
The Mystery of the Beast / Black Smoke(One Piece)

How much will the natural course of events of one world change if just one undesirable element enters it? The protagonist, in order to become stronger and survive in a harsh world, decides to join the Marine, to have not only strength, but also a strong protector who will show him the harsh world.

Dez_6831 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

- You think you can beat us blindfolded? - Shouted the kid with the pipe in his hands. There was anger and a sneer in his eyes. Along with his brothers, they're often in conflict with me. Basically, I set it up myself.

- Shut up trash, even if I had my eyes closed and my hands tied, I could still beat you up. - These three... Ace, Sabo and Luffy. I met them like five years ago.

- Don't be so arrogant! - Shouted Sabo and lunged at me with his fists.

As soon as I met them, I wanted to be friends. Having strong people as friends is very useful, especially if those people become great people in the future.

However, I decided to choose my own path. I decided to become stronger in order to survive in this world. And to become stronger, you have to fight strong people, to the blood, to the broken bones. And only then can you increase your strength...

I turn my body to the side, and the stick passes within a millimeter of me.

It's already making progress.

I grab Ace's arm and elbow him on the cheek. Retreating a couple of steps, he grips his stick tighter and comes at me again. While Sabo tries to drive his fist into my back.

In the five years we fought, I had suffered a tremendous amount of injuries, but it had taken its toll.


The people of this world, can develop a special ability called the will. There are only three kinds, two of which I learned to use in five years.

I snatch Ace's stick out of his hands, immediately covering it with the Will of Arms and fending off Sabo's attack.

The only problem is the Royal Will, but I'm not worried about that, when the time comes it will awaken on its own, that I have it, I have no doubt...

- Garou, you bastard, how could you steal my meat! - Dodging Luffy's flying fist, I hit his arm with the stick.

- Ow, that hurt!

A problem I've had recently... These three are no match for me anymore. Lately, I've just been honing my Will on them. Neither the beasts of the forest nor the bandits can harm me in any way. This stagnation annoys the hell out of me, I have to do nothing but haul huge rocks and hone my Will, but there's a reason why I haven't gotten off this island yet. I want to join the Marine.

Where else but in the Marine would I be able to increase my strength quickly. Especially if I'm trained by Garp himself. If I get stagnant in the Marine, I'll have to leave it and become a pirate, maybe even join the Moogiwara.

A year ago, I already met Garp. I fought those three back then, and he saw that and prescribed a fist of love for each of them. I was already thinking about joining the Marine at the time, I approached Garp then, but he just laughed and called me a little brat and left, only to throw in the end that if I could impress him in a year, then he would consider me joining the Marine.

It's been a year now, I've grown much stronger, I've been able to awaken the will of arms and improve the will of observation.

- Okay, I'm tired of playing with you. - I dodge Sabo's kick and hit him in the knee with my stick.

- Damn it!

- What a game! We'll beat you up. - Luffy yells and comes at me with his fists.

- That was fun, but I'm leaving this island soon. Your grandfather will be here soon, and he'll take me on Marine.

Luffy's fist stopped. - What? You want to join the sentinels? But being a pirate is so much cooler.

- I don't give a shit what you say, I just wanted to say goodbye. I hope you all get struck by lightning and die. Goodbye, motherfuckers. - Throwing the will-covered stick in Luffy's face, I turned and walked through the woods toward the port. I think his grandfather will be here today or tomorrow.

- Freeze! You think we're just going to let you go? You stole my meat, I'll never forgive you!

I show my middle finger to the mugiwara and just silently walk away from them. These five years have been challenging as well as fun. Every day we would banter with each other, and then either they would beat me up or I would beat them up. Even they got stronger in five years. I think when Luffy goes to sea, he won't have the same problems he would have in the original story.

- Bye!

- See ya!

I hear the voices of Ace and Sabo.

- I'll beat you!

Already a few hundred meters away from Luffy and his team, I kept my will of observation active and dragged the huge rock on my back. Barely moving my legs, I staggered toward the port of the village, just as something hit the detection area of my surveillance will.

- No... It couldn't be. - Dropping the stone to the ground, I looked up at the tall tree. The devil's fruit. - Without the will, I wouldn't have been able to find it..." The fruit was deep in the tree's foliage. Few people walk around with an active will at all times, it drains it quickly and can make you incapacitated in a dangerous moment, but it also develops it a little bit at a time. And how low is the chance of finding it here? No one in this sea knows about the Will.

