
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Their screams finally stopped.

This means that they all died sigh... I won't let the sadness take me, not again!

If I want to prevent this from ever happening again, I must become even stronger.

But where do I go now? This forest has no end!

For now, my only choice is to keep going.

I float through the forest at full speed.

The image of them sacrificing themselves haunts me.

I had never experienced a love like that, so beautiful and pure.

I dont know about the mother thing but if they need me to be their mother I have no reason to refuse.

But for that, I must survive first! I won't disappoint my children!

Time to go all out hell yeah! 

Some time passed and I continued to float through the forest in search of monsters.

The day is already shining in the sky covered by high trees.

I float around lost in thoughts.

This forest just has 4 types of monsters predominantly.

That giant snake with big fags, minotaurs steroid users, and dolphin worms.

There are others too but they are too little to count.

Now that I have portal creation I could try to kill those spiders but they are too far behind and there could be humans.

Every monster usually has some kind of leader, If my theory is correct then there must be leaders around for those monsters too.

Wait now that I think about it, am I the leader of my race? they call me mother and all.

My best bet on getting stronger faster would be to fight those leaders who give me skills when they die.

But the question is where are they?

If I think of them as animals they must have some kind of perfect habitat.

But they are monsters from another world I cant even start to guess.

Well, it will work out somehow, I will try going toward the left to see If I find some kind of wall and caves.


Soon I found some kind of mountain foot with a weird entrance.

What the hell is this? looks like some kind of ominous ruin or something.

It is a big iron door, with details going from top to bottom.

I look curiously around and the door opens alone making a rusty metal sound while it opens.

Ok... this is creepy as hell.

So this is some kind of dungeon? 

Looking inside there is a hallway and some torches, the walls are gray with details engraved on them.

At the end of the tunnel, I can see another big door like the one im now.

It is so scary! Why do other worlds need to make it all so big and scary?

Scary or not I found something better than nothing I guess.

I float inside and make my way toward the other door.

I look behind and see that the door is now closing slowly.

Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the messag...

With courage and determination in my mind, I make my way into the hallway.

I wish I had a Wikipedia of this world or something, dude I know literally nothing about this place.

All I can do is walk blindly into places that might kill me sigh...

But! I will prevail because im Ghost the Ghost! A champion among giant snakes minotaurs and worms that use dirt like a lake and a bunch of other monsters!

I got to the other door and it opened alone like the other one.

Leading to an arena-like place, torches make a circle on the wall, a round arena, and in the middle, a huge minotaur stands with a double-edged axe.

This minotaur is much bigger than others around the forest, his horns are big dark red, and curved.

His fur is slightly black, and around his neck, there is an accumulation of fur making it look like a lion's mane.

Ok... this guy looks exactly like some kind of demon straight from hell.

He looks behind and looks at me with a calm expression.

"Argh... why a ghost? Im hungry I want humans" Says the minotaur with a disappointed tone

?! A monster that can speak? what the hell!

"Me want to eat humans! argh!" Yells the Minotaur in rage

Ok so he is slightly smarter than a normal monster but I guess he is still dumb.

Now that I think about it, I understand his language too, must be because I stole the soul of minotaurs before.

It kind of irritates me that he is underestimating me so much.

The minotaur dashes toward me with his axe high.


[Portal Creation]

I create a portal in front of me and the monster gets out into the other side of the arena.

The minotaur looks around in confusion.

While he is confused I cast a fire spear inside the portal making it appear behind him and hit his back.

Didnt do much damage though.

He wakes up from his confusion and dashes toward me again.

[Soul Steal]

I attach soul steal to him and he looks confused but dont stop.

I cast more fire spears while he was dashing straight at me.

He deflects them with his axe.

Hah! Not underestimating me anymore bull?

I send a portal behind him and I send fire spears but he already figured out my trick.

He deflects swiftly.

Damn, that guy is big but he is fast as fuck!

He dashes at me again and I put another portal in front of me but he stops and goes around the portal quickly and his axe finds my body slightly while I try to evade.

