

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 4: Bowel Hunter

Chapter 4: Bowel Hunter

~Mash B. POV~

Well damn… the very embodiment of a pretty boy and power in front of me. Almost makes me want to choke by the sheer Mana his excluding off his body.

As for Subaru… poor bastard. No luck at all but fortunately for me less of a hassle on what to do. Shaking my head of those thoughts away for the time being at the very least I know which timeline I'm in thanks to Jack.

The one I wanted anyway. It's the one where Subaru died here when his dumbass walked into the thief's knife and died must mean that Emilia already went on ahead of the market district of this Kingdom.

Glancing at Reinhard I replied to him with a smile and asked him a few questions in a curious tone, "It's nice to meet you very much Reinhard but I'm in search to find a thief of a little girl you see she stole one important item from someone that I wish to help her out."

Reinhard taking a glance at me asks me with a smile on his face as he says to me in an intrigued tone, "Theft you say? Does this person you are speaking of know that you are searching for her belonging?"

Sorry, Subaru I'm going to throw you under the bus here. Because this is way too convenient for me to work in my favor.

With that, I began to explain to Reinhard what happened earlier when Subaru was here for his short time in this timeline, "No but I highly doubt she is in the mood since some idiot mentions the Witch of Envy name to her along with a crowd hearing the scene, so I decided to help her out she seems to have a bad day."

Reinhard looks genuinely surprised huh, I didn't know this guy could even be surprised. I guess his still human then.

Reinhard shakes his head as he tells me in a defeated tone crossing his arms, "I see… well I'll be on the lookout then to look for this thief as well but currently I'll deal with these three murders first before I begin but if I were to guess how about checking the slums it would be most likely where thieves are."

Yeah, that's what happened in the story, so I nodded my head towards Reinhard as I used my [Sprint] to quickly look around the place getting the hang of my body adjusted speed increase while examining the area, "Alright thank you very much Reinhard for the information I hope you do well."

With that, I vanished from his field of view, but I still feel like his following me, I think… Oh, who am I kidding he is the living cheat of course he would.

With that I started to begin searching the whole city looking for the slums of this place it might take a while searching for Felt or the place itself.

That means the plot of this story won't change much and Emilia is going to be my key to living a luxurious life in peace and gaining the time to properly train. At least that's what I believe to be the best case here.

I need to start recalling plot details. Those are my best leads to get some proper training in and how to adapt to new worlds for a fight on flight.

Sigh… But for all of that to work I would need to meet them first which might be hard since I need a connection to them first which starts with Emilia. And frankly, that's going to be hard enough.

[+1 AGI for continuously running!]

[+1 VIT for increasing endurance!]

[<Sprint > LEVEL UP!]

I briefly stopped myself. Witnessing a stat increase to my speed along with my HP increasing to [100/115 HP]. I'm wasting too much of my Mana was my thought.

Stopping myself I frowned seeing my bar [34/80 MP] was at. Best to save as much as I can for now against the upcoming fight.

Still, though I doubt Emilia would listen to me not after Subaru pulled. She must not be in a good mood now if that is the case then I'll go the Felt route and find her in her own home first also there is Puck mind reading ability I have to consider it better to not think about it for later.

With that, it only took about a few minutes to finally see the Slums of this place look rundown the place.

Stopping myself I look around the place where most of the buildings are damaged and require repairs but still need to be maintained muttering out loud, "Damn… I guess being here in another world poverty is a thing no matter where I go huh?"

Viewing the place I saw that the sun was beginning to set down which meant I had plenty of time left so far but then I saw a man sitting down with his back on the boxes of crates on one of the buildings as I asked him a question, "Hey there sir, would you know where to find Felt's den is?"

The man in question looks at me as he gives me his answer with a smile, "Hmm… Sure yeah, just go down two streets down that way."

Thanking the man, I say to him with gratitude and a slight bow, "Thank you very much I very much appreciate it."

With that, he thanked me back as I was now on my way to Felt's place the real question is how should I react when the time comes to meet Emilia?

Hmm… If everything is going according to the anime, then I have a better chance to meet Elsa the 'Bowel Hunter' going through Felt's route. I doubt she'll kill me not when she's on a job from the clown.

If this is Felt's route, then I should be able to meet with Elsa soon how should I go about this?

Fighting her is the intention but not the goal. The difference is how would my skills be effective against her is the question.

I have my blade, but I doubt it would be much good – that's it! My eyes widened as I received a bolt of brilliance!

Disarming her is the key. Combat wise I suck as an amateur or beginner but my [Sub-Space] skill on the other hand… getting her weapons and armor is a free game.