I walked quickly to the tree the fruit was hanging from, covered my hand with the Will, and knocked the tree down with a thud. I quickly ran up to the fallen fruit and picked it up.

- Hmmm... I've seen you somewhere... It must have been in an anime. Hmmm... I hope it's not the one that turns me into some kind of beast.

That's right, I think the mayor had a book of all the known fruits.

Carefully putting the fruit in my bag, I quickly ran to the village with the will of observation still active.

When I reached the village, I immediately saw a sentinel ship standing in the port.

Once I found out what the fruit was, I would need to find Garp.

After reaching the Mayor's house, I open the door without knocking. - Hey Woop, are you there?

- Garou, don't they teach you to knock? - I hear the Mayor screaming from the next room.

Ignoring his shouting, I quickly ran up to him and immediately saw Garp sitting at the table with him, eating his lunch.

- Give me the devil's fruit book. - As soon as I had finished talking, I ran over to the bookcase and picked up the book I wanted.

- Don't forget whose house you're in, snotlout!

- Bwahahahahaha. - Garp laughed and started watching me intently while eating a cracker.

- Not that one, no, not that one..." I flipped through the book quickly, pausing occasionally at similar fruits until I came across the right one.

- Yeah, there it is... No... I don't believe it. Why is it in the weakest sea?

A large, purple fruit made up of many large droplets. Yami Yami no mi. Taking the fruit out of my bag, I compared it to the one in the drawing.

This is definitely it.

Garp and Whoop's eyes widened in shock when they saw the fruit in my hands.

- Hey brat, where did you find it? - Standing up from the table, Whoop asked in shock.

- What kind of fruit is that? - Garp asked, putting the cracker aside.

- This fruit..." Closing the book and putting it back, I turned to Garp and Woop. - This fruit..." I slowly brought it to my mouth and took a bite and swallowed immediately, not wanting to taste the devilish fruit entirely.

Garp and Woop's eyes widened again when they saw what I'd done.

- This fruit... Yami Yami no mi, the logic of darkness. - As soon as I finished, Garp opened his mouth in mute shock, and stared at the nibbled fruit.

It tasted awful, like one bite should be enough. A few seconds passed, when I felt a strange force within me. I lifted my hand, and after a moment my hand turned black and something like black smoke or flame began to emanate from it...

This fruit... According to the black beard, it is the strongest devil fruit, I think, not only because of its ability to block other fruits, but also because of its ability to absorb the power of another fruit. I used to have thoughts in my head about what kind of devil fruit I would like to find. I didn't even think I would find the logia of darkness. How much did I change the history of this world?

- Hey Garp, I still want to join the Marine. - After returning my hand to its former state, I sat down at the table and took a cracker and started chewing on it.

- You want to join the Marine? Bwahahahahahahaha, you little brat, don't think just because you ate the devil's fruit that you can join the Marine.

- Stop your heresy, I'm sure you already want to recruit me to your side by all means. All right, I'll join if you ask nicely and give me a thousand bellyfuls of pocket money every day. - As soon as I had finished speaking, I concentrated entirely on the will of observation, preparing myself for Garp's blow. Not a second later, a fist covered by the will of arms began to fly at me. I quickly jumped out of my chair and looked into Garp's squinting eyes.

- Ten thousand bellies. - A smirk appears on Garp's face and a fist flies at me again. - One hundred thousand. - A fist flew at me again, and I barely dodged it. If he hadn't been serious, and I hadn't trained my will to watch, I would have dodged the first one.

- Snotlout, stop dodging. - The fist flew a millimeter from my head and broke the wall behind me.

- Are you trying to kill me? - I run out through the hole in the wall and run toward the sea patrol ship. - A million bellies! - I shout at the top of my voice and immediately feel the approach of a fist that I can no longer dodge. Just before it hits, I cover my entire head with the will of arms.

Garp's fist sends me flying into the side of the ship with a punch.

- Bastard! If I hadn't covered my head with willpower, you'd have broken my skull!

Garp's eyes widened slightly, and he focused on my head. - Snotlout, where did you learn how to use the will?

- My head hurts... You old asshole, I awakened the will of arms when I beat your grandson..." Garp came toward me and stared at me with a heavy stare for a couple of dozen seconds.

- All right, I'll take you with me.

