
The Mysterious Black Magician

RPG STYLE NOVEL, MC DOING QUEST, KILLING MONSTERS, LEVELING UP, GAINING SKILL, AND etc... SYSTEM Deity, a newly invented modern gadget that helps humans to breakthrough their limiters. Our protagonist Yman Talisman was a young man, 17 years old, and an orphan. After he found out that he had a Hollow Cell symptom, he rejoiced. Now there was a way for him to cure his ill sister. But on the day of evaluation exams, because of an incident, he was late and only managed to get the weakest magic skill among the rest. How can someone like him fight monster monsters when his magic was the weakest and no use for fighting? No group wanted to let him joined them. In order to cure his sister, he had no choice but to fight monsters alone. When he finds out about a certain item that able to heal any kind of illness, he didn't think twice and embark into a journey. Leaving his ill sister to a trusted friend, he left the city and delves into adventures to search for it. THIS NOVEL IS A HIDDEN GEM!!! YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU REACH CHAPTER 100. MC HAD ALMOST UNLIMITED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! (One of the best stories you can find in this platform!) ---Cover not mine--- Message me at discord if you have questions and suggestions: CloudSky#4375

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
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432 Chs

Elder Nitan and Magic Understanding

What Yman saw inside the monitor screen was the description of Hollow Cells while it exuded mana to a person's body.

His Hollow cell somehow was in a dormant state, or inactive.

Elona had a face of disbelief. This was the first time that she saw a Hollow Cell in such a state. Mostly, Hollow Cell was a very active cell. It was also the reason why many people in the former era died before the experts discovered the mystery behind the cause.

Many thought it was a pandemic, but no, it was because of this foreign cell that invaded a person's body. There was once a rumor at that time, that the Hollow Cell was an uncontrollable cell and it had the tendency to transfer into another host after its former host died. But this rumor wasn't proven.

That might also be the reason why many experts that time wrongly accused this cell as a new type of volatile virus. Which is very destructive to the other cells inside a person's body.

"Ms. Elona, is there a way to awaken my Hollow Cell?" Yman asked in a somewhat curious and solemn voice.

Actually, if his Hollow Cell would become active like a normal Hollow Cell was, there's a high tendency that he can control his Black Mana freely without going through such a hurdle of its side effects.

Also no need for preparation such as emptying his stamina that gives Yman too much headache just to activate his Black Mana.

Elona glanced at him and sighed in defeat. "Sorry, Kiddo. As of now, I don't know, this is the first time that I witnessed such a case where a Hollow Cell was in such a state." Elona honestly answered him while staring at the screen with knitted brows.

Yman fell into silence. Maybe there's no way for him to awaken his Hollow Cell normally.

He was contemplating.

Suddenly, a tug was felt on his shoulder. Yman didn't glance at it but he knew that the owner of the hand was Ms. Pai.

"Don't feel down. Just relax. I'm sure we can find a way to awaken it." She said with a smile, concerned at him.

"But —" Yman stopped his words when Ms. Pai again tugged him twice on his shoulder. Then she said, "No buts. For now, do your best in training."

He glanced at her and noticed her eyes full of determination. Yman felt embarrassed. Although he was the one who needed such determination.

Actually, he was afraid that his Black Mana was discovered. Not even Ms. Pai knew. As of now, only he knew about it. What Ms. Pai knew was only at the level of him being a product of the facility. But never did anyone know that he could use this weird mana.

Even Yman himself only discovered this ability by coincidence.

Regardless, he was not too worried that his Hollow Cell was in a dormant state. As long as he could manipulate mana through his channeling talent.

Seemed like a bulb light on his head when he realized something. "Ms. Elona, do you know about Channeling ability?"

"Channeling?" Elona repeated with a frown.

"Yes, Channeling!" Yman confirmed.

"Actually, I heard some information about it. Channeling ability is also in line with understanding nature which we physicists also do. But I don't have much deep understanding about Channeling ability..." she turned her head and glanced at him.

Yman sighed. |Looks like no one knew about it, huh.| He thought.

Yet, he heard her continue saying, "However..."

He glanced at her and waited for the continuation of her words.

"...I saw a book once in the library about this Channeling ability." She added.

His face brightened after hearing it, "A book?" He repeated.

After Yman left the lab, he checked the time and figured out that it was the right time for phase 2 of training which is about magic.

Today, it was Elder Nitan's turn to lecture them about the Magic Understanding and Simulation test.

Yman thought that this must be a fruitful lecture. He decided to go back to the training ground first and would check the book later. After all the library was just there, it won't run away from him. Most important was to learn about magic. And he thought that he would learn something new in the lecture.

Before Yman arrived at the spacious training grounds of the academy, all the trainees were already in a sun-ray formation while sitting on the ground with their butts. In this formation, the trainees were surrounding the circle podium where the elder was giving his/her lectures while using a magic tool known as an enhanced microphone.

This enhanced microphone was very different from a conventional one. With the enhanced microphone, the elder seemed-like he was talking to them face to face even if he was speaking in a low volume while on the stage.

This is the first day that Elder Nitan would give his lecture.

"Ahem. No need to introduce myself and yours because I already did introduce myself on the first day.


What is magic? Where does it come from? How does it affect us?


Such words are not uncommon to us. With magic, our daily life was much easier than from the lost era. Using magic, we can cook food without the use of stove gasses, when we are far from home. Create water to quench our thirst. Or make a breeze when we feel hot.

With magic, we can do many things a lot easier. But magic — is like an addictive drug that slowly kills our striving essence. Especially for youth like you. At your age, it is easy to drown in a more easy lifestyle. Youths are lazy! And it was easy to lose their paths.

Before the age of modernization, people at that time were very industrious. They walked miles, to reach their destination. They trained their body arduously.

When the automobile was invented, it slowly killed the hard-working spirits of the youths at that time. They started to become lazy, especially those youths who love to show off their riches to their friends and to not.

But when the internet was invented, that's when the worst era in human civilization was recorded. Lazy people were doubled, dirty-minded people were multiplied. Crime marched to the pinnacle.

That's how the economic rise affects the mindset of people..."

[In that case, don't use the enhanced microphone and shout with your old lungs you Oldman!!!] The trainee's thoughts. But no one was brave enough to voice out such a thought.

The elder continued his lectures.

"When the world's destruction happened. Maybe just maybe, it was God's will to end that era to start anew.

Now, in this new era of magic and technology, if not because of the incessant danger coming from the mutated beasts. This era might be the worst. Thanks to the implementation of the academies, magicians like yourselves had the means to do meaningful things..."

All the trainees were dead silent as of the moment while listening to Elder Nitan's words.


Right at this moment, Yman was casually walking towards his position, at the back of Bob.

"Well, well, well, and we have a late comer...a VIP? Mr. Coolman?"

"!!" Yman suddenly froze and noticed that everyone was staring at him.

|Wtf?!| He thought.

Looks like Ms. Pai did not excuse him when she brought him into the lab of Ms. Elona. Maybe she did not expect them to get longer in the lab. Well, they were discussing his Hollow Cell, and it eats too much of time.

Now Yman found himself in an awkward situation.