

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 133: First Night (1)

Chapter 133: First Night (1)

~Third POV~

[Fuyuki City, Homurahara Gakuen]

Standing on top of the Homurahara Gakuen Highschool Rin Tohsaka was waiting for her sister in a worried tone after a day had passed, "Hmm… I was hoping Sakura wasn't picked for this Holy Grail War God damn it… especially with what happened yesterday. What the hell was that?!"

Soon Saber spoke using their connection asking Rin in a neutral tone curious of the situation, 'Is that so Master? But aren't she and Illya would be future enemies to handle in this Holy Grail War? And especially with that large spike of Magical Energy… we need all 3 if we have a chance.'

Rin shook her head flipping her hair into the air expressing a confident tone as the wind blew, "Hmph! No way. We've been friends for a long while and I don't want to harm them. Besides Medea-sensei created a means to have you guys not get killed."

Saber paused recognizing the name before she slowly asked in a hesitant tone, 'M… Do you mean the [Witch of Betrayal]? I seem to recall her from the previous Holy Grail War… and wasn't she…'

Rin frowned understanding Saber's point answering in a stern tone gazing at her locket and gripping it tightly, "I know… he was her Servant from the previous Holy Grail War. She mentioned as such and followed his plan in the end. The fault lies in him…"

Saber remained silent till she spoke in a serious tone getting Rin's attention from the previous war from Saber's experience, '… speaking from personal experience of him Master he isn't as bad as you seem to think. The only reason he joined the war was his claims of purifying the Holy Grail. It was only that no one else bothered to listen that drastic measures were placed.'

Rin clicked her teeth listening to Saber's words in a bitter tone with her hand shaking, "In that case are you on his side then Saber? Defending his reasoning? It was because of him he broke my family… he murdered my father. You want me to sympathize with a cold-hearted murder…"

Saber replied in a neutral tone remaining in a neutral stance merely speaking her thoughts to Rin, 'No. I'm merely pointing out facts but the only way to know is meeting the man himself. And if we were to fight, I'm not sure how things would go…'

She hummed quietly to herself waiting for Sakura till she finally arrived from the Archery Club in a timid tone, "Ah… Sorry for making you late Nee-san. I had to quickly finish cleaning the dojo and Shirou came by to help. I apologize for making you wait."

Rin smiled seeing Sakura come with a sigh of relief escaping her mouth said to her sister in an assured tone, "Whew… good to see you came Sakura. We must meet up with – "

Before Rin could continue, she froze as Saber and Rider informed the two of an enemy Servant entering the facility of the school. Rin narrowed her eyes as both the sisters summoned their Servants creating a [Bounded Field], "… Yes. Coming for a fight at a place like this, you've sure got some guts."

Before anyone could react Saber and Rider immediately grabbed their Masters in a hurry alarming them. And the reason for that…


An explosion erupted from the school shocking the girls managing to get away. The bystanders on the other hand were either caught or managed to escape on time with Rin shocked at the explosion yelling in a shocked tone, "Damn it…! There could only be one person capable of this the other Masters!"

Saber's eyes widened at the guess with the people fleeing the day slowly turning to night. But that wasn't all for their troubles.



A gunshot rang out heading towards Sakura only for Medusa to use a pair of her [Nameless Dagger] in close combat that is more likely to be called a 'nail' rather than a 'dagger.' It is attached to a long chain that can restrain and immobilize targets that she pierces. It is not suited to short-range battles, instead best utilized as a thrown weapon from a distance.

Medusa showed her skills using them by tossing her chains in time to deflect the bullets after them Sakura frowned not sensing anyone leading to their conclusion, "… this could only be done by the work of Assassin Nee-san. We can't stay here if the other Masters are around."

Rin nodded as they took their cue to leave seeing School won't be open for a while now with it being bombed. Both Servants took their cue to escape before the mundane realized they were making a swift escape.


Maiya looking with her binoculars seeing the twin sisters leave a distance away from the school remained a neutral look responding to her group with her phone, "Both targets managed to get away. They seem to be fleeing away from the scene. Assassin's tailing them but don't reveal yourself."

She received a confirmation as she focused over the phone in a neutral tone to her group informing them of the situation, "The sisters fled the scene. What's your next order Lady Barthmeloi?"

Waiting for a response Barthmeloi replied in a neutral tone over the phone to Maiya, "… Have Assassin locate their base if possible… after Archer's latest action, the Church are dogs barking at his fight with Lancer belonging to our target. Ensure you watch yourself and do not get eliminated Magus Killer. Failure is not an option."

Maiya answered as the call ended. Hurrying over with her sniper rifle she began to chase after them.


[Nighttime, Einzbern Castle]

Meanwhile, Illya and her Servant Berserker were safe inside the confines of their castle as they began to get ready to meet with Rin and Sakura in a chipper tone, "Alright! Let's meet up with Rin and Sakura soon Berserker! We'll begin our patrols searching for the other Masters and Servants promise."

Berserker in his astral form remained with grunting in different tones as they began to venture downstairs. However, before they can Illya's maids Sella and Leysritt armed with her halberd.

Illya sighed seeing her mother's assigned caretakers asking in a lighthearted tone, "Sigh… Hey Sella and Leysritt. I'm heading out with the girls to search for other Masters tonight. I suppose you two are coming huh?"

Sella nods her head followed by Leysritt. Sella sighs at Illya's recklessness in a scolding tone, "Yes lady Illya. We were assigned by your mother to take care of you while she's abroad in the Clock Tower establishing ties to them much to her annoyance but ultimately necessary."