- I bet if I refused to go on patrol after all I've shown you, you'd gnaw yourself to death. No, I can't take another blow. - Covering my hands with my will, I blocked Garp's blow, which, however, was much weaker than the last one. Slowly I got up, and staggered to the bar to see Makino, who often treated me. Just before entering, I turned my head in Garp's direction. - We sail tomorrow, as soon as I heal my wounds and eat, have a million bellies ready by then. - Running into the bar, several of the inhabitants looked at me. As I walked over to the bar where Makino was standing, I sat down in a chair.

- Makino, that dead man hit me again. He almost killed me..." I reached for the alcohol, and put my hand to the bottle.

- Garou, you're just a child. - Quickly taking the bottle of rum from me, she pulled a bandage from under the counter.

- This is to take away the pain. That living corpse beat me on purpose so that I would join the Marine. You should have seen his greedy eyes when-" Before I could finish, my eyes widened in shock, and I threw my head back, almost falling off my chair. A second later, a small, will-covered stone pierced the bar wall and flew through where my head used to be, and out through the other wall. There was instant silence in the bar. - That's the true nature of a sentinel; they'll kill anyone who slanders them. - Quickly grabbing my bandages, I ran to my room.

At that moment, Garp walks into the bar laughing and sits down at the bar.

- You could have crippled him. - Makino looks at Garp reproachfully, still wondering how Garou was able to dodge the rock.

- Wahahahaha, he's tough, he would have only been knocked out, a small concussion at worst. Bwahahahaha. - There was a deadly silence in the bar.

- So he decided to join the Marine?

Garp put his hands on a bottle of rum. - Yes... That kid has talent. He's gotten so strong at his age. Just like me, bwahhaha.

Makino shook her head and started rubbing her glass.


The next day I woke up to Luffy screaming loudly on the first floor of the bar.

- I'm going to beat Gara, and then I'm going to be king of the pirates! - The laughter of everyone in the room could be heard, no one in the whole village could beat me for a long time now, except for Garp of course, but he rarely comes here. Taking one bellie from the nightstand, I got dressed and went down to the first floor of the bar. As soon as I saw Luffy screaming, I coated my willie and threw the coin in the back of my head.

In the next instant, Luffy pulled his head to the side, and the coin passed next to his ear and smashed a bottle of rum on the rack. My eyebrows rose slightly, and at the same time, Makino flinched at the explosion of the bottle and turned her gaze to me.

- And who's going to pay for that? - Makino glared at me, then took out a rag and began to clean up the splinters.

- I'm sorry, Garp will pay for everything. - Running over to her and taking the rag from her, I started cleaning up the splinters and wiping the floor.

- Freak, what if you hit me! - Started yelling at Luffy.

- I was aiming for you. - I stopped for a second and looked him in the eyes. The idiot managed to subconsciously dodge the coin... Well, the sooner he gets his will, the better for him, since things might work out so that Riley won't even have to train him. - It's your fault the bottle broke, if you hadn't dodged it, it would still be intact.

Not listening to Luffy's screams, I put the broken bottle away and sat down next to Luffy, and Makino put a plate with a piece of meat and rice in front of me.

- Dumbass, how do you think you dodged my coin? - I asked Luffy a question while I was eating.

- Who are you calling a jerk jerk?

- You were able to subconsciously use your will. In your case, the will of observation. If you develop it, maybe in a hundred years you could hit me. - As soon as I finished talking, a big hand came over my head. My mouth immediately stopped chewing, I couldn't see it with my will, even now I can barely feel it. - Good morning, Luffy broke the bottle, he said you'd pay for it. - Luffy immediately cringed and was about to run away when a fist flew into his head, realizing that I might be next, I quickly took some bellies out of my pocket and put them on the counter. - Don't worry Luffy, I'll pay for you. So, when do we leave Garp?

As soon as I finished, he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and carried me out of the bar and threw me onto his ship. As I flew, I twisted and fell to my feet, beside one of the young men, who jumped aside in fright.

A few seconds later, Garp landed beside me. - We set sail now.

And so we set sail, I said goodbye to no one, I even left my clothes in my room, and all I could hear were the shouts of people seeing me and Garp off. I just stared at the village and its people. Bastard, I hadn't even eaten, why the hell would he take me to the ship in the first place...

- So where are we going? - I walked over to Garp, who was sitting on the deck munching on a cracker.

