
The Mute Female Knight Disguised As a Man

①2023.10.5 【An Apology to Readers and the novel Break Announcement】 Hello readers who enjoyed this book, I'm CloudC. I'm sorry for the 1 month break, this was due to the fact that I was made redundant at the beginning of last month and with very little earnings from writing novels, I started a frantic search for a job in order to make ends meet (while I haven't found one yet) Once life is back on track, I promise you that I will be back to updating as soon as I can, and I'll be back to updating as of 24.1.1! Please forgive me, I was really hard pressed by life and had no choice but to cut off my updates. Chapter 103 is definitely not the real ending, the plot of this book has only progressed halfway, this chapter can be considered a minor climax or the beginning of a key turning point in Chad and Orville's emotions. The book is marked as "Finished", I think it may be due to contractual reasons, because it's not what I marked, after a while, I will discuss with the editor to change the status of the book. This novel will be back on 24.1.1, please look forward to it, I'm sorry for the break in production. ②2023.9.2 Notice: On the cover is the ML: Orville ③2023.8.17 Notice: Frequency of daily updates:One episode per day ==================================================   Chad has three secrets.   One, Chad is a false name. Two, she is a woman disguised as a man.   And three, she has a crush on the Duke of Orville.   She tells no one these three secrets, but one night the second one is broken by a strange man.   The man uses her secret as blackmail, forcing her to give in step by step, to fall a little, but she doesn't even notice that the man is asking her for more and more favours, and that the Duke is giving her more and more looks.   Then one day she found out she was pregnant.   In a panic, she hurriedly and roughly packed some important luggage and fled in the night. [Update frequency] 1. Working days (Mon-Fri): 2-3 episodes updated daily 2. Rest days (Saturday-Sunday): update as you go, may not update if you have other arrangements, new chapters will be dropped randomly

CloudC · History
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103 Chs

013 Toys and ‘Toy’ (18R sm)

Time passed in Elaine's anxiety. The third day after the receipt of the note, instead of waiting for a second contact from room 311.

Instead, she waited for Jeff again.

By careful count. It's been a week since I last saw Jeff, while the cell was a "erotic" design. The bathroom has neither a door nor a shower curtain, no privacy when taking a shower.

Since the "Pleasure Garden" was open at 8:00 p.m, and Elaine didn't want anyone to be present in the shower, especially Jeff, so she moved the bathing time to the daytime when absolutely no one would come.

But there were surprises in everything, Jeff pushed the door in right after lunch this very day.

The water in the bathroom was crackling on the floor tiles, and the sound of the door opening and closing was drowned out, so Elaine was unaware of it in the bathroom.

The water was hazy and added an ambiguous hue to the entire bathroom, wetting Elaine's curly inky blue hair, while the hair had grown a bit since Jeff had cut it off earlier, and the slight length of the hair covered both of Elaine's shoulders and flowed down the back of her long, slender neck, from her shoulder blades to the back of her curvy waist. Finally, the hair suggestively disappeared in the crevice between the two mounds.

The man lightened his steps, and did not make a sound, leaned against the door frame and watched her shower with interest.

Jeff have to admit, that the Ackerman family had raised Elaine well. Good skin, good body, good looking, simple-minded and easy to handle. Although the domineering nature is very annoying.

But if she was not evil in nature, and did not commit crimes such as murder and rape. Jeff was not necessarily willing to abuse her.

Elaine's crime reminded him of what the Ackerman family owed to his grandfather and family.

Jeff was lost in thought.

Elaine, after rinsing the last of the foam off her body, reached out and turn off the water. Her thin white hands felt and picked up the towel hanging on the wall, pressed away the water from her face. Then, as she wiped her hair, she turned around, going to go outside and get dressed.

This turn, Jeff appeared in the doorway out of nowhere and startled her.

She took a big step back with a frightened look on her face, after reacting, she hastily ripped open the bath towel around her chest to cover her naked body, then stammered and asked: "When did you come here?"

After saying that, her heart thumped again, remembering the rules set by the other party, so he was afraid may would be punished for speaking out of turn.

Good thing the man's attention is not here, Jeff stepped forward and his forefinger hooked the edge of her towel. Elaine didn't dare confront him, but let go of her hand in response to the force.

"I've seen you inside and out, so do you still need to be shy?" Jeff hooked the towel under his nose and sniffed it, a sweet smell, which wasn't unpleasant: "Dry off and get out," Said the first to turn around and leave the bathroom.

The water-stained feet hit the carpet, the man who was already sitting on the edge of the bed turned off his communicator and looked up, raised his eyebrows.

Elaine's legs went weak, and her knees straight down on the thick blanket, made a muffled sound.

"Come here," Jeff hooked his fingers.

He took off his military cap and put it on the bedside table, and with one hand, he casually stroked the hair on his forehead to the back of his head, then the cold and delicate face was revealed. Without the bangs and military cap to cover up, Jeff did not look as gloomy and treacherous as usual. The eyes were sharp, the nose was high. In fact, it is a very pleasing handsome.

But the end of the eyes are slightly upward hooked, and let him bring a indefinable charm, which reminded Elaine of the foxes that noblewomen like to keep.

But she only dared to glance at him and then immediately lowered her head, just bending down and crouching under his gaze, with knees and elbows on the ground. She crawled on her knees to the man's feet.