Illya sighs at this since at this time her mother Irisviel von Einzbern is busy handling with establishing ties to them with the Wizard Marshal's assistance thanks to getting a good laugh from Mash's misfortune.

Illya pouts at this but she knows her mother wants her safe giving her a lot of love and care in the few times they spend together she thinks in a harsh tone, 'But it's just another reason to blame him.'

Illya knows that Leysritt is skilled in combat, particularly with halberds, and she can sacrifice her life to manifest the Dress of Heaven if need be. Her physical strength can match that of a Servant; she is notably on par with Rider, the strongest female Servant in terms of physical strength when she is connected to the Homunculi network.

Sella with her ability of her body is inferior to others, but she makes up for it with superb magic circuits. As a magic teacher, she is superior, but as she is a fragile homunculus, Sella is unsuitable for battle. She can use magecraft to make herself unnoticeable to people who are not magus. Sella is also a certified driver, even having a driving license that she needs to drive around Fuyuki City.

Illya sighs as she relents allowing them to leave just when they reach the door…




Suddenly Berserker appeared out of his own will startling Illya and grabbing them. Swiftly using his immense strength broke through the castle protecting his Master and homunculus from a weapon ripping through the castle.

Getting outside to the front of their castle Archer grinned seeing them and Berserker greeting them with an overconfident grin, "I see you brought your bat, Berserker. In that case…"



Summoning multiple portals Illya's eyes widened in shock seeing Archer in a confident cold tone, "-batter up."

Shooting out multiple projectiles at Berserker he began to bat them away as they came at him with Sella motioning their escape, "Lady Illya we need to go… NOW Leysritt!"

Leysritt perked as she proceeded to get them out using her inhumane speed. Archer eyed them ready to summon another portal after them. But Berserker charged in roaring swinging his weapon, "ARRRRRGH…?!!"

Archer grinned seeing the rampaging Berserker welcoming the challenge, "Well what do you know aren't you made of sterner stuff? But…"



Managing to wound and force Berserker back with a noticeable wound damaging him despite Berserker's Rank A [Divinity] as Archer finished, "… I figured it out. Isn't that right Son of Zeus? Hahahaha!!!"



Summoning more and more of his portals he began to shoot down Berserker with Noble Phantasms that contain [Divinity] or [God-Slayer] based Skills attached to them. Seeing that Archer isn't given a chance to chase Illya and co. Berserker knew he had to stall long enough for them to escape.

After unleashing a small portion of his weaponry Berserker died as he stood the first time with Archer grinning witnessing the effects of [God Hand: The Twelve Labors] understanding the skill in an amused tone, "I see. So only Rank A or above can affect him huh? I just need to kill him 11 more times. You'll make for a practice run for him so try to survive mongrel."

Regenerating from his wounds and growling in contempt at Archer. He laughed in his face welcoming the challenge with pride and said, "Hahaha… Heracles struggle away I relish the face of babes cast out to face the wolves so come Heracles or else I'll go after your little babe Master."

Berserker's eyes turned bloodshot at Archer's provocation charging at him, "ARRRRGH!!!"




Archer grinned summoning hundreds of portals using his [Gate of Babylon] piercing through Heracles' body ending multiple lives in progress in a confident tone, "How many lives is that is that now Son of Zeus? Honestly, I would keep track but one need not count every grain of rice they consume."




Berserker rushes forward towards the hundreds of weapons meant to slay gods pierce his body aimed to harm or fatally wound him. Using his mighty weapon, he deflected some of the weapons at Archer's disposal but knew his time was up.

Multiple portals shooting out weapons of destruction floating above the flailing Berserker Archer smirked and widened mocking him, "Are you really a Berserker? You're not as much trouble as I expected but compared to him, you're practically a weapon magnet!"

Shooting out multiple weapons Berserker roared jumping up to slam him to the ground, "ARR – "




However, that ended in being shot from behind slamming him down to the ground, and continued shooting him down where Berserker stood as Archer coldly said, "You went from hero to zero pretty fast. Surely there must be more to you than this… but I learned from last time playing with my food."





Unleashing hundreds of portals Archer restrained Berserker with his best friend Noble Phantasm explaining to the downed Berserker getting restrained, "This is [Enkidu: The Chains of Heaven] wonderful little toy stylish and great for restraining troublesome divine Servants like you. By my arithmetic that makes you royally fucked!! Hahaha!!!"


Launching the projectiles at Berserker restrained only Archer's laughter could be heard till finally silence reigned seeing the end of Heracles dissipate into Mana particles making Gilgamesh stop his laughter.

He grinned seeing the end of Berserker lasting only a few minutes turning around to report to his Master with a satisfied expression, "Ah… that felt good. Heracles barely entertained me but made for great warm-up practice for him. For that, I'll spare the girl for tonight but next time she won't be as lucky next we meet. Those foolish machines aren't to harm a hair on her. Do I make myself clear Lorelei?"

Shifting to his astral form Gilgamesh left the scene when he got her to agree making good on his word. After all, learning what happened in the previous war Archer knew how to rattle him up with this provocation understanding his character.

But it was also a form of thanks for summoning his friend Enkidu he'll spare the masters that have close ties to him. That alone is enough for bringing him his oldest friend after they finished their brawl destroying a good portion of the forest and mountains.

However, he opened his mouth as he left into his astral form in a pleased tone, "… that blemish of me retreating? That won't be easily forgiven. I'm a King who won't bow down to Mongrel. Just be prepared…"