

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 128: My Wish… DIE MERLIN!!!

Chapter 128: My Wish… DIE MERLIN!!!

~Third POV~

[Trifas, Fortress of Millennia]



In the innermost secured place of the Fortress of Millennia resided a relic. Mash and Mordred saw the relic that she instinctively knew with him saying in awe, "Is that…?"

Mordred curtly nodded with a proud smirk on her face pacing forward, "Yeah, no doubt about it."

It was unmistakable. Every Servant summoned to fight for such a relic and there it was, the omnipotent wish-granting device which numerous wars had been fought for. The Greater Grail.

Standing before the Greater Grail Mordred could only mutter in awe, "Huh. Well, shit. That is the real deal."

Mash curtly nodded his head agreeing to view their prize for what they fought for in the Great Holy Grail War with mild curiosity with Fou by his shoulder, "Yeah… kind of hard to believe though. Been through a lot in these past… what 3 or few days?"

Mordred shrugged when they heard steps both eyeing the Ruler Class Servant appearing as she spoke in a neutral tone congratulating them, "It seems the victor of the Great Holy Grail War happened to be the sole remains of the Red Faction. Everyone else has lost the right to grant their wish it seems."

Both looked at each other with a nod with Mash following behind Mordred as she asked in a curious tone, "Planning to see me off?"

He shook his head with a knowing grin shrugging as he explained himself to Mordred, "And failed to see if you can pull the sword or not? Never. We're in this together to the bitter end partner."

She smiled as Mordred grabbed ahold of the Grail with Mash sneakily grasping the Greater Grail with the three vanishing shocking Jeanne D'Arc greatly and alarmed seeing all 3 of them vanish…


[Sword of Selection]


Teleported away Mordred saw Mash following behind as he shrank the Greater Grail into his pocket with his Authority of Lust, [Faker] said to her, "As I said before Mordred, I'm not leaving you hanging till I see you can grab hold of the sword. We've been partners in crime might as well see this through to the end."

Mordred smiled appreciating the kind gesture and trust. Soon her eyes dart toward the Sword of Selection with nervousness with Mash asking her in curiosity, "By the way out of curiosity's sake why hasn't your Father or anyone for that matter pulled this sword?"

Sighing she took a few steps closer as she answered his question in a nervous tone somewhat surprising him, "It's because my father died while Merlin was away. At least in this worldline according to the grail. Merlin just hid the sword from the mundane world, and here we are with me, trying to pull it."

After explaining the circumstances, Mordred looked at the sword in the stone and breathed before trying to pull it out. Placing her hands on the sword and tried to pull it out. She, unfortunately, could not pull out, no matter how hard she tried.

Mash remained silent watching her struggle. He decided to use [Observe] on the weapon to see what's capabilities seeing a window screen pop up.

[Item: Caliburn (Fate)

Rarity Item: S

Type: Mystic Sword

Description: [Caliburn: Golden Sword of the Victorious] is the holy sword that is the symbol of the king pulled from the stone of appointment by King Arthur under the guidance of Merlin. It looks like Excalibur, which she later received from the Lady of the Lake, but it is a different sword and its characteristics as a Noble Phantasm also differ.

It is not as strong of a sword as Excalibur as the swords of kings are often lowered to the role of fancy decorations due to being symbols of authority. The cost of being a dazzling sword is that its grade as a weapon is inferior to Excalibur.

Its "Anti-Unit" classification does not refer to the enemy but instead points to the one who shall have ownership over it from now on. When the owner turns into a proper, perfected king, its power will become appropriate for a holy sword.

Although inferior to Excalibur, this holy sword also converts the magical energy of the owner into heat values, releasing it as particles of light. If this is employed in battle as a weapon, and its True Name is released, the firepower on the same scale as Excalibur will be displayed, but its blade will probably be unable to withstand the magical energy and break.]

After a while, she stopped and asked him without looking at Mash, "Am I not worthy of Father's legacy, Master…"

Mash sighed, contemplating her question, rubbing the back of his head and explaining why she failed to pull it out in a defeated tone, "I don't think so. But… Well… truth to be told, with such a dream, you have Mordred, the sword would never choose you. King Arthur and his ambitions usually look to the future. To Saber, the sword was just a step towards her goal, to you Mordred the sword of selection meant just your finish line."

