
Chapter 1

Percy slowly came to as the darkness slowly drifted from his eyes. He opened his eyes to see a goat standing over his head, wait….goat?

Percy shook his head and got up slowly and then he heard Grover speak up.

"Wow, easy man. Take it slow," Grover said as he helped Percy to his feet, "what happened Percy? I heard you drop to the floor."

Percy looked at Grover and then shook his head again, "I-I'm fine G-man. I think I must have just hit my head on your bead one to many times."

Grover looked at the bed and then back at Percy slowly bringing the green eyed boy to the edge of the bed, making sure Percy didn't hurt himself again, "well I suppose we are getting a little too big for these things now."

Percy nodded and rubbed his head, "hey Grover….you wouldn't have heard any strange noises coming from this room did you?"

"Noises?"Grover asked with a raised eyebrow, "like what?"

"Like a bell, you know the kind in video games that go, 'ping!'"

Grover scratched his chin and shook his head, "no Percy, no bells ringing for me. You sure you alright man? Hearing bells ring in your head isn't really the sign that you DON'T have a head injury. We should atleast go to the nurse Percy."

Percy shook his head, "no Grover I'm fine, you just...go on. I think I'm just going to stay here for a bit."

"You sure man?"

Percy smiled and nodded, "yeah man I'm sure."

Grover nodded and eventually left to take a shower, after asking Percy a couple hundred more times whether he was fine and then finally Grover left Percy alone.

Percy frankly didn't know why Grover was so worried. It was obvious Percy didn't have a concussion or anything. Because he was sure he heard the noise before he hit his head and before he fainted. And further proof that the blue, red and brown boxes' were not all in his head was right in front of him as the brown box still wasn't gone.

Percy Jackson



The Gamer


Level-2 Exp-30/400









MONEY- 0$/0D

Percy still didn't know what the hell was going on. His best bet, his life had been a video game all this while and he was only now coming to realise this. Of course that sounded so stupid, like why would nothing ever happen to him…...before.

And then Percy wondered, what did the hero of the story do before the game started for them? Before some kid took control over the joystick and play hero? Did they all have regular lives? Was he a hero now?

Percy shook his head, this is getting way to meta for him, after all it can't be true. Because Percy doesn't feel like he's being controlled right now.

For thinking far beyond yourself and wondering about this new ability in a very meta like manner you now posses, you have gained 1 WIS.

Percy blinked, really? It was like that? Percy looked at his statis screen and there it was.


Percy was stunned, at the very least everything he did here affected the world of the game. Meaning…...was he infact a Gamer now? That would explain the title, 'The Gamer'. So this meant…..Percy could become so cool!

Percy grinned at this and quickly looked over his stats, honestly, they were pathetic. His strength was a 2, his vitality was a 1, but for some reason is a 3 now. His dexterity was the same as it was 2 now 4. The only thing going for him was his luck which was 3. And don't even get him started on his intelligence and wisdom.

Percy shook his head and waved the box away, he needed to improve this all. But then a thought came to Percy, he was being very very calm about all this, which just felt...strange. Like he was seeing all this happen to someone else, or something else.

Percy wondered why this was and called out, "skills."

Just then a box spread before and showed three symbols. Percy clicked one and a red box popped out.

A Gamer's Mind(Passive)

Allows user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind, immune to psychological status and effects.

Percy blinked, 'wow that explain it.' Percy now knew why he wasn't losing it like he used to. Heck before this he freaked out about the fact he could hold his breath almost indefinitely in the swimming pool, now he seemed far more relaxed.

Percy then went back and saw the other two skills he had;

A Gamer's Body(Passive)

Grants the user a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game.

· Skill: Physical Endurance, Lv.1 (10%)

Your Body's durability increased and you take less damage.

3% less damage from physical attacks.

Percy read and re-read all he wrote, if what this thing was saying is true then his whole world wasn't a lie. He wasn't in a video game, he was the video game…..for some reason that sounded so cliched.

Percy the looked at his states and his skills, he needed to become better faster. Unfortunately he doesn't know shit about video games other than the basics, and he has never for the life of him finished one proper video game in his entire life.

So that would mean he needed to learn from someone, someone good. Just then a 'ping' came out drawing Percy's attention to a new blue screen, it said;

Quest Alert!

Find someone to teach you about video games so you can be good at your life which is now a video game!