- Mmm. - Garp looked me over. - To an island. I teach the newcomers there sometimes. - A few people cringed when they heard Garp's words and quickly ran off. - We'll stay there for a while, and then I'll take you to Marine Headquarters. - Garp pulled out a Dan Dan Mushi and called someone. - Hey Sengoku, I'll be in Marinford in a few months, and I've got a present with me.

- What!? I let you go for three weeks. - A shout from the Fleet Admiral came from the snail, but Garp immediately dropped the call and laughed. - Hey snotlout, your fruit... Don't you dare use it on a ship. - Said Garp picking his nose.

My fruit, huh? As Teach said, Darkness is gravity, a force of attraction from which not even a beam of light can escape. In my darkness, I can pull anything, blackbeard pulled an entire city into its special dimension, and then spit it out in the form of an attack. With this fruit, I can absorb this whole ship in an instant, and then everyone on it will fall into the sea... Indeed, it is better not to train it on a ship.

Two weeks passed.

All that time, we sailed to the island where Garp does his training. I spent the whole trip in the gym with the other sentinels, Garp even told me once about my fruit.

Yami Yami, is unique among others, not only because of the ability to cancel the powers of other fruits, but also because of the inability to completely turn my body into an element, as with others, by the type of fire, light, magma, etc. However, I can absorb all incoming attacks, as long as they are not saturated by the will of the weapon.

Only Garp didn't say anything about being able to use another fruit, and I didn't ask. I think in the future, I can experiment with that. I don't think I can take the fruit away from Belous with his power, not unless he's severely weakened.

Right now I'm standing on the deck, looking at the approaching island. Unfortunately or not, this isn't the island that Raleigh trained Luffy on, which seemed to have three volcanoes. The same island had one big mountain that was surrounded by a forest.

- We'll be here for four months, which is usually enough time for the ones I train to beat up at least half the beasts on this island. - Garp came up and started talking about this island. The forest around the mountain is mostly inhabited by big birds and huge reptiles. On the mountain itself there are quite seldom any animals, there is a camp at the foot where the Marines rest. At this point there are already a few sentinels on this island who are training there.

As soon as we landed on shore, Garp gathered us all in front of him and began giving instructions.

We should divide into groups of five, and head for the center of the mountain. If we're very lucky and don't encounter anyone, we can get there by evening. Each group will be supervised by an instructor. We will be given food and water for one meal; the rest we must get by ourselves.

Another group, if you don't count mine, has a fruiterer. Two of us are approached by instructors with boxes.

- Since you begin your training here, you must get to the mountain without using the power of your fruit. Especially for this, we have prepared gifts for you. - The boxes in the instructors' hands opened, and a thin metal bracelet appeared to me. - These bracelets are made of kairoseki, this material blocks the fruit's abilities and weakens them. These bracelets are made of kairoseki with a lot of admixture, so the weakening effect will be very weak so as not to interfere with your path. - Garp finished talking, and the instructor put the bracelet on my arm.

I immediately felt that I had no access to my powers. Even though I could feel the energy inside me, I had no control over it. I felt no weakness at all, and I even felt like I could easily break my bracelet.

Once everyone was ready, our groups started entering the forest from different sides so as not to run into each other. My group had three twenty year old guys, one twenty year old girl, well, and me, a thirteen year old kid. Our instructor had to stay behind us at all times, and if we had any problems with the animals on this island, he had to help us.

Once we were in the woods and looked around, one kid turned his head and looked at me.

- If hero Garp took you on his ship, you must be strong. I don't know if it's because of your fruit or not, but tell us all beforehand, wouldn't you be a burden without your fruit? - Everyone else also turned their heads and looked at me.

I shook my head. - I awakened to the will of observation and weaponry. The fruit, on the other hand, I had just recently eaten.

- Ooh, that's cool. I only awakened the will of observation. - The others nodded their heads, and when they realized I wasn't going to slow them down, they headed for the mountain. Of the five, only me and the two guys were able to awaken their will, but they all know the Rokushika-Soru technique Garp taught them.

What a bastard, in two weeks on the ship, he didn't even begin to teach me rokushiki...

As we moved around the island, we decided that those who knew the will of observation would use it to detect enemies and change every hour so as not to waste much strength.

Within the first ten minutes, we found a bird sitting on a branch, two meters high. Finding a rock the size of my fist, I covered it with willpower and threw it at the bird's head. The bird let out a gargling sound and fell off the branch, managing to knock it out with a single blow.

