
The Mother's Colony

A being that, following the laws of nature, shouldn't exist, was born. And with her came the inevitable union of the world under one banner. --- The mc is a futanari, so if you don't like it please don't read it. The mc will also have a lot of 'children'. There will be a lot of kingdom building. This novel might contain gore and tragedy. There will probably be R-18 chapters in the future

noDNA · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Nest

'Mother! Mother!'

'Yes dear?'

Telepathy wasn't quite what was going on here, even though they were communicating solely with their thoughts it was using another method. A Hive Mind.

'We found a River! A very big one!'

'Well done. I'll be there in a minute.'

Walking the forest along side a white wolf was a very mature woman. Black hair the same colour as her eyes. A black dress that was a ripped in some places but that covered quite well her big breasts. Coupled with the soft smile always present in her face she was, without a doubt, a very beautiful woman.

"Now that we found water we can settle down in this forest." She turned to the wolf and stroked its fur lovingly.

'Hm. Mother knows best' The wolf nodded its head and leaned into the woman's touch comfortably.

On the way to the river a lot of different small animals joined them. Some birds perched on the woman's shoulder, tarantulas climbed up to her legs, a deer went to her side and some squirrels went along with them through the trees.

Although they were still in what was considered the outer part of the forest, where monsters were rare, the walk to the river still took quite the long time showing just how big this forest was.

In the end, the most suitable location for them ended up being a little more inwards that what she had hoped, already being in the middle part of the forest.

As soon as she reached the clearing close to the river, she saw the one that found this place, a massive spider almost her size, dark beady eyes and tilted head that made her look cute.

'Look mother! We finally found a place where we can stay from now on!'

This spider, just like all the animals that have been following her were 'children' of the woman. All of them were connected through the hive mind and they all worked for the same objective.

"Are the little ones already making a nest?"

'Yes, we found a cave under the waterfall ahead.'

"Good job." As soon as the spider felt its mother touch, she started leaning against her, squinting its eyes in pleasure.

Under the waterfall was a big cave, illuminated by a few crystals on the wall, heading further inside they reached a big hole that branched into a lot of other ones. This was the work of the worker ants, the nest they built for them.

Unlike the ant queen the worker ants were not descendants of the Mother, they were descendants of the queen and their hive mind only reached her, not the mother.

Walking through the tunnel they met a lot of ants, most of them reaching at least to her chest, with this big size they managed to make a nest big enough for everyone even for the wolf.

They also purposely left a big area for the spiders, an area for the queen and a another one specifically made for the Mother.

This room had a few cloth blankets and clothes that they found during their time in the forest, most from dead people, serving as a place to sleep. (They washed them of course)

"This is good. From here on out we can expand without any problems." Now in the queen's room they were all together, except the workers and the smaller spiders.

'And what are we supposed to do mother?'

Expanding wasn't something that was their job, that was the job of the worker and if we are talking about expanding in numbers that was something only the Mother could do.

The Mother, as a unique being has problems reproducing, but she was born with the ability to get the characteristics of living being if she wants to, using this ability she managed to asexually reproduce, giving birth, through eggs, to the children she now has.

"You will continue your job, getting food for all of us. And if you manage to find any lost human, this time alive please, bring them here."

It took a long time for the nest to be 'complete', at least for their current population, meanwhile the Mother made 5 more eggs. She never left their side, patiently waiting for them to hatch, and to see if there was any problem with them. She couldn't just mix any DNA since they could generate problems.

While the mother protected the eggs, the children would bring her food and sometimes watch the eggs for her so she could go outside.

The surroundings of the waterfall were now completely different from how it was before they started making their nest.

A lot of different monsters could be seen making their nests close to the mother.

Eagles started made their nest in the biggest trees and in the cliff. A few monster bears were also in the close proximity and even a few carnivorous plants started spreading.

From this little gathering point the forest was being conquered. All monsters were brought under the banner of the mother and soon the whole forest was under their control.

This did not mean that everyone had to change the ways they lived and migrate close to the waterfall. They continued their normal lives but now the mother had eyes and ears everywhere, mostly because everyone of her descendants now had immunity in the forest, not having to be bothered by any predators.

"This little one is taking so long to hatch…" Sighing the mother looked longingly at the only egg that had yet to hatch.

The others had hatched not long ago. From one of them a little spider with the upper part of woman came out. This one was made using the DNA of a dead human her little spiders found. At first, she thought it would not work but, in the end, everything turned out alright and little Arachne was born.

From another, a bee half the mothers size was born, this bee had already left the nest and was now building her colony.

Unfortunately, the other 2 did not survive and ended up dying, like always the mother cried for days when their life force extinguished.

Now, she feared the last one was also not going to survive, it should already have hatched and yet there was no sign of it.

'Mother! We found a human!'

Her head suddenly jerked up, this was something she had been waiting for.

'Bring it here!'

"If, in the slim change this human is a woman and compatible with me, I can finally get rid of this problem. They were starting to get so heavy…"

She parted aside her dress showing her intimate parts. But unlike what was to be expected what was there was not a woman's genital but a throbbing 'third leg'.

The mother was in fact, a futanari.