
the multi-fandom Saiyan mercenary

A young girl, who completely adored anime—especially anything Dragon Ball—had just graduated high school and was excited to start her life. Filled with determination, she opened her own gym, eager to build her future. But just a day later, during a routine check-up. The doctor discovered a brain tumour, one far too advanced to be removed without fatal consequences. instantly she her brain turns off as she is completely crushed, she now starts to walk through the remaining day's she had in auto pilot. she couldn't believe that her life is now going to end before it could even start. she had been too busy to even get a girl friend during high school, she thought she could just do that after she got her life together. but now she was chastising herself on how stupid she was. since now her life will end with nothing to her name. 2 week's pass and she is now in a hospital bed, oh so very close to death. now she was just staring into the ceiling biding her time until her life is snuffed out. "if only i was a Saiyan, they wouldn't suffer from cancer . . . heh" she laughed at how pathetic they were. but then a blue holographic screen spears before her eye's [Will you become the omniverse's traveling mercenary] [yes] [no] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ first world Solo levelling worlds that i might add ORV JJK DB

spider_lover · Movies
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7 Chs

woah, dat a lotta muns

As I sat on top of the very dead brute, watching the rest of the team carving out essence stones from the goblin corpses, I suddenly realized, "Oh, right... I don't have a knife." I hopped off the brute and glanced toward the group, spotting Dong-ha walking toward me, with a knife that I could definitely use. 

"your really skilled huh, took down the boss all by your self." he said, glancing with a nod. then he noticed my lack of sharp tool and my expression. . . I was staring diuretically at the knife in his hand, subtlety out of the question.

"ah, I see. don't worry the rest of us has agreed to give you 20% since you did a big chunk of the work. just sit back and relax, we'll take care of this" he showed a small confident smile before getting to work on ripping the essence stones out the magic beasts.

"Huh, neat. Well, don't mind if I do." I took a few steps back and plopped down on the ground, being a useless bum is great. should of done that more in my last life. oh well, guess i can do it more now.


We walked out of the gate, bags full of essence stones slung over our shoulders and there were a lot, since there was loads of goblins. yeah they were weak but there were around 100 in total . . . well according to the essence stones we collected. didn't really count the goblins as we killed them. that would be useless. "1 DEAD, 2 DEAD" --> "99 DEAD, 100 DEAD, 101 DEAD" and onward. 

Once we got back, Dong-ha and the rest divided up the essence stones evenly, except for me and the bag carrier. The carrier took a lump of money and promptly fucked off to wherever he came from. As for me, I received a 20% share of the stones, plus the one from the brute. this was done since according to THEM not me, I am not that mean. "you deserved it" now obviously, since they so graciously and rightfully gave it. I might as well take it.

"Here," Dong-ha handed me the now-sorted bag of essence stones. "That wraps things up." He turned to the rest of the group, calling out, "We're done here," and they all gave nods before also fucking off, probably to go sell their share of stuff, or maybe to celebrate idk.

he turned back to face me and asked "we are going on a raid tomorrow, are ya up for it?" I took a moment 'hmm, better to get stronger quicker, but I do like the idea of lazing hmm. eh it should be fine, since I know now I could probably speed run it.' I did a small nod and replied "yes siree. what time is it at? the later the better" I said as I kinda. . . really dislike mornings, before I used to love it but now I just really hate the sun and waking up early now in general. . . I hope I get ice powers one day.

"Get there by 3. We'll start then. Oh, and—" He pulled out his phone. "Let's exchange numbers so I can give you more details later."

I looked at his phone for a few seconds before pulling out mine. "oh yeah, sure."

After exchanging numbers, we parted ways, with the bags of essence stones over our shoulders. I travelled to the hunters association since i heard that they allway's buy essence stones at market price.

I walked up to the exchange counter, greeted by a woman who sounded like she'd lost all hope in life. "Good morning, how may I help you?" she said, in a tone that screamed, "i have 2 straw's left until i jump off a cliff" soo uh, definitely perfect counter worker material.

i plop the bag on the counter "could you uh, sell these" i said looking towards the lady, i watched as the frustration in her face rise, before she sighs. "yes, i can. is this all?" she ask's professionally, well as professionally a person who is working a counter job can be. 

"nope, how long?" she grabbed the bag and put it onto the floor next to her "5-10 minutes and i'll have your money ready." she responded professionally. i nodded my head and walked off "ok. . . guess i'll get something to eat" i muttered to my self as i exited the building.

the girl now looks at the bag and sigh's "ugh, just when i was about to clock out" she groaned out before measuring the stones.


I strolled back into the building with a few baked goods in hand, a pain au chocolat dangling from my mouth. Reaching the counter, i fling the pastry dangling from my mouth into the air and caught it with with my mouth. quickly eating it whole. "is it ready?"

The woman behind the counter gave a nod life still not there. "Debit or cash." she asked, in the customer her customer "i am to tired of this, to the be nice thing. so i will be just polite" voice.

i thought for less than a second about her question before answering "debit" i pulled my card out and gave put it, into the card reader. a few seconds later there was a beep and i pulled it out. "ok, the 120,000 won has been deposited into your account. please come again" there was a strained smile on her face as she said that. it was VERY clear that she was about. . . 2 milliseconds away from putting up duces and clocking out.

i stopped for a few seconds, registering the words I heard before give a small grin. "thank you" i said with a tinge of joy and turned around while putting another pastry in my mouth eating it whole. 'heh, i got around 100 bucks from 1 singular run, aaaand the run was super easy. heh, even in D rank you get a good amount of money.' I thought to my self as I walked to my house, stuffing my face with pastries.




i was about half way there and put the last sweet treat in my mouth, i quickly munched it down but as I finished eating it. the system's screen popped up before my eye's. . . it was being an ass.

did that taste good hmm? remember how you the dungeon was "tOo eASy" well, i have decided to give you a difficulty tweak.

The screen vanished before I could react, and suddenly my whole body felt 40% heavier. I stumbled slightly from the unexpected weight. And... was I wearing new clothes? did it fucking forcefully put weighted clothes on ME!?

so here is my solution to your "problem". when ever you are outside you may NEVER take off the weighted clothing, only indoors (i chose what counts as indoors so yes. you will wear this during fights). in total the extra clothing on you weighs 24KG. now, let's see if it will be "too easy" now. also don't worry, after this. you will get stronger. this is still training alright. so it is aaaaaaall fair.

I stood there, blinking at the screen, then sighed "What a petty Fucking asshole."