
Chapter 13 Moving Out

"You, you're insane?!" Kai said as he looked at Jin after a whole night's worth of training. Jin had not only eaten him about 1 million yen but he also broke his entire body more times than Kai could count.

"Hahaha! But it was worth it no." Jin said as he pulled back his fist. "100% FIEND GOD'S SMASH!" Jin shouted as he punched forwards with all his might.


He created a giant cloud of sand and the sea in front of him separated as the water flew into the air. "Hahaha, I can't get over this, I am practically Moses." Jin said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

"Moses, Moses my ass, you might as well be God." Kai said before turning around. He had seen this scene at this point 10s if not 100s of times, but what made him impressed was that the past 2 times Jin was unscathed.

"Remember next week, we're going to take down the League of Villains." Kai said as he walked away. "Sure buddy." Jin said as he also walked off. The aftermath of his punch was still taking effect though as water and sand continued to fall.

Jin's method of training was very simple. Since he needed his body to become accustomed to One For All he just spammed it a lot as one would do in a video game, after breaking his entire body he'd get Kai to heal him and when he needed energy he'd eat.

Overall it was a perfect plan as in one night Jin effectively reached the peak of this world. 'This is brilliant man, just imagine if Kai was a hero in the original though? Izuku could basically become the symbol of peace in a day.' Jin thought as he giggled.

Soon though Jin realized it was already morning so he rushed home. 'Although I told her everything she needed it's best if I am there.' Jin thought as he rushed home.

In a few seconds, Jin managed to arrive. He found Eri eating breakfast as she sat at table. "Hello, you're okay right?" Jin asked as he smiled. "Mhmm!" Eri mumbled before eating more of her cereal.

'I best begin to pack.' Jin thought as he went to his room and packed his stuff. "So where do you want to go Eri?" Jin asked as he carried his bag full of his things. "...Anywhere." Eri said after a while.

"Then why don't we go to a theme park?" Jin said as he washed Eri's dishes. "Mhm, what's a theme park though?" Eri asked. After that Jin finished washing the dishes and explained what theme park is to Eri as they walked to one.

'I have to plan where I am going to live from now on.' Jin thought as they arrived at the theme park. While they were running around and Jin was trying to make Eri have fun he was also searching up a place he could rent, eventually, he found one and had Kai do the paperwork for him.

'Man I should have gotten in contact with this guy ages ago, as long as I am not too excessive he does anything and all I have to do is take down those 2 scum.' Jin thought in delight as he bought a cotton candy for Eri.

While Jin was out with Eri Izuku had just woken up after a proper rest. "Ahh, it's good to be alive." Izuku said as he looked out the window. 'I'll see you again one day, Jin!' Izuku thought as he clenched his fist.

Izuku had woken up the day before, and the doctors and Inko were all freaking out, albeit for different reasons. Inko was ecstatic that Izuku was better, while the doctors were excited by a medical miracle.

'After that Mum and I found the notes he left us, Jin said that he was had to go somewhere and he'd come back eventually. In my mum's note, he thanked her for everything and said that he loved her dearly while in mine he said 4 words I never thought I'd hear or see in my life. He said that I have a quirk now and if I needed any advice I just had to ask All Might. To get in touch with him all I have to do is ask for Toshinori Yagi apparently, he also gave me some advice.....' Izuku thought as he babbled on in his mind.

Jin left as much as he could for Izuku to catch up as he could while thanking Inko for everything. He didn't want to be doing bad things and then going back and lying. 'Shit's probably going to get serious next week.' Jin thought as they left the theme park and went to their new flat.

"So, you can pick a room you want as your bedroom, and after that, we can go clothes shopping." Jin said as he let her decide which room she wanted. Eventually, she pointed at one and Jin wrote Eri on the door, while he wrote Jin on his door.

"We're going to buy clothes now?" Eri asked as she looked at Jin meekly. "First let me unpack after that we'll go, also lighten up a bit, girls like to go shopping normally." Jin said with a smile before unpacking his luggage in his room. After that they went to a nearby clothing store, and Eri tried on many outfits.

"It looks good on you!"

"It's perfect!"


Jin said after she tried on each pair of clothes. "Can I have this one?" Eri asked as she pointed to a set of clothes. "Sure, you want the others as well or you don't like them?" Jin asked as he looked at Eri. Hearing this Eri's face was filled with wonder.

"I can have them all?" Eri asked excitedly. "Of course." Jin said and immediately Eri picked them all. After that Jin felt like he just lost half of his life span.

'They say women drain you of your money, but I never expected to be drained dry by a little girl.' Jin thought as he wondered how they were going to eat.

'I got it, I'll just go to those underground fight clubs. I should be invincible anyway considering Izuku and All Might could nuke entire cities with their 100%.' Jin thought as they arrived home.

After that, he decided to teach Eri some basics of the world in general since she either wasn't taught them or forgot them. Once he thought he taught Eri enough for a day he made supper and they ate.

"Hey you wanna watch a movie?" Jin asked after they finished eating supper. "Yes." Eri said as she nodded her head excitedly. Then they watched a film and Eri dozed off in between and ended up sleeping on Jin.

Seeing this Jin smiled, picked her up and put her to bed. "Good night." Jin said before shutting the door and switching off everything in the flat. After that, he too went to bed and slept.

'Although one day, far, far, in the future I might become a God, at least now I can enjoy normal days.' Jin thought before dozing off into his dreams.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It was a bit slower cause I had to go through somethings and I think the next thing deserves a chapter of its own, not just being half a chapter. Besides that, I'd like to thank Nickomata and 4uiw3_god for being the first 2 to give my novel power stones.

Because as that one Chinese proverb which I read in a xianxia novel says "To give coal on a snowy day is much better than providing pearls to adorn a crown." Or something along those lines.

Also thank you to everyone who commented and even later if my novel does get a lot of power stones I appreciate every single one. I was just saying those words before to sound "profound" and "deep" as those cultivation immortals would say.

Anyways till next time, bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts