
The Multiverse Chronicles: The Darkened One.

A multiversal game centred around the old age concept of Good vs Evil. A man caught inside the webs of the game with only the sole desire to grow stronger and do whatever it takes to survive so he may do with his acquired power whatever he likes. And so a story that will cross through movies, series, anime and novel's unfolds. [—Tags: Chaotic Evil MC, Sexual Scenes, Immoral MC, Killer, Chaotic Worlds.] —[Check the Advanced Chapters of this fic on my pat! —patre on.com/GodOfDepravity(Remove the space)]

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

[Chapter —3]

[—Status Screen—]

—Name: Avery Dawn.

—Age: 25

—Level: 7—[43%/100%]

—HP: 4,000/4,000


—Strength: 55

—Agility: 50

—Constitution: 40

—Sense: 51

—Intellect: 50

—Charm: 30

—Luck: 20

—[ Free Stats: 0 ]—

Looking at my stat distribution take effect as I felt my muscles start spasming slightly and the feeling of raw power assault me I grinned.

This was addicting.

My body had changed a lot in the last 2 hours.

My muscles looked as if they were sculpted by a Greek god of art or something and due to the lack of any reflective surface I didn't know whether my charm stat had made me more handsome or not.

Looking at the lion I smiled as I walked over to it.

I wanted to check something as when I had punched the lion I had suddenly gained a plethora of knowledge on it, from its genetic makeup to its lifeforms age and everything it was made up of.

With this in that second I had made contact with it I also gained an instinctive know how of how I could change up its makeup, and even strengthen it if I wanted.

This all could be attributed to this being my ability I had awakened from the serum of course and from my knowledge I knew that i had gained some form of Bio-Kinesis.

Touching the lion I again gained the knowledge that came up with its genetic makeup and I felt it's cells dying at an accelerated rate and felt that if I wanted I could stop it, I could even probably revive it but from its mush brain I doubted it would be anything but flesh and bones with no sentience whatsoever.

But that wasn't what i wanted no, I was more curious as to what was the orb that radiated power inside its heart.

And using my still unknown power I controlled the flesh in its heart area and watched as the flesh slowly melted and made way for me to its heart which also melted and it's place was a glowing red gem.

Grabbing it I frowned as I gained no knowledge from it so it wasn't of biological nature.

Sighing at that I put the stone in my pocket and walked away from the lion and continued my journey to the village.

I now wished that I had an inventory and maybe a storage item like a pouch of holding as those were really cheap costing 50-100 WP for a house worth of space but I was broke and the inventory system was way better anyway.

And so as I walked over to the village that got closer and closer I kept my pace slow as I played with the gem and after a while I reached the gates of the town and walked over to the short line that had formed.

Waiting for a couple minutes and finally it was my turn.

" Name and occupation?" The guard behind the gate said.

" Avery, Occupation is Adventurer." I mimicked what one man had said before me.

" Mmmmh, don't cause trouble in there." The guard said and I nodded as he opened the gate and u entered.

' Sorry but I can't promise that.' I thought with a groan as I entered the village.

' Well, time to get acquainted with the people.' I thought as I walked into what I thought was an inn.

—5 Hours Later—

5 hours, that's all I needed to know that this was an unfair mission only because of one aspect of this world that I should've suspected as soon as a lion attacked me.


This world had magic, pretty dangerous magic at that and luckily for me magic users were rare and always held in high esteem so this village only had one magic user, a retired mage who has become a healer for the village.

Now really it doesn't matter to me as I had the most cracked ability I knew, Bio-Kinesis.

I mean what was stopping me from creating a virus that would fuck over this village?

My lack of viruses of course, I mean I could create some viruses I knew from my old life but then again, this was a magical world and I needed something magical to defeat said magical threats to me.

And so I needed to find a way to evolve any virus I created to combat magic which would take time and some equipment to collect some nasty infected bio-mass.

Now this wouldn't be a problem as I had time, plenty of it as this quest from what I found out would go on for a year.

Which was enough time for me to wreack havoc in this world and collect as much [WP] as possible.

Also while reviewing my quest screen I had clicked on the world and a description had appeared which got me more information on this world.

[—World: The Gluttonous Chasms.

—Description: A world once lush and peaceful with enough for everyone but due to a ritual gone wrong the worlds mana veins have gotten corrupted and now the world is slowly getting drowned with rapid and constant attacks from corrupted beasts who have unknowingly absorbed enough corrupted mana to mutate into monsters that seek nothing but destruction.

—Darkened One Side-Quests.

~Corrupted World.

Description: Make sure that the mana veins are fully corrupted by the end of the quest.

Rewards: 10,000 WP

~The Kingdoms Reign.

Description: Destroy the ruling kingdoms that oversee the struggle to fight against the monsters.

Reward: 10,000 WP (For every kingdom destroyed)

~The Hero's Fate.

Description: Kill the hero's summoned by the alliance of kingdoms to fight against the monster hordes and reaching the mana vein centre to purify the mana veins.

Reward: 10,000 WP ( For every hero killed)


Oh, there were also side quests relating to the world we were in it seems and to be honest as much as the rewards were tempting, I wasn't gonna go out of my way to complete them until I gained enough strength and mastery in my ability and also because I wanted to keep on leveling up.

[Check out my Pat and support me— +5 Advanced Chapters (Currently up to chapter 9)—

—patre on.com/GodOfDepravity(Remove the space)]