
The most wasteful fruit among pirates

[Not My Novel, I am translating it] Transmigrated into the world of One Piece? Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it. Became brother of Don Quixote Doflamingo? Well, that's a done deal, can't restart. However, when the young boy discovered that he had consumed the Hito Hito no Mi, he couldn't stay calm anymore....

young_sunlight · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter 152: The Great Scale of Gold

On the Sabaody Archipelago,

With the arrival of the Marines, the chaotic battle had come to an end.

Marine soldiers began to restore order and assist the wounded. The remaining members of the Vinsmoke family also joined the efforts. After all, in their intense battles, they had caused significant destruction with every swing, and they didn't hesitate to do so, as they wouldn't spare ordinary bystanders. Those who cared about their "reputation" wouldn't last long in the Grand Line.

The Donquixote Family naturally seized the opportunity to occupy the central city, where a colossal castle made up of red, yellow, and blue giant rocks belonged to Gecko Moria.

This castle was full of various mechanisms, traps, and secret passages. However, under the control of Pica's Stone-Stone Fruit ability and Pickle's Swim-Swim Fruit ability, all the mechanisms and secret passages became irrelevant. Under Pica's control, they effortlessly reached the main hall.

"It's a pity that we let Gecko Moria escape."

Sitting in front of hills made of Beli and gold, Trebol expressed his regret.

The family had won, but it wasn't a complete victory.

"This result is already quite good. If we had continued fighting, it wouldn't have been easy for us."

Rosinante, on the other hand, was more accepting of the situation.

In this battle, everyone from the Donquixote Family was injured, and they were receiving treatment. If it weren't for Pica infiltrating the "monster" created by their opponent and forcing the scholar's true form out, Trebol and the others might not have been able to defeat the enemy's third most powerful member, the user of the "Confuse-Confuse Fruit."

Given that they were outnumbered, their group was relatively lightly injured.

As for Rosinante and Doflamingo, they were both at their limits, and they were now being treated by Chopper. Their bodies were covered in wounds, some of which were so deep that the bones were visible. They continuously drank the "Water of Life" to repair their internal injuries caused by the intense battles.

If it weren't for Chopper's "Art-Art Fruit," their injuries would have been enough to make any doctor shake their head and give up, with a verdict of "can't be saved, just wait for death."

"But now that Gecko Moria has escaped, we must be prepared for his revenge."

Rosinante reminded everyone as he sat in front of hills made of Beli and gold.

"In the future, when we travel, the three of us will form a group. Pay attention to not leave each other's sight and be vigilant against being assassinated by the enemy's 'imitation ability.'"

With Gecko Moria's strength and Devil Fruit abilities, he could easily launch surprise attacks. If family members were caught alone, they could be killed without even knowing how it happened. Even Rosinante's strength and caution wouldn't help in such situations. Even Jyabura had been injured by a surprise attack.


"Got it."

"We know~~"

Various responses filled the room. The danger posed by Gecko Moria was evident from the injuries suffered by Rosinante and Doflamingo.

Although some of their injuries were caused by Silver-Eyed Lion King Jyabura, in future battles, they couldn't rely on the assistance of Marine experts like this. If it weren't for Jyabura's "Self-Destruct" move, which left Gecko Moria in a state of "untreatable," "intense itching," and "low morale," they would have most likely lost the battle.

"Then, does anyone have any objections to the distribution of roles from now on?"

Rosinante glanced around at everyone, and Doflamingo nodded in agreement.

"No problem."

"Winter, winter, winter,"

At that moment, a knocking sound came from outside the hall.

"Come in,"

As Gladius, who hurried over, opened the door, several people entered.

Leading the way were Admiral Kizaru, wearing a Marine officer's coat, and Smoker, dressed in combat attire.

Although it wasn't explicitly stated, Smoker had singlehandedly taken down three enemy officers on the island, so he had certainly contributed.

"Admiral Kizaru, Mr. Smoker,"

Rosinante, wrapped in bandages from head to toe, welcomed them.

After defeating the boss together, it was time to split the gold and equipment.

"Here's 5 billion Beli,"

Rosinante pointed to the mountains of treasure in the hall.

"Gecko Moria used this as our bounty. You can take 2.5 billion Beli, and the Vinsmoke family can have 2.5 billion worth of gold. What do you think?"

Originally stern-faced, Smoker was taken aback, and his anger dissipated by seven points.

2.5 billion... adding the previous 10 billion Beli paid by the Donquixote family, this operation had still been quite costly. However, the most important thing was:

In the salvage operation that followed, 11 Snail Warships were recovered from the sea, and after repairs, they could be put back into service.

As for casualties among the personnel... they were just clones, not actual people!

"Thank... thank you,"

Smoker, as a member of a World Government-affiliated nation, had originally wanted to be reserved in front of the Marines. However, at this moment, Dressrosa needed a large amount of money, and he couldn't afford to be too proud.

Experiments involving lineage factors also required a significant amount of funds.


