
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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21 Chs


The sun shines on the horizon once again, illuminating this dead forest.

I trained until the morning hmm, time really flies when you get stronger haha.

I look to my left and I can see a giant creature, this is my child, one of the most ominous ones too.

It looks like a tall woman, her face is covered by a completely black mask, and her black smooth hair covers everything until her knee. Wearing a black dress covering all her legs and on her shoulders black steel pauldrons, and gauntlets made of the same material covered her hands and wrists.

Gauntlets that look like a beast claw. In her left hand, she holds a big scabbard black with gray lines going down. In her right hand a nodachi sword, black smoke comes out lightly from its blade.

In the encyclopedia they call her, Faceless Maiden. Apparently, she is really strong among my kind. There is only one of her here so I figured, there must be more around the world though.

I tried to ask her for a mock battle for training purposes but well... she broke, they are unable to attack me and they are unable to disobey me so it kinda bugged her, and I had to take out the order.

To my right, I see two little angels, a boy and a girl with childish smiles and little pairs of white wings on their backs.

The boy has curly short hair blonde colored and the girl a smooth blonde hair ending at her neck. The par wears a blue loose tunic covering until their knees. Smooth white skin and happy blue eyes. They are so cute no? They get even cuter when transformed after successfully baiting people with their appearance.

In the encyclopedia, they call them, Siblings Of Despair. Quite rare too there are only these two here.

And you know the best part about the siblings? They can sing! They work like a harmony to me and it is beautiful!

These three are my delegation, I will have a diplomatic encounter after all. I may have no knowledge about this world but diplomacy works the same everywhere.

I would like to explore this forest a bit more when I have the time, it sure seems very old.

Well then, time to go.


Lady Vivian POV.

Looking at the top of her elegant tent, she can only think of yesterday's encounter, to the point that she barely even slept. 

She dont know what that woman is, but it does not matter, if she is capable of controlling hordes of monsters like that then she will be a huge ally to have.

Vivian gives a heavy sigh, she is alone now then it is okay. She cant allow herself to look weak when her subordinates are around, they look at her in admiration and respect so she needs to maintain her composure dont matter what happens.

Court of Red has a lot of problems to deal with and having that woman at her side would solve most of them, that is only what she needs to think.

She calms her mind and walks toward the table, two sofas are put opposite to each other, and in the middle is a little table with a few documents.

She sips a bit of her drink and one of her commanders, Naomi bangs into the tent.

Naomi is usually very cheerful, but now she looks very serious and shaken.

"Pardon for intruding rudely Lady, but you need to see this now" Says Nami

Feeling the tension, Vivian rushes to leave her tent. 

When Vivian looks up the sight puzzles her. In the blue cloudless sky, a pair of angels could be seen flying around each other singing a choral. Their beautiful voices fill the sky.

They sang.

"Mother of all approaches"

And the other repeat.

"Oh, She approaches"

Vivian then understands these two are her delegation. 

Soon the two angels fly toward the entrance of the camp. Lining up on the left side of the entrance, after that a portal appears at the entrance slightly letting out a fog around.

Vivian slightly gasped at the sigh, a portal is no easy feat to make, even the most experienced magicians cant just go around using it for nothing.

It must be over then Vivian thought, but soon a head popped on the portal with a completely black face, everyone looked puzzled, but when it got out people couldnt help but gasp at the sight.

An 8 feet tall woman holding a scabbard with a giant sword inside on her left hand. She gets out of the portal and lines up on the right side of the entrance.

Soon after the woman herself gets out of the portal and waves at Vivian with a gentle smile. Vivian is lost in thoughts but wakes up after this and goes toward her smiling.


Seems like my delegation charmed them haha! My children are the cutest in the world after all.

I walk toward Vivian who is coming at me with a smile, my children walk 2 steps behind me.

Dont act rudely, this is a diplomatic encounter no need to be shy, you can do it me!

We get face to face. We shake hands while trading a few nice words and compliments.

Soon after, we arrive at her tent, the group from before is at the door they are her elite members I think. They try to look respectful but cant help but glare at my giant child, she is quite menacing after all.

I have only to think and my children stop at the door. I enter alongside Vivian, she politely asks for me to sit and I take her up on the offer.

This is the first time I have sat down in my whole life as a ghost! this is very good actually.

Vivian sits opposite to me and with a serious expression, she starts to talk.

"Then, I would like to start by letting you ask the questions, so please ask what you want to know" Says Vivian with a formal tone

Playing safe hm, well whatever I guess.

"How did you and your court end up here?" I ask formally

Vivian then answers with no hesitation.

"Short version is that we lost to another court our old territory, and after that, we had to live going from place to place trying to find somewhere to build a foundation" Says Vivian formally

"A foundation to what?" I ask

"To build a domain, a city or a kingdom if you prefer the term"

Hmm, seems like no easy feat, to tell the truth, they are immortal beings, and with sufficient time even ants could build a tower.

"Im correct in thinking that you want my assistance on that?" I ask formally

Vivian slightly flinches but it is almost imperceptible.

"Indeed you are correct, with your help, we could end all this with double the speed, actually even more" Says Vivian formally

Vivian then proceeds.

"Of course, I do not expect you to assist me for free, please if you desire anything do tell" Added Vivian formally

Well, thats obvious.

"Firstly, do you care to say what you are expecting after building your domain" I ask formally

Vivian puts her left hand on her neck and blushes a little.

"War most probably, but if you are concerned about us trying to use your underlings as soldiers please rest assured, vampire wars work differently from usual wars" Says Vivian

I raise an eyebrow.

"First, they are not my underlings, they are my children and second please do enlight me about this income war of yours" I say formally

"I didnt mean to offend, im sorry" She says with a respectful tone

"None taken, it is a common mistake, after all, please continue" I say formally

It is the first time someone mistakes them actually but I feel like everyone would think the same.

Vivian then proceeds.

"We, the court of red, are not welcomed in the vampire circle you see, as for why, the last lord of the court of red was well... a not very respectable person, and he committed treason against the current Duke of Mezoraka, this continent" Says Vivian a little embarrassed

I see, because of a few bad apples the whole tree got burned. Vampires really have a whole society on the shadow too hmm...

Vivian proceeds.

"The current duke is not the problem, the court of black has been our enemy for centuries, and now that we are excluded from the rules they can attack us whenever they want" She says with a hint of angriness

Well, I dont think it is my problem then, even if she is lying I will still get what I want.

"I can assist you in building your domain, but I need a few things first" I say formally

Vivian sharpened her eyes and listened closely.

"If you are trying to build a domain then you must have a few people that can build structures correct?" I ask

Vivian shakes her head in agreement.

"Firstly, I would like to build a place in the forest, and then any books your court has on magic or information, I dont know how you make your furniture but I want some too" I say formally

Vivian let out a slight laugh.

"Sorry, I didnt mean to be rude, is just that I was sure you would ask for sacrifices or souls or eyeballs, something like that" Says Vivian with a cheerful tone

Oh, come on! this is pure racism.

I laugh a bit too.

"Im not a demon ok?" I say with a cheerful tone

After this it all went smoothly, Vivian is a nice person and she is fun to talk with. I understand having to look tough in front of her people, I do the same with spoiling my children.

Man, it is very tiring to speak formally too damn, I dont want to speak for a whole year now sigh...

I came back to the forest and in some time I will send some of my children to help her build some places there and she will send some of her people to help me build here too. I can supervise everything through my children's minds too so it is easy.

Time to build our home!