
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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21 Chs

I Met A Steroid User

Sigh this indecision is killing me.

What do I prefer, fight humans or fight monsters?

Monsters at least are dumber.

I should probably think fast, those humans probably are finishing looking around that part of the forest if they are insistent they will come here any time now.

I felt at least 30 humans before, some of them have flows of spirit different from others too.

There is no way I can fight them all, plus they are not dumb like monsters.

Sorry, my brothers and sisters monsters, but it is true.

My only option is to keep going sigh...

Let me see how I can spend my souls.

Firebolt is kind of weak, it helps a little if I shoot in the head but im not an aim god here.

Soul Steal is basically my life savior, let me take a look at how many souls I need to level up them.

Upgrade Firebolt.

A window pops in front of me.

(Do you wish to spend 5 souls...)

5 hmm... but it will probably not be very useful until I level to lv 3 where it changes.

Upgrade Soul Steal.

(Do you wish to spend 20 souls...)

Too expensive sigh...

I could go for teleport too but I feel like I need more damage, I take too long to kill monsters and need to use too much MP because of that.

Nothing I can do, I will try to level up Firebolt for now.

Upgrade Firebolt.

(Do you...)


Upgrade Firebolt.

(Do you wish to spend 9...)

It is already at 9, then the next one will be around 15 or 16 maybe.


Im poor again... only 7 souls

Upgrade Firebolt.

(Do you wish to spend 15...)

Sigh it is sad but nothing I can do, let me test this firebolt now.


A ball of fire goes forward it is bigger than before, faster and the explosion is a little bit bigger.

Well, it is ok, I dont know if it will cause much damage to those snakes though.

I guess I will keep going now.

I make my way deeper into the forest, with courage and determination.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...


In the green part of the forest, Jey Hiundal and Irilda are talking.

They are wearing suspicious looks and looking around everywhere.

"Why did we have to come too?" Says Irilda with dissatisfaction

Jey flinches and blushes.

"I couldnt refuse... that guild master is scary! the guy looked like he was about to kill me!" Says Jey trying to hide his embarrassment

Hiundal laughed cheerfully.

"You two are really a funny duo haha, it is refreshing in a time like this" Says Hiundal with a cheerful tone

Irilda sighed and looked at Jey with a disappointed expression.

"The guild master is a third-stage and a master swordsman, if he wanted to kill you, you wouldnt be here" Says Irilda casually

Jey let out a laugh.

"Well, thats true, anyway the wrath is really not here, should we gather everyone and go to the corrupted area?" Says Jey with a hint of fear

Irilda and Hiundal agree.


In a purple forest, a ghost could be seen floating away from something destroying everything behind him.

Father! Why do you hate me?!

A minotaur really?! Come on!

I look behind and see a massive six-packed minotaur it is brown its horns are white and curved to opposite sides.

Man?! look at his biceps they are bigger than my whole body!

The guy is destroying every tree in its way while running behind me.

Damnit there is no use! I cant outrun him we are even in speed.

[Soul Steal]

I send Soul Steal toward the minotaur it is attached to his body and his soul is being sucked.

It continues to come at me like a mad bull walking like a gorilla.

It is coming close with a punch but a red circle appears in front of my body I use teleportation to retreat and the firebolt goes out at his face.

Like my new trick bull? haha.

I can teleport and cast magic at the same time.

The minotaur was stunned for a second shaking his head.

He recovers and starts to run at full speed to get me, destroying every tree in its way like a train passing in a forest.

I start to float around the trees to make him hit his head more and see if it works for something.

I passed behind a big tree and he tried to jump at me but his horn got stuck in the tree.

Take that you dumb bull!


I used the chance that he got stuck to cast a few firebolts at him.

"HAAAAAAARGH!" The minotaur roar

The minotaur's muscles grow with veins popping in his whole body.

He breaks the tree and gets out, now he is bigger and his eyes are glowing red.

Shit! Did I just see a steroid user bull?

He dashes at me faster than before, He tries to punch me but I teleport and his first hits the ground making a crack.

If I could make a disbelief face I would.

What the hell! bro put all his points into strength?

I have no time to be impressed time to float!

I start to run between the trees casting firebolt behind.

I didnt check my MP let me see.

(MP 300/450)

It's okay for now I can manage.

The minotaur grabs a tree from the ground and throws it at me.

I got hit.

(HP 321/450)

Argh! I wasnt expecting you to grow a brain!

Thats what they call last-minute survival instinct?

Sigh... he is slowing down what a relief.

A little more and my MP would be done for.

(MP 100/450)

In a few more minutes of running the minotaur fell to the ground.

He is struggling a little to get up but has no success.

Im truly getting used to almost getting killed sigh...

But! Ghost the Ghost is a champion again!

You know what they say, what doesnt kill me just makes me stronger right?

Well, for me it is actually true.

A window pops in front of me.

(EXP Gained 60)

Nice amount!

Let me see my status.

( Lv 6/15

EXP: 63/80

HP 480/480

MP 480/480

Souls: 17

Race: Ghost

Class: None

Skills: Soul Steal Lv1, FireBolt lv1, Teleportation Lv1, Spiritual Senses Lv2 ) 

10 souls great! I will use it to upgrade Firebolt.

Upgrade Firebolt.

A window pops



(Firebolt meets the requirement to evolve, Firebolt will turn into Fire spear)

Fire spear? the name sounds cool.

Let me test it.

[Fire spear]

A red circle with different letters and patterns from before appears in front of me, a spear made of fire gets sent very fast forward hitting a tree and getting stuck making the tree burn.

Some kind of knowledge that I dont understand very well appears in my head while I use the magic.

Wow! Fire spear is much faster than Firebolt, and can penetrate enemies too.

I just love magic it is so cool.

Ghost the Magician is about to float around.

I will sing my new original song in my head.

Im just Ghost! anywhere else I would be dead.

Is it my destiny to...