Percy read it and then quickly pressed yes. He then wondered, did quest come from himself, or was there a game master out there making things up for him to do? Percy wondered about that and then tried a little experiment, he tried to make his own quest.

The first guest arrived when he was thinking about getting help, the quest was his brain thinking that over. So if he focused a new goal for himself, let's say….getting a girlfriend with the biggest rack ever, it should become a quest.


You have got to be kidding me.

Quest Alert!

Get a girlfriend with the biggest rack in the world, that is 48V.




Percy quickly pressed no and sighed to himself, okay so that did work, although it seemed someone else determined the rewards for completing his quests.


For learning about the game mechanics and figuring out how quests work(somewhat) you have gained 1 INT!

Percy blinked, he pulled up his status screen and there it was;


So Percy could gain stat points like this? So wise decisions made him, well wise. And learning more stuff made him smarter?

Percy the wiped all the boxes away and cleared his head trying to think, something was going on here, that is clear. But he needed to focus on the here and now, he needed to focus on himself first. He needed to be ready.

Percy then looked at the clock and saw that he was running late, again. 'Shit!' Percy thought as he ran away to the bath grabbing a towel and a change of clothes.


Quest Alert!

You're late asshat! Get to class on time!





Less reputation with everyone in class


'Now you have to do this?' Percy asked as he pressed yes and focused on getting ready. Quickly Percy finished his bath, put on his uniform Yancy Academy uniform and rushed out of his dorm room.

'Wait my books!' Percy cried out and then went back grabbed his stuff and made it just in time to his classroom.

"Safe!" Percy cried out and looked at his classmates looking at him odly. And Percy was looking back, not because he was uncomfortable, but because everyone of them had a name, title and level floating above their head.

Percy blinked once, twice and then quickly took his seat and sat down quietly looking at them from the corner of his eyes. This was just to weird, so his ability affected not just him, but the world as well?

Percy looked at Nancy Bobofit, a red haired girl with orange freckles and a nasty attitude. Seriously the girl was bad news, threw food at Grover, teased Percy and generally tried to steal everything in sight.

And guessed was her level was?

Nancy Bobofit Thief in the making


Percy guessed it did take skill to steal things. Just then Percy noticed a blue box in front of him;

Quest completed,

You're late asshat! Get to class on time!



Percy then waved the box away and then quickly pulled up his status bar and there it was,


So quest work, the experience and reward worked, and guessing by this the failures must apply as well. Meaning this power must be able to make bad things happen to him. Percy had to be careful, this was in all purposes a double edged blade. It could help him, or kill him.

Just then Mr. Brunner rolled into class and spoke, "alright settle down class!" Quickly every went to their seats. Percy looked at Grover and above his head was a name, title and level like everyone else, except this one was...different.

Grover Underwood Satyr Protector


What the actual fuck. Percy read and re-read Grover's title and level, this is huge! The guy he's better than everyone here combined! Did this mean he is some kind of greek goat? Wait….a Satyr is a half man half goat, Percy then looked Grover's crutches, that's why he uses crutches and he doesn't let me see his legs!

'So my best friend if a goat, what's next?' Percy said as he inspected Grover that he thought about it the boy did look a little old to be a student, and what's with that goatee?

Just then Grover looked up at Percy and whispered, "to Percy you okay?"

Percy snapped himself out of a daze and quickly nodded, "yeah man, I'm good." Percy then looked ahead away from his goat friend only to have a bigger shock. Over Mr. Brunner's head was;

Chiron Trainer of Heroes


'Okay am I finally gone mad or is everyone around me a greek myth?' Percy knew the name Chiron, and the tile, trainer of heroes kind of gave it away. Percy needed to think, he needed to focus, maybe this class would distract him enough.

After Mr. Brunner/Chiron took attendance he started to teach something Percy found hilarious, he started teaching about Satyrs. Percy grinned, this would be the perfect time to pull a prank.

Quest Alert!

Prank Grover and Chiron by making fun of Satyrs and….well Chiron.




Reputation lost with Chiron and Grover

They will learn you know about them and will 'take care of it.'


Percy read the last part, okay that sounded dangerous, but the reward far outweighed the risk, 100xp! This was something he couldn't let go.

Percy pressed yes and then quickly waited for the right time to strike. Just as Mr. Brunner was talking about how Satyrs loved nature and such Percy raised his hand.

