

Wulan stomped her foot while pouting. Then he just left them, as if he didn't accept Anton's decision.

"I will chase him ," said Rani, who moved to follow Wulan.

Now, Anton had full hope in Julian. A man who was more suited as a bouncer than as a maid because of his burly stature.

More than all the men he has. If Julian wasn't a fugitive, maybe Anton would proudly carry him around as a bodyguard.

"Get ten crates of liquor in my car and bring it here. Tonight there will be a big party on this rooftop and you as the waiter."


At the night.

Little by little, the rooftop was filled with thugs. Each of them brought the lady of the night. Anton is with Wulan and Rani. Julian guessed that the two women actually also came from playing games. It's just more exclusive so that Anton wants to marry them.

"This week has been great. Our income is so great. We have to celebrate until morning!" Anton opened the event accompanied by the roar of the voices of the gentlemen who greeted him enthusiastically. They are thugs who have different locations in this city.

part of their income they deposited to Anton as the 'general' of the thugs. Anton certainly didn't want to do it alone. As a respected leader, he also appreciates the hard work of his subordinates by holding this kind of party.

While Julian looks impressed. How not! he had to serve forty tables alone.

"Where's the drink? It's been so long!" snapped one of the thugs sitting in the back corner. He appeared to be wearing a stumped shirt, which exposed the Sexy woman's tattoo on his big arm. He even brought two hairs.

"Just a minute, Boss."

Julian was still busy with the other table. Learn more before the party. Julian had prepared a drink at each table. Don't forget the glass and ashtray. However, most of them were used to being 'high', a few bottles weren't enough for them, so Julian had to jog again with drinks.

"Wow! Where's my tequilla order for my girl!" shrieked from the table next to him.

"Why only two! Add more!" another shouted.

"Fool! Stupid!"

Julian's head felt like it was going to explode. He seemed to be in a hurry to the wrong deliver many times. Meanwhile, the sound of rebuke that shouted more and more suppressed him.


Julian fell with several bottles of Alcohol scattered on the floor. someone had tackled him earlier, and sure enough as soon as he glanced back there were several people laughing out loud.

Julian's hands clenched into fists. Prepare to beat them up, but just as he gets up, someone grabs him by the collar. Thugs with sexy woman tattoos.

"You can't work?" he snapped. Julian was silent. His anger rumbled.

The logic that kept him from being patient. Yes, if he gets out of control. What he has is actually the rage of the thugs. They will play with it like a ball that can be kicked here and there.

"Why are you looking at me like that! Challenge it!" the man growled when he saw Julian's glaring eyes. Unlucky! Julian's eyes were uncontrollable. Wild eyes that radiate anger, sometimes also sexiness.

The tattooed man was about to throw a fist, but he instead had Julian nestled in front. It doesn't end there. Julian also hit him in the face so that the man's massive body slammed down on the table.

Busy atmosphere. Julian was like an angry tiger. His patience is running out. Silence is not the solution. Instead he will be trampled on even more.

"You're weak! Let's get up!" Julian snapped. The tattooed man squinted. The influence of alcohol clouded his senses. He got up and tried to hit Julian blindly, but instead he had to fall many times.

Julian was too agile. The reason why he was so bold with thugs was such a capable martial art. Once up to ten thugs ganged up on him, but they had to fall apart and run away in a battered state.

The source of his knowledge comes from Santo, his boss at the workshop as well as teaching him self-defense. Therefore Julian was very respectful and obedient to him even though his knowledge was very high.

Julian just put his clothes on the wall. Then he continued scrubbing keep rubbing. If you look at it from behind, you can see his broad back muscles moving and his shoulders look solid. Very spoil the eyes of women.

If he was on the rooftop with a beautiful woman, Julian would definitely be more excited to scrub. Especially if the woman is rocking a striptease in front of her. It is certain that Julian's energy has increased many times because of his pleasure.

Unfortunately it's just a fantasy. In fact he is alone. Likewise with love. Amber is no longer with him. The woman who he considered as a place of lust and affection, had turned off to something else. Leaving quite a gaping wound for the man.

Julian's work was finished as evening broke.

Julian sat on the floor throwing his body against the wall. his roaring breath. He held his shoulder which was sore from moving around. Anton is an asshole. You'll see, Julian will reply someday.

Julian satisfied his dry throat. He rose from his seat. He draped his t-shirt over his shoulders as he walked down the stairs with his bulging body. He intended to go to the kitchen to get a drink there. It would be stupid if Anton's men caught him.

As he walked into the kitchen, he was stunned when he heard the sound was crying.

Julian slowed down while checking his hearing. Her voice came from a room near the kitchen that seemed to be the maid's room.

His guess was right, from the gap in the open door. Seen a woman in her thirties. Wait a minute, is that the Goddess? thought Julian who immediately became familiar with the woman who made him drink earlier. Drinks that were left alone even though he was tired of being made.

Julian's instincts were not to see a sad woman. His soul rebelled to protect him. So he knocked on the door and went inside.

The goddess was shocked. He was astonished by a foreign man who suddenly entered his room.

"What do you want?"

"Calm down, Mbak Dewi. I heard Ms Dewi was crying. If you don't mind, you can just tell me," said Julian politely. He kept his distance so that the Goddess felt safe.

"None of your business! Get out of here!" Dewi spreads her arms, but enjoying it looks stealing glances at Julian's lumpy chest, as well as his muscular stomach.

"Don't be like that, Ma'am. Don't keep your problems to yourself. It's better with me, so that Ma'am is relieved. I'm new here anyways, there's no way I can do things."

Goddess is silent. From the frown on his forehead, he

looks considerate. Then he asked Julian to close the door.

"Close the door."

Julian didn't say that. Even when the Goddess asked him to sit down, he complied.

"Just think of me as an old friend, Ma'am, you can talk to your heart's content, Ma'am," said Julian with the most charming smile. The spotlight looks directly at sympathy, although it is more dominant to lust.

"My husband dumped me for his new wife, huhuhu...." Dewi began to express her heart. Julian nodded. Eyes fixed on the beautiful circle hanging behind the negligee. Solid contains.

"Wow, that's a shame. Even though Ma'am still looks beautiful, you know. Your husband must be sorry for wasting Ma'am," replied Julian, who was crawling down. Something was sticking out behind the negligee, right at her slender groin. Triggering Julian to want to just put up with his negligee.

The goddess's face blushed. Yes, slowly this beautiful woman will fall into his arms.