

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 3: Sword Saint

Chapter 3: Sword Saint

~Mash B. POV~

Exiting to the outside from the other end of the kaleidoscope-like portal I was dropped in a nearby alleyway. Strange…

Breathing in and out relaxing my eyes dart towards the change in this world. I might find a way home but experiencing a change of scenery is a nice change of pace.

My eyes couldn't help but be in awe. The world I'm currently in is quite different from what God expected it to be.

But as the saying goes seeing is believing. Walking outside into the sunshine-filled world I couldn't marvel how magical everything is at first glance. [Observe].

[Location: Kingdom of Lugunica

Description: The Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica, also known as the Kingdom of Lugunica, is one of the world's Four Great Nations. It is a monarchy, historically run by the now-extinct Lugunican Royal Family. It borders, in one way or another, the other three Great Nations.]

Perfect. With this, I should –


[You received mail from fellow Gamer Silva Knights!]



Oww… when the sudden pop-up text bubble showed up out of nowhere as I stumbled backwards hitting a nearby wall harshly.

Damn it man a little warring couldn't be much appreciated here! Sigh… feeling a bit annoyed I decided to check up on the message.


[Message: From [Silva Knights]:

Hello, newbie if you are reading this then welcome to the Guild of Gamers. As the first person to be joined let me give you some Skill Cards to help you start. No doubt the asshole Being X Jack sent you only the bare minimum you need.

Thus, helping my future juniors these skill cards are recommended depending on the world you are in technique-wise. But if not sorry. Good luck fellow gamer Mash because you'll need it!

If you manage to survive the world you're sent to, I suggest level grinding. Make it alive and hit me up by messaging me again to meet in person if you live. But that's why I sent a gift to you along with a weapon.

-Gift Box.]


Raising an eyebrow at this I began to click the gift box as it materialized, I saw a literal box I opened it to reveal some essential items, I would need to be revealed to be 3 cards and a weapon a katana that has runes on it.

First is a skill card called 'Mugetsu-Style'.

Second a skill card called 'Perfect Memory'.

Lastly, another skill card is called 'Style of the Undrawn Long Sword.'


Not wasting any time, I began to use these skill cards, I got from Silva. Thank God for his help. The gift from Silva probably a former person in my shoes got dragged in by this won and helped this god from the sidelines assisting me in the process.

[+1 INT due to figuring out that much guess!]

Make that 7 INT equals [65/80 MP] max. Regardless I picked these cards as a pop-up screen appeared showing me if I would use them.

[You have the skill card 'Perfect Memory'. Would you like to use it?]

[You have the skill card 'Style of the Undrawn Long Sword'. Would you like to use it?]

[You have the skill card 'Mugetsu-Style'. Would you like to use it?]

Without hesitation, I accepted them as they all broke instantly without much issue. My mind felt focused in an instant learning them into my own experience knowing them.

Even feeling the slight change in my body pausing briefly before shaking my head and moving forward while observing my new skills.

[You have learned the skill <Style of the Undrawn Sword>!]


[Due to learning <Style of the Undrawn Sword> you learned the <Sword Mastery>!]

[You have learned the skill <Mugetsu-Style >!]

[You have learned <Sword Mastery>!]

[You have learned the skill <Perfect Memory>!]

Skill List.


<Style of the Undrawn Long Sword> (Passive) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: A style of swordsmanship involving the use of a sheathed blade. While technically not exposing the weapon's blade, users of this style have been shown capable of slicing foes as if they were wielding an unsheathed sword.

The stances assumed in the performance of this form are vaguely reminiscent of those typical to Iaido, where the swordsmen wield the sheath of their sword with one hand, and rest the other on the hilt.

-Increase Sword damage by 1%

-Increases Sword speed by 1%

<Mugetsu-Style > (Passive) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: A sword art that specializes in very quick slashes using a Magic Sword, as well as delivering precise strikes such as cutting and throwing cards down the middle. The precision is perfect enough to slice a body's inner nerves without damaging the clothes or flesh.

Attacks from this style are strong enough to cut through virtually anything, even spatial divides between pocket dimensions as well as deflect powerful shockwaves. The user's sword is also capable of generating fire and causing a massive explosion.

-Increases Sword Damage by 1%

-Increase Sword speed by 1%

<Sword Mastery> (Passive) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: The skill of the blade and the ability to Cut things through all that stand before them. Can you master the path of a true swordsman?

-Increase Sword Damage by 1%

-Increase Sword speed by 1%

<Perfect Memory> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: Users can remember great volumes of information, in greater detail and for much longer than the average human, they can read books, listen to song lyrics, encounter people or experience events, and recall a vast deal of the details of their experience. In addition, it takes less effort to recall the information they encounter, and they can remember it for longer without having to strain. Their memory is also more resilient against <Memory Manipulation> related skills.


Ahh… I felt that major headache I felt. Owww… these guys surely love pain. Masochist. I've felt an influx of information invading my head I couldn't help but smirk obtaining these skills.

They could come in handy, especially in this world. Better to have a firepower than none considering Jack chose this world for me to grind. But I wonder why this one though.