"Yes...Mr. Jackson," Mr. Brunner said turning towards Percy.

"I was just wondering sir, is Chiron a Satyr?"

Mr. Brunner looked shocked and then quickly shook his head, "what? No! Why did even ask that?"

"Well it's just I thought he was sir. You see there is this movie by Disney called Hercules and it showed Chiron, the trainer of heroes as a Satyr that loved to drink till he was red, party till Hercules stopped him and generally be kind of a laid back dude."

Mr. Brunner looked shocked at this and quickly shook his head, "no no no. I don't know where you heard about that Percy, but it's not true. Chiron is a centaur, half man half horse. And while I think he was a, how did you say it, a laid back dude, I don't think he drank and partied."

Grover then spoke up, "yeah Chiron was very uptight."

Percy smiled and then looked at his friend, "what do you mean Grover? Do you know Chiron or something?"

Nancy laughed, "yeah goat boy, know any greek horses?"

Percy turned around angry, but smiled inside, "Nancy a centaur is half man and half horse, not just a horse. And Grover is not a goat, he isn't some… some..," Percy turned to Mr. Brunner, "what was it a Stir sir?"

"A Satyr Mr. Jackson."

"Right," Percy turned to Nancy, "Grover isn't a Satyr! Tell her Grover," Percy said turning to Grover, "tell her you're not a Satyr."

Grover slowly sunk into himself blushing red, "I'm not a Satyr."

Percy grinned, "see Nancy Grover isn't a Satyr, heck he's much of a Satyr as Mr. Brunner is Chiron!"

Nancy, the poor girl was left blinking all the while Percy ranted but the result of obvious. Percy saw Grover blush red while Mr. Brunner looked away as he rolled to side trying to hide his face.


Quest Completed!

Prank Grover and Chiron by making fun of Satyrs and….well Chiron.



Percy sat down and after the class resumed again, Mr. Brunner now looking at Percy with a look of weary. Percy smiled to himself, things were going great! Sure his best friend was a goat man, and his favorite teacher was the legendary trainer of heroes, but Gamer's mind helped him not think about that to much. Things happened, move on.

Percy slowly brought out his Status page and looked at the Exp he gained;


He was close to leveling up, he just needed some more pranks like that and he would be seat! Maybe he showed prank Nancy next by putting a whoopee cushion under her seat. Percy then waited for the 'ping' and a quest to come, but it never did.

'Strange,' thought Percy, 'maybe I can't just make up quests. Well there goes my idea of making up stuff as I go along.'

Percy then spent the rest of the day trying, and failing to pay attention in class. By lunch Percy was ready to call it a day. The classes were just too much, most of the stuff went above his head. He instead focused on his next quest, finding someone who knows about video games.

Percy looked around the class, observing everyone's title, one of them must be so addicted to video games that it is their title, and Percy just found them.

Han Jack Game Lover


Han Jack, an asian student whose parents came from south Korea. He should know something that could help Percy. Percy got up and walked over to the brown haired boy who was playing a game on a handheld device. Yup he was definitely his guy.

"Ah, hey Han," Percy said as he stood before the boy.

Han looked up from his game and looked surprise, "Percy? What do you want?"

Percy rubbed his head nervously, "well I, ah. Han I was thinking, you're pretty good at video games right?"

Han looked at Percy like he was inspected a book before slowly nodding, "yeah I'm pretty good."

"Well I was wondering wether you could help me out with a game I started playing."

"Really? What kind of game?" Han looked interested as he put down his device and gave PErcy his attention.

"Well it's kind of like an adventure game. The hero wakes up and has to do quests and all, he finds himself in..."shit think something Percy think!, "the greek world. He has to do quests and stuff. But I was wondering wether you could help me do better by giving me clues and such."

Ping! (Oh what now.)

Skill Created!

Lying, Lv-1 (20%)

This is your ability to lie to people, the higher the level the better the lie and less chance of discovery!

2% chance of success, less based on how extreme the lie is.

What?! 2%?! The fuck?! That's all the chance I have of succeeding in lying?! This game is fucking rigged!

Luckily it seemed Hand bought it as he nodded and thought about it for a minute, "okay so what are the Hero's stats?"

Percy recalled and then told them out to Han.

"Holy shit those are some bad stats! I have seen children in Skyrim with better stats than that!"

Percy sighed, "yeah, yeah you don't have to tell me twice."

"Well there is a plus point to this," Han said making Percy stunned, "this means you can chose to improve whatever stat you want. Meaning you can make your own character."

"Like what do you mean?"

"Well usually in games there are three classes, warrior, rogue and wizard. You improve the stat that helps you for each class. For example, a warrior will require an improvement on Str, Dex and Vit while ignoring the rest."

Percy nodded understanding that clearly, "but what about Int, Wis and Luc? Isn't that a disadvantage?"

"Ture but most don't care."

"So what are the best ways to improve stats?"

"Well that would be to do things that would improve them, like say for Str you should make the character lift heavy stuff, for Vit you should make him run a lot. Things like that."

Percy then connected the dots, "so let's say character thought a lot about ideas and such, would that increase his Wis?"

"Well, yeah. But that's not possible since game characters can't think. The best way to improve Wis would be puzzles and such. Reading books would improve It, but other than that I don't really know of any other ways."

"What about stat points? How do I get those?"

"You get those as you evolve Percy, but never use them."

"Then what am I supposed to do?"

"Save them for a later date, for now it is easier to train each stat by doing some work. Like since your game character has an Int of 2, if he simply read a book or two he should automatically gain a stat point if Int."

Percy's eyes widened," wow seriously?!"

"Yeah. But if Int was higher, let's say 30 or something he would have to read a hundred books just for one extra stat points. You see where I'm going with this?"

Percy nodded grateful, "yeah I do. Your are saying that it will be difficult later on to obtain sta point and to do so no by doing menial tasks. Thanks Han this helped me a lot."


Quest completed!

Find someone to teach you about video games so you can be good at your life which is now a video game!




Han nodded and then went back to his game, as Percy walked away Han called to him, "oh wait Percy don't forget to always save and have plenty of health potions in your inventory."

Percy looked surprised at that, "inventory?" he asked out loud and suddenly a brown box appears in front of him again causing Percy to jump in surprise and squeak "EP!"

He then quickly regained his computer and looked to find that no one was looking at him, luckley. Percy then saw that this new box was labeled inventory, duh. It had several empty boxes and something told Percy he would need all of them.

Percy slowly walked to his desk and sat down with the inventory box in front of him. He took out a pen and then pressed it against the box pushing it forward. Golden rippled appeared in the box and the pen disappeared from Percy's hands and reappeared in the inventory labeled, pen.

Percy smiled, oh yeah this was going to be good.

That night Percy was looking over his stats, inventory and skills. He would need to improve on them all. So far Percy put several things inside his inventory for safe keeping. His money, which appeared now in his status page as;


He could also take out any amount he wished as the money came out as several bills, meaning the 50$ bill he put inside same out as two 20's and a 10 and so far the money all did not look fake, meaning he could use them.

Percy also kept a picture of his mom in his inventory, it was his favorite one with his mom carrying him while he slept on her shoulder drooling all over her.

Just then Grover walked in with a look of exhaustion on his face, "hey Percy."

"Hey G-man," Percy said waving at Grover and dismissing all the boxes, "why are you so late?"

"Mr. Brunner called me into his office," Grover explained as he sat on a chair leaving the crutched to the side, "wanted to talk about my grades."

'Grover must have a worse lying level than me,' Percy said as he smiled at his friend. Grover simply relaxed while Percy kept observing him, he was trying to see the goat legs, something which would prove that Grover was a Satyr. But after a minute of Percy observing Grover's legs a box showed up.


By observing Grover you have created a skill!

Observe Lv-1 (10%)

By Observing a target one will get information about said object

Lv-1-Max HP,MP and info.

Percy then closed the box and looked at Grover again, "observe," he whispered.

Suddenly a box popped up;

Grover Underwood Satyr Protector




The Satyr assigned to protect Percy Jackson the son of ? His duty is to make sure Percy is safe and if he succeeds at this he will get the chance to make his dream ture by searching for Pan. Grover like Percy and thinks he is a good friend, even if he embarrassed him in class.

Percy wiped the box away. Grover was strong, very strong. And even though he lied to him Percy still considered him his friend, after all what else can you think about the guy who is trying to protect you?

Percy needed knowledge, he needed power. He needed to know who his dad was, that seemed like the key to everything. And just then;


Quest Alert!

Find out who your dad is!


Find out about all your abilities.

1000 Exp




Percy gulped, he was afraid, but he needed to do this. He then readied himself and pressed yes.