[+1 INT in fighting an enemy above your standard with wits!]

Hehehe… I like it when a plan comes together. However, that depends if I make it first so the first thing to do and I need to prepare for the worst. I also need her to be able to follow Roswaal for the time being so how should I go about this?

But then again if I side with Emilia, I could get to learn magic in this world and its usefulness luckily.

Shaking my head a bit I start to talk to myself a bit thinking about the next course of action the question is whether Felt has returned home or not, I'd rather catch her before she goes to the loot house, and trade her my phone for the insignia –



"Oh, dear!"

While I was busy thinking too deeply about plans, I accidentally bumped into someone apologizing. But that changed when I heard her voice, I soon realized that the person in question was Elsa seeing her in real life.

Gulp. Just great what's my LUCK – on second thought don't even ask. [Observe].

[<Observe > LEVEL UP!]

[Elsa Granhiert Lv.? Bowel Hunter]

Just my luck meeting a very fickle and crazy woman in my life. Sigh…

Elsa Granhiert an unusually tall for a woman, as she stood around the same height as Natsuki Subaru at the time of his summoning her purple eyes angled down towards their edges and presented Elsa with a certain level of calmness and gentleness.

Below her left eye, Elsa had a beauty spot and her long wavy hair was the same shade of black as Subaru's a trait that was very rare in her world, and was braided into a long tail on the left side of her head that reached down to her hips.

A single purple flower decorated the left side of Elsa's head. Elsa was a woman of incredible beauty who oozed eroticism with every move she made, her white skin was unusually pale to the point that it could almost be described as sickening, and Elsa's slim body was well-endowed with large breasts and sultry curves.

Her bewitching beauty coupled with her well-endowed body was enough to catch the eye of most people she met and her clothing, as if to match the woman herself, was extremely provocative.

Her outfit consisted of a pair of black elbow-length gloves with purple trimmings at the top, a pair of black high-heel shoes, and a black dress with purple decorations that were both strapless and backless and featured brown tights.

The dress, which clung to Elsa's body fairly tightly, also had thigh-high slits on either side and an exposed front that flaunted her belly button and cleavage. Why do all the hot girls and women have to have some kind of mental problem about their pasts?

Sighing at this I remained calm quite quickly as she began to apologize to me as she says to me in a fake tone that seemed to be concerned, "I'm sorry. Are you alright?"

Smiling at her I replied with my answer to her as I offered up a handshake, "Yeah, I'm fine. I do apologize for bumping into you like that it was very rude of me to do miss…"

Elsa takes my hand and shakes it at me, she says to me with a fake smile, "Oh how rude of me I'm Elsa and who are you, sir?"

Smiling I responded in an upbeat tone trying to hide my fear introducing myself, "Easy I'm Mash Bastion. Sorry for bumping into you but I must go. Have a good day, Elsa."

[+1 LUCK encountering a murderer living to tell the tale!]

Taking a slight bow I immediately left as did Elsa. Fortunately, though for me, my LUCK increased telling me I'm off the hook.

Oh, thank God for that! I took a breath of relief –


However, I felt my skin crawl as my instincts kicked in Elsa stopped talking to me with her silky-smooth tone that felt like death to me feeling fear coil around my heart, "What are you so scared about?"


[Due to sensing a foreboding bad event to come a skill to use your senses has been generated into a skill!]

[Skill: <Instinct > is learned!]

Oh god damn it!

Taking the moment many things entered my head… but I mentally shook them off. I need my head clear and focus remaining alive.

I must remain focused. While this seems like the beginning of some despair shit madness happening I can redirect it into something else as I replied in a stern tone, "I-I'm not scared okay?! What are your sources? How could you possibly…"


[By holding your will under stressful times, a new skill protects and resists mental attacks or stressful events!]

[Skill: <Indominable Spirit> is learned!]

Skill List.


<Instinct > (Passive) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: This skill allows the user the ability to instantly identify "the best personal course of action" during combat. Because this Skill allows for the prediction of trajectory, it is possible to avoid attacks from firearms along with listening to the sound of cutting air. It is essentially a sixth sense in the realm of predicting the future. Through this skill, it is also possible to negate the penalties inflicted by visual and auditory interference to a certain extent.

<Indominable Spirit> (Passive) Lv.1/100 Exp: 8.0%

Description: My mind, body, and spirit won't fall to the likes of anyone human, demon, dragon, or God to bind me. This skill grants resistance to mental attacks and suppresses negative emotions.


Great… a skill that handles my emotional distress. Just what the doctor ordered…


A/N: Here's what the MC looks like.