

After Caitlin aka killer frost took cisco aka the vibe into the pipeline, they saw Ronnie but professor stein was in control so he didn't know about cisco or Caitlin and he behaved strangely with them Caitlin felt so happy that Ronnie was back. but Ronnie was in a split personality with professor stein and professor stein was in control so he behaved strangely and went to his wife's home but he was in Ronnie's body so his wife didn't recognize professor stein. but Caitlin and cisco were finding a cure for them but cisco and Caitlin were trying so hard to find a cure for Ronnie and professor stein to cure them but they couldn't after trying so hard. Cisco found the cure to accept each other and it was a split personality controller so both of them could control the body but before the cure, Ronnie was turning into a nuclear bomb the flash took him out of the central city into its outskirts.