Rosinante, on the other hand, immediately refused.

"The Marines cannot accept money of unknown origin,"

"Or do you want to see news like 'Marine Chief of Staff Caught Accepting a Bribe' in the newspapers?"

Trebol and the others' expressions changed.

If you refuse to take the money we offer, are you looking down on us?

"How could it be?"

Rosinante calmly spread his hands.

"This is a token of appreciation from the people of Dressrosa for the Marines, for driving away the 'Evil Pirates' who produce, manufacture, and distribute drugs."

"If needed, we can mobilize the island's residents to create a 'petition' or something similar..."

"Alright, don't bother those poor people anymore."

Admiral Kizaru shook his head. This "Rosinante," if he were to enter the government, would undoubtedly rise to prominence.

"You guys,"

Finally, she turned and instructed several female officers behind her,

"Count this property and bring it back to headquarters as confiscated assets to cover military expenses."

The Marines had vast expenses, with naval bases scattered around the world and warships engaged in battles against pirates across the globe. 2.5 billion Beli wasn't something she cared about.

Of course, she was well aware that this money was more of a "thank-you fee."

A thank-you for clearing the toxins from the swordsman who was a member of the family.

As they left with the Marines and the Vinsmoke family, it was time for the Donquixote family to distribute the spoils.

In Rosinante's hands was a Devil Fruit that looked like a "peach." However, this fruit not only had rings of cloud patterns but was entirely golden, resembling an exquisite golden sculpture more than a fruit.

The Gold-Gold Fruit!

"So, who among you will eat this Devil Fruit?"

There were many Devil Fruit users in the Donquixote family, and now only Vergo, Diamante, and Gladius remained who hadn't consumed one.

"I will!"

Without any hypocritical exchange of words, Diamante, who lay on the floor in a mummy-like shape, was the first to speak up.

"I know I don't have the face to take the Gold-Gold Fruit,"

"But... I don't want what happened before to happen again."

"For my sake, all of you..."

Slightly turning his head, Diamante, with tears in his eyes, looked in the direction of Rosinante and Doflamingo.

"Especially you, Doflamingo, Rosinante,"

"I can't forgive... myself for making you kneel for my sake. Unforgivable!"

Whether it was facing "Big Bucks" Thompson, the White Dragon Pirates, or even Monkey D. Dragon, Rosinante had never shown a hint of fear. Behind that always sunny smile was a determination that was no weaker than anyone else's.

To think he made two proud leaders kneel; he might as well be dead!

"I... I'm not worthy of you guys like this..."

"But I want to become stronger—"

"What are you saying?"

Holding the Gold-Gold Fruit, Rosinante walked over to Diamante.

"Since we're all 'family,' why care about such things?"

"Th-th-that's right."

Sitting on the throne, Doflamingo, now fully bandaged, accepted the suit offered by Viola.

"As long as people are alive, the family lives on."

"If people are gone, what's there to talk about regarding the 'family's honor'?"

Having said that, Doflamingo surveyed the room and made a decision.

"Diamante will eat the Gold-Gold Fruit. Does anyone object?"

"It's just the Gold-Gold Fruit. It can't compare to the power of my Diamond Fruit."

"Yeah, I'm not a Devil Fruit user, and I have to keep honing my Haki."

Nevertheless, now that Vergo had withdrawn:

"I don't want it,"

Still a child, Gladius shook his head.

"I haven't learned much from my older brothers' abilities. I don't have time to develop a Devil Fruit!"

After all, he was an expert in artillery. What would he do with the Gold-Gold Fruit? Shoot golden cannonballs?

The enemy wouldn't be happy about that.

As for Viola, who was by Doflamingo's side, she just smiled faintly.

"I'll follow your lead,"

Bending down, Rosinante, holding the Gold-Gold Fruit, offered it to Diamante's mouth. For a swordsman, the Gold-Gold Fruit was not a bad choice.

As for how much he could develop its powers, that was up to him.

"Th-th-thank you,"

With trembling hands, Diamante accepted the Gold-Gold Fruit. He opened his mouth and took a bite.

Crunch, crunch.

"Hey, hey, you don't have to eat it all—"

Watching Diamante devour the Gold-Gold Fruit, tears mixed with a mouthful, Rosinante once again remembered the taste of when he had eaten the Ope Ope Fruit in the past...

Memories best left untouched.


"Hehehe, our family has gained another powerful Devil Fruit user..."

Trafalgar Law adjusted his hat and felt delighted by the family's growing strength.

"After taking over Dressrosa, if we want to establish ourselves, we'll need to recruit some professionals..."

Meanwhile, Jora was carefully reviewing various documents found in this castle's study and safe, planning the family's future development.

It was no longer the desperate struggle for survival they had faced as children.

"Hehehe, let's raise our family to greater heights, everyone—"

With Baby 5 circling the room, carrying a glass of wine, every member of the family raised their glasses in this hall that once belonged to the enemy.

"Cheers!" x10

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(End of this chapter)