.e. teacher approach the fountain. Grover quickly shut off his light causing the rainbow to disappear and then threw a bag of what looked like coins into the fountain.

Percy smiled, there was the cash he needed.

Mr. Wetherspoon quickly came next to Grover, who had just managed to get his crutches on, "Mr. Underwood what are you doing here?"

"Ah-hi Mr. Wetherspoon sir. I was just-ah. It was a little difficult moving around and I kind of got lost and-"

"-Enough of your bull Mr. Underwood you are obviously out past curfew. As such you will have detention tomorrow," Grover looked shocked at that and was about to interrupt when the teacher held up a hand silencing him, "and where is Jackson? You two are always causing some mischief together."

Grover shook his head, "Percy isn't here Mr. Wetherspoon, it's just me."

The man nodded and quickly dragged Grover away. Percy waited for the two to leave and then jumped out of the bushes. He went to the fountain searched in the dark waters for the bag Grover threw. His shirt and hands got wet but Percy didn't care. He finally felt the bag and quickly grabbed it, and like he thought it contained a whole lot of Drachma.

Percy put all the coins into his inventory and then turned and ran, if Mr. Wetherspoon reached their dorm and Percy was not in it, he was in a whole lot of trouble.

Quest Alert!

Reach your room before Grover and Mr. Wetherspoon


+1 to Dex

no detention


Detention with Grover

possible fracture.


Percy quickly pressed yes and ran to the dorm building. There was only one staircase leading to the first floor where Percy and Grover stayed. And Grover and Wetherspoon were using it.

If Percy wanted to beat the two his room he would need to climb the side of the dorm building. Hopefully his Dex would be high enough to let him do that.

Percy quickly ran to the wall above which was the first floor corridor. He needed to jump, grab the railing on the edge, pull himself up and the jump over the railing across the corridor, the last part was easy, the rest not so much.

But Percy didn't stop. He jumped, pushing himself as high as he could and surprisingly he overshot the first railing. Luckily his Gamer's mind prevailed and he quickly grabbed the railing with his still wet hands.

Percy's grip held true and he didn't fall. He then pulled himself up and climb up and over the second railing across the first floor. He then charged into his room throwing the door open and slamming it shut.

Slowly Percy calmed himself down and controlled his breathing, he needed to not look like he had just ran all the way here if he wanted to convince Mr. Wetherspoon and Grover.


Quest Succes!

Find Grover without getting caught!


50 Exp

A bag full of Drachma

Quest Succes!

Reach your room before Grover and Mr. Wetherspoon


+1 to Dex

no detention

Percy grinned and then opened his status which read;

Percy Jackson



The Gamer

Title-Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-4 Exp-50/1200









MONEY- 50$/10D

Percy raised an eyebrow at that. Not because he only had 10 Drachmas but because his son of Poseidon bonus wan now active. It was strange, it was supposed to only be on….when he was in water.

Percy looked at his arms and shirt, they were clenched, so he was covered with water, did that count? It must have because that's what his status said. Percy then smiled, this was going to be a great cheat to use when fighting.

Quickly Percy changed his clothes and left the wet ones out to dry. Just then Grover and Mr. Wetherspoon came in. He looked at Percy and nodded and quickly left reminding Grover that he had detention tomorrow.

"Detention?" Percy asked, "why were you out?"


Skill leveled up!

Lying, Lv-2 (30%)

This is your ability to lie to people, the higher the level the better the lie and less chance of discovery!

10% chance of success, less based on how extreme the lie is.

Percy ignored that and focused on Grover.

"Oh you know," Grover said as he tried to make something up, "I was just trying to get some fresh air, stupid idea I know, but I guy has needs you know?"

Percy smiled, "I know Grover I know