Although the sword I got is a great help. At least for a starting world like this despite it being modern. The sword in question is a simple katana with rune engraving on it making me curious.



Item: Rune Katana

Rarity Item: D

Type: Enchanted Katana

Description: A basic katana enchanted weapon that's highly more durable and sharper than most steel in the world of Fairy Tail. It was produced greatly cheaply and efficiently by Athena at Silva's request.


I see… so Fairy Tail is where Silva's living huh? I couldn't help but tug a light smile with this guy watching out for me or other gamers.

I must greet him when I'm done grinding on a few levels. And probably get a gift for giving me some power-ups.

Regardless though everything seems to be completely fine. Putting away my Rune Katana out of safety for myself getting arrested I began to move forward.

I got teleported into some kind of city that looked medieval with all kinds of creatures and people walking around me. Viewing the area of the scene before me I must confirm one thing here to come to this timeline.

With that, I quickly ran towards the alleyway of this Capital city of Lugnica to see if I could find Natsuki Subaru still alive or if by blind luck he managed to live.

Viewing the place all around me I see that everything is truly bizarre here but soon enough I found three thugs running away what caught my attention was the knife…

It had blood on it… Shit! Then this could mean one thing if Jack sent me to the right point of time that I think he sent me…

Quickly hurrying after them I got all the attention and fear in their eyes as they tried to escape. I quickly ran after them holding my katana ready to defend myself hoping the noise I make will attract the guard nearby seeing the alleyway where the guard was –


[Through continuous running, a skill to run fast was generated allowing the user to quickly move fast.]

[Skill: <Sprint > has been learned]

I know I really shouldn't ask… but I'm curious what my skill does.

Skill List.


<Sprint > (Active) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 0.0%

MP Cost: 1 MP per second

Description: The ability to run fast infused with Mana this skill will allow the user to increase movement speed by 10%.

-Every 10 Levels the increase speed percentage will increase by 2%.


I smirked at this. Having a way to become faster is as good as any in this world as the next but right now chasing after those – Shit…

I guess I'm going in alone in this then because I see Natsuki Subaru is dead on the floor. I was hoping I could help him or possibly use him as a meat shield. That man has fucking respawns I don't.

But… he still has his uses. Or rather his jacket does… [Observe].


Item: Cheap Athletic Jacket

Rarity Item: E

Type: Cursed Jacket

Description: A cheap athletic jacket once belonging to Natsuki Subaru a poor isekaied man cursed by Satella the Witch of Envy into this world. The jacket has the Witch Scent/Miasma over the body of the Witch of Envy. The miasma can be sensed by certain individuals who are sensitive to it.


Perfect. I pocketed the jacket away in my [Sub-Space] just in time.



Before I knew it the thugs were swiftly defeated as a handsome red-haired man appeared in front of me with a brilliant smile on his face talking to me, "Hello there mister I'm glad that you followed these 3 as I wouldn't be able to find them if you didn't intervene following them?"


[Reinhard Van Astera Lv.? Sword Saint]

Looking at the true only cheat in this world is none other than Reinhard Van Astera. His most striking feature is his distinct flaming red hair that shines as brightly as fire and his sparkling blue eyes portray a sense of confidence and recklessness.

His slender frame features an array of well-toned muscles, although they're usually hidden by his clothing and has The Sword Saint exuded an aura of gallantry, and, at first glance, he gave off an intimidating air that indicated him as someone who is above the norm.

His extraordinarily handsome face, beyond average looks, and his open, calming, and approachable personality make him very popular with people, which catches the eye of many women, further exemplifying his magnificence. He also wears a well-made black shirt that he also wears as part of his uniform, white trousers with lilac cuffs, black shoes, black gloves, and a double-breasted white long coat with a cutaway front, rolled cuffs, lapels, and lilac lining.

The crest of the House Astrea can be seen proudly pictured on the upper part of Reinhard's left sleeve, and a black belt is fastened tightly around his waist with it, Reinhard fastens his esteemed Dragon Sword Reid, whenever he must go out.

This right here is the most powerful man in the world right after the witch of envy. And my ticket into getting me my OP sword but I need to pull through first to get a favor out of the man first.

Handling the thugs effortlessly I asked him with a curious expression on my face, "Sure mister guard but can I ask you what happened to the man behind you?"

Then he expresses a sad expression on his face as he holds the 3 thieves tightly, "I was too late to save him it was a shame he died but at the very least he will be avenged by taking these three to justice and when I was having a day off as well, I guess duties call."

Smiling towards him I decided to ask him his name just for appearance's sake, "Thank you very much sir for tailing these three, but can I ask who you are I'm new to this Kingdom I'm Mash Bastion it's a pleasure to meet you."

Reinhard looking surprised smiles at me as he cuffs the three people in question he replies to me, "Mash, I guess you're a new person visiting, it's a pleasure to meet you as well I wish it was under better circumstances but you can call me Reinhard van Astrea."


A/N: Yup. The MC went straight into the world called Re: Zero first folks let's see how he manages this one.