
The Multiverse Chronicles: The Darkened One.

A multiversal game centred around the old age concept of Good vs Evil. A man caught inside the webs of the game with only the sole desire to grow stronger and do whatever it takes to survive so he may do with his acquired power whatever he likes. And so a story that will cross through movies, series, anime and novel's unfolds. [—Tags: Chaotic Evil MC, Sexual Scenes, Immoral MC, Killer, Chaotic Worlds.] —[Check the Advanced Chapters of this fic on my pat! —patre on.com/GodOfDepravity(Remove the space)]

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

[Chapter —6]

[—Skilll Screen—]











That is how far my skills have grown in the past 48 hours, I had gained a couple more skills too which granted me increased mastery and proficiency in said skills.

My favourite was fleshcraft as it shortened the amount of time I needed to sculpt and manipulate flesh by a huge margin allowing me to use my Bio-Kinesis much more effectively.

I had gained the ability by using my Bio-Kinesis and when I got back from my hunt it was there.

With it and Bio-Kinesis I was now able to create lifeforms from flesh due to the instinctive knowledge the skill fed me.

This had the issues that whatever I created was either brain dead or by the slight chance that it wasn't then I couldn't control it.

Also this village might start getting issues from mosquitoes soon and I probably should leave as I might have accidentally let a mosquito that was biologically engineered to become my plague bringer loose.

It didn't have any virus or disease to pass so it wouldn't be a problem but it's natural poisonous properties and its accelerated multiplying rate, this village will be gone by next month.

And I wasn't gonna be here so see that, no sir.

My next favourite skill was alchemy, which I gained from mixing and fusing different plants together.

It was harder than I thought, as instead of mixing things randomly and expecting something beneficial to come out you had to plan what plant and what it's properties were and then finding another plant that will work hand in hand with it to create something of beneficial property.

Now I admit, right now I've only been able to create some pastes that increase healing, some poisonous paste that clots blood and bursts veins and others.

I also made clear bone like substance from the bones of the bear that acts like glass of which I stored the pastes in.

I also made a few bone knives from the bear bones by manipulating the bones into knive shapes.

I was thinking of using a dual wielding style but since I didn't know any I would just stab things until I gained the skill.

Now though I wanted to do something, and hopefully it would work.

I had talked about everyone having skills and such from birth but what I didn't specify is that only a handful get to awaken said skills.

Not that awakenings the skill is hard or anything but because it was expensive for the common folk around here.

Awakening ones skill cost 5 gold coins which was a ludicrous amount of cash if you weren't a noble in this world.

Another thing of note is that this world has their own version of 'Status' checking, it too costs money unless you were registered in a guild.

Now I wanted to check whether I could unlock a skill of my own and if not then I wanted to see what my status would amount to in this worlds power system.

And as I walked the streets of the village I saw that the people were a bit unnerved and listening to their conversation I heard that a family had been killed yesterday.

Cause of death was blood loss, in the sense that all their blood was drained out of them.

' Welp....that's my cue to leave.' I thought with a sigh.

This happened faster then I expected.

The mosquito that I let free accidentally was already hunting, and now with the blood it has consumed it will begin growing and mutating while laying thousands of eggs and in the not so distant future those mosquitoes will dominate this part of the forest probably.

' Wait...have I accidentally created the calamity that would destroy the world already?...but I wanted it to be a virus...' I thought sulkingly before sighing.

Walking off I went to blacksmiths shop to get a couple items before I go.

—2 Hours Later—

Walking through the forest I hummed a song I had heard in my past life while heading towards a city.

Now I know that it would take normally two weeks till I got there on foot but I wasn't gonna spend all that time on the road so every now and then I would begin sprinting, weaving through trees and even using parkour to get around.

Where had I learnt parkour you may ask? YouTube.

With my intellect higher then what a normal human should have been capable of I am now able to remember almost anything I have ever seen.

And so it took me a couple hours of shooting through forests and sometimes through trees but I finally got halfway to the city and in my way met a group of the most generic monsters I knew from fantasy.


Green, short and not so ugly which was surprising.

They sat in a clearing eating meat while a group of them were busy in the corner thrusting in and out of a woman's loins.

Watching this I grumbled.

Cliche as fuck.

Walking towards the goblins I took out two short swords from their scabbards.

I had stolen them if you didn't know, not enough cash to buy them so I simply paralysed the owner of the blacksmith shop I went to and started sifting through his shop.

Sneaking behind the goblins wasn't hard at all, raising my blades and using just a bit of strength my blades cleanly cut through the necks of the goblins sitting by the fire enjoying their meat.

The goblins busy fucking the girl who now that I got closer was tied up never heard the dull thud of the three goblins head falling to the ground.

' Impressive...' I thought looking at my short swords and the clean cuts I had made with them.

Smiling I then continued and snuck up to the rest of the goblins, there were four more.

One was busy thrusting at the womans folds while another was behind her thrusting wantonly inside her ass while the other two were grabbing a boob each while masturbating.

I don't know if it was because they were too preoccupied by their pleasure that they couldn't perceive me but it didn't matter.

With a couple of slashes from my blade I watched as the goblins stopped thrusting into the girl and went limp before their heads disconnected from their bodies and fell to the floor before their bodies followed.

" Now....what should I do with this?" I muttered to myself as I stared at the girl who was unresponsive throughout all this.

She stood unresponsive with her hands tied on a tree branch and her dangling there on her knees.

[For advanced chapter's and early access on my current ongoing fics such as

—Marvel: The System Maker.

—The Multiverse: The System Maker.

—The Multiverse Chronicles: The Darkened One.

—{NEW} Marvel Online: The Gem's Of Infinity(Only On Pat-reon)

—patre on.com/GodOfDepravity(Remove the space)]