Shit! I run and open a portal to the other side of the arena.

(HP 500/700)

?! He barely hit me what the hell! stop cheating!

Do you like to cheat your bull? them lets cheat!

I start to open portals around him and send a bunch of fire spears, he tries to deflect but they are everywhere and he cant deflect everything.

(MP 573/700)

It is ok! I can still keep going.

While getting hit by a bunch of fire spears the minotaur let out a roar of rage.

An aura red aura appears around him, he is not feeling the impact of the fire spears anymore.

Minotaur runs at me faster than before.

I evade his swing and he hits the ground with his axe making it crack and break.

One hit from this thing and I die for sure!

He tries to go for a follow up but I create a portal in front of me making him hit his own back.

He feels the impact and goes flying toward the wall while he is on the way I put another portal behind him.

The minotaur appears at the top of the room falling with his back to the ground.

While he falls I cast some fire spear on the portal on the top making it go straight into him.

Wait calm down, you are using too much, let me see my MP.

(MP 300/700)

It is still manageable.

He gets up from the ground with a roar. 

But this goddamn bull dont seems to be slowing down any time soon either.

He dashes at me but this time he doesn't try to hit me instead he hits the ground making it break around us.

I got damaged by the shockwave of his attack.

Shit! This bull is smarter than I thought.

I put a portal behind me making me appear at the top of the arena.

He tries to follow me through, he puts his hand in and I close the portal making only his hand appear on the portal on top of me.

Im falling slowly from the sky floating.

"AAARGH! You coward ghost! face me!" Yells the minotaur in rage and pain

Coward? Haha never heard the saying, Everything is fair in love and war bull!

But damn! could I do that? portals are so useful!

He is letting out blood from his now arm without a hand.

He is still holding his axe with his left hand while shouting at me.

In a dash the bull jumps at me in the sky he puts a smug smile on his face.

Shit! liar! you were making a show for me to think that you couldnt jump!

He swings his axe high and falls in me but as soon as he starts his body gives up and the red aura disappears.

He falls to the ground making dust go up on the arena with the impact.

!? a miracle?! I thought that I was dead for sure... gosh! shit! damn...

Im freaking out! this time was pure luck if that axe struck me like that I would be dead a hundred percent!

Sigh... Calm down you did it!

I use a portal to get back on the ground where the bull is.

He is still dying slowly.

If I was a normal creature this is the time you would collect something or get the weapon the monster was using.

But I have no hands!!

I beat a dungeon and in the end, I cant get anything! This is so frustrating argh...

A bunch of windows pop in front of me.

(EXP Gained: 500)


Damn! 3 levels with one monster! This guy is totally on another level!

9 points from this, let me see, I will put 4 in agility making it 20 and these other 5 in intelligence making it 16.

Now Status.

( Lv 13/15

EXP: 133/150

HP 870/870

MP 870/870

Souls: 54

Race: Ghost

Class: Psion

Skills: Soul Steal Lv1, Firespear lv1, Portal Creation Lv1, Spiritual Senses Lv2 )

Goddamn?! 50 souls from one creature, but how did I drain them so quickly?

Must be that skill that looks like steroids, that must have a heavy price on his body that is why.

And I didnt gain any skill from him, maybe it is all about chance, not a leader or not thing, I dont know.

Now to the good part! level up skills hell yeah!

I will try to level up my spiritual senses.

Upgrade Spiritual Senses.

(This skill can only enhance itself after the synchronization)

What? synchronization? Man! Just give me a tutorial already!

Let me try Soul Steal.

(Do you wish to spend 20...)


Let me see if I can put it on level 3.

(This skill can only enhance itself after the synchronization)

Man come on!

I have only 34 now, what should I do?

Getting fear inducement seems good but I dont know how it will be useful though, the spirits who protected me before used it.

It is like you let a mind be more susceptible to feeling fear.

So it will not help me here.

I will try not to use it for now and wait for this synchronization.

My theory is that it is going to happen when I hit level 15.

I hope something good happens!