I took the bird on my shoulders and continued on my way.

In an hour I was already carrying three big birds on my shoulders and with them on my shoulders I fought with a huge lizard in front of me. It was lucky that this reptile wasn't too fast, so I covered my legs with willpower and tried to smash its skull while the rest of the team dealt with the other three lizards.

Soon it was evening, with a few more miles to the mountain, so I persuaded the others to continue on their way to fight the monsters that crawl out at night. We took two breaks along the way, but we never ate the dry rations we were given at the beginning.

We were all very tired from a day of fighting, one guy almost had his hand chewed off, but we continued on to the mountain. My group, however, hardly complained about having to walk at night.

- Hey, do you hear that? - The guy in the group stopped and started listening for the sounds of nature.

A few seconds passed when a bird buzzing was heard in the distance.

- It's a flock of night birds, should we take cover? - Everyone looked at each other until finally all eyes were on me.

- Mmm... Find bigger rocks and bring them to me. - A few minutes later, a dozen large birds could be seen in the night sky as they swiftly approached our group. After a full day of fighting, I was very tired, but my will improved.

Picking up a stone a meter in diameter, I prepared to dash.

- Pluck a tree for me. - The team cast a strange look at me, but quickly fell a small tree.

When the birds flew close enough, I tensed my muscles, and with all my might I threw it into the very center, where most of the birds were flying.

There was a faint shockwave as I threw it, and it kicked up some dust in the air. The rock, however, flying at high speed in a single line, managed to hit five birds.

I immediately collapsed to my knees and started breathing heavily. I reached my maximum.

- Hhh... Hhh... Hold them off for a while, I'll catch my breath. - Everyone nodded their heads and drew their weapons. Each sentry is issued his own uniform and sword and pistol. I didn't even officially join the Marine, so they didn't give me a uniform, and I refused to take a gun, though I should have... No, that might slow me down...

At this time the birds reached us, and started trying to tear us apart with their claws. Even though I had knocked out five, there were still about twelve feathered ones left. The birds attacked furiously, leaving almost no time to attack, luckily each of them knows how to use sora, so they can fight back and defend me.

Exhaling, I pulled the water bottle out of my backpack, and after taking a few sips, I realized that the water was gone.

Slowly rising on trembling legs, I walked to the fallen tree. Wrapping my arms around it, and assuming a comfortable pose, I began to slowly lift the tree.

- Get down! - Shouting, I began to spin around, while at the same time, with the tree in my hands, I began to beat the birds to death. At one point, my arms just loosened, and the tree flew a few feet away, while I myself sat back, looking at the moon and smiling. It had been a long time since I had laid out like that.

- Any more birds left? - There was silence for almost a minute, and I thought I had scored my allies. But then a voice rang out.

- No... Almost all are dead, only a few are moving. Hahahahaha, that was really cool. Kid, you're strong, the way you threw that rock, it almost made my jaw drop. - Immediately I heard laughter, the whole team was laughing. I was lying on my back, unable to get up, irritated by the laughter of my team.

- Hey, can you guys pick me up? It wasn't much further to the camp. - The mountain was just around the corner, and I could even see the camp lights.

As soon as we reached the mountain, I asked them to let me go, and I walked from there. As soon as we got close to the camp, we could see a couple of guards, and as soon as they saw our condition, they called for the medics. And so, lying on my bunk, I wondered what we were going to do for four months on the island. Maybe they'd teach me some Rokushiki techniques, though what could Garp teach me? I'm surprised he didn't throw me out on the island alone for a year.

- Bwahahahahahaha, snotlout, do you know your group came first? - Garp came into my room and sat down on the empty bunk next to me.

- Were you expecting something different?

- Wahaha... Get some rest, you won't have any free time tomorrow, I'll personally race you. - Garp reached for my arm and removed the kairoseki bracelet from it. Immediately I regained control of my power, extending my arm, I wrapped the darkness around it.

- With the power of the fruit, those birds I could easily kill.

- Wahahahaha, but then someone stronger than those birds would easily kill you even with the power of the fruit. - I nodded my head, agreeing that while fruit powers might be useful, they are nothing without physical strength. The same Garp or Shanks stand on top of this world without the power of the fruit.

Removing the darkness from my hand, I lay down on my side and said. - I'll see you tomorrow.