Mash saw her shoulders shutter and began to walk up to her hugging her from behind as she growled at his actions, "Let me go, you stupid Master!!!"

Mordred demanded but did not attempt to resist or break out of his embrace. After a moment, she expresses her frustration and fury at being fully denied her perceived birthright as she cries out against the heavens.


After a while of letting Mordred have her moment, they both remained silent before Mordred sighed, finally speaking in a defeated tone, "Sigh… I'm returning to the Throne of Heroes Master."

Listening to her words Mash curtly nodded his head with the two both sitting down on the ground respecting her choice as he said in a respectful tone, "I understand Mordred. But I know this is a long shot but would you like to accompany searching for my world? You could probably visit other worlds if you wished."

The thought did occur to her head before shaking her head expressing a smile on her face said in a confident tone, "Nah. I'll probably nagging at you every step of the way. Besides you don't give yourself enough credit. Besides that, I'm waiting for when you make your wish with the grail. Only fair right?"

Mash chuckled at Mordred's loyalty to him to the bitter end grasping the Greater Grail in the form so small that it fit in the palm of his hand, "Hahaha. Sure. I just had to make sure my favorite loyal knight needed some comfort is all."

Mordred snorted at his words but didn't deny them. Grasping ahold of the Greater Grail closing his eyes he soon opened them and spoke in a neutral tone, "Hmm… honestly, I'm not sure what to wish for since the fucking troll wizard tricked me into coming here. I'm kind of not sure what to do with this. But…"

Fou residing on his shoulder voiced his idea, "Fou, kyu, Merlin!"

No words were needed to be said having convinced Mash of his next destination with a knowing grin on his face gripping the Greater Grail, "You know what Fou? Your right. I would be a fool not to use my wish but this. Messing with Merlin sounds like fun. You want in Mordred?"

Mordred thought for a bit before grinning widely at the idea, "Fuck it why not?"

Fou was extremely happy having reinforcement to bring Merlin suffering. Unaware of the two Mash used his [Unseen Hands] holding the sword using [Overwrite] to pull it into his [Sub-Space] not wanting to waste a good opportunity to get a Holy Sword.

Touching the Greater Grail and using it on such a pity wish would make the Magus spit blood for what Mash wanted…


[Reverse Side]

In the distant snow-capped mountains, rolling gentle hills of verdant green with healthy trees occasionally dotting them, a forest a couple of kilometers away the air was incredible. Clean and crisp, free of any trace of pollution or corruption.

And most importantly, free of any people in their vicinity teleporting in granting some much-appreciated solitude. The group was in the Reverse Side of the World, placed in an inner layer below the surface of the normal world.

It was a world where supernatural beings, or Phantasmal Species, had retreated to after the Age of Gods. Only for Mash to speak in an excited tone drawing his Shadow Sword in a gleeful tone, "Alright Fou lead us the way to almighty dick wizard. He has some justice to pay."

Fou saluted happily leading them through the Reverse Side with pride with Mordred drawing her sword with an eager grin, "You know this would've been my second wish if I didn't draw the Sword of Selection."

Mash seemed surprised by this as he thought a bit before concluding, "Is this because –"

Mordred curtly nodded, answering in a neutral tone arms crossed, "Because of our lore? Yes. He has this SOOOOO fucking coming."

Agreeing to have a murder party against Merlin the group traveled. They quickly found out that the layout of the Reverse wasn't much different from the normal world. Soon enough the group found themselves where The Ever-Distant Utopia.

The paradise that was Avalon was a place that could truly be compared to the famed Garden of Eden. Daytime was filled with spring's sunshine and the smell of summer; the night was wrapped in the autumn air and stars of winter.

It was where flowers of all colors bloom on gently sloping plains. A forest could be seen in the far distance, enveloped by the overlooking sky. There was no sign of human civilization in those lands and the vast greenery.

However, the trio ignored the beautiful scenery as Mash pointed to a peculiar garden, "Is that the place, little buddy?"

Fou nods his head extending his paw forward, "Fou!"