This was also one of the results of Jeff's training. If Elaine doesn't do one thing right, she was going to get a whipping. Jeff did not hesitate to hit the inner thighs, where the flesh was most tender. Elaine had to take six lashes to learn the correct position. The one that hurt the most was next to her labia, and the worst one broke the skin.

Each of the whipping marks, reminded her clearly of each one.

Kneeling between the man's splayed legs, she stopped. Elaine straightened her upper body by holding the dark blue pant leg. The right side of her face rested on the inside of his thigh, shrinking her whole body into his figure.

She looked up at him with low brows and obedient eyes. When she looked closer, found that he had an imperceptible hint of red blood under his eyes, and the bottom of eyes were also slightly greenish-black, seemed to have not rested for a long time. But his spirits are still good.

"I haven't been here all week, Did you do what I asked?" Jeff was in a good mood, and voice was smiling.

He had replaced his usual white cotton gloves with leather ones today. The black leather was meticulously crafted, and the slender fingers give it an ascetic look.

While asking, while rubbing inch by inch from Elaine's lip to her lifted chin, with the slow pace, just liked a superior being scrutinizing his own possessions, with a strong sense of control.

Elaine kept her head up, not daring to move, just replied: "Yes ... Well!"

The thumb hovering over her chin took the opportunity to insert itself into her mouth, "Brother ..."

"Shh - let me touch."

Fingertips carefully touch every part of the mouth, every tooth. After the tongue is swept underneath, and then teasing the tip of the tongue. Then the finger went down to the root of the tongue and scratched at the throat. Elaine choked and almost gagged, then Jeff's finger moved on to the palate.

Jeff was indeed a very skilled tweaker, with a single thumb touched the erotic sensation, he made Elaine's face was red and her legs were weak, while the mouth tingled and itched.

"Little Elaine is getting my new gloves dirty," Jeff pulled out his fingers and waved it in front of her eyes.

"I'll, I'll lick it clean for you ..." Elaine said did hold Jeff's wrist and licked it. Her eyes droop, the eyelashes tremble slightly, and the mouth stretched out a small tongue carefully licking, with the innocent but erotic.

The touch of the tongue was not clear through the gloves, but the light in the Jeff's eyes darkened, he thrust both arms under Elaine's armpits, then subconsciously clenched her arms. He then used the position of holding a child, lifted Elaine off the ground and put her on his lap and held her firmly in his arms.

Around Elaine's waist, Jeff's hands were rubbing and squeezing. Elaine in his arms also extended two white arms to embrace his shoulders and back, and when he rubbed the pain, but did not resist, only clutching his jacket.

" You're really obedient, I like it so much," Jeff tilted his head and took Elaine's earlobe into his mouth.

The breath on the back of Elaine ear was hot, and the vague compliment could not hide the perverse excitement. Elaine's face rested on Jeff's shoulder, but contrary to the physical manifestation, in those beautiful blue eyes, gradually overflowing with disgust and hatred that could not be concealed.

But the next second Elaine was again burrowed into her ear by a tongue and licked back to consciousness. So she closed her eyes in haste to hide the emotions in the eyes.

Jeff has had enough of licking, and pulled away slightly. He moved his head down from Elaine's pink breasts to her pussy lips. Then he spread the root of Elaine's thighs with his hand and touched it to the vagina. Jeff's thumbs pressed against the flesh of her pussy, pulling it apart slightly.

As if making good on his promise to leave, he checked it out carefully.

"It's so soft here. Do you hold the toy in your mouth every day, waiting for brother to come back and fuck you?"


  Hans was not a kind person, so any plea for mercy and resistance in front of him was useless.

  "You don't have to stare at me in an anger, either," Hans slowly let go of his hand, watched as Chad slid down to the floor with his back against the bed frame in a heap, with panted heavily.

  He was so tall. When he stood up straight, he was half a head taller than Chad. He lowered his eyes in the candlelight, and the pupils reflected the aqua blue light, while he looked down at the swirl of hair on top of Chad's head: "You have secrets that cannot be seen, and I am a secret guard who is not allowed to see the light of day. What's importance that I'm a good-looking guy, and you're a good match for me."

  Chad gradually eased up, but she still kept his head down.

  They'd only met three times before, but Hans's face was already burned into Chad's mind. The mere memory of it, which made Chad disgusted.

  Hearing Hans's words, she could not think of anything else but how shameless this man was. It is obvious that his face is ordinary, and how could he say he was handsome?

  In Chad's opinion, Hans was not one in a million as handsome as the Duke, and even less than a thousandth of his charm. No, he was not worthy to be compared to her Lord Duke!

  "All right," Hans was done with his anger, in a good mood again. Then laying aside his pride and dignity, the leaned down and helped Chad up off the floor: "The ground is so cold, and you're dressed thinly. If you catch a cold, then I will be very sad."

  He was like a different person, helped her to the bedside and made her sit down.

  The red marks where he had pinched her neck had not yet faded, and the words of his threat were still fresh in her ears. Chad was still sweating on the back of his spine, and didn't dare sit down, so she just stood there like a log.

  "I just spoke too seriously,"Hans whispered, but it wasn't like he was coaxing: "You don't have to take it personally."

Chad got goose bumps for no reason.

[ What a crazy person! ]

She thought.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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