Nodding they quickly stumbled upon a field of flowers. There were flowers of all kinds, as far as they could see, stretching across kilometers over the horizon. At the center of the garden, there was a tower.

Everyone nodded as they walked towards the tower but soon Mash faced the first surprise being bounced off by an invisible roadblock, he smacked himself head first into it grumbling annoyed, "The hell…? The fuck it's a Bounded Field."

Mordred rolled her eyes as she commented feeling the Bounded Field clicking her teeth in an annoyed tone, "Tch. That flower-loving dick fucker. Think you can break it, Mash?"

Indeed, it was a Bounded Field of immeasurable strength and complexity beyond human comprehension with Mash smirking to punch it in an excited tone, "Time to fulfill everyone's great request… DIE, MERLIN'S WALL!!"


Overriding the laws of the magic of the Reverse with his Authority of Vainglory, [Overwrite] he made his way through the Bounded Field without any effort, making their way to the tower canceling Merlin's Magical Energy in the process.

But soon they found themselves seeing no bottom entrance causing Mash's eyes to twitch annoyed, "Who in the hell doesn't have an entrance to the top? Mordred hold on I'll teleport us there."

She nodded her head as Mash used the Authority of Melancholy, [Delete Space] easily teleporting on the balcony atop the tower. When they reached the tower there was someone there, smiling at their arrival with a friendly tone said, "Ah! Hello there –"

Seeing their target all raised their weapons charging forward at Merlin with extreme violence, "DIE MERLIN!!"

Merlin flinched seeing Mordred, a stranger, and Fou all yelling to kill him did the most responsible thing a Magus like him did in his situation. He ran in circles for dear life.


[A Few Minutes Later]

After the chase for his life Merline was understandably not happy with what had happened yelling out loud in an outraged tone, "You wanted this to happen, didn't you, you cursed Beast?!!!"

Fou with a smug aura looked down on Merlin standing on top of Mash's head, "Die, Merlin, Fou, Kyu!"

Merlin grudgingly stood up and resumed as if nothing had happened ignoring the heated gaze of Mordred said to them, "No matter. I'm sure you're in disbelief at my awe-inspiring presence. Let me properly introduce myself [Magus of Flowers], Merlin at your service!"

He smirked, waiting to be showered in praise unfortunately Mash had prep time to demolish his titles in an arrogant tone mocking Merlin, "Sure coming from all mighty Dick Wizard. I have many others to name you foul Merlin of course: Cock Conjurer, Schlong Sorcerer, Wang Warlock, Meatrod Mage, Shaft Shaman, Phallus Projector, Erection Enchanter, Magus Insemanator, etc. I have a whole lot more names if those don't please you all mighty Futanari wizard."

Mordred was laughing so hard from the numerous nicknames as Merlin's face paled at the ridiculous names pulling his hat to his face and hiding his shame shouting outraged, "The nerve of some people! That hideous title is simply slander!! Ahhhh…! Stop, stop, stooooop! My self-esteem can only take so much!"

Seeing the embarrassed Merlin Mash grinned wickedly using his [Unseen Hands] to grab him as he voiced out loud, "All in favor of kicking Merlin out of his home and taking it for one week as we please? Say I!"

Merlin's eyes widened at this yelling out loud, "What?!"

Mordred and Fou grinned eagerly both raising their arms and agreeing, "Agreed/Fou!"

Seeing him being outnumbered heading toward the edge of his tower Merlin argued against this trying to dissuade them, "Whoa! Hold up there! You can't throw me out I'm literally sealed here for eternity!"


Comically enough Mash broke the seal with Merlin's eyes widening seeing his sealing was broken using his Authority of Vainglory, [Overwrite] as he spoke innocently to him, "What seal?"


Immediately tossing Merlin out from his tower the trio raised their arms in the victory of kicking out the dick wizard and crashing at his place for the week. Merlin wouldn't be able to return till they all left with broken bones from his body slowly recovering and Mash using his [Unseen Hand] and [Gluttony] 'sharing' a meal of his memories from a Grand Servant Caster candidate.

All in all, it was quite a therapeutic experience for Mordred. At the very least she gets one win out from the war and that was kicking Merlin's ass. The moral of the story is if you don't know what to wish for then wish kicking Merlin's Dick